Enter the Age of Censorship, FCC circumvents Congress to classify internet as Public Utility

If you want to know what's in the law...why not just read it?
After all, it has been in place since 1996.

There is so much bloviation on both sides of this issue.

Here's the thing. I don't know if you guys know this, but the internet has had a "net neutrality" rule in effect for something like the past 15 years. Net neutrality is not some new beast, and the world didn't end with it.

However, an appeals court struck down the last net neutrality rule, stating the FCC did not have the authority to make such a rule. The FCC makes a net neutrality rule, someone (Verizon) challenges it, the courts strike the rule down. Rinse, repeat.

So now the FCC is classifying the internet as a utility, and this will give it the authority it needs to make net neutrality rules.

However, as a regulator of a utility, this also gives the FCC a whole new range of regulatory powers over the internet far in excess of just ruling on net neutrality. This reclassification means they can now set prices, for example.

This is extreme overkill. A huge government power expansion. And the government never fails to exercise the powers it gives itself. With these new powers it has given itself over the internet, the FCC is not going to stop at net neutrality.

And now big money is going to be capturing that regulatory power.

Here's another thing. "Net neutrality" is actually a bandwidth issue. Internet Service Providers want to be able to control which web sites get faster speeds due to the current limitations in bandwidth.

Key word: current.

Technology is going to solve this problem, not the government.

And the government just grabbed a shit ton of power that far exceeds the ability to regulate "net neutrality".

So long after technology has made the net neutrality issue obsolete, the government will retain today's new powers.


Bogus, bogus, bogus.

This is hands down the best analysis of the issue I've seen yet (in a few words).
007 doesn't know what net neutrality is. He has only his talking points memo to go on.

G5000 has a good grasp on it. His prediction regarding how the government is going to fuck up the internet are a bit dramatic....but at least he knows what the fuck this is about.
As a regulator of public utilities, the federal government exercises price controls of those utilities, among many other power exercises.

And now you can add the internet to the list of public utilities.

It doesn't take a genius to connect the plausible dots.

It's a public utility. It should be. People need it to compete. It isn't a luxury. In fact.....it ought to be free like Broadcast television.

Is there anything liberals don't think should be free?
007 doesn't know what net neutrality is. He has only his talking points memo to go on.

G5000 has a good grasp on it. His prediction regarding how the government is going to fuck up the internet are a bit dramatic....but at least he knows what the fuck this is about.
As a regulator of public utilities, the federal government exercises price controls of those utilities, among many other power exercises.

And now you can add the internet to the list of public utilities.

It doesn't take a genius to connect the plausible dots.

It's a public utility. It should be. People need it to compete. It isn't a luxury. In fact.....it ought to be free like Broadcast television.

Is there anything liberals don't think should be free?

Yes. Many things. Would you like a list?

How is that appointment to the academy coming along, cadet?
It means that websites won't be held hostage to pay extra in order to compete for bandwidth.
Lonelaugher is right to compare it to network television. Did people put up a fuss 60 years ago when CBS, NBC and ABC were regulated and free? How has that worked out for you so far? Pretty good, hmmmm?

CBS, NBC and ABC became government mouthpieces, that's how it turned out, pretty good, hmmmm?
Can anyone name a public utility where they live where more than one company offers the service?


Do you think killing Net Neutrality will increase competition among ISP's?

I gave you guys all night to think about it.

Can anyone name a public utility where they live where more than one company offers the service?

Didn't think so.

So what do you think the outcome of making internet service a public utility will ultimately be?

"Enter the Age of Censorship, FCC circumvents Congress to classify internet as Public Utility"

Actually we're well into the age of conservative ignorance and lies.

Actually, the liar is you Saul, and your fellow leftist Sycophants. By placing the Internet under Title II of the 1934 telecommunications act, away from the Clinton telecommunications act of 1996 - the FCC has the authority to regulate the speeds of the internet AND THE CONTENT.

If you are a lawyer - you know this but have chosen to lie.
Can anyone name a public utility where they live where more than one company offers the service?


Do you think killing Net Neutrality will increase competition among ISP's?

As I said, "net neutrality" is a technological problem that will be solved by technology, not government.

However, making something into a public utility has resulted in a government-sanctioned monopoly. Every time.
Do you think killing Net Neutrality will increase competition among ISP's?


I know that there are over 50 ISP's in my area now - and the under Title II, the FCC will designate a single monopoly as they did with AT&T for telephones. So allowing the internet to be ruled by the FCC under the 1934 act will crush all competition.
Is there no aspect of their lives that progressives will not willingly turn over to government control? Where are all the liberals on this? 30 years ago they'd be screaming bloody murder.. and rightfully so.
Do you think killing Net Neutrality will increase competition among ISP's?


I know that there are over 50 ISP's in my area now - and the under Title II, the FCC will designate a single monopoly as they did with AT&T for telephones. So allowing the internet to be ruled by the FCC under the 1934 act will crush all competition.

There is no competition now. You're kidding yourself if you think you have any sort of "choice".
You realize its the poor and middle class who are going to pay for neutrality right, the left screws over the poor and middle class again shocker. /sarcasm
And how does this relate to "censorship" then? When has FCC censored anything?


Better question, when HASN'T the FCC been involved in censorship? Pogo is a good name for you...you've seen the enemy and it's you.
Its only green tip ammo first

Second when you say by executive order you mean...not at all

snopes.com Obama to Outlaw .223 Ammunition M855 Through Executive Action

Everytimeyou mother f****** say something is happening its always different than what you say is happening

Snopes lying for Obama? :eek:

Say it ain't so...

{The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives this month revealed that it is proposing to put the ban on 5.56 mm ammo on a fast track, immediately driving up the price of the bullets and prompting retailers, including the huge outdoors company Cabela's, to urge sportsmen to urge Congress to stop the president.}

Obama to ban bullets by executive action threatens top-selling AR-15 rifle WashingtonExaminer.com

We expect you to be fucking liar - because that's just what you are. But Snopes is supposed to provide facts

As the authors of LEOPA realized, however, most common rifle ammunition created for legitimate purposes can penetrate soft body armor, and some rifle bullets can be loaded into ammunition for handguns. Congress therefore incorporated a “sporting purposes” exemption into the "AP" ammo ban to protect ordinary rifle ammunition from being swept up in the ban. Since LEOPA’s enactment in 1986, that scheme has generally worked as intended.

We saw disturbing signs that was changing last year, however, when BATFE abruptly declared that popular 7N6 rifle ammunition was subject to the AP ammo ban. At the time, questions arose as to why 7N6 was considered "AP" ammo, when the equally popular M855 rifle cartridge had long been subject to a "sporting purposes" exemption. Many wondered if BATFE would ever explain its approach to determining what projectiles are, in its opinion, "primarily suitable for sporting purposes." }

NRA-ILA Your Action Urgently Needed to Prevent BATFE from Banning Common Rifle Ammunition

Snopes is nothing more than another leftist liar site.
The only mention of Executive Action is in the title. Sorry buddy....you want something to be there that isnt

"The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives this month revealed that it is proposing to put the ban on 5.56 mm ammo on a fast track, immediately driving up the price of the bullets and prompting retailers, including the huge outdoors company Cabela's, to urge sportsmen to urge Congress to stop the president."

Thats not Executive Action...Sorry you didnt read your own link.

Maybe you have something that shows what Executive Action he issued or will issue. You dont tho...because you cant find one. Must be a liberal conspiracy
You realize its the poor and middle class who are going to pay for neutrality right, the left screws over the poor and middle class again shocker. /sarcasm

You realize you have no grasp whatsoever of this topic, right?

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