English IS the official language of the United States

Baron von Steuben never spoke a word of English, yet trained the revolutionary army of Washington...
I don't get why this is such a controversy.

"The following is a list of sovereign states and non-sovereign entities where English is an official language, i.e., the language of government. In 2012, there were 60 sovereign states and 28 non-sovereign entities where English was an official language."
List of countries where English is an official language - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It's also the official language of international business.

How is the "official language" offensive to immigrants? I don't complain Mexico's is Spanish, Or Israel's is Hebrew. And if I wanna go and live there I'm gonna learn the local lingo, not fold my arms across my chest and insist the country in which I'm a guest conforms to accomodate me.

(X)And thanks to bilingualism, it has cost Canadians over the decades billions of taxdollars to preserve a language that is nothing more than slang french. And thanks to bilingualism Quebec has now gone uniligual french where english is almost outlawed. Quebec has what is called a language police, and these misfits go around looking for signs that are in english only, or are not the same size lettering as french. If they come across an offender who has a sign up in english only, they are forced to take it down or be fined. We have what is called a Charter of Rights in Canada, but it doesn't work for anglophones as they really have no rights in Quebec, and the federal government ok's this. So watch out Americans. This could happen to you in time if you don't stop with the promotion of Latino immigration into America because eventually as they become a huge minority, they will demand Spanish be put on your corn flakes boxes if it is not on there already. And you will pay extra for that bilingual labelling. It's your money.

So, in reality, Canada is really not an english-speaking country, but a forced bilingual one at a huge cost. :rolleyes:
"Doublespeak" will be official language after liberal Democrats let Washington DC run every aspect of our life. See Orwell 1984.
English is the official language. Or at least unofficially it is.

I always liked the old joke, "If you speak 2 languages you are bilingual. If you speak 3 languages you are trilingual. If you speak more than 3 you are multilingual. And if you only speak 1 language you are an American."

I heard that joke when I worked for a Dutch firm many years ago. The Dutch speak 3-4 languages fluently since hardly anyone else in the world speaks Dutch, except a handful of people in Indonesia who know how to throw a rifsstafel together. But now I'm just showing off.
43 minutes later....Still waiting for Bush92 to list his grievances about how little control he has over his life due to D.C. liberals.
"Doublespeak" will be official language after liberal Democrats let Washington DC run every aspect of our life. See Orwell 1984.

How many aspects of your life are currently run by D.C. liberals? Let's start there.
36% of my fucking wages went to support the lame and lazy. Democrats impact my life on a daily basis, from what kind of light bulb I can have, to the health care I can have. Communism.
I enjoyed learning Latin during legal education and reading Nostradamus, also had to learn French. After 30 years of not using the languages I learned to include Spanish, I lost the knowledge I once had..
You have to wonder why so many immigrants absolutely refuse to learn any English and even get mad if someone suggests they should. Americans often learn more Spanish for a 1 week vacation in Cancun then immigrants living here for 20 years have bothered to learn.

No matter where Americans go, they insist that English be spoken. All the times I've been to Mexico, they spoke english
"Doublespeak" will be official language after liberal Democrats let Washington DC run every aspect of our life. See Orwell 1984.

How many aspects of your life are currently run by D.C. liberals? Let's start there.
36% of my fucking wages went to support the lame and lazy. Democrats impact my life on a daily basis, from what kind of light bulb I can have, to the health care I can have. Communism.

What type of light bulb do you want??
I don't get why this is such a controversy.

Because those 60 sovereign states and 28 non-sovereign entities don't have a First Amendment, where for government to prohibit the official use of a language other than English is a free speech and free expression violation: Ruiz v. Hull, 957 P.2d 984 (Ariz. 1998).
I don't get why this is such a controversy.

"The following is a list of sovereign states and non-sovereign entities where English is an official language, i.e., the language of government. In 2012, there were 60 sovereign states and 28 non-sovereign entities where English was an official language."
List of countries where English is an official language - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It's also the official language of international business.

How is the "official language" offensive to immigrants? I don't complain Mexico's is Spanish, Or Israel's is Hebrew. And if I wanna go and live there I'm gonna learn the local lingo, not fold my arms across my chest and insist the country in which I'm a guest conforms to accomodate me.

Damn, you really are stupid, thanks for proving it.

There is no "official" language for the United States, although some individual states list English as their official language. If you would like the United States or your state to adopt an official language, you should contact your elected officials .

The federal government is currently required to provide access to federal programs and federally assisted programs for people with limited English proficiency. To access more information about this topic, please visit the Limited English Proficiency website.

I enjoyed learning Latin during legal education and reading Nostradamus, also had to learn French. After 30 years of not using the languages I learned to include Spanish, I lost the knowledge I once had..
You have to wonder why so many immigrants absolutely refuse to learn any English and even get mad if someone suggests they should. Americans often learn more Spanish for a 1 week vacation in Cancun then [sic] immigrants living here for 20 years have bothered to learn.

This post was, of course, nonsense.
That bit about English wasn't true in Teddy's day either.

No, as Founder of the Progressive political party of America, it was his OPINION! But as a former President, it did hold some weight, unlike former president's opinions today!

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