Eric Cantor lost his seat

What's the truth? We're finished as a super power if we don't invest in maintaining education, infastructure and r&d. China is doing exactly this and growing stronger by the year. Their tanks rollling down our streets will be the judge of truth in 20 years.
Brutal blow for Republicans

They have drawn a line in the sand on immigration reform

It will doom the party nationally

Yep, they won't even discuss immigration reform any more than they would Gitmo closing or gun control or jobs, education, infrastructure or anything else that could benefit the middle class.
LIbs are happy because he was the point-guy for a lot of the more unpopular stuff the GOP tried to do.

And Cons are happy because he pushed immigration reform, which will probably doom immigration reform.

No great love for Cantor, but I can't see this as a good thing.

It means the voters are angry.......

And that is a good thing.

But a very bad thing for Democrats and any establishment Republicans that have been letting the Dems take us to the cleaners.

no. it means the 10 wing nuts who came out to vote in the off year GOP primary are in a faux rage.


Prepare for the awakening, Eva Braun. Your Nazi asses are toast. Amen!
He's an economics professor. Try again.

So he'll understand that
1. We can't allow businesses to kill all the competition.
2. We must invest in our schools, infrastructure and making things.
3. He understands the advantages of trading with other nations.

Sounds like someone that probably just played the effin tea party as fools.

Electing new guys like Brat, who have never held office, and will not have any seniority may not be best for the party. But, if they want to go farther right, that is their decision to make.

That's why the "vote them all out" idea is so bad.
So because he chose not to strip science, infastructure, education and r&d investment. Well, he's just bad. Do you people even consider the bs you're spouting? How is killing this good for America?

I am for wasteful spending being slashed...But this isn't it.

Did it ever occur to you that perhaps other people focus on other issues besides the ones you're always going on about, and that, perhaps, your issues aren't even a factor in their reasoning?

What cost Cantor was his stand on Wetbacks. America HAS HAD ENOUGH of this Mexican crap.

I warned all of you, both left and right, that the TEA party would be back. Mister and Mrs America are FED UP with this crap.

This is only the beginning. Watch and see. Leftist Nazis - your time is over. Wishy Washy Republicans - you'd better learn from this or YOU will be next.

Don't be silly. If that were true, the RWs would love Obama for deporting more illegals than any other prez while the right hems and haws and filibusters.
Brutal blow for Republicans

They have drawn a line in the sand on immigration reform

It will doom the party nationally

Yep, they won't even discuss immigration reform any more than they would Gitmo closing or gun control or jobs, education, infrastructure or anything else that could benefit the middle class.

Hey Adolph...You REALLY want "immigration reform"?? ENFORCE THE LAWS WE HAVE, dipshit.
Amnesty - that's too easy.

A lot of Repubs have been for amnesty, including Jeb Bush.

Are ya'll saying Bush can't run because of that?

Just announced on TV -

well 1) it insures Bohner will not lose the speakership 2) it insures the Rachel Maddow's panties are all moist and 3) Rachel Maddow will think that the liberals will win the seat now that someone further right than the anti-Christ won (and she will be wrong)
So because he chose not to strip science, infastructure, education and r&d investment. Well, he's just bad. Do you people even consider the bs you're spouting? How is killing this good for America?

I am for wasteful spending being slashed...But this isn't it.

Did it ever occur to you that perhaps other people focus on other issues besides the ones you're always going on about, and that, perhaps, your issues aren't even a factor in their reasoning?

What cost Cantor was his stand on Wetbacks. America HAS HAD ENOUGH of this Mexican crap.

I warned all of you, both left and right, that the TEA party would be back. Mister and Mrs America are FED UP with this crap.

This is only the beginning. Watch and see. Leftist Nazis - your time is over. Wishy Washy Republicans - you'd better learn from this or YOU will be next.

I've already had enough of your racist crap.
Did it ever occur to you that perhaps other people focus on other issues besides the ones you're always going on about, and that, perhaps, your issues aren't even a factor in their reasoning?

What cost Cantor was his stand on Wetbacks. America HAS HAD ENOUGH of this Mexican crap.

I warned all of you, both left and right, that the TEA party would be back. Mister and Mrs America are FED UP with this crap.

This is only the beginning. Watch and see. Leftist Nazis - your time is over. Wishy Washy Republicans - you'd better learn from this or YOU will be next.

Don't be silly. If that were true, the RWs would love Obama for deporting more illegals than any other prez while the right hems and haws and filibusters.

Again full of shit. Watched the news lately?? We're being overrun at the borders by CHILDREN. 15,000 so far and it looks to grow to 150,000 THIS year with that many more NEXT year.

Wake the fuck up Nazi
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Brutal blow for Republicans

They have drawn a line in the sand on immigration reform

It will doom the party nationally

Yep, they won't even discuss immigration reform any more than they would Gitmo closing or gun control or jobs, education, infrastructure or anything else that could benefit the middle class.

but they're great at shrieking benghaaaaaaaaaaaazzzzzzzzzzzziiiiiiiiiiii
Brutal blow for Republicans

They have drawn a line in the sand on immigration reform

It will doom the party nationally

Yep, they won't even discuss immigration reform any more than they would Gitmo closing or gun control or jobs, education, infrastructure or anything else that could benefit the middle class.

I agree besides releasing terrorist.

Other than a few areas in northern Virginia, most of the state seems deeply inbred. Reminds me of Deliverance...

However, if I had to choose between an asshole like Cantor and a teabagger, I'm not sure which way I'd go...
Brutal blow for Republicans

They have drawn a line in the sand on immigration reform

It will doom the party nationally

60 percent of the populace opposes amnesty.

Nobody is proposing amnesty

What this did is solidifies Republicans as opposed to immigration reform. What does this do to Republican prospects in Florida, Texas and Arizona?

The party is doomed

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