Epic Smack Down Of Megyn Kelly By Newt Gingrich

Maddow is beating her in the ratings and once the election is over and her contract is up I hope one of two things happen.

1. Hannity gets moved into her time slot
2. She goes to another propaganda network that is more in line with her views.

I cannot handle talking heads/comentators that call themselves journalists when everyone and their mother knows its BS. Shit just come out and say you don't like Trump, you'll never vote for him, and carry on. I can respect that. Do what Hannity has done. He makes no bones about it, he likes and is supporting Trump. He doesn't claim to be anything other than what he is....a commentator.
Personal attacks and diversion are such an integral part of the liberal playbook that they can't even recognize it anymore.
I Totally agree... it was pretty sick when the liberals went after Little Marco, low energy Jeb, Ted Cruzes dad and wife, crooked Hillary on her deathbed, calling McCain a non hero because he got caught, Megyn Kelly's bleeding, a handicap reporters manurisims, or insulting a gold star mother for not speaking at the DNC... those libs are pretty childish and petty with those personal attacks
Maddow is beating her in the ratings and once the election is over and her contract is up I hope one of two things happen.

1. Hannity gets moved into her time slot
2. She goes to another propaganda network that is more in line with her views.

I cannot handle talking heads/comentators that call themselves journalists when everyone and their mother knows its BS. Shit just come out and say you don't like Trump, you'll never vote for him, and carry on. I can respect that. Do what Hannity has done. He makes no bones about it, he likes and is supporting Trump. He doesn't claim to be anything other than what he is....a commentator.
How ironic.
She's a partisan hack, and a mole besides.
Prove it. She goes after Hillary just as hard... she did last night right after the Newt interview. She was way more aggressive, about the email controversy than she was when talking about Trump. How do you explain that?
She does indeed go after Crooked Hillary from time to time, but usually there is a "great to see you" Crooked Hillary supporter as a guest to spew democrat talking points and she usually quietly agrees with the democrat operatives. Rush just pointed out how odd it was for CNN to present the video clip as news. It is free advertising for the apparent transgender Megyn who has morphed into a Morning Joe side kick lookalike. She has tried to develop a personality, but it is as repulsive as Rachel "Blinky" Maddow's so indeed it would not be surprising for Megyn to join MSNBC or CNN.
She's a partisan hack, and a mole besides.
Prove it. She goes after Hillary just as hard... she did last night right after the Newt interview. She was way more aggressive, about the email controversy than she was when talking about Trump. How do you explain that?

That interview with Newt proves it.

I don't mess with trying to "prove" reality to people who refuse to acknowledge it. If you reject reality, no amount of "proof" will bring acknowledgement from you.
This is fantastic. FINALLY somebody put that partisan bitch in her place. Newt, you ARE the man!

And Trump won all 3 debates

And is winning in the Polls

And has the endorsement of "almost everyone"

And was against the War in Iraq
Trump smacks down and disrespects Lady Liberty
She's a partisan hack, and a mole besides.
Prove it. She goes after Hillary just as hard... she did last night right after the Newt interview. She was way more aggressive, about the email controversy than she was when talking about Trump. How do you explain that?

That interview with Newt proves it.

I don't mess with trying to "prove" reality to people who refuse to acknowledge it. If you reject reality, no amount of "proof" will bring acknowledgement from you.
You completely ignored my comment about the next segment she had that discussed Hillary's emails to Obama. Care to explain her hostility towards Hillary?
And Trump won all 3 debates

And is winning in the Polls

And has the endorsement of "almost everyone"

And was against the War in Iraq
Donald Trump criticized Obama in 2011 for not getting out of Iraq sooner
Source: CNN

Donald Trump has repeatedly blamed Hillary Clinton and President Barack Obama for withdrawing US troops from Iraq in 2011, saying at the final presidential debate that the decision created a power vacuum that allowed ISIS to flourish.

But as late as August 2011, Trump took issue with Obama for not withdrawing troops quickly enough. In an interview with CNBC reviewed by CNN's KFile, Trump was asked why he called Obama "incompetent" over his handling of the drawdown in Iraq and Afghanistan.

"Well, I think he could have gotten out a long time ago," Trump said. "These wars are a disaster. Iraq is going to be taken over by Iran the minute we leave. They're going to take the second largest oil reserves in the world — which by the way we should have taken. So, Iran is already 100% as sure you're sitting there Iran will go as soon as we leave and they take over Iraq and those oil reserves."

Trump also said China would take Afghanistan's mineral reserves once US troops left.

Read more: Donald Trump criticized Obama in 2011 for not getting out of Iraq sooner - CNNPolitics.com
She does indeed go after Crooked Hillary from time to time, but usually there is a "great to see you" Crooked Hillary supporter as a guest to spew democrat talking points and she usually quietly agrees with the democrat operatives. Rush just pointed out how odd it was for CNN to present the video clip as news. It is free advertising for the apparent transgender Megyn who has morphed into a Morning Joe side kick lookalike. She has tried to develop a personality, but it is as repulsive as Rachel "Blinky" Maddow's so indeed it would not be surprising for Megyn to join MSNBC or CNN.
Ha, now she is transgender? I wonder how y'all got associated as deplorable misogynists
She's a partisan hack, and a mole besides.
Prove it. She goes after Hillary just as hard... she did last night right after the Newt interview. She was way more aggressive, about the email controversy than she was when talking about Trump. How do you explain that?

That interview with Newt proves it.

I don't mess with trying to "prove" reality to people who refuse to acknowledge it. If you reject reality, no amount of "proof" will bring acknowledgement from you.
You completely ignored my comment about the next segment she had that discussed Hillary's emails to Obama. Care to explain her hostility towards Hillary?

Hillary was busted breaking the law.
Trump wasn't.

Get it? No?
She's a partisan hack, and a mole besides.
Prove it. She goes after Hillary just as hard... she did last night right after the Newt interview. She was way more aggressive, about the email controversy than she was when talking about Trump. How do you explain that?

That interview with Newt proves it.

I don't mess with trying to "prove" reality to people who refuse to acknowledge it. If you reject reality, no amount of "proof" will bring acknowledgement from you.
You completely ignored my comment about the next segment she had that discussed Hillary's emails to Obama. Care to explain her hostility towards Hillary?

Hillary was busted breaking the law.
Trump wasn't.

Get it? No?
Try again you're still ignoring my question
She's a partisan hack, and a mole besides.
Prove it. She goes after Hillary just as hard... she did last night right after the Newt interview. She was way more aggressive, about the email controversy than she was when talking about Trump. How do you explain that?

That interview with Newt proves it.

I don't mess with trying to "prove" reality to people who refuse to acknowledge it. If you reject reality, no amount of "proof" will bring acknowledgement from you.
You completely ignored my comment about the next segment she had that discussed Hillary's emails to Obama. Care to explain her hostility towards Hillary?

Hillary was busted breaking the law.
Trump wasn't.

Get it? No?
The indictments? The convictions?
Megan was on the rag to say the least. :p Newt pwnd her (or Megwen becoming a transgender nowadays?) !
She got her ass handed to her. I see CNN in her future.

She's been trying to take out Trump since the very first debate. I don't know what her problem is, its not the defense of women since she's barely laid a glove on rapist defender Hillary.
Notice how she couldn't bring herself to say Bill Clinton is a sexual predator? Her indignation seems to be somewhat limited, depending on which party is involved.

Bill Clinton's list of victims dwarfs Trumps its not even close. Rape, multiple sexual assaults, DNA evidence, a decades long pattern of repeated behavior, and Hillary has been there the whole time attacking Bill's victims and its damn near total silence from Kelly on this. That's why Newt finally had enough of her BS and called her on it.

Now Kelly will pout and never invite Newt on her show again.
Where are the rape indictments/convictions? The only woman who said anything about Bill Clinton under oath stated that he did NOT rape her.
This is fantastic. FINALLY somebody put that partisan bitch in her place. Newt, you ARE the man!

Yeah, I wish that whom ever's peins she sucks dies and she gets sent back to the minors where she belongs. if it weren't for trump no one would even know who she is aside from the Fox sheep that is.

Because...to Drumpfsters, women are only someone because of a man. Love it!
ANd there it is! Trump calling out Newt for an "AMAZING interview with Kelly". Well he had one day (yesterday) where he tried to stay on message, minus the employees on Obamacare error and the Biden Barn fight... but now the focus gets to go back to Trump/Newt being clueless to womens sexual assault concerns. He's always gotta be the tough guy... so easy to take the bait. It really is amazing
It is pretty funny how easy it is to lead Drumpf around by the nose.
Her ratings are crashing, she won't be around much longer.

ANd there it is! Trump calling out Newt for an "AMAZING interview with Kelly". Well he had one day (yesterday) where he tried to stay on message, minus the employees on Obamacare error and the Biden Barn fight... but now the focus gets to go back to Trump/Newt being clueless to womens sexual assault concerns. He's always gotta be the tough guy... so easy to take the bait. It really is amazing

Womens sexual assault concerns??????????? is that what you said?

What about the women assaulted by Bill Clinton and then destroyed by Hillary Clinton? Do they count?
You mean the women who....not....one.....filed any charges against Bill Clinton? Those women?

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