EPA Ignores Science to Propose Most Expensive Regulation in History

false I need prove nothing to your illiterate ass.
it said mesothelioma

Mesothelioma (or, more precisely, malignant mesothelioma) is a rare form of cancer that develops from cells of the mesothelium, the protective lining that covers many of the internal organs of the body. Mesothelioma is most commonly caused by exposure to asbestos.[1] The most common anatomical site for mesothelioma is the pleura (the outer lining of the lungs and internal chest wall), but it can also arise in the peritoneum (the lining of the abdominal cavity), the pericardium (the sac that surrounds the heart),[2] or the tunica vaginalis (a sac that surrounds the testis).[3]

by definition it's air pollution.

In other words, not air pollution.

Thanks for verifying the fact.
false, indoor air pollution hey simpleton air is both indoors and out doors pollutants are indoors and outdoors in the air.
that makes it air pollution open space or in closed space is irrelevant

EPA regulations aren't designed to control indoor air pollution, numskull. That's the domain of OSHA

Who do you think you're fooling with these lame-assed weasels?
never said the epa regulations were .
doesn't change the fact it's air pollution
epic fail.

I know what your beef is..

You just mad when your husband farts under the covers....

What else could it be?:eek:
Oh no not the you're a homo ploy!
Both false and unoriginal.
In other words, not air pollution.

Thanks for verifying the fact.
false, indoor air pollution hey simpleton air is both indoors and out doors pollutants are indoors and outdoors in the air.
that makes it air pollution open space or in closed space is irrelevant

EPA regulations aren't designed to control indoor air pollution, numskull. That's the domain of OSHA

Who do you think you're fooling with these lame-assed weasels?
never said the epa regulations were .
doesn't change the fact it's air pollution
epic fail.

I know what your beef is..

You just mad when your husband farts under the covers....

What else could it be?:eek:
Oh no not the you're a homo ploy!
Both false and unoriginal.

I bet you you are tigger.....a dumb ass

You write like him....
false, indoor air pollution hey simpleton air is both indoors and out doors pollutants are indoors and outdoors in the air.
that makes it air pollution open space or in closed space is irrelevant

EPA regulations aren't designed to control indoor air pollution, numskull. That's the domain of OSHA

Who do you think you're fooling with these lame-assed weasels?
never said the epa regulations were .
doesn't change the fact it's air pollution
epic fail.

I know what your beef is..

You just mad when your husband farts under the covers....

What else could it be?:eek:
Oh no not the you're a homo ploy!
Both false and unoriginal.

I bet you you are tigger.....a dumb ass

You write like him....
no but you are ignorant ..
We might be able to restore balance if people like you would learn how to properly punctuate and separate sentences.
Ohhhh no the punctuation nazi ploy again.
Best you've got?
Nothing Nazi about it, you dim wit. As far as the 'best I've got' goes, I save that for replies to intelligent posters. Never fear, I'll not likely have to use it on you....ever.
really if I'm such a dim wit why bother answering or commenting at all. ?
My mother taught me to be kind to dumb animals and to help stupid humans improve themselves.
Since I'm neither I don't need or want your "kindness"
Define improvement.
Since you are the latter, it is understandable that you consider yourself to be neither. A great improvement for you would be sign up for, attend and absorb the lessons available in a professionally administered course in WRITTEN ENGLISH.
Ohhhh no the punctuation nazi ploy again.
Best you've got?
Nothing Nazi about it, you dim wit. As far as the 'best I've got' goes, I save that for replies to intelligent posters. Never fear, I'll not likely have to use it on you....ever.
really if I'm such a dim wit why bother answering or commenting at all. ?
My mother taught me to be kind to dumb animals and to help stupid humans improve themselves.
Since I'm neither I don't need or want your "kindness"
Define improvement.
Since you are the latter, it is understandable that you consider yourself to be neither. A great improvement for you would be sign up for, attend and absorb the lessons available in a professionally administered course in WRITTEN ENGLISH.
You just had to say something.
Nothing Nazi about it, you dim wit. As far as the 'best I've got' goes, I save that for replies to intelligent posters. Never fear, I'll not likely have to use it on you....ever.
really if I'm such a dim wit why bother answering or commenting at all. ?
My mother taught me to be kind to dumb animals and to help stupid humans improve themselves.
Since I'm neither I don't need or want your "kindness"
Define improvement.
Since you are the latter, it is understandable that you consider yourself to be neither. A great improvement for you would be sign up for, attend and absorb the lessons available in a professionally administered course in WRITTEN ENGLISH.
You just had to say something.
I generally reply to questions or requests to define terms. You requested that I "define improvement". I replied with a specific improvement, tailored to fit you. Goodbye!:asshole::badgrin::banana::biggrin:
really if I'm such a dim wit why bother answering or commenting at all. ?
My mother taught me to be kind to dumb animals and to help stupid humans improve themselves.
Since I'm neither I don't need or want your "kindness"
Define improvement.
Since you are the latter, it is understandable that you consider yourself to be neither. A great improvement for you would be sign up for, attend and absorb the lessons available in a professionally administered course in WRITTEN ENGLISH.
You just had to say something.
I generally reply to questions or requests to define terms. You requested that I "define improvement". I replied with a specific improvement, tailored to fit you. Goodbye!:asshole::badgrin::banana::biggrin:
You assumed it would fit me .
The author/tailor should be shot

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