Enough Already!!!


Gold Member
Aug 20, 2015
I've seen all the men wearing dresses, yamakas and tall top hats I'm ever wanting to see. If it wasn't such a fiasco and spectacle occupying 80% of the air time I would have a bit more tolerance for it. If I want 24 hour a day religion I'll go to a church and commit suicide:




I remember some others who sported fancy headgear:

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I've seen all the men wearing dresses, yamakas and tall top hats I'm ever wanting to see. If it wasn't such a fiasco and spectacle occupying 80% of the air time I would have a bit more tolerance for it. If I want 24 hour a day religion I'll go to a church and commit suicide:




I remember some others who sported fancy headgear:

Suck it up the pope rocks according to a lot of peoples and they hang on every word verses actually looking at the word for themselves.
I've seen all the men wearing dresses, yamakas and tall top hats I'm ever wanting to see. If it wasn't such a fiasco and spectacle occupying 80% of the air time I would have a bit more tolerance for it. If I want 24 hour a day religion I'll go to a church and commit suicide:

When Jesus prayed for God's will do be done "on earth as it is in heaven" he was referring to the story of Adam and Eve, a fairy tale where the serpent, a religious deceiver, was condemned by God as a deceitful low life.

And here we are 2000 years later and a man who worship and eats a lifeless matzo for spiritual life in the name of Jesus is heralded and received on international TV as if he was an enlightened holy man instead of being reviled as the low life actor and lying fraud that he is because he said some nice things as if to perjure yourself in the name of God and mislead others into idolatry was not as patently evil as murder...



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I've seen all the men wearing dresses, yamakas and tall top hats I'm ever wanting to see. If it wasn't such a fiasco and spectacle occupying 80% of the air time I would have a bit more tolerance for it.

Ask your nurse to turn off the TV, fool.
Don't live your life by what is on TV...

Unless it's Saturday football....
I've seen all the men wearing dresses, yamakas and tall top hats I'm ever wanting to see. If it wasn't such a fiasco and spectacle occupying 80% of the air time I would have a bit more tolerance for it. If I want 24 hour a day religion I'll go to a church and commit suicide:




I remember some others who sported fancy headgear:


If it wasn't such a fiasco and spectacle occupying 80% of the air time I would have a bit more tolerance for it.

I found several things to watch on tv during the popes visit.

Westerns, comedies, dramas,

I have this unique device that allows me to not watch things I"m not interested in.

It's called a remote.

even has an on/off switch installed on it, for those times I can't find anything that interests me.
Suck it up the pope rocks according to a lot of peoples and they hang on every word verses actually looking at the word for themselves.

Hanging on his every word??? LOL...

Did they miss the part where he was handing out spiritual life from God to millions in the form of a lifeless material object made by human hands?

What would God say?

see Genesis 3:14
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Suck it up the pope rocks according to a lot of peoples and they hang on every word verses actually looking at the word for themselves.

Hanging on his every word??? LOL...

Did they miss the part where he was handing out spiritual life from God to millions in the form of a lifeless material object made by human hands?

What would God say?

see Genesis 3:14
God laughs, Psalms 2.
I've seen all the men wearing dresses, yamakas and tall top hats I'm ever wanting to see. If it wasn't such a fiasco and spectacle occupying 80% of the air time I would have a bit more tolerance for it. If I want 24 hour a day religion I'll go to a church and commit suicide:




I remember some others who sported fancy headgear:


Were it not for this board I'd have heard nothing about His Popeness.

Must suck when somebody actually forces you to see something huh?

Who is forcing you to watch tv? Read a book for a change.
I've seen all the men wearing dresses, yamakas and tall top hats I'm ever wanting to see. If it wasn't such a fiasco and spectacle occupying 80% of the air time I would have a bit more tolerance for it. If I want 24 hour a day religion I'll go to a church and commit suicide:

When Jesus prayed for God's will do be done "on earth as it is in heaven" he was referring to the story of Adam and Eve, a fairy tale where the serpent, a religious deceiver, was condemned by God as a deceitful low life.

And here we are 2000 years later and a man who worship and eats a lifeless matzo for spiritual life in the name of Jesus is heralded and received on international TV as if he was an enlightened holy man instead of being reviled as the low life actor and lying fraud that he is because he said some nice things as if to perjure yourself in the name of God and mislead others into idolatry was not as patently evil as murder...

Well.....I just don't have any use for religion period. It took me nearly 60 years to get over the brainwashing my maternal grandmother laid on me beginning when I was 4 or 5 years old. 'Course back then 3rd and 4th graders were assigned a bible verse on Monday or Tuesday to memorize and recite back to the class on Thursday or Friday. Let them try that shit now. I predict that ancient god worship is on it's way out. I won't see it because I'm an old man but some who are members of this forum will see it in their lifetimes.

Young HS and college kids don't believe that stuff. As more and more old folks die off and more and more kids reach their teens the kiss of death will be put on ancient god worship once and for all......as it should.
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Who is forcing you to watch tv? Read a book for a change.

Don't ask the impossible.

I've never been much for Moby Dick and Romeo and Juliet. I've read more tech manuals on electronics, radio, servo control, computers, electronic musical instruments etc. than the average college engineering graduate. 'Course I started reading them in the 1940's. I became a licensed amateur radio operator in 1959, I've been certified by the FCC sending and receiving the international morse code at 30wpm. I had to stop there because I couldn't write the copy any faster than that and unlike military communications personnel I didn't learn to receive and key it at the same time. I've worked all continents, worked all states, worked 100 countries and about two years ago I renewed my operating license which is good till 10-20-2023. Since I'm 81 years old I doubt I'll be operating beyond that.
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I've seen all the men wearing dresses, yamakas and tall top hats I'm ever wanting to see. If it wasn't such a fiasco and spectacle occupying 80% of the air time I would have a bit more tolerance for it. If I want 24 hour a day religion I'll go to a church and commit suicide:




I remember some others who sported fancy headgear:


If only you could find some way not to have to see all of this
I've seen all the men wearing dresses, yamakas and tall top hats I'm ever wanting to see. If it wasn't such a fiasco and spectacle occupying 80% of the air time I would have a bit more tolerance for it. If I want 24 hour a day religion I'll go to a church and commit suicide:




I remember some others who sported fancy headgear

If only you could find some way not to have to see all of this

I'll guarantee you it was on nearly every channel except HBO. All the news channels were covered up with it all day long...even MSNBC
Well.....I just don't have any use for religion period. It took me nearly 60 years to get over the brainwashing my maternal grandmother laid on me beginning when I was 4 or 5 years old. 'Course back then 3rd and 4th graders were assigned a bible verse on Monday or Tuesday to memorize and recite back to the class on Thursday or Friday. Let them try that shit now. I predict that ancient god worship is on it's way out. I won't see it because I'm an old man but some who are members of this forum will see it in their lifetimes.

Young HS and college kids don't believe that stuff. As more and more old folks die off and more and more kids reach their teens the kiss of death will be put on ancient god worship once and for all......as it should.

I commend your escape from religious gobbledygook. I know how much harder it must have been for you to preserve your sanity back then than it is for younger people today. I had a similar experience except that when I was first exposed to religious indoctrination in the second grade I was also learning at the same time in public school about fairy tales, fables, metaphors, analogies etc., and that the moral of the story was not necessarily directly connected to the literal meaning of the words used so I ended up thinking that adult religious believers who interpreted the stories with talking serpents and mythological creatures literally were literally crazy, scary crazy. Since then I never had any use for religion either.

That being said, knowing that fairy tales and fables convey hidden teaching I have found many teachings essential to good mental health hidden in those fantastical stories about the dead rising to life and the blind receiving their sight, angels and demons, heaven and hell, etc. that cannot be found in any other source.

I also agree with your prediction that ancient god worship, praying to statues, circumcising infants, eating god crackers, getting down on all fours, etc., is on its way out but will ultimately be replaced with an accurate knowledge of God.

Screw religion but if you take a harder closer look at scripture, and keep on looking, you will find the hidden teaching and know the truth and before you die you will see with your own eyes the dead coming out of their graves, yourself included..
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