England - A Nation of Pedophiles

and you pos losers can't figure out why the US refuses to give up their right to protect themselves. BLIND IDIOTS as usual as these same morons were warned what was taking place, just like the warnings keep going on here in the US, but noooooo pathetic democrats keep teaching you and thinking for you " Oh it's all just a conspiracy" ........

But why?!!

Damn it. I told him that the causes of Rotherham was not addressed, and that there would be more, that more was probably already occurring, because of political correctness.

And he is not here for me to tell him, "I told you so".

Damn it again.

Rotherham was far from the end, more like the beginning. It’s happening all over the country, and politicians and police are still attempting to cover up the fact that this is largely a problem with Islam.
Thanks for the unsolicited advice. Your post makes no sense. Political correctness has nothing to do with the subject at hand. If you were correct, there wouldn’t even be a #MeToo movement. You are defending a lunatic who honest to fuck believes that liberals are the molesters.

I actually had a good conversation with Mike the other day. I thought that I would just not have an ignore list and I would just talk to everybody and see — surely we all have commonalities. Surely I could reach people where they are and do my my part to help this country start healing again.

And maybe I can? But I’m going to have to learn when to fold them.

Have you examined the Rotherham case?

It was almost pure political correctness that led to the Police and government workers letting it go on for years.

One brave social worker was literally sent to sensitivity training for daring to say out loud what everyone knew, ie that the rapists were all "asians". The rapes and sexual slavery continued for years after that, with hundreds more girls raped and enslaved.
And a female politician was forced to ‘resign’ as a racist for daring to suggest that honest discussion regarding the provenance of most of the filth be discussed.
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These figures do not include historical cases:

Reported child sexual abuse has risen 60% in last four years, figures show

At the same time the number of arrests for child sexual abuse offences in England and Wales has fallen by 9%, freedom of information request reveals

Alan Travis Home affairs editor

Thu 9 Apr 2015 00.26 BSTLast modified on Wed 29 Nov 2017 20.25 GMT

There has been a 60% increase in child sexual abuse reported to the police over the past four years, according to official figures which make public for the first time the scale of the problem in England and Wales.

A House of Commons library analysis based on freedom of information releases by individual forces shows that the number of offences of child sexual abuse reported to the police has soared from 5,557 cases in 2011 to 8,892 last year.

Child sexual abuse includes grooming, facilitating abuse and child rape.

At the same time the number of arrests for child sexual abuse offences in England and Wales has fallen from 3,511 in 2011 to 3,208 – a drop of 9%.

The data, based on returns from 33 of the 41 police forces in England and Wales, shows that many have seen their child sexual abuse caseload more than double over the past four years, leaving many struggling to cope with the scale of the problem.

Child sex abuse experts say the official figures represent only the tip of the iceberg because of widespread reluctance to report attacks to the police, although it is still difficult to establish the overall size of the problem...

The shadow home secretary, Yvette Cooper, who made the freedom of information requests, said the figures showed that the police “are struggling to cope with this emerging crime” in the face of the loss of 17,000 police officers over the past four years.

She said the majority of the recent increase in reported child sex abuse involved current cases rather than historical ones, such as those triggered by the Operation Yewtree inquiry related to Jimmy Savile. ...

Reported child sexual abuse has risen 60% in last four years, figures show
"Shabir Ahmed tried to block his deportation from Britain using human rights laws. He claims that his convictions for the sick offences were a conspiracy to 'scapegoat' Muslims."

You can bet that Chuck Schumer would love to cry for this guy.
Why do Liberals love criminals so much?
You are using Victorian and Edwardian England to justify the current rape gangs of Pakistani men. Really? Do you think this is sane?
I'm not justifying anything. I'll admit I pepper my language with "rhetorical devices" which some people find vexing and they get hung up on it. I'll be the first one to admit that muslim low life are the prime cause of these current horrendous child sexual crimes. However, England/Wales is ground zero in Europe for these kinds of crimes. My opinion is, these pedophile gangs are being protected by the British government. They are being discovered, way too frequently in England and the scope should terrify any "sane" parent.

The problem isn't just the muslims, it's the entire British government and legal system, which has for centuries, tacitly condoned this activity. If you'd read back, I was answering a reply asking for proof that this kind of child sexual abuse predates, the muslim invasion. Yes it does. These are the child sex crimes of the british government authorities, landed gentry, royals, clerics and just generally, rich white protestant folk. So YES, it was rational and logical for me to point out how far back in british history, these activities go.
And btw... pedophilia is as common as white bread in virtually every past society all over the world.
Areas of the world where it still occurs most, are virtually always societies in which women have little to no influence on governance or societal norms.
Like virtually the entire Mid-East. And then there is Asian countries like Sri Lanka and Thailand which are on a level only they occupy.
And I am speaking of true pedophilia btw. Child prostitution at the age of 12 and below.
Britain's 'worst ever' child grooming scandal exposed: Hundreds of young girls raped, beaten, sold for sex and some even KILLED - Authorities failed to act over 40 years - despite repeated warnings to social workers - with up to 1,000 girls, some as young as 11, abused in Telford -

Up to 1,000 children could have suffered in Britain’s worst known abuse scandal - where sex gangs targeted girls as young as 11. The rape hell of vulnerable young girls in one town - Telford - went on for a shocking 40 years, the Sunday Mirror can reveal. As many as 1,000 children could have suffered at the merciless hands of perverts and torturers in Telford since the 1980s.

Girls as young as 11 have been lured from their families to be drugged, beaten and raped in an epidemic that, say victims, is still ongoing. THREE people were murdered and two others died in tragedies linked to the scandal.
Aside from blood and suffering it has caused the world, the UK's history is an ongoing compendium of child sex abuse by the royals, government authorities and law enforcement. It has never even slowed down

Keighley child sex abuse ring
Newcastle sex abuse ring
Peterborough sex abuse case

Rotherham child sexual exploitation scandal
Halifax child sex abuse ring

Derby child sex abuse ring

Oxford child sex abuse ring
Aylesbury child sex abuse ring

Jimmy Savile child sexual abuse scandal

Rochdale child sex abuse ring

Child Sexual Abuse Scandal Rocks U.K. Soccer

Cleveland child abuse scandal


And is this any more than any other country? Or is it just that the UK is better at catching these people than other countries?

YOu kidding me? Catching them? They PROTECT THEM! That's the whole issue.

You want to hear a true story that will knock your socks off? In the 1980's when I was in grade 4, our teacher molested myself and a number of other students, myself and another student told on him. My dad was rallying parents, not sure how he got all the parents numbers but he did and called them up one by one. Anyways, one parent whose kids whose name I will never forget, actually told my dad on the phone, "what did he do that was so wrong? It was sexual education for them".

Tell me, in what fooking world that you live in would you expect to hear that?! I recall my dad yelling at this guy on the phone and calling him names I don't repeat. He asked me in a disgusted manner who the kid was as he wanted an idea of who he was, and truth be told, I wonder years later about he and his sons home life...
This teacher was protected and people were in denial, he happened to also be the brother of a cop by the way.

He plead guilty before trial, and other teachers looked at US KIDS as their enemy for telling on this sicko. Worse, he left the province of Ontario and picked up in another province, totally legal for him to teach again! Again, tell me in what fooked up country that happens?

Canada inherited the British system and the sickness that it breeds. "Good Little Germans" are in many high ranking places in Canada. Activities and people referred to as "well adjusted adults" are hardly. If Trump wants to focus on crimes that require strong sentencing laws, this would be it.

Well, protection happens, it always does. However the point I was making was that if these things get in the media so much, it's better than it not.

There are estimates than in India 50% of children suffer sexual abuse.

What about America and other countries? We don't know the figures. There aren't figures about things that don't get reported.

The OP was making out that Britain was worse because of all the reports of sexual abuse. But the reality is it's often WORSE if these things don't get reported.

Britain was bad, not merely because the abuse was taking place, but because it was known to the local governments, and the police. And they did nothing about it. It was tantamount to a cover-up, for fear of offending the Muslim communities.
You are using Victorian and Edwardian England to justify the current rape gangs of Pakistani men. Really? Do you think this is sane?
I'm not justifying anything. I'll admit I pepper my language with "rhetorical devices" which some people find vexing and they get hung up on it. I'll be the first one to admit that muslim low life are the prime cause of these current horrendous child sexual crimes. However, England/Wales is ground zero in Europe for these kinds of crimes. My opinion is, these pedophile gangs are being protected by the British government. They are being discovered, way too frequently in England and the scope should terrify any "sane" parent.

The problem isn't just the muslims, it's the entire British government and legal system, which has for centuries, tacitly condoned this activity. If you'd read back, I was answering a reply asking for proof that this kind of child sexual abuse predates, the muslim invasion. Yes it does. These are the child sex crimes of the british government authorities, landed gentry, royals, clerics and just generally, rich white protestant folk. So YES, it was rational and logical for me to point out how far back in british history, these activities go.
There probably isn’t a nation on earth that does not have a history of child sexual abuse on a significant level, and gvmnts that cover it up or simply condone it too. Places that practice child marriage are doing just that.
Do we refer to these countries as nations of paedophiles? I haven’t heard anyone do so, and I’d thank you not to characterise my nation as such.

What is happening NOW (not historically), and not just in the U.K., but to some degree elsewhere in Europe, is fast becoming recognised as being of epidemic proportions, true, and it is most certainly linked to the mass immigration of the last few decades as well as more recently - as are the alarming increases in the sexual assault and rape of adult women occurring in many European countries.
Yes, the gvmnt, police etc have attempted to cover it all up - but that’s BECAUSE of who the perps are - it became RACIST to discuss such things (even immigration) when the Labour Party stepped up its programme of flooding this nation with ‘asians’ many years ago and this mindset of PC dishonesty has persisted.
You are using Victorian and Edwardian England to justify the current rape gangs of Pakistani men. Really? Do you think this is sane?
I'm not justifying anything. I'll admit I pepper my language with "rhetorical devices" which some people find vexing and they get hung up on it. I'll be the first one to admit that muslim low life are the prime cause of these current horrendous child sexual crimes. However, England/Wales is ground zero in Europe for these kinds of crimes. My opinion is, these pedophile gangs are being protected by the British government. They are being discovered, way too frequently in England and the scope should terrify any "sane" parent.

The problem isn't just the muslims, it's the entire British government and legal system, which has for centuries, tacitly condoned this activity. If you'd read back, I was answering a reply asking for proof that this kind of child sexual abuse predates, the muslim invasion. Yes it does. These are the child sex crimes of the british government authorities, landed gentry, royals, clerics and just generally, rich white protestant folk. So YES, it was rational and logical for me to point out how far back in british history, these activities go.
There probably isn’t a nation on earth that does not have a history of child sexual abuse on a significant level, and gvmnts that cover it up or simply condone it too. Places that practice child marriage are doing just that.
Do we refer to these countries as nations of paedophiles? I haven’t heard anyone do so, and I’d thank you not to characterise my nation as such.

What is happening NOW (not historically), and not just in the U.K., but to some degree elsewhere in Europe, is fast becoming recognised as being of epidemic proportions, true, and it is most certainly linked to the mass immigration of the last few decades as well as more recently - as are the alarming increases in the sexual assault and rape of adult women occurring in many European countries.
Yes, the gvmnt, police etc have attempted to cover it all up - but that’s BECAUSE of who the perps are - it became RACIST to discuss such things (even immigration) when the Labour Party stepped up its programme of flooding this nation with ‘asians’ many years ago.

Even saying the word Muslim in Britain today will get you called racist. By bleeding hearts and virtue signallers.
Witchit said:
No, but I was molested by a good Christian Republican ...
If it’s not already clear, I am a lefty. It’s probably best that the three of you who are speaking to me presently should stop. For all we know, I’m contagious.

Have a good day.
I'm not impressed with lefty outrage. Can't you defend your position other than to make it about your personal angst (that no one is interested in) ?
And is this any more than any other country? Or is it just that the UK is better at catching these people than other countries?
I'm inclined to agree with those (above) who attribute this kind of exploitative behavior to cultures which are formed around systems of hierarchical royalty -- which does not include the U.S.
and the left continue to deny this goes on right in the US......... as does Europe only in Europe they're younger than this

Missouri is a destination wedding spot — for 15-year-old brides
1,000 little girls raped in Telford alone, 1500 in Rotherham and 1,000's in cities and towns across the country but big bad racist Tommy Robinson was just scare mongering all those years when we were trying to highlight it. They let children be raped for decades due to PC and still they have not got the guts to call it what it is. Article References 'Asian' Gangs again. Bloody Japanese at it again


Telford Sex gangs 'targeted and murdered girls as young as 11'
THE horrors of Britain’s “worst ever” child grooming scandal have been revealed after up to 1,000 kids were drugged and abused in Telford, it has…

This fails as a hasty generalizations fallacy; the thread premise is ridiculous idiocy.
I get a hoot out of people who use phrases that they don't understand. Take this individual for example. Hasty generalization is an informal fallacy of faulty generalization by reaching an inductive generalization based on insufficient evidence—essentially making a rushed conclusion without considering all of the variables. It's obvious he hasn't read any links. As almost all my links are recorded news events, except here noted, WTF is he talking about???? If any of these links have errors, which he has not presented, I fail to see what "hasty generalizations" he's referring to? Help me out here Mr Jones. What specifically are you talking about????? How is it relevant to this topic????

Clayton just says crap like that and rarely sticks around to defend his statements.

It doesn't mean nothing. Beyond he doesn't like what you said.
There probably isn’t a nation on earth that does not have a history of child sexual abuse on a significant level, and gvmnts that cover it up or simply condone it too. Places that practice child marriage are doing just that. Do we refer to these countries as nations of paedophiles? I haven’t heard anyone do so, and I’d thank you not to characterise my nation as such.What is happening NOW (not historically), and not just in the U.K., but to some degree elsewhere in Europe, is fast becoming recognised as being of epidemic proportions, true, and it is most certainly linked to the mass immigration of the last few decades as well as more recently - as are the alarming increases in the sexual assault and rape of adult women occurring in many European countries.Yes, the gvmnt, police etc have attempted to cover it all up - but that’s BECAUSE of who the perps are - it became RACIST to discuss such things (even immigration) when the Labour Party stepped up its programme of flooding this nation with ‘asians’ many years ago and this mindset of PC dishonesty has persisted.
I didn't post my OP as a statement to discuss the effects of child sexual abuse in Europe or the world for that matter. This is specifically about the article in my OP. It's about England and my opinion of their power structure and the 'commoners' slavish devotion to anachronistic traditions such as the "royals."
There probably isn’t a nation on earth that does not have a history of child sexual abuse on a significant level, and gvmnts that cover it up or simply condone it too. Places that practice child marriage are doing just that. Do we refer to these countries as nations of paedophiles? I haven’t heard anyone do so, and I’d thank you not to characterise my nation as such.What is happening NOW (not historically), and not just in the U.K., but to some degree elsewhere in Europe, is fast becoming recognised as being of epidemic proportions, true, and it is most certainly linked to the mass immigration of the last few decades as well as more recently - as are the alarming increases in the sexual assault and rape of adult women occurring in many European countries.Yes, the gvmnt, police etc have attempted to cover it all up - but that’s BECAUSE of who the perps are - it became RACIST to discuss such things (even immigration) when the Labour Party stepped up its programme of flooding this nation with ‘asians’ many years ago and this mindset of PC dishonesty has persisted.
I didn't post my OP as a statement to discuss the effects of child sexual abuse in Europe or the world for that matter. This is specifically about the article in my OP. It's about England and my opinion of their power structure and the 'commoners' slavish devotion to anachronistic traditions such as the "royals."

What have the Royals got to do with anything?

One of yours is soon to become one.
There probably isn’t a nation on earth that does not have a history of child sexual abuse on a significant level, and gvmnts that cover it up or simply condone it too. Places that practice child marriage are doing just that. Do we refer to these countries as nations of paedophiles? I haven’t heard anyone do so, and I’d thank you not to characterise my nation as such.What is happening NOW (not historically), and not just in the U.K., but to some degree elsewhere in Europe, is fast becoming recognised as being of epidemic proportions, true, and it is most certainly linked to the mass immigration of the last few decades as well as more recently - as are the alarming increases in the sexual assault and rape of adult women occurring in many European countries.Yes, the gvmnt, police etc have attempted to cover it all up - but that’s BECAUSE of who the perps are - it became RACIST to discuss such things (even immigration) when the Labour Party stepped up its programme of flooding this nation with ‘asians’ many years ago and this mindset of PC dishonesty has persisted.
I didn't post my OP as a statement to discuss the effects of child sexual abuse in Europe or the world for that matter. This is specifically about the article in my OP. It's about England and my opinion of their power structure and the 'commoners' slavish devotion to anachronistic traditions such as the "royals."
But your OP mentioned pedophilia. Most people are disgusted by this. But maybe Britons don't consider this a big deal. And obviously Muslims consider this sick behavior to be normal.
There probably isn’t a nation on earth that does not have a history of child sexual abuse on a significant level, and gvmnts that cover it up or simply condone it too. Places that practice child marriage are doing just that. Do we refer to these countries as nations of paedophiles? I haven’t heard anyone do so, and I’d thank you not to characterise my nation as such.What is happening NOW (not historically), and not just in the U.K., but to some degree elsewhere in Europe, is fast becoming recognised as being of epidemic proportions, true, and it is most certainly linked to the mass immigration of the last few decades as well as more recently - as are the alarming increases in the sexual assault and rape of adult women occurring in many European countries.Yes, the gvmnt, police etc have attempted to cover it all up - but that’s BECAUSE of who the perps are - it became RACIST to discuss such things (even immigration) when the Labour Party stepped up its programme of flooding this nation with ‘asians’ many years ago and this mindset of PC dishonesty has persisted.
I didn't post my OP as a statement to discuss the effects of child sexual abuse in Europe or the world for that matter. This is specifically about the article in my OP. It's about England and my opinion of their power structure and the 'commoners' slavish devotion to anachronistic traditions such as the "royals."
Whatever, we’re still not a nation of paedophiles any more so than any other country is, so your title is still wrong and stupid, and is flame bait.
Are you channeling tommy tainant? Lol.

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