Enter the Age of Censorship, FCC circumvents Congress to classify internet as Public Utility

And where does the Communications Act of 1934 say that the FCC's regulation in February 26th 2015 granted the FCC the authority to 'censor' the internet in a manner they couldn't before the vote yesterday?

Just quote the passage you're looking at. Because I don't see it.

Soros drones, stupid as piles of dog shit, but less pleasant.

The action undertaken by the FCC placed the Internet under the 1934 law. Those at the hive programming you to spew idiocy either grasp this, or they do not.
False. I already told you as much.

Two possibilities, you are ignorant, or you are lying.

By placing the Internet under Title II of the 1934 Telecommunications act, the FCC has the AUTHORITY to regulate content - simple fact.
Avoiding the We the People (via Congress) Obama's FCC classifies the internet as a public utility, a trojan horse for unrestrained censorship against "hate speech."

It passed just this hour in a 3-2 vote.

Good to know that chief lobbyist for the bill was appointed by Obama (and funded by George Soros) to lead the new regulations.

Erm, have you ever been censored while using your phone?
Circumvented will of the people too.

The FCC already has a mandate from Congress to regulate the internet. You didn't know this? Huh. Oh, and by the way, the bulk of the regulations has to do with regulating how the ISPs do business with you and me - such as not throttling your service so they can charge even more outrageous prices for shitty service. Let's all hope these new regs either force companies like Comcast to either get their shit together or get out of the business, because, friggin damn!

Again, you Soros drones can lie all you like, but the 1934 law provides authority over content.


Did you even read the article you quoted?

{Internet evangelists frequently promote the virtues of innovation without permission. We now move to a world that turns that on its head. Networks may be less exciting than new software apps, but they too require innovation, evolution and revolution. That process now is subject to constant bureaucratic review, political considerations, and collateral attack by competitors.}


You Soros monkeys are a hoot.

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