Equality: Man's most dangerous myth.

Race, religion, and political supremacists are the worst culprits.

Poor Jake doesn't even realize what he wrote: Race [is] the worst culprit(s). This means that different races are inherently unequal. :cuckoo:

Poor jwoodie doesn't even realize what he wrote: "Race [is] the blah blah blah. I hate minorities because I'm a decrepit old man... blah blah blah I'm a sad little man :cuckoo:." - Jwoodie

Do you really believe the bullshit you type? You don't think a white man can run fast? You don't think a black man can swim fast?

Well I guess it doesn't matter because in a couple dozen years people will be long past your nonsense.
maybe I could have been equal to a black man and tied a rock to my penis to be longer(Is what Norweigant is thinkin')...will I get banned for this example?

Do you really believe the bullshit you type? You don't think a white man can run fast? You don't think a black man can swim fast?

Well I guess it doesn't matter because in a couple dozen years people will be long past your nonsense.

How long are you and your kind going to keep spewing that same old crap? I am not even 30 and I am not some liberal love everyone crap type of person,you are a minority the ONLY reason the crap is going on that is going is because a diseased,dying,flailing its arms government is helping you.

Do you really believe the bullshit you type? You don't think a white man can run fast? You don't think a black man can swim fast?

Well I guess it doesn't matter because in a couple dozen years people will be long past your nonsense.

How long are you and your kind going to keep spewing that same old crap? I am not even 30 and I am not some liberal love everyone crap type of person,you are a minority the ONLY reason the crap is going on that is going is because a diseased,dying,flailing its arms government is helping you.
In the liberal utopia, all men are created equal, so all men must conform. And where conformity cannot be enforced, it must be imagined.
So, let's fire up the ovens and get the ethnic cleansing underway...isn't that were this is leading? Oh no, don't be sarcastic. One day, when the Jews finally are running the world, what are they going to do with all the blacks? Just being sarcastic. Lighten up already. Nothing wrong with equality. People need to stop excusing failure.
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The society should be based on a merit like system the allows for people to advance. A society that allows that will grow and be far wealthier and better off then a communistic society that forces everyone to be "EQUAL" at all cost.

Humans aren't all equal as some people are smarter and more intelligent than others.

Do you really believe the bullshit you type? You don't think a white man can run fast? You don't think a black man can swim fast?

Well I guess it doesn't matter because in a couple dozen years people will be long past your nonsense.

How long are you and your kind going to keep spewing that same old crap? I am not even 30 and I am not some liberal love everyone crap type of person,you are a minority the ONLY reason the crap is going on that is going is because a diseased,dying,flailing its arms government is helping you.

Again I wish your kids the best of luck
So, let's fire up the ovens and get the ethnic cleansing underway...isn't that were this is leading? Oh no, don't be sarcastic. One day, when the Jews finally are running the world, what are they going to do with all the blacks? Just being sarcastic. Lighten up already. Nothing wrong with equality. People need to stop excusing failure.
Equality is a man made myth.

Do you really believe the bullshit you type? You don't think a white man can run fast? You don't think a black man can swim fast?

Well I guess it doesn't matter because in a couple dozen years people will be long past your nonsense.

How long are you and your kind going to keep spewing that same old crap? I am not even 30 and I am not some liberal love everyone crap type of person,you are a minority the ONLY reason the crap is going on that is going is because a diseased,dying,flailing its arms government is helping you.

Again I wish your kids the best of luck
They don't need luck. They got the best parents in the world. :) Helps not lying to your kids and claiming that they are equal to everyone else is bullshit. They are better than other kids and I let them know that. They also strive to be better than they already are.
So -- we are basing all this on the science geniuses at Stormfront who summed it all up
for you nicely at the 5th grade of understanding that is inherent in the skinhead population..

Did the Nazis explain to you that EVEN IF there are small differences in brain size and IQ that these
distributions are HIGHLY overlapped in the general population?? Which leads to the fact that there
TONS of more moronic whites roaming the streets than moronic blacks and sitting in Congress and yukking it up on Stormfront?

And did they explain to you that these small physiological differences are swamped in practice by
inate CULTURAL differences? As in the success of Asian students FAR exceeding any explanation of their
relative successes over whites by mere brain volume and IQ??

Nope --- they didn't... Real world OUTCOMES in equality have little to do with ANYTHING discussed at Stormfront..
Basing on simply looking at history and the facts. Africa is still the same at the dawn of civilization ANY country whites have populated was turned into a mecca of civilization. Indeed Asians are smart. Blacks are probably the dumbest of the bunch.

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