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Enough of this transgender nonsense.

You are a terrible spokesperson and representative of your group. With your attitude, you do more harm than good and SHOULD probably just stop talking. Lol.
Who said I was transgender?

It's pretty obvious.
No, it's not at all, and also not true, not that this would be a problem.

As I said, smart cannot be explained to the stupid.

Surely, someone as smart as you could explain it. Since you can't, that means you are neither smart or able to explain. If you could, you would.
Psychology has actually shown that the vast majority of children who show "transgender symptoms" grow out of it on their own.

However reinforcing the delusion that they are "trapped in the wrong body" just exacerbates it. Much as telling a schizophrenic man who thinks he is Jesus that he really is Jesus likely would as well.

The far-left doesn't care however, they just view children as pawns in their twisted Nazi-esque human experiments, with some children in Europe as young as 12 being forced into full genital removal and hormone therapy by these depraved Josef Mengeles.
You couldn't get the fucking Constitution right, forget about gender.
Who said I was transgender?

It's pretty obvious.
No, it's not at all, and also not true, not that this would be a problem.

As I said, smart cannot be explained to the stupid.

Surely, someone as smart as you could explain it. Since you can't, that means you are neither smart or able to explain. If you could, you would.
Psychology has actually shown that the vast majority of children who show "transgender symptoms" grow out of it on their own.

However reinforcing the delusion that they are "trapped in the wrong body" just exacerbates it. Much as telling a schizophrenic man who thinks he is Jesus that he really is Jesus likely would as well.

The far-left doesn't care however, they just view children as pawns in their twisted Nazi-esque human experiments, with some children in Europe as young as 12 being forced into full genital removal and hormone therapy by these depraved Josef Mengeles.
You couldn't get the fucking Constitution right, forget about gender.

You are the one confused about gender and sex. You don't know which way is up, and you changed your profile from female to male. :cuckoo: Wackooooo.
Not to mention, John Money, a psycholgist who was behind the idea that "sex and gender" are distinct was an advocate of pedophilia acceptance.
Not to mention, John Money, a psycholgist who was behind the idea that "sex and gender" are distinct was an advocate of pedophilia acceptance.

Yup, I read all about him. A kid killed himself because of that rotten POS. And then there is Kinsey who was also behind it, also an advocate of pedophilia, beastiality and all kinds of crazy stuff. Disgusting.
It's pretty obvious.
No, it's not at all, and also not true, not that this would be a problem.

As I said, smart cannot be explained to the stupid.

Surely, someone as smart as you could explain it. Since you can't, that means you are neither smart or able to explain. If you could, you would.
Psychology has actually shown that the vast majority of children who show "transgender symptoms" grow out of it on their own.

However reinforcing the delusion that they are "trapped in the wrong body" just exacerbates it. Much as telling a schizophrenic man who thinks he is Jesus that he really is Jesus likely would as well.

The far-left doesn't care however, they just view children as pawns in their twisted Nazi-esque human experiments, with some children in Europe as young as 12 being forced into full genital removal and hormone therapy by these depraved Josef Mengeles.
You couldn't get the fucking Constitution right, forget about gender.

You are the one confused about gender and sex. You don't know which way is up, and you changed your profile from female to male. :cuckoo: Wackooooo.

That's because she feels like a man tonight. Tomorrow he might feel like a women. LOL!

Claims that his sex doesn't matter on an anonymous site, yet now goes and changes it. You can't make this stupidity up, undermines his whole argument.
No, it's not at all, and also not true, not that this would be a problem.

As I said, smart cannot be explained to the stupid.

Surely, someone as smart as you could explain it. Since you can't, that means you are neither smart or able to explain. If you could, you would.
Psychology has actually shown that the vast majority of children who show "transgender symptoms" grow out of it on their own.

However reinforcing the delusion that they are "trapped in the wrong body" just exacerbates it. Much as telling a schizophrenic man who thinks he is Jesus that he really is Jesus likely would as well.

The far-left doesn't care however, they just view children as pawns in their twisted Nazi-esque human experiments, with some children in Europe as young as 12 being forced into full genital removal and hormone therapy by these depraved Josef Mengeles.
You couldn't get the fucking Constitution right, forget about gender.

You are the one confused about gender and sex. You don't know which way is up, and you changed your profile from female to male. :cuckoo: Wackooooo.

That's because she feels like a man tonight. Tomorrow he might feel like a women. LOL!

Claims that his sex doesn't matter on an anonymous site, yet now goes and changes it. You can't make this stupidity up, undermines his whole argument.
10 bucks also says that the majority of online "transgenders" were never diagnosed by an actual psychologist either, they probably self-diagnosed themselves from some result they got in a FB quiz.

The whole thing is just a crock of snake oil.
I'm not transgender.

And mtf, they like what you like, think like you, only much better.

How do you know? You said you wouldn't know unless you were in their heads. Lol. You are just full of contradictions and bullshit.
I know because I listen to them, and don't reject them.

You don't know jack shit, Jack. :D
Jack has recently changed his profile from Female 56 to Male 56. He's a nut.
I'm not transgender.

And mtf, they like what you like, think like you, only much better.

How do you know? You said you wouldn't know unless you were in their heads. Lol. You are just full of contradictions and bullshit.
I know because I listen to them, and don't reject them.

You don't know jack shit, Jack. :D
Jack has recently changed his profile from Female 56 to Male 56. He's a nut.

Oh, I know. Lol. :cuckoo: This place is overloaded with nuts and needs a good purging. Lol.
You are the one confused about gender and sex. You don't know which way is up, and you changed your profile from female to male. :cuckoo: Wackooooo.

That's because she feels like a man tonight. Tomorrow he might feel like a women. LOL!

Claims that his sex doesn't matter on an anonymous site, yet now goes and changes it. You can't make this stupidity up, undermines his whole argument.

In the lawsuit discussed here: TX, AL, WI, WV, TN, AZ, ME, OK, LA, UT & GA Sue Fed Over Men In Women's/Girls' Showers the lawyers for the 13 states (two more joined since I made the title) suing the fed brought up exactly that. They said that the men pretending to be women and trying to access women's showers etc. thereby, can and do change their mind from day to day. ie: there is zero way of telling who is a "transgender" on any given day.

Plus they said, they self-diagnose. So what the essence of that says is that ALL men at any time can access women's facilities and there will be no way to turn them away if all they have to say for a clear and immediate defense is "I identify as a woman". And, if the cops are there with a poor woman hovering on the floor in the fetal position (one of 17 million rape survivors you can guarantee will be traumatized in the showers in such a scene), ANY GUY will OF COURSE claim to identify as a woman. With no way to tell what's actually going on, and laws protecting the man being there, the cops will have zero recourse to protect the woman's right to privacy.

She'll just have to suck it up and deal with it. And of course that's what we've actually heard Slade and Jack4jill say here on numerous occasions.....besides outrageously-claiming that rape survivors "support strange men in women's showers" (with no way to expel them). LGBT advocate/schill Slade even called the rape survivors "damn...rape survivors"... Ah, the Church is so honest, so compassionate.
There is no genetic predisposition for becoming transgender. However there is a genetic predisposition for those that become addicted to alcohol and drugs. Now, we are supposed to make allowances for one group and yet expect another group to be law abiding or they are tossed in jail. Many alcoholics and drug addicts are suffering from a real mental disorder that is ruining millions of lives a year, but another group with a mental disorder want us to make allowances for them because how they feel. The whole idea is warped and stupid.

Let's hope this decision by Obama gets ousted.
How do you know which "salad" one is which? Do you go by looks?
That's all we can go by, exactly as I said.
View attachment 76956
/debate. TY.

Then eat away on the chicken shit salad if you think so.
I might for a bite or two. It's based on looks.

You'd have to eat it all or have it all fed to you whether you wanted it or not.
Works like this, not that.

You pick up a cute girl in a bar and take her home only to discover she pees standing up, you settle for the blow job instead.

Wow. You certainly told us more than we needed to know about you. Just . . . wow.
See the caught part? That's how it works. Busted.

Are you saying every perv that's done that was caught?
More than likely.

I bet you think every speeder on the road is caught and ticketed.
No, far too many.

Why should someone speeding not get a ticket? Are you one of those anarchists that thinks you can do whatever you want whenever you want?

One of those leftists who thinks because they violate the rules, that means the rules shouldn't exist.
I might for a bite or two. It's based on looks.

I don't carry around a chicken test kit and we also don't test or peek into underpants at the bathroom door.

But it's done in the showers and locker rooms, which are all part of this debate and court cases. Scholongs with testicles and adam's apples won't be allowed in the showers with women. The access behind doors marked "women" also includes areas of full nudity on a regular basis. You lost. Grieve it. :itsok:
The rape victims asked to you to stop saying that. Like their rapists you just keep going after what you want instead.

Each of the 17 million of them? Really? :popcorn:
Show me the ones afraid of seeing a penis and I will show you the ones who aren't. You represent not a one of them. You are just using them to get what you want.

So . . . the same thing you're doing to women in general?
Show me the ones afraid of seeing a penis and I will show you the ones who aren't. You represent not a one of them. You are just using them to get what you want.


Has it never occurred to you in your far left lala land that your EXTREME social engineering Agenda has reached its limit? No? Stay tuned because in the very near future you will learn precisely how women are going to insist that men will not share showers with them. It's over. Pack it up and go home. You went too far and this game stops.
Men won't, transgender men, post-op, will.

And since transgender kids so concern your tiny mind, we will simply operate on them early, for your benefit not theirs.
I hope every child abused in this way grows up to sue their parents as well as the misguided docs who fed them off label drugs and mutilated their healthy bodies.

I won't exactly fall off my chair in shock when those lawsuits start cropping up. And you know they will.
Show me the ones afraid of seeing a penis and I will show you the ones who aren't. You represent not a one of them. You are just using them to get what you want.


Has it never occurred to you in your far left lala land that your EXTREME social engineering Agenda has reached its limit? No? Stay tuned because in the very near future you will learn precisely how women are going to insist that men will not share showers with them. It's over. Pack it up and go home. You went too far and this game stops.
Men won't, transgender men, post-op, will.

And since transgender kids so concern your tiny mind, we will simply operate on them early, for your benefit not theirs.
I hope every child abused in this way grows up to sue their parents as well as the misguided docs who fed them off label drugs and mutilated their healthy bodies.
Are the docs misguided when they make an intersexed baby look more one way or another?

Allow me to just say . . . I see that you have admitted defeat and are surrendering. On behalf of everyone who is tired of your irrelevant bullshit, I accept.
Untrue. Like when a drink goes the wrong pipe.

Choking prevents breathing. If they could breath, they weren't choking.
That is simply untrue.

It's a medical fact.

Choking - Summit Medical Group
If someone is choking but still able to breathe and cough and is not turning a bluish color, let them try to cough up the object. If they are having trouble breathing and turning blue, have someone call 911 while you do the following to help: Ask the person if they are choking.

If they're truly choking, they're not breathing adequately. If they're breathing adequately, they're not choking.

Yes, this is why, in first aid/CPR classes, you're told that if the person is coughing, gasping, or in any other way indicating that air is still passing through the windpipe, you should leave him alone to clear the blockage using his body's own natural mechanisms. It's only if he is unable to make any noise, or perhaps a thin, high-pitched whining sound indicating inadequate air passage, that one applies abdominal thrusts (aka the Heimlich maneuver).
See above.

No need. I have an excellent memory, and can recall you getting your rhetorical ass kicked quite well without the refresher.

Did you have anything to say that WOULDN'T confirm your ignorance to the world, or did you want to just continue in the same vein?
Easy question, you have a baby with both male and female genitals. What sex is it?

I see you admit defeat and surrender. I accept. You may stop waving your white flag now.
Answer the question, bitch.

It's a genetic mutation. :D

Jack's inability to comprehend English? I suppose it could be.
The brain sends out instructions BASED ON THE INFO PROVIDED BY THE BODY. So ultimately, it's your DNA that tells you what sex you are (also how many body parts). The fact that the message is conveyed through the brain and can get garbled if the brain is not functioning properly should not be overlooked.

Not sure I understood the questionable grammar of "most of all human beings, is the same", but I can tell you that there are rather significant differences between males and females. I can also tell you that you are undermining your own argument by saying there aren't, when YOU are the one insisting on "male brains" and "female brains" being these big, immutable objective standards which trump all other concerns, such as biology. If there's no real difference (and every time you say something like this, I feel an overwhelming surge of pity for virtually everything about your life and experiences, if you really believe that), then why the fuck are these transgender people making such a big to-do?

I can only shake my head in disbelief at the idea that you really think the only difference between men and women is what type of underwear each has.
Do men and women have more that is different or more that is common?

How many body parts do they have in versus not?

Human Body Vocabulary Word List - EnchantedLearning.com

Straw man. I also have a lot of body parts in common with my dog and cat, but I think we can agree - at least, I hope we can; with you, one can never tell - that the differences nevertheless outweigh the similarities.
The differences in that case aren't that large either.

Lol. You are totally delusional.
Nope. Mammals are mostly the same.

Mammal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And once again, the evidence that leftists have no interest in or understanding of biology rears its ugly head.

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