Entitlement problem

If you disagree with that then TELL ME WHY the Bush admin held back these rules for 8 years?
see NO ONE can ever answer that question.

WHAT was the logic of holding these regulations back for 8 years?\

Exactly what I said they were.

there is no other answer to the question
Tax revenue is a necessary evil to run the country effectively. Time has resulted into a bigger governement with more revenue needed to run it.

How about making the government smaller? Oh...I'm sorry...that makes too much sense. *chuckle* My bad!

Entitlements did not cause the 2008 financial crisis that led to the recession. The 2008 financial crisis caused by Bush’s spending an inherited $5.6 trillion surplus, borrowing, two wars, tax cuts for the rich, Medicare drug program and jobs leaving the country caused entitlement programs to grow. Leaving office with a $11 plus trillion debt. This cause people to flood entitlement programs that 15 million unemployed were not replenishing fast enough. Reminder; cause by the Bush administration, supported by a GOP congress.

During the depression soup lines and poor farms were created and cutting these programs that was created by the depression would not have got us out of the depression. Neither will cutting entitlements now. Government spending, putting people back to work creating revenue got us out of the depression and it will get us out of the recession. The New Deal presented by Franklin D. Roosevelt helped give Americans jobs. WPA. We could always start another world war and sell supplies to our allies to fight the war that help get us out of the depression?

Obama need to get off his ass and put money in infrastructure building and rebuilding and get us the hell out of this recession and get people off entitlements. Reminder; caused by the Bush administration, supported by a GOP congress.

Most of Obama’s $5 trillion spending since the took office has been to fix what Bush broke during this 8 year reign of terror.

Entitlement spending did not get us into the recession and cutting entitlement spending will not get us out of the recession.

Remember; who cause government entitlement programs to grow in the first place?

Mr. Bush’s Improbable Budget


5.6T Surplus???????!!!???? You seriously think or believe that?? We have not had even a $1 surplus SINCE 1957

Idiot troll

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