ENOUGH....Time for Gun Control....NOW

In 2008, when the United States experienced over 12,000* gun-related homicides, Japan had only 11, or fewer than half as many killed Friday in Newtown, Conn.""""""

Population of Japan, 129,000,000.

In 2006, Japan had 32,115 suicides.

When there is a suicide, the person that dies wanted to die. A homocide, the person that dies had no choice, because someone else wanted him to die. There is no comparison between suicides and homocides.
Sometimes the individual's rights must be restricted to protect society and/or the individual. We shouldn't allow young children, people with serious mental problems, those with a history suicide attempts, and convicted felons with a history of violent crimes to purchase guns.

That's just what the NRA preaches. I hope you are an NRA member as they support what you said.
The problem is the NRA really doesn't want any workable laws to restrict sales to anyone including violent felons and those with serious mental problem. They lobby for the gun show loophole and denying funds needed by states to maintain the National Instant Criminal Background Check System. I suppose they want the mentally ill and violent felons to take responsible for their purchases.

Got any proof for this? How does a lobbying group deny funds? Also most of the time those funds are packaged with gun control riders when they try to go through congress. So its not the funding they reject, its the added goodies.

You have ZERO proof the NRA wants felons and mental patients armed, yet you continue the same tired talking points.
In 2008, when the United States experienced over 12,000* gun-related homicides, Japan had only 11, or fewer than half as many killed Friday in Newtown, Conn.""""""

Population of Japan, 129,000,000.

In 2006, Japan had 32,115 suicides.

When there is a suicide, the person that dies wanted to die. A homocide, the person that dies had no choice, because someone else wanted him to die. There is no comparison between suicides and homocides.

We have been saying that for a long time, yet gun grabbers continue to lump the two together.
Sometimes the individual's rights must be restricted to protect society and/or the individual. We shouldn't allow young children, people with serious mental problems, those with a history suicide attempts, and convicted felons with a history of violent crimes to purchase guns.

That's just what the NRA preaches. I hope you are an NRA member as they support what you said.
The problem is the NRA really doesn't want any workable laws to restrict sales to anyone including violent felons and those with serious mental problem.
There are no such "workable laws" as you cannot enact a law that will prevent people from breaking the law.

They lobby for the gun show loophole...
No such thing.
And you believe this is how all gun owners raise their kids? Mommy was sick too. That's still not a good enough reason to deny citizens their constitutional rights.

Kids often have guns prior to their operators permit for vehicles...at least that was the life back in Texas with my friends and their boyfriends who would go out to deer leases with their parents every deer season. Can't drive, can't operate a can opener but can shoot a gun...

The constitutional rights of those that are now routinely murdered by gun owners should come into play at some point...right?

Which is why there needs to be a form of liability insurance tied to gun ownership to reimburse those who are killed, wounded, maimed, etc...

Just another form of pricing gun ownership out of the range of most people. Especially poor people. Why do you hate poor people?
You think that all democrats want guns banned....that is a false premise on your behalf.
You just might want to take some meds if you think that.
No...see where I said "supposedly" up there....look up...to the middle, in the part where it says "those who supposedly want guns banned"...

Both liberals and conservatives that own guns teach their children the proper use for firearms......for the most part.

Far more conservatives own guns than liberals...agreed?

No, I don't. Let's take away the outer fringe from both sides and just use the moderates from both sides. No study on it but I'm sure it's equal....the liberals I know have guns and no issues with guns.

Remember when you posted this?

"It's not liberals who have guns at home and take their kids to the gun range so they can become proficient at taking lives."

It just shows you don't have a clue on what you're talking about. You are one of the fringe, candycorn.

This old blue collar liberal has been a gun owner since I was 12. I have zero use for the war weapons and believe that you should have to have the same license to own one of those as to own a .45 Thompson.

The glorification of guns and violence in our culture has had the inevitable result. More guns will only mean more senseless violence. And the 'Conservatives' simply state that the lives of our children are just the price we have to pay for our 'Freedom'. Freedom to live in fear for the lives ourselves and our children.
In 2008, when the United States experienced over 12,000* gun-related homicides, Japan had only 11, or fewer than half as many killed Friday in Newtown, Conn.""""""

Population of Japan, 129,000,000.

In 2006, Japan had 32,115 suicides.

When there is a suicide, the person that dies wanted to die. A homocide, the person that dies had no choice, because someone else wanted him to die. There is no comparison between suicides and homocides.
~300,000,000 guns in the US
~8800 gun related homicides in the US per year
<0.00293% of the guns in the US are used to murder someone.
>99.997% are not.
How does that compare to Japan?
Mental illness. Nothing more, nothing less. The constitutional rights of citizens had nothing to do with this sicko.

Yeah, he was real sick when he posed with a hand grenade in his lap and a gun in his hand at the age of 2.

And you believe this is how all gun owners raise their kids? Mommy was sick too. That's still not a good enough reason to deny citizens their constitutional rights.

In the picture above with young Adam holding a pistol, belt-fed ammo, and what could be a live hand grenade, the Lanzas were still married--they divorced when Adam was 15.

Just a quick question...you say Mommy was sick too right? Should Daddy be able to have weaponry since he was around and presumably knew about the arsenal the kid was posing with?

Hmm? Should he have his constitutional "rights" curtailed?

Just how "sick" does one have to be before you say, "That person shouldn't have a gun?"
You think that all democrats want guns banned....that is a false premise on your behalf.
You just might want to take some meds if you think that.
No...see where I said "supposedly" up there....look up...to the middle, in the part where it says "those who supposedly want guns banned"...

Both liberals and conservatives that own guns teach their children the proper use for firearms......for the most part.

Far more conservatives own guns than liberals...agreed?

No, I don't. Let's take away the outer fringe from both sides and just use the moderates from both sides. No study on it but I'm sure it's equal....the liberals I know have guns and no issues with guns.

Remember when you posted this?

"It's not liberals who have guns at home and take their kids to the gun range so they can become proficient at taking lives."

It just shows you don't have a clue on what you're talking about. You are one of the fringe, candycorn.

So I'm on the fringe for making an unsubstantiated albeit likely correct statement? Lets take a trip down memory lane...

" No study on it but I'm sure it's equal....the liberals I know have guns and no issues with guns."
And you believe this is how all gun owners raise their kids? Mommy was sick too. That's still not a good enough reason to deny citizens their constitutional rights.

Kids often have guns prior to their operators permit for vehicles...at least that was the life back in Texas with my friends and their boyfriends who would go out to deer leases with their parents every deer season. Can't drive, can't operate a can opener but can shoot a gun...
The constitutional rights of those that are now routinely murdered by gun owners should come into play at some point...right?
Dead people have no rights.
Living people do. Their rights are protected by laws against murder.
Kids often have guns prior to their operators permit for vehicles...at least that was the life back in Texas with my friends and their boyfriends who would go out to deer leases with their parents every deer season. Can't drive, can't operate a can opener but can shoot a gun...

The constitutional rights of those that are now routinely murdered by gun owners should come into play at some point...right?

Which is why there needs to be a form of liability insurance tied to gun ownership to reimburse those who are killed, wounded, maimed, etc...
Well that's already the case where possible. People have liability policies for accidentally shooting someone. But you cannot insure for an intentional act. SO your proposal is typically based on ignorance and hatred.

"Form of"... It could be in any number of fully enforceable agreements. Wise up.
Yeah, he was real sick when he posed with a hand grenade in his lap and a gun in his hand at the age of 2.

And you believe this is how all gun owners raise their kids? Mommy was sick too. That's still not a good enough reason to deny citizens their constitutional rights.

In the picture above with young Adam holding a pistol, belt-fed ammo, and what could be a live hand grenade, the Lanzas were still married--they divorced when Adam was 15.

Just a quick question...you say Mommy was sick too right? Should Daddy be able to have weaponry since he was around and presumably knew about the arsenal the kid was posing with?

Hmm? Should he have his constitutional "rights" curtailed?

Just how "sick" does one have to be before you say, "That person shouldn't have a gun?"
You are obviously completely ignorant of the law, as it already provides for this.
Kids often have guns prior to their operators permit for vehicles...at least that was the life back in Texas with my friends and their boyfriends who would go out to deer leases with their parents every deer season. Can't drive, can't operate a can opener but can shoot a gun...

The constitutional rights of those that are now routinely murdered by gun owners should come into play at some point...right?

Which is why there needs to be a form of liability insurance tied to gun ownership to reimburse those who are killed, wounded, maimed, etc...

Just another form of pricing gun ownership out of the range of most people. Especially poor people. Why do you hate poor people?

When Smith and Wesson start giving their tools of death away for free, then you can come at me with your usual tripe.
The constitutional rights of those that are now routinely murdered by gun owners should come into play at some point...right?

Which is why there needs to be a form of liability insurance tied to gun ownership to reimburse those who are killed, wounded, maimed, etc...
Well that's already the case where possible. People have liability policies for accidentally shooting someone. But you cannot insure for an intentional act. SO your proposal is typically based on ignorance and hatred.

"Form of"... It could be in any number of fully enforceable agreements. Wise up.

There can be no form of liability insurance that covers intentional acts. You don't understand how insurance works, do you?
The recent shooting is a good example of why lib ideas won't work.
Let's restrict gun purchases to people over 21! The shooter was 15yrs old.
Let's make people lock their guns up! The shooter opened the locks and took the guns.
Let's make it illegal to buy guns!
Lets make it illegal to shoot people. Oh wait, it already is.
No...see where I said "supposedly" up there....look up...to the middle, in the part where it says "those who supposedly want guns banned"...

Far more conservatives own guns than liberals...agreed?

No, I don't. Let's take away the outer fringe from both sides and just use the moderates from both sides. No study on it but I'm sure it's equal....the liberals I know have guns and no issues with guns.

Remember when you posted this?

"It's not liberals who have guns at home and take their kids to the gun range so they can become proficient at taking lives."

It just shows you don't have a clue on what you're talking about. You are one of the fringe, candycorn.

This old blue collar liberal has been a gun owner since I was 12. I have zero use for the war weapons and believe that you should have to have the same license to own one of those as to own a .45 Thompson.
You do not need a license to own a ".45 Thompson" in any form.

The glorification of guns and violence in our culture has had the inevitable result.
Sounds like you need to go after the entertainment industry -- curtail their 1st amendment rights.

More guns will only mean more senseless violence.
This is patently false, as evidenced by the fact that the number of guns goes up every year while gun-related violence has remained flat.
The constitutional rights of those that are now routinely murdered by gun owners should come into play at some point...right?

Which is why there needs to be a form of liability insurance tied to gun ownership to reimburse those who are killed, wounded, maimed, etc...

Just another form of pricing gun ownership out of the range of most people. Especially poor people. Why do you hate poor people?

When Smith and Wesson start giving their tools of death away for free, then you can come at me with your usual tripe.
Irony so thick you need a continental engineer to cut it.
Only an abject tard would look at these psychos going on their rampages and conclude it to be a gun problem.

We're creating these psychopaths by drugging young boys so mommy and daddy don't have to deal with behavioral issues and letting them sit in their rooms playing GTA 24/7.

We don't have a gun problem, we have a parenting problem.

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