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Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. Entrepreneur: a person who starts a business and is willing to risk loss in order to make money; one who organizes, manages, and assumes the risks of a business or enterprise Entrepreneur - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

2. "Here's to the crazy ones, the misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers, the round pegs in the square holes... the ones who see things differently -- they're not fond of rules... You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them, but the only thing you can't do is ignore them because they change things... they push the human race forward, and while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius, because the ones who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world, are the ones who do."
Walter Isaacson, "Steve Jobs," p. 329

3. Often, we hear the phrase "income distribution." First, there is the implicit assumption that wealth is collective, and hence must be divided up in order to be dispensed, followed by the assumption that this division currently has no principle involved but 'just happens,' …

In reality, most income is not distributed, so the fashionable metaphor of 'income distribution' is misleading. Most income is earned by the production of goods and services, and how much that production is 'really' worth is a question that need not be left for third parties to determine, since those who directly receive the benefits of that production know better than anyone else how much that production is worth to them - and have the most incentives to seek alternative ways of getting that production as inexpensively as possible.
Sowell, “Economic Facts and Fallacies,” p. 150.

4. One of the founding myths of the religion of Liberalism is that of “social justice.” As Thomas Sowell points out (in “Intellectuals and Society,”) the Left believes that wealth should be “shared,” ignoring the fact that by way of capitalism, it is shared in the most efficient manner, through trade.

Conveniently unasked, is ‘where did wealth come from?’ Pointedly, it did not come from heaven, like manna, and spread evenly on the ground! No, it was created by individual expenditure of effort, and by individual willingness to take risk!

‘Social justice’ thesis requires a belief that wealth-manna simply falls equally on all, and if anyone has more than another, it must have been stolen, gotten by cheating- the possessor of ‘more’ must be a thief! To the Left, in spite of one hundred and fifty years of the most extensive and tragic disprovals of Marxism, the possession of property = proof of theft!
Mamet, “The Secret Knowledge.”

a. Money is merely the most efficient way of keeping track of the production of individuals, of their work, and the capacity of that work to benefit their fellows. Government, which doesn’t produce this product, can do little with it but waste it: it cannot allocate it with greater justice than the Free Market. It should provide only those services that the Free Market was incapable of providing, such as the roads, the judiciary, streetlights, Legislature, and the common defense.

5. Yet, from the earliest of Progressive administrations, we find the belief that government bureaucrats, and technocrats, and agencies know better than those involved in the myriad voluntary transactions as to how much each should have.

The most fallacious assumption of all is that third parties with neither experience nor expertise can make better decisions “ based on a belief that the wealth of a nation should simply be ‘spread around.’

6. A great deal of the rhetoric surrounding variations in income proceeds as if ‘society’ is collectively deciding how much to hand out to different individuals. If one accepts this fallacy, the "You Didn't Build That" fallacy, well, then….if society distributes income, it should do so in a different way, one that would be more 'desirable.'

Let’s think about that. It would mean going from an economic system in which most people are paid by those individuals who benefit from their goods and services, determining rates of compensation based on supply and demand, to an economy in which incomes are determined by third-party decision makers who determine what everyone “deserves.”

What kind of lame-brain would vote for that????

A good part of the country is brainwashed by TV. It can be traced back to the Nixon Kennedy debate in 1960 when radio audience thought Nixon won. The TV audiences thought JFK won, he was handsome and Nixon had a shiny forehead from sweat due to lighting and not knowing anything about TV.

If a Republican is in office we hear non stop how bad the economy is, when a Democrat is in office, no matter how bad it is all we hear is how good it's going to get.
The business person can't afford the luxury of putting money on the table based on ideology or rhetoric.

As a businessman of 27 plus years I realize that how business goes, so goes the economy. Hurt business and you hurt the economy. And visa versa. It's surprising how few people really understand that simple concept but I suppose it comes from the acceptance that economies exist by way of government action and management.
A good part of the country is brainwashed by TV. It can be traced back to the Nixon Kennedy debate in 1960 when radio audience thought Nixon won. The TV audiences thought JFK won, he was handsome and Nixon had a shiny forehead from sweat due to lighting and not knowing anything about TV.

If a Republican is in office we hear non stop how bad the economy is, when a Democrat is in office, no matter how bad it is all we hear is how good it's going to get.
The business person can't afford the luxury of putting money on the table based on ideology or rhetoric.

As a businessman of 27 plus years I realize that how business goes, so goes the economy. Hurt business and you hurt the economy. And visa versa. It's surprising how few people really understand that simple concept but I suppose it comes from the acceptance that economies exist by way of government action and management.

I take it you've read Marshall McLuhan, 'The Medium Is The Message," Icey.

Of course you are correct about the double standard....

"....economies exist by way of government action and management."

If that were true, the community organizer might have less of a failed economy.
7. " How about the criticism that businesses are just in it for money and profits? That's supposed to be an anti-business slam but upon simple examination, it reflects gross stupidity .... Putting Wal-Mart's revenues in perspective, they exceed the 2009 GDP of all but 18 of the world's 181 countries.

Why is Wal-Mart so successful? Millions of people voluntarily enter their stores and part with their money in exchange for Wal-Mart's products and services. In order for that to happen, Wal-Mart and millions of other profit motivated businesses must please people.

a. Compare our level of satisfaction with the services of those "in it just for the money and profits" to those in it to serve the public as opposed to earning profits. A major non-profit service provider is the public education establishment that delivers primary and secondary education at nearly a trillion-dollar annual cost. Public education is a major source of complaints about poor services that in many cases constitute nothing less than gross fraud.

If Wal-Mart, or any of the millions of producers who are in it for money and profits, were to deliver the same low-quality services, they would be out of business,...." Economic Myths, Fallacies and Stupidity by Walter E. Williams on Creators.com - A Syndicate Of Talent
8. To be clear, the following are not examples of entrepreneurs:

"The U. S. Postal Service, state motor vehicle departments and other government agencies also have the taxing power of government to get money and therefore are less diligent about pleasing customers. You can bet the rent money that if Wal-Mart and other businesses had the power to take our money by force, they would be less interested and willing to please us.

The big difference between entities that serve us well and those who do not lies in what motivates them.... Government-owned nonprofit entities are immune to the ruthless market discipline of being forced to please customers. The same can be said of businesses that receive government subsidies."
Economic Myths, Fallacies and Stupidity by Walter E. Williams on Creators.com - A Syndicate Of Talent

The upshot? Government is less than up to the task of competing in the private economy.
9. There is a clear distinction between those who impose their wishes by force, and those who get their way by giving us what we want. The latter are called entrepreneurs.

An example of the former, the less reputable, was revealed in Obama's first inaugural address.

In it, he spoke of government control of three segments of our society and our economy: education, healthcare, and energy production. How successful was/is he?

a. Government now controls loans to students.

b. ObamaCare

c. Government subsidizes alternative energy, limits drilling in the Gulf, and has halted the Keystone pipeline.

Compare the Steve Jobs quote in the OP to the 'You didn't build that' of Barack Obama, to see which, throughout American history, has led to achievement and progress.

And, while you're at it, see which reflects the views of the Founders with respect to the rights of the individual versus that of the collective.

"The failure of most of the Western economy to bounce back from the severe recession of 2008-2010 with traditional levels of job creation, despite completely unprecedented debt-issuances and money supply increases in the United States, shows again....."
This Anemic Recovery

.....guess what it shows.
I am not sure what this thread is even about. There are two basic types of entrepreneurs--those that replicate others (i.e. reinventers of the wheel) or those that create a unique good or service.
I am not sure what this thread is even about. There are two basic types of entrepreneurs--those that replicate others (i.e. reinventers of the wheel) or those that create a unique good or service.

Difficult to believe that you couldn't understand the posts.

Seems more likely that you didn't bother to read them.

In any case, this may not be a topic that interests you.
I am not sure what this thread is even about. There are two basic types of entrepreneurs--those that replicate others (i.e. reinventers of the wheel) or those that create a unique good or service.

Difficult to believe that you couldn't understand the posts.

Seems more likely that you didn't bother to read them.

In any case, this may not be a topic that interests you.

Oh I glanced them over. Some of them are glaringly wrong. For instance the US Postal Service 1) is not a part of the government 2) has no taxing power and 3) has as part of its set up, franchise post office that appear to be USPS stations, but are, in fact, owned by entrepreneurs.

None of that, however, changes that most of what you have posted seems to have little to do with entrepreneurship and more to do with you just having some stream of consciousness rant-a-thon.
I am not sure what this thread is even about. There are two basic types of entrepreneurs--those that replicate others (i.e. reinventers of the wheel) or those that create a unique good or service.

Difficult to believe that you couldn't understand the posts.

Seems more likely that you didn't bother to read them.

In any case, this may not be a topic that interests you.

Oh I glanced them over. Some of them are glaringly wrong. For instance the US Postal Service 1) is not a part of the government 2) has no taxing power and 3) has as part of its set up, franchise post office that appear to be USPS stations, but are, in fact, owned by entrepreneurs.

None of that, however, changes that most of what you have posted seems to have little to do with entrepreneurship and more to do with you just having some stream of consciousness rant-a-thon.

1. Some of us are able to accomplish the sort of comprehension required by glancing.
Seems you aren't one of those.

2. In 1971, the “Post Office Department” was turned into a quasi-governmental corporation, the US Postal Service, which has a federally mandated monopoly on regular mail delivery. The majority of the USPS board are presidential appointees.

There are no government appropriations, and a ‘Postal Rate Commission’ that determines rates. In the ‘70’s the USPS tried to close 12,000 underperforming or underutilized post offices, but politicians amended the Postal Reorganization Act to prohibit the closings. In ’77 the same thing happened when the USPS tried to suspend Saturday delivery. The result lost $2.8 billion in ’08 and expects to lose another $3 to $6 billion in 2009.Who will ultimately be responsible for paying these debts? The taxpayer. Such is it when government masquerades as free market entities.
http://jcrw.us/system/files/ruth/pdf/Glen Beck Arguing with Idiots.pdf

In trying to appear knowledgeable re: the post office, you should have known that...shouldn't you.
I am an entrepreneur. What do you want to know?

If you felt that the thread was posing a question that you would be equipped to answer....

...that strange conclusion would certainly obviate asking you anything.

Say what? If you don't use numbers in front of your sentences, I can't understand you. Everything must be written in outline form if you are to have an impact here.
I am an entrepreneur. What do you want to know?

If you felt that the thread was posing a question that you would be equipped to answer....

...that strange conclusion would certainly obviate asking you anything.

Say what? If you don't use numbers in front of your sentences, I can't understand you. Everything must be written in outline form if you are to have an impact here.

OK ... I don't believe you're stupid but since you're gonna play it that way I'll sum this thread up for you (in outline form):

10.1 - Socialism is an inefficient economic system which invariably sucks the life out of those who suffer it. It requires the confiscation of private wealth and property by gov't fiat.

10.2 - Capitalism - despite its flaws and excesses - is the most efficient economic system know to man.
If you felt that the thread was posing a question that you would be equipped to answer....

...that strange conclusion would certainly obviate asking you anything.

Say what? If you don't use numbers in front of your sentences, I can't understand you. Everything must be written in outline form if you are to have an impact here.

OK ... I don't believe you're stupid but since you're gonna play it that way I'll sum this thread up for you (in outline form):

10.1 - Socialism is an inefficient economic system which invariably sucks the life out of those who suffer it. It requires the confiscation of private wealth and property by gov't fiat.

10.2 - Capitalism - despite its flaws and excesses - is the most efficient economic system know to man.

Cool. I am a capitalist. Are we simpatico?

Now....why must you summarize for the OP? Is she a bit wordy?
I am an entrepreneur. What do you want to know?

If you felt that the thread was posing a question that you would be equipped to answer....

...that strange conclusion would certainly obviate asking you anything.

Say what? If you don't use numbers in front of your sentences, I can't understand you. Everything must be written in outline form if you are to have an impact here.

"If you don't use numbers in front of your sentences, I can't understand you."

"Understanding" has never been your strong suit....isn't that why you left school and joined the circus?
If you felt that the thread was posing a question that you would be equipped to answer....

...that strange conclusion would certainly obviate asking you anything.

Say what? If you don't use numbers in front of your sentences, I can't understand you. Everything must be written in outline form if you are to have an impact here.

"If you don't use numbers in front of your sentences, I can't understand you."

"Understanding" has never been your strong suit....isn't that why you left school and joined the circus?

1. Wha......er......ha. HA HA.......Hhaaaa!
2. Ha ha ha....he he...ha HA HA!
3. Damn! Yiu is so funny! You tear thus place up!
Say what? If you don't use numbers in front of your sentences, I can't understand you. Everything must be written in outline form if you are to have an impact here.

"If you don't use numbers in front of your sentences, I can't understand you."

"Understanding" has never been your strong suit....isn't that why you left school and joined the circus?

1. Wha......er......ha. HA HA.......Hhaaaa!
2. Ha ha ha....he he...ha HA HA!
3. Damn! Yiu is so funny! You tear thus place up!

I can hardly take full credit....

...after all, when you are the subject, how can it not be funny.

And, no.... I'm not rude...I just say what everybody else is thinking.
"If you don't use numbers in front of your sentences, I can't understand you."

"Understanding" has never been your strong suit....isn't that why you left school and joined the circus?

1. Wha......er......ha. HA HA.......Hhaaaa!
2. Ha ha ha....he he...ha HA HA!
3. Damn! Yiu is so funny! You tear thus place up!

I can hardly take full credit....

...after all, when you are the subject, how can it not be funny.

And, no.... I'm not rude...I just say what everybody else is thinking.

You do? That is an impressive talent. Is it necessary for one to become an intolerable narcissist in order to master it?
1. Wha......er......ha. HA HA.......Hhaaaa!
2. Ha ha ha....he he...ha HA HA!
3. Damn! Yiu is so funny! You tear thus place up!

I can hardly take full credit....

...after all, when you are the subject, how can it not be funny.

And, no.... I'm not rude...I just say what everybody else is thinking.

You do? That is an impressive talent. Is it necessary for one to become an intolerable narcissist in order to master it?

" intolerable" is in the eye of the beholder.....and you being the 'human piñata' I can see why that would be your view.

So sorry, but I must have my guilty pleasures.

Don't blame me... I was born awesome.

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