Enter the Age of Censorship, FCC circumvents Congress to classify internet as Public Utility

The basic concept of net neutrality is of great benefit to all.

It's all the crap that's hanging off it like so many obscene Christmas Tree ornaments that's the problem. The provisions that will make the internet more expensive at every level and that's not just in terms of fees and taxes.
Another prediction WITH NO DATE.

When is my internet connection going to become more exoensive? Got a time frame?
there are several water companies as well

clay county water -lewis and clark water -
Congressional Review Act

it is on its way

Can anyone name a public utility where they live where more than one company offers the service?


it is not really a utility

but at least two cable companies provide service

in a town around here

midco and wow

there are several internet providers in the area
Cable TV is not a public utility.

Internet providers are not public utilities. Before today.

maybe that is why the fuck i posted

it is not really a utility

however we have at least two water treatment providers in clay county
Another prediction WITH NO DATE.

When is my internet connection going to become more exoensive? Got a time frame?

So young.
So impatient to pay more.

It won't happen overnight. First come the court cases.

But if you feel you need to start budgeting, think in terms of around January 1, 2016 for the first of them. Watch your internet bills closely so you'll see them as they appear.
Another prediction WITH NO DATE.

When is my internet connection going to become more exoensive? Got a time frame?

So young.
So impatient to pay more.

It won't happen overnight. First come the court cases.

But if you feel you need to start budgeting, think in terms of around January 1, 2016 for the first of them. Watch your internet bills closely so you'll see them as they appear.

So far into the future! Just perfect.

Nutters love to make predictions that nobody will possibly remember.
The ease with which the pro net neutrality people have just slipped from the FCC regulating net neutrality to the FCC regulating the internet like it does power companies is very revealing, and serves to confirm everyone else's worst fears.
Guys like you love confirmation of your worst fears no matter how misguided and false they are. There is nothing to fear here except the cable companies winning the legal right to drive smaller competitors out of business.
Show me where I am wrong. Several people are now openly admitting they want the government to regulate the internet.

This is EXACTLY what was predicted by opponents. "Net neutrality" is a classic Trojan horse.

And you obviously don't know me well. I am not exactly known for looking for confirmation of fears. :badgrin:
Why don't you wait and see exactly what the FCC intends to do before you have a stroke or something? Watch the computer nerds instead of the pundits, if they get upset then you should get upset.
Wait and see what the government will do?


Holy shit!
If the FCC tries to make itself the enemy of the internet by trying to restrict content in any way the FCC will lose. Are you somehow unaware of what happens when nation states try to stifle the free flow of information on the internet? They fail utterly and usually inadvertently advance the technology of sharing information when the net easily finds a way around it. The very idea that any federal agency could successfully regulate content is ludicrous falsehood. The billions of nerds around the world who style themselves the defenders of the internet see locks and walls as an invitation, you can count on them to know what is a threat to the net and what it takes to protect it and they are almost unanimously on the side of net neutrality. Now quit fighting for the right of cable companies to regulate the content and speed of what you see on the net for their own narrow purposes.
I wrote this last year about a day in the life of net neutrality.

You wake up early, you pick up your iPhone and check your VZ-Connect page, you got 7 VZ-Likes on the cat video you posted, you would have gotten more, but an FCC censor found it objectionable and removed it. Not for the first time, you find yourself yearning for the days of Facebook. But after Verizon was named the exclusive backbone carrier by the FCC, weeks after President Obama issued the Executive Order making the internet a Title II utility. Facebook held on for awhile, but the FCC revoked their netcasting license after repeated violations of the net neutrality seditious content rules. Verizon quickly replaced Facebook with VZ-Connect, which was monitored by FCC content custodians.

You need to send Aunt Martha a thank you note for the sweater she sent you for your birthday. So you log on to VZ-Banking to check your balance. Aunt Martha is half a country away and the long distance charges for an email to her will be in the hundreds of dollars. Your balance is low, but you keep the message down to just a few words to keep the costs down.

A pile of mail is in the corner and you dread your Verizon bill. Opening it you see the usual $200 base charge, along with TTY charges, Baseline services taxes to provide internet to families on assistance. The netuse tax has gone up again, now $73.42 for a month. The tax is needed to pay the FCC regulators. But what you really dread are the long distance charges, email in the same zip code is still free, but a per mile charge for email outside of the zip code adds up quickly.

You are tempted to log on to VZ-Chatter and post a complaint, but last time you complained about your Verizon bill you got a stern letter from an FCC guardian advising you that such complaints have no place on the internet.

On the bright side, hand written letters through postal mail have made a resurgence.
We'll have full control of the government after 2016 so we'll be able to use this, the IRS and illegal wiretaps to totally shutdown Soros's democrat party
I wrote this last year about a day in the life of net neutrality.

You wake up early, you pick up your iPhone and check your VZ-Connect page, you got 7 VZ-Likes on the cat video you posted, you would have gotten more, but an FCC censor found it objectionable and removed it. Not for the first time, you find yourself yearning for the days of Facebook. But after Verizon was named the exclusive backbone carrier by the FCC, weeks after President Obama issued the Executive Order making the internet a Title II utility. Facebook held on for awhile, but the FCC revoked their netcasting license after repeated violations of the net neutrality seditious content rules. Verizon quickly replaced Facebook with VZ-Connect, which was monitored by FCC content custodians.

You need to send Aunt Martha a thank you note for the sweater she sent you for your birthday. So you log on to VZ-Banking to check your balance. Aunt Martha is half a country away and the long distance charges for an email to her will be in the hundreds of dollars. Your balance is low, but you keep the message down to just a few words to keep the costs down.

A pile of mail is in the corner and you dread your Verizon bill. Opening it you see the usual $200 base charge, along with TTY charges, Baseline services taxes to provide internet to families on assistance. The netuse tax has gone up again, now $73.42 for a month. The tax is needed to pay the FCC regulators. But what you really dread are the long distance charges, email in the same zip code is still free, but a per mile charge for email outside of the zip code adds up quickly.

You are tempted to log on to VZ-Chatter and post a complaint, but last time you complained about your Verizon bill you got a stern letter from an FCC guardian advising you that such complaints have no place on the internet.

On the bright side, hand written letters through postal mail have made a resurgence.
Why don't you use the internet to learn how the internet works before writing anything else on the internet?
No, the OP did. That's the question he can't answer.

FCC is not "da gubmint".
And it has never censored anything. So I'm still looking for the basis of this speculation.
OK... whatever... I never knew you you were dense, or such a leftist hack, sorry.

Enjoy your apathy.

That's seven.
Yup, seven times it has been explained to you and you played ignorant.

I'm simply asking where in any of this is any indication of "censorship"; where has the FCC ever censored anything; and how is FCC -- which is a creation of Congress itself -- "circumventing" Congress?

I got no answers. All I get is
. Doesn't impress me.

The new regulations are secret. As in no one but the dems know what they say. How do you know they do not censor?

"No one but the dems know what they say"?? :confused:

First of all the FCC isn't "Dem" or "Rep" -- it's deliberately set up with staggered terms of bipartisan commissioners so that it's impossible for any administration to "stack" it. It's an independent entity.

And second, everything FCC does is subject to a public comment period first, which requires laying out the whole proposal.. There ain't no "secrets" about the process.

And thirdly, my original question was, 'when has the FCC ever censored anything?' I pose that because I already know there is no answer --which is exactly what I got: nothing. All of which is to challenge the OP on the basis for his conclusion that the FCC action means "censorship". And on that challenge, he ran away.
"No one but the dems know what they say"?? :confused:

First of all the FCC isn't "Dem" or "Rep" -- it's deliberately set up with staggered terms of bipartisan commissioners so that it's impossible for any administration to "stack" it. It's an independent entity.

And second, everything FCC does is subject to a public comment period first, which requires laying out the whole proposal.. There ain't no "secrets" about the process.

You think, huffer?

If we checked the voting records of the federal public employee union member FCC, how would it come up?


You try so hard, and fail so miserably.
Oh noes, the ISPs won't be able to jack up the prices on everyone arbitrarily now. What ever will we do?
I wrote this last year about a day in the life of net neutrality.

You wake up early, you pick up your iPhone and check your VZ-Connect page, you got 7 VZ-Likes on the cat video you posted, you would have gotten more, but an FCC censor found it objectionable and removed it. Not for the first time, you find yourself yearning for the days of Facebook. But after Verizon was named the exclusive backbone carrier by the FCC, weeks after President Obama issued the Executive Order making the internet a Title II utility. Facebook held on for awhile, but the FCC revoked their netcasting license after repeated violations of the net neutrality seditious content rules. Verizon quickly replaced Facebook with VZ-Connect, which was monitored by FCC content custodians.

You need to send Aunt Martha a thank you note for the sweater she sent you for your birthday. So you log on to VZ-Banking to check your balance. Aunt Martha is half a country away and the long distance charges for an email to her will be in the hundreds of dollars. Your balance is low, but you keep the message down to just a few words to keep the costs down.

A pile of mail is in the corner and you dread your Verizon bill. Opening it you see the usual $200 base charge, along with TTY charges, Baseline services taxes to provide internet to families on assistance. The netuse tax has gone up again, now $73.42 for a month. The tax is needed to pay the FCC regulators. But what you really dread are the long distance charges, email in the same zip code is still free, but a per mile charge for email outside of the zip code adds up quickly.

You are tempted to log on to VZ-Chatter and post a complaint, but last time you complained about your Verizon bill you got a stern letter from an FCC guardian advising you that such complaints have no place on the internet.

On the bright side, hand written letters through postal mail have made a resurgence.
Why don't you use the internet to learn how the internet works before writing anything else on the internet?
His tinfoil hat has Ethernet, and two USB 3.0 ports. He's a loon.
I said take your guns...Where's your post on that shit?
Look RETARD if you take the ammo the weapon is only useful as a club. God you are a moron or a lying piece of dog shit to stupid to breath.

Its only green tip ammo first

Second when you say by executive order you mean...not at all

snopes.com Obama to Outlaw .223 Ammunition M855 Through Executive Action

Everytimeyou mother f****** say something is happening its always different than what you say is happening
"No one but the dems know what they say"?? :confused:

First of all the FCC isn't "Dem" or "Rep" -- it's deliberately set up with staggered terms of bipartisan commissioners so that it's impossible for any administration to "stack" it. It's an independent entity.

And second, everything FCC does is subject to a public comment period first, which requires laying out the whole proposal.. There ain't no "secrets" about the process.

And thirdly, my original question was, 'when has the FCC ever censored anything?' I pose that because I already know there is no answer --which is exactly what I got: nothing. All of which is to challenge the OP on the basis for his conclusion that the FCC action means "censorship". And on that challenge, he ran away.

You think, huffer?

If we checked the voting records of the federal public employee union member FCC, how would it come up?


You try so hard, and fail so miserably.

No Pothead, not "think" -- I know. My career has been in broadcasting-- I have to know. No more than three commissioners may be from the same political party. Fact. As Casey Stengel used to say, you could look it up. Or as you like to play, you can just make it up.

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