epidemic of the vaccinated

It kicked her ass.

She tried to find a place to get the monoclonal antibody treatment that works great, but the Biden regime at that time decided to withhold it from certain states. So she just suffered through it for a few weeks.
Again sorry for your friend but you seem so desperate to blame everything on Biden.

Did you consider how the COVID infection may have effected her had she not gotten the vaccine. The possibility that the immunity build up from the vax may have saved her life or reduced the reaction from the actual disease?

I’m not saying it did this as I don’t know her case. But is it a possibility??
Hahahahahahaha. So your medical study is an analysis from Lee Rockwell anti-state anti-war pro-market which references open-source unverified reports from the v-safe database?!?!


I just filed a report that the vax gave me crabs…. So you can now add that to your list of side effects. You’re welcome
You have to learn to read the links to studies backing the author’s statements. It’s not hard.
Mind blowing isn’t it?! How does a programmed Prog like me not have a booster shot?! Theories??
Here you are claiming the vax is beneficial yet you haven’t gotten boosted. FRAUD!

Do you work for Pfizer or Fauci?
You have to learn to read the links to studies backing the author’s statements. It’s not hard.
That’s exactly what I do. Maybe if there is one that backs your statements you should post it and not links to nonsense partisan sites analyzing unverified data
Here you are claiming the vax is beneficial yet you haven’t gotten boosted. FRAUD!

Do you work for Pfizer or Fauci?
You must not have been paying attention to what Ive said. The shots were useful and still are for many. I’ve shown studies proving that. I’ve never suggested anybody do anything more than consult their doctor to make the best decisions for themselves. Everybody's health and medical situations are different.
Here’s another good one. No doubt you know nothing about vitamin D and it’s ability to prevent infection.

Hey is Ivermectin only for horses?
New Study on Vitamin D Combating Covid - LewRockwell
If I don’t know anything about vitamin D then why is the first thing I recommend to people when they get sick to go outside and spend time in the sun? Do I think a good tan makes sick people look good?

Since you seem to think you know me better than I know me please tell me what I’m thinking when I make this recommendation
Again sorry for your friend but you seem so desperate to blame everything on Biden.

Did you consider how the COVID infection may have effected her had she not gotten the vaccine. The possibility that the immunity build up from the vax may have saved her life or reduced the reaction from the actual disease?

I’m not saying it did this as I don’t know her case. But is it a possibility??
No. She isn’t in a demographic that would die from COVID. She isn‘t 70 years old.

The shots do not protect at all from new variants, and there is zero proof it lessens the symptoms.

Like I said, nothing will change your mind. You want to inject that experimental crap into yourself, all while the Big Pharma companies that make them are immune from any liability, knock yourself out. Just stop trying to force that shit on the rest of us.
Like I said, nothing will change your mind. You want to inject that experimental crap into yourself, all while the Big Pharma companies that make them are immune from any liability, knock yourself out. Just stop trying to force that shit on the rest of us.
What have I ever done to try and force anybody to take a shot?!
That’s interesting wording. Does that mean you’d agree that the shots were effective on past variants?
The first shots where effective in lowering the ability to catch the original version of COVID. However they do not provide any long term immunity in any way, so they are not real vaccines.

They became more and more ineffective as time goes on. Plus we are seeing more and more health issues and deaths. No long term studies were conducted on humans for mRNA vaccines.

Dr. Fauci said that mRNA vaccines would take a decade to get approved, even if they were “perfect”. He said that in late 2019. So was lying in 2019, or had he been lying for the last two years?
No. She isn’t in a demographic that would die from COVID. She isn‘t 70 years old.
People of all ages have died from COVID. It happens when their body has harsh reactions to the virus which your friends body seems to be susceptible to. That’s likely why she reacted so bad to the vaccine. But that may have saved her from more pain and suffering and perhaps her life from the actual virus.
The first shots were effective in lowering the ability to catch the original version of COVID. However they do not provide lo by term immunity in any way, so they are not real vaccines.
Of course it is a real vaccine. Perhaps you should look up the definition of the word vaccine before you make that claim again.

Thank you for being honest and admitting that the vaccines actually did help with the earlier strains of the virus. Many on this board still deny that
People of all ages have died from COVID. It happens when their body has harsh reactions to the virus which your friends body seems to be susceptible to. That’s likely why she reacted so bad to the vaccine. But that may have saved her from more pain and suffering and perhaps her life from the actual virus.
Yea, sure. The variant she caught was a later one which is not deadly unless you are old or have many co-morbities. So stop trying to justify your fascist forced vaccination as though it was some compassionate virtuous thing you did. She didn’t want it, she had a terrible adverse reaction initially, and she also having new health issues due to it. She wishes she never got it.

But hey, it’s “your body, my choice” now, right? Because you fascists know whats best for people’s health. To you idiots, the “vaccines” are the only way to fight it. You cannot even let people take Nobel Prize winning Ivermectin which is proven to help people get through it. You had to take away monoclonal antibody treatments. You are authoritarian shills and love punishing anyone who won’t bow to your will.
Of course it is a real vaccine. Perhaps you should look up the definition of the word vaccine before you make that claim again.

Thank you for being honest and admitting that the vaccines actually did help with the earlier strains of the virus. Many on this board still deny that
Vaccines prevents you from getting a virus, and from spreading it. You know damned well they do neither.
Dr. Fauci said that mRNA vaccines would take a decade to get approved, even if they were “perfect”. He said that in late 2019. So was lying in 2019, or had he been lying for the last two years?
Who was responsible for fast tracking the approval process?
Yea, sure. The variant she caught was a later one which is not deadly unless you are old or have many co-morbities. So stop trying to justify your fascist forced vaccination as though it was some compassionate virtuous thing you did. She didn’t want it, she had a terrible adverse reaction initially, and she also having new health issues due to it. She wishes she never got it.

But hey, it’s “your body, my choice” now, right? Because you fascists know whats best for people’s health. To you idiots, the “vaccines” are the only way to fight it. You cannot even let people take Nobel Prize winning Ivermectin which is proven to help people get through it. You had to take away monoclonal antibody treatments. You are authoritarian shills and love punishing anyone who won’t bow to your will.
Monoclonal antibodies weren’t taken away. They were in short supply so their distribution was managed. Not a move I support but not the picture your painting.

I’ll ask again. What have I ever done to try and force another person take the shot?

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