Environmentalists outraged after ‘green’ wind turbines murder family of whales

Fishing nets can be made to be safer for whales, or other methods can be used.
Yeah, but they won't be. Congratulations.

They already have been.

Yeah, by "enviro-weenies." But they are not used because enough people don't give a fuck. Like yourself, who obviously don't give a fuck, or you wouldn't be toe-ing the party line.

I work in Wastewater Treatment Engineering and have probably done more to help the environment then you ever have or will in the future.
And you go right to the conspiracy theory crap. If someone came up with a way to store the energy from solar and wind to compete with base load fossil/nuke/hydro/geo plants, they would spread much quicker.

It's spreading pretty quick, retard. Despite the efforts of you and countless "crony assholes" hoping to keep lining their pockets.
Fishing nets can be made to be safer for whales, or other methods can be used.
Yeah, but they won't be. Congratulations.

They already have been.

Yeah, by "enviro-weenies." But they are not used because enough people don't give a fuck. Like yourself, who obviously don't give a fuck, or you wouldn't be toe-ing the party line.

I work in Wastewater Treatment Engineering and have probably done more to help the environment then you ever have or will in the future.
Good for you. Glad you and whoever you work for were forced to do it.
He's been in the department since Dubya. Conveniently became Director the day Trump was inaugurated. And harming whales, something that you falsely claim to care about, was one of his first acts. With Trump's approval.

Yea and Trump didn't name a new one .. We know how much you want to pin it on Trump..

So post the link Trump approved it?

Of all the evil shit Trump is doing, you think THIS is what I want to pin on him? Just admit you don't give a fuck about whales, and only about opposing new energy technology, and I'll be on my way.

Evil shit?

Again prove that Trump personally approved it, that's your claim


She is trying to make this political

so sad

she cares not for animal life at all
3 whales killed maybe by a wind turbine, versus hundreds of thousands killed by fishing nets every year. You are pathetic, as the OP was entirely political in nature because none of you rubes actually give a damn.

you are boring...I can say much worse but I will keep it civil

He's been in the department since Dubya. Conveniently became Director the day Trump was inaugurated. And harming whales, something that you falsely claim to care about, was one of his first acts. With Trump's approval.

Yea and Trump didn't name a new one .. We know how much you want to pin it on Trump..

So post the link Trump approved it?

Of all the evil shit Trump is doing, you think THIS is what I want to pin on him? Just admit you don't give a fuck about whales, and only about opposing new energy technology, and I'll be on my way.

Evil shit?

Again prove that Trump personally approved it, that's your claim


She is trying to make this political

so sad

she cares not for animal life at all
3 whales killed maybe by a wind turbine, versus hundreds of thousands killed by fishing nets every year. You are pathetic, as the OP was entirely political in nature because none of you rubes actually give a damn.

Once again read the article it, they said the Law was not needed...still no.proof that Trump signed off on it ?

And you go right to the conspiracy theory crap. If someone came up with a way to store the energy from solar and wind to compete with base load fossil/nuke/hydro/geo plants, they would spread much quicker.

It's spreading pretty quick, retard. Despite the efforts of you and countless "crony assholes" hoping to keep lining their pockets.

Wait? I can line my pockets? Where do I sign up!!!!
Fishing nets can be made to be safer for whales, or other methods can be used.
Yeah, but they won't be. Congratulations.

They already have been.

Yeah, by "enviro-weenies." But they are not used because enough people don't give a fuck. Like yourself, who obviously don't give a fuck, or you wouldn't be toe-ing the party line.

I work in Wastewater Treatment Engineering and have probably done more to help the environment then you ever have or will in the future.
Good for you. Glad you and whoever you work for were forced to do it.

Forced? How was I forced? The Regulator sets standards, and we work towards the standards.

Would you support sonic standards for wind turbines in water settings?
Don't act like you care about whales, rubes. Some people are trying to do good and encountering obstacles, while you rubes are hellbent on doing evil.

Trump administration throws out new protection for endangered whales

It just points out the pure idiocy of you "something for nothing" morons. You get in your head that wind and solar are "free" and "clean" but reality tells us that nothing is free or 100% clean.

Yeah let's stop creating and searching for new technology. :rolleyes:


Who said stop creating and searching for new technology,? Again electric cars and wind Mills are ancient technology.

Yeah, but they won't be. Congratulations.

They already have been.

Yeah, by "enviro-weenies." But they are not used because enough people don't give a fuck. Like yourself, who obviously don't give a fuck, or you wouldn't be toe-ing the party line.

I work in Wastewater Treatment Engineering and have probably done more to help the environment then you ever have or will in the future.
Good for you. Glad you and whoever you work for were forced to do it.

Forced? How was I forced? The Regulator sets standards, and we work towards the standards.

Would you support sonic standards for wind turbines in water settings?
The Regulator sets standards? So does the government.
you are boring...I can say much worse but I will keep it civil
Truth is you don't give a fuck. You can run along now.

Truth? What does someone like you know about the truth? The only thing I have seen from you for this entire thread is a very piss poor attempt to apologize for the wind industry and the statement that "just" 3 whales are dead so it is no big deal.

I haven't gone back to look but I suppose that you apologize for the massive killing of raptors, migratory birds, and bats by land based wind farms as well. How much killing must the be responsible for before you speak out against them? Or is there any amount of killing that could prompt you to speak out against them?

It is pretty clear that you haven't bothered to look at the facts regarding wind and solar. People like you simply fall in line with folks that agree with your politics and you turn your head to the atrocities they commit. The 2017 REN21 report was recently released and it had some news that wasn't very surprising to us skeptics and I am sure is mostly unknown to you envirowackos. By the way, REN21 is the Global Renewables Status Report.

It tells us that since 2006 nearly 2.6 TRILLION has been funneled into government mandated renewables programs. And what have we got for all that money that could have been put to use addressing actual environmental problems? For all that money, we have bought an energy system that still doesn't produce as much energy as is produced with traditional renewables. And what are traditional renewables...twigs, leaves, and dung.

Wind and solar are providing barely 1% of the world's energy and killing wildlife at a rate that is simply staggering...in addition to the fact that it is a blight on the scenery wherever it is installed.

If wind and solar provided 75% of the earth's energy needs, then perhaps you might have an argument, albeit a weak one that killing off some wildlife was justified...and it is true that the fossil fuel industry is responsible for wildlife deaths...but they do pay extravagant fines for the wildlife they kill...and they do provide the fuel for 75% of the world's energy needs and they haven't been given a dime in subsidy money in decades.....while wind and solar have been given more than two and a half trillion dollars of our tax money...they are an eyesore....they kill wildlife at a staggering rate and they produce less energy than is provided by indigenous peoples during sticks, leaves and dung for their energy needs.

Lets hear your apology for that state of affairs...and once more...is there any amount of death caused by wind and solar that would cause you to step up and speak out against them?
They already have been.

Yeah, by "enviro-weenies." But they are not used because enough people don't give a fuck. Like yourself, who obviously don't give a fuck, or you wouldn't be toe-ing the party line.

I work in Wastewater Treatment Engineering and have probably done more to help the environment then you ever have or will in the future.
Good for you. Glad you and whoever you work for were forced to do it.

Forced? How was I forced? The Regulator sets standards, and we work towards the standards.

Would you support sonic standards for wind turbines in water settings?
The Regulator sets standards? So does the government.

Have I ever said government cannot set regulations? The issue is when the regulations are less about keeping people honest and more about shutting down certain industries and practices. Also, when you have more lawyers writing up regulations than engineers and scientists you get to the point where the goal is pushing paper and not trying to keep people within certain boundaries.

The only thing worse than lawyers being the prime force in regulations regarding science/engineering topics is people with those half-assed "policy" degrees, which are weak on science, and heavy on political dogma.
Ah, that was some fine woo.That is, feelgood squishy "science", the claim that wind farms kill whales. If you read closer, you find there's no actual evidence backing up that claim. You've got one dude saying "I feel it must be true", and another story about how sonar bothers whales, an unrelated topic.

Therefore, the denier have fallen for it hard, the same way they fall for every other scam.
Ah, that was some fine woo.That is, feelgood squishy "science", the claim that wind farms kill whales. If you read closer, you find there's no actual evidence backing up that claim. You've got one dude saying "I feel it must be true", and another story about how sonar bothers whales, an unrelated topic.

Therefore, the denier have fallen for it hard, the same way they fall for every other scam.

Interesting how you don't buy this story because there isn't any actual proof of what killed the whales while at the same time, you are a screaming idiot for the man made global warming scam even though there isn't the first piece of observed, measured, quantified evidence that supports AGW over natural variability. Check your hem line old lady...your politics are showing.

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