Eric Cantor lost his seat

Did it ever occur to you that perhaps other people focus on other issues besides the ones you're always going on about, and that, perhaps, your issues aren't even a factor in their reasoning?

What cost Cantor was his stand on Wetbacks. America HAS HAD ENOUGH of this Mexican crap.

I warned all of you, both left and right, that the TEA party would be back. Mister and Mrs America are FED UP with this crap.

This is only the beginning. Watch and see. Leftist Nazis - your time is over. Wishy Washy Republicans - you'd better learn from this or YOU will be next.

I've already had enough of your racist crap.

Then I take it you know what the ignore function is, Nazi? Please, don't let me stop you.

Other than a few areas in northern Virginia, most of the state seems deeply inbred. Reminds me of Deliverance...

However, if I had to choose between an asshole like Cantor and a teabagger, I'm not sure which way I'd go...

That toothless Hillbilly is going to destroy you Nazis.
What cost Cantor was his stand on Wetbacks. America HAS HAD ENOUGH of this Mexican crap.

I warned all of you, both left and right, that the TEA party would be back. Mister and Mrs America are FED UP with this crap.

This is only the beginning. Watch and see. Leftist Nazis - your time is over. Wishy Washy Republicans - you'd better learn from this or YOU will be next.

I've already had enough of your racist crap.

Then I take it you know what the ignore function is, Nazi? Please, don't let me stop you.

Nazi? Racist and confused.
Brutal blow for Republicans

They have drawn a line in the sand on immigration reform

It will doom the party nationally

60 percent of the populace opposes amnesty.

Nobody is proposing amnesty

What this did is solidifies Republicans as opposed to immigration reform. What does this do to Republican prospects in Florida, Texas and Arizona?

The party is doomed

I second this... The party is screwed in any state with a large Hispanic population.
China will lead in tech and infastructure from now on. Thanks a lot taliban party!!!

Do you really think that uneducated mexicans and Guatamalan illegals are the way to tech and infrastructure superiority?

Good luck in deporting 20 million illegals back home. Maybe it is harder and puts stress on the system, but good luck with your plans.

It could be done...but nobody has the stones to do it.
Dave Brat: Meet The Candidate Who Beat Eric Cantor - ABC News

Meet Dave Brat, an economics and ethics professor at Randolph-Macon College in Ashland, Virginia, who launched a long-shot -- and ultimately successful -- bid to oust House Majority Leader Eric Cantor from his seat representing Virginia’s 7th Congressional District.

Brat, who admits that he has supported several Cantor candidacies over the years, says he mounted his improbable primary campaign because the House GOP’s No. 2 leader has lost touch with his constituents, “veering from the Republican creed.”

“Years ago he had a good conservative track record, but now he’s veered off,” Brat told ABC News during an interview on Capitol Hill in May. “If you go to Heritage and look at their score, I think he’s at about a 53 right now. I mean, that’s an F-minus.”
Brat complained that Cantor, 50, has a “crony-capitalist mentality” to take care of the corporate sector ahead of the interests of small businesses.

“On the conservative scorecard, on the free market votes, he’s doing everything wrong,” Brat said. “He’s not following what folks in his district want him to do and it’s hurting the country.”

Brat calls himself as a “free market guy,” and says he wants to repeal the Affordable Care Act. He also pledged never to increase taxes and to stick to a five-year promise not to vote to increase the debt limit.
Brutal blow for Republicans

They have drawn a line in the sand on immigration reform

It will doom the party nationally

60 percent of the populace opposes amnesty.

Nobody is proposing amnesty

What this did is solidifies Republicans as opposed to immigration reform. What does this do to Republican prospects in Florida, Texas and Arizona?

The party is doomed

You aren't the first and certainly will not be the last that has said the dems or repubs are dead. Unfortunately, both parties keep returning to screw their constituents.
What's the truth? We're finished as a super power if we don't invest in maintaining education, infastructure and r&d. China is doing exactly this and growing stronger by the year. Their tanks rollling down our streets will be the judge of truth in 20 years.

Isn't that The Obama agenda?

A sane one...Obama has a lot of stupid idea's but he isn't as bad as the tea party. It hurts me to say good things to him.
This is BIG.....the Tea Party knocking off the Majority Leader...:2up:

Obviously Cantor was not taking care of things at home....The People of Virginia have spoken...

The rest of you two-faced RINOS better watch out....!

So when China is the super power because they invest a shit load in their country by 2020. And we live in fear of them...Well, I'll get back on your small second world bs you spout.

Wtf does the tea party do? Go after science, infastructure and things that help advance this country. You don't do very much to go after waste and bs...You people are a joke.

The Tea Party represents the sane, rational people in this country....something you libtards can't relate to...

Which is why they employ storm trooper tactics against them...You remember the demonization/criminalization of the jews, right?
How many think "amnesty" and a "pathway to citizenship" are the same?

There already is a pathway to citizenship. My inlaws followed it when they came here legally from hong kong.

Indeed. haven't you heard? The Nazis believe that EVERYONE has a RIGHT to break our laws and be rewarded for it.

this just shows that the Republican party DOES what everyone, other then democrats, say we should do. NOT just support the incumbent but vote their fool asses out. I doubt you will see much of the same coming from the democrat side.

All hail the Tea Party long live the Republican party.

Sir? What do we do with all these bodiless asses?

My guess would obviously be to make stupid jokes about them.

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