Eric Cantor lost his seat

How many think "amnesty" and a "pathway to citizenship" are the same?


Illegals flagging down border patrol to gain entry to USA...
Central American newspapers tout Obama amnesty program...
Kids Complaining Burritos Making Them Sick...
Chicken pox, staph infection fears...
Widespread sexual activity...
Feds violating child abuse laws?
Valerie Jarrett in secret meetings with activists...
PAPER: Influx 'threatens to transform nation'...
What's the truth? We're finished as a super power if we don't invest in maintaining education, infastructure and r&d. China is doing exactly this and growing stronger by the year. Their tanks rollling down our streets will be the judge of truth in 20 years.

Isn't that The Obama agenda?

A sane one...Obama has a lot of stupid idea's but he isn't as bad as the tea party. It hurts me to say good things to him.

The Tea party like most groups have their wacky elements, but given what we have gotten from Obama and Chicago democrat party, I don't have a problem with them in general.

As for Cantor he won't be missed. Immigration reform ( a term I use very loosely) is lose lose for the GOP. Most but not all these 3rd world immigrants want to be govt dependent, so the dems are going to get them in any event, by hook or by crook. Just hope the GOP does not make it easy for those bottom feeding bloodsuckers from the cook county democrat party.
How many think "amnesty" and a "pathway to citizenship" are the same?

They will for all practical purposes end up being the same thing because each party will pander to the potential new voters. The democrats will win that battle.
Brutal blow for Republicans

They have drawn a line in the sand on immigration reform

It will doom the party nationally

60 percent of the populace opposes amnesty.

Nobody is proposing amnesty

What this did is solidifies Republicans as opposed to immigration reform. What does this do to Republican prospects in Florida, Texas and Arizona?

The party is doomed
Actually, I wouldn't be so quick to go predicting that my good friend RightWinger.

I believe this just may be a one-off.

You see, Souther Belle Lindsay Graham also ran on immigration reform and he won his primary easily. Same type of make-up and he also faced formidable Tea Party opposition.

It may just be a crazy VA thing.
House Majority Leader Eric Cantor loses GOP primary to tea-party challenger | Dallas Morning News

RICHMOND, Va. — House Majority Leader Eric Cantor has been defeated by a tea party-backed challenger in the Republican primary.

Economics professor Dave Brat won a stunning upset victory against Cantor on Tuesday in the 7th District Republican primary contest, which is in the Richmond area.

Cantor is the second-most powerful member of the U.S. House and was seen by some as a possible successor to the House speaker.

Not completely good news but at least that's one worthless Repub who won't be living on the dole.

yea he may get replaced by a worthless Democrat living on the dole....some change....
House Majority Leader Eric Cantor loses GOP primary to tea-party challenger | Dallas Morning News

RICHMOND, Va. — House Majority Leader Eric Cantor has been defeated by a tea party-backed challenger in the Republican primary.

Economics professor Dave Brat won a stunning upset victory against Cantor on Tuesday in the 7th District Republican primary contest, which is in the Richmond area.

Cantor is the second-most powerful member of the U.S. House and was seen by some as a possible successor to the House speaker.

Not completely good news but at least that's one worthless Repub who won't be living on the dole.

Brutal blow for Republicans

They have drawn a line in the sand on immigration reform

It will doom the party nationally

Like passing immigration reform wouldn't doom the party. You think a majority of those new Hispanic voters are going to vote Republican?
Why wouldn't they? Don't you guys have the best platform? The best plan for the country forward and all? Surely the hard-working, socially conservative Mexicans (which are legion) should relate to that message...right? So why are you predicting not getting their vote?
American was stolen from Native Americans and Mexicans.

Try picking your own fruit and veggies...

Well, Adolph, it's good to see that you earnestly believe that that's all they are good for.

Honestly, you Nazis tickle the hell out of me. Guess by your thinking, I should still be picking cotton?

Your bigoted self shines through. Difference between you and me? I tell them to stay in their own damned country and affect change there. YOU? believe they come here to serve YOU.
NOW will Republicans start realizing their constituents don't want amnesty?

Or the deceptively-named "Path to citizenship" that starts with amnesty?

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