England - A Nation of Pedophiles

You are defending a lunatic who honest to fuck believes that liberals are the molesters.

Did you happen to notice the title of this thread? The physically repulsive Windparadox says that the entire UK is a nation of pedophiles but you didn't call her out on her bullshit.
Doesn't matter what party, race, religion or anything else a pedo is...they should be shot in the forehead. Anyone defending or covering it is just as culpable

But why?!!

Damn it. I told him that the causes of Rotherham was not addressed, and that there would be more, that more was probably already occurring, because of political correctness.

And he is not here for me to tell him, "I told you so".

Damn it again.

Is he really? What did he do? :crying:

Don't know. Lord knows he was a troll, but so are plenty of others, especially the lefties.
If it’s not already clear, I am a lefty. It’s probably best that the three of you who are speaking to me presently should stop. For all we know, I’m contagious.

Have a good day.

I'm fine with speaking with libs. I've been civil with you.

My comment on the number of lefty trolls on this site, is just true.

If civility and speaking the truth is not something you can put up with, your hope of being part of the healing of this nation, is

not reasonable.

This thread is about, AGAIN, a massive failure of the UK government to protect children from rape and slavery.

That pisses me off.

More so that I see the same mindset that cause that there, operating here, driving policy, preventing addressing real problems that are killing people. a LOT.

That pisses me off, A LOT.

You come into this site and instead of bitching about the rape of a thousand children, or the assholes that allowed it to happen,

you deflected from the topic.
I'm confused. Almost every one of these crimes was perpetrated by Pakistanis or as the Brits like to call them "Asian men", yet you blame everyone in the UK except for Muslim migrants?
You obviously did NOT read read all the links I provided, not surprising, before you shot off your mouth. READ.
Her leaving out that important detail and instead condemning the entire country and it's history is exactly the sort of mindset that led to these cases being swept under the rug for so long.
Please enlighten me with your FACTS. All I've seen is your uninformed opinions.
Because of insane political correctness and suppression of free speech laws in the UK there is “very limited prosecution of Muslim sex grooming and pimping crimes”A Look Inside Britain's Muslim Sex Grooming Gang Scandal
My god, how uninformed you are. This was a massive problem far before and muslims came to the UK.

Child sexual abuse in the United Kingdom

Really light on numbers in the "pre muslim" past and the changes with time.
I'm confused. Almost every one of these crimes was perpetrated by Pakistanis or as the Brits like to call them "Asian men", yet you blame everyone in the UK except for Muslim migrants?
You obviously did NOT read read all the links I provided, not surprising, before you shot off your mouth. READ.

Um, sweetie? I did read them.

Keighley child sex abuse ring:
The alleged ringleader of the gang was named as local drug-dealer Ahmed Al-Arif Choudhury (also spelled Choudry), who was not among those found guilty in court.

The Newcastle sex abuse ring:
The men were of Bangladeshi, Indian, Iranian, Iraqi and Pakistani heritage

Peterborough sex abuse case:
The men were of Pakistani, Iraqi Kurdish, Czech and Slovak Roma heritage

1,400 children, most of them white girls, had been sexually abused in Rotherham between 1997 and 2013 by predominantly British-Pakistani men

Those found guilty: Hedar Ali, Haider Ali, Khalid Zaman, Mohammed Ramzan, Haaris Ahmed, Tahir Mahmood, Taukeer Butt, Amaar Ali Ditta, Azeem Subhani, etc etc etc...

The leaders were Abid Mohammed Saddique and Mohammed Romaan Liaqa

The seven men included two pairs of brothers with three other men. Five were British Pakistani and two of east African heritage

a group of six men of British Pakistani heritage

The men were British Pakistanis which led to discussion on whether the failure to investigate them was linked to the authorities' fear of being accused of prejudice
Britain's 'worst ever' child grooming scandal exposed: Hundreds of young girls raped, beaten, sold for sex and some even KILLED - Authorities failed to act over 40 years - despite repeated warnings to social workers - with up to 1,000 girls, some as young as 11, abused in Telford -

Up to 1,000 children could have suffered in Britain’s worst known abuse scandal - where sex gangs targeted girls as young as 11. The rape hell of vulnerable young girls in one town - Telford - went on for a shocking 40 years, the Sunday Mirror can reveal. As many as 1,000 children could have suffered at the merciless hands of perverts and torturers in Telford since the 1980s.

Girls as young as 11 have been lured from their families to be drugged, beaten and raped in an epidemic that, say victims, is still ongoing. THREE people were murdered and two others died in tragedies linked to the scandal.
Aside from blood and suffering it has caused the world, the UK's history is an ongoing compendium of child sex abuse by the royals, government authorities and law enforcement. It has never even slowed down

Keighley child sex abuse ring
Newcastle sex abuse ring
Peterborough sex abuse case

Rotherham child sexual exploitation scandal
Halifax child sex abuse ring

Derby child sex abuse ring

Oxford child sex abuse ring
Aylesbury child sex abuse ring

Jimmy Savile child sexual abuse scandal

Rochdale child sex abuse ring

Child Sexual Abuse Scandal Rocks U.K. Soccer

Cleveland child abuse scandal


If you think the U.K. is bad you should study the subject here. You can buy sex slaves that are minors in any major city across this country and most of the time local, state and federal authorities turn a blind eye to it because the slave is another illegal migrant either from south of the border, Eastern Europe, South Pacific or Asia...
Britain's 'worst ever' child grooming scandal exposed: Hundreds of young girls raped, beaten, sold for sex and some even KILLED - Authorities failed to act over 40 years - despite repeated warnings to social workers - with up to 1,000 girls, some as young as 11, abused in Telford -

Up to 1,000 children could have suffered in Britain’s worst known abuse scandal - where sex gangs targeted girls as young as 11. The rape hell of vulnerable young girls in one town - Telford - went on for a shocking 40 years, the Sunday Mirror can reveal. As many as 1,000 children could have suffered at the merciless hands of perverts and torturers in Telford since the 1980s.

Girls as young as 11 have been lured from their families to be drugged, beaten and raped in an epidemic that, say victims, is still ongoing. THREE people were murdered and two others died in tragedies linked to the scandal.
Aside from blood and suffering it has caused the world, the UK's history is an ongoing compendium of child sex abuse by the royals, government authorities and law enforcement. It has never even slowed down

Keighley child sex abuse ring
Newcastle sex abuse ring
Peterborough sex abuse case

Rotherham child sexual exploitation scandal
Halifax child sex abuse ring

Derby child sex abuse ring

Oxford child sex abuse ring
Aylesbury child sex abuse ring

Jimmy Savile child sexual abuse scandal

Rochdale child sex abuse ring

Child Sexual Abuse Scandal Rocks U.K. Soccer

Cleveland child abuse scandal


And is this any more than any other country? Or is it just that the UK is better at catching these people than other countries?

YOu kidding me? Catching them? They PROTECT THEM! That's the whole issue.

You want to hear a true story that will knock your socks off? In the 1980's when I was in grade 4, our teacher molested myself and a number of other students, myself and another student told on him. My dad was rallying parents, not sure how he got all the parents numbers but he did and called them up one by one. Anyways, one parent whose kids whose name I will never forget, actually told my dad on the phone, "what did he do that was so wrong? It was sexual education for them".

Tell me, in what fooking world that you live in would you expect to hear that?! I recall my dad yelling at this guy on the phone and calling him names I don't repeat. He asked me in a disgusted manner who the kid was as he wanted an idea of who he was, and truth be told, I wonder years later about he and his sons home life...
This teacher was protected and people were in denial, he happened to also be the brother of a cop by the way.

He plead guilty before trial, and other teachers looked at US KIDS as their enemy for telling on this sicko. Worse, he left the province of Ontario and picked up in another province, totally legal for him to teach again! Again, tell me in what fooked up country that happens?

Canada inherited the British system and the sickness that it breeds. "Good Little Germans" are in many high ranking places in Canada. Activities and people referred to as "well adjusted adults" are hardly. If Trump wants to focus on crimes that require strong sentencing laws, this would be it.

Well, protection happens, it always does. However the point I was making was that if these things get in the media so much, it's better than it not.

There are estimates than in India 50% of children suffer sexual abuse.

What about America and other countries? We don't know the figures. There aren't figures about things that don't get reported.

The OP was making out that Britain was worse because of all the reports of sexual abuse. But the reality is it's often WORSE if these things don't get reported.
Here in the United States, it is liberals letting underage girls get sexually abused. Schools and planned parenthood let underage girls get abortions without the parents knowledge. Probably most of the underage girls, were molested by adults, but shhh got to preform those abortions.
Really light on numbers in the "pre muslim" past and the changes with time.
As you are one of these people that cannot or will not click on a link, this may be a waste of my time but here goes;

1) Westminster paedophile dossier - A dossier on paedophiles associated with the British government was assembled by the British Member of Parliament, Geoffrey Dickens, who handed it to the then Home Secretary, Leon Brittan, in 1984.

2) How Thatcher’s Government Covered Up a VIP Pedophile Ring - Now that most of the major figures are dead, the truth is emerging about the systematic sexual abuse of children by members of the British government.

3) Mystery royal 'was part of suspected paedophile ring being investigated by Scotland Yard but the inquiry was shut down for national security reasons' - Officer said royal and MP both identified in child abuse inquiry in late 1980s.

4) England: Land of Royals, Tea and Horrific Pedophilia Coverups - Read it.
5) Child Sexual Abuse in Victorian England - Child Sexual Abuse in Victorian England is the first detailed investigation of the way that child abuse was discovered, debated, diagnosed and dealt with in the Victorian and Edwardian periods.

6) Historical child sexual abuse in England and Wales - Research.
Here in the United States, it is liberals letting underage girls get sexually abused. Schools and planned parenthood let underage girls get abortions without the parents knowledge. Probably most of the underage girls, were molested by adults, but shhh got to preform those abortions.
The topic is NOT the US. Please be reminded.
Here in the United States, it is liberals letting underage girls get sexually abused. Schools and planned parenthood let underage girls get abortions without the parents knowledge. Probably most of the underage girls, were molested by adults, but shhh got to preform those abortions.
The topic is NOT the US. Please be reminded.
Liberals want us to be more like the UK, you embarrassed about that?
Really light on numbers in the "pre muslim" past and the changes with time.
As you are one of these people that cannot or will not click on a link, this may be a waste of my time but here goes;

1) Westminster paedophile dossier - A dossier on paedophiles associated with the British government was assembled by the British Member of Parliament, Geoffrey Dickens, who handed it to the then Home Secretary, Leon Brittan, in 1984.

2) How Thatcher’s Government Covered Up a VIP Pedophile Ring - Now that most of the major figures are dead, the truth is emerging about the systematic sexual abuse of children by members of the British government.

3) Mystery royal 'was part of suspected paedophile ring being investigated by Scotland Yard but the inquiry was shut down for national security reasons' - Officer said royal and MP both identified in child abuse inquiry in late 1980s.

4) England: Land of Royals, Tea and Horrific Pedophilia Coverups - Read it.
5) Child Sexual Abuse in Victorian England - Child Sexual Abuse in Victorian England is the first detailed investigation of the way that child abuse was discovered, debated, diagnosed and dealt with in the Victorian and Edwardian periods.

6) Historical child sexual abuse in England and Wales - Research.

All of this is just a bunch of speculation and rumors, a blatant attempt by the left wing media to shift the focus away from nasty disgusting brown rapists from Pakistan to dignified white Brits.
No, but I was molested by a good Christian Republican ...

Gosh. I guess you picked the wrong person to quote.

And on a Sunday morning, of all times.

HOw is that relevant to this? Are you saying that you understand the suffering caused?

How is that relevant? Did you not see the post on responding to? I’m sorry but it takes a special kind of stupid to say that only a certain political party molests children. That’s fucking insane. That is what I was responding to.

No one saw the post to which you were responding, because you chose not to quote the post.

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