Eric Garner: Nothing Good Here

The very first time I visited an aikido class, sensei who was about the same size as the Staten Island officer, called one of his students up to attack. The student, Joe, was a Corrections Officer at Rikers and only slightly smaller than Garner. Joe attacked sensei and literally a fraction of a second later Joe was flat on his back. The point being that there are many way Garner could have been subdued short of lethal force. And, once again, these same cops now are in body armor armed with AR-15's in Grand Central Station and I don't feel safe

They didn't use lethal force. The problem is Gardner was in poor health and he was mouthing off. He didn't deserve even being cuffed and stuffed but the law is the law. Fighting cops is always a losing proposition.

The real problem is that even if it determined that a cop was wrong to arrest you, or used excessive force, 9 times out of 10 the cop gets a slap on the wrist, and the person victimized gets the shaft.

Advising people to just submit only works if the cop gets punished if it turns out their violated protocol or wrongly arrested a person. Right now that doesn't happen, and again, blame public unions for that.
The very first time I visited an aikido class, sensei who was about the same size as the Staten Island officer, called one of his students up to attack. The student, Joe, was a Corrections Officer at Rikers and only slightly smaller than Garner. Joe attacked sensei and literally a fraction of a second later Joe was flat on his back. The point being that there are many way Garner could have been subdued short of lethal force. And, once again, these same cops now are in body armor armed with AR-15's in Grand Central Station and I don't feel safe

They didn't use lethal force. The problem is Gardner was in poor health and he was mouthing off. He didn't deserve even being cuffed and stuffed but the law is the law. Fighting cops is always a losing proposition.

The real problem is that even if it determined that a cop was wrong to arrest you, or used excessive force, 9 times out of 10 the cop gets a slap on the wrist, and the person victimized gets the shaft.

Advising people to just submit only works if the cop gets punished if it turns out their violated protocol or wrongly arrested a person. Right now that doesn't happen, and again, blame public unions for that.
The union has nothing to do with this. The decision to not charge him is the fault of the prosecutor and no one else's.
The very first time I visited an aikido class, sensei who was about the same size as the Staten Island officer, called one of his students up to attack. The student, Joe, was a Corrections Officer at Rikers and only slightly smaller than Garner. Joe attacked sensei and literally a fraction of a second later Joe was flat on his back. The point being that there are many way Garner could have been subdued short of lethal force. And, once again, these same cops now are in body armor armed with AR-15's in Grand Central Station and I don't feel safe

They didn't use lethal force. The problem is Gardner was in poor health and he was mouthing off. He didn't deserve even being cuffed and stuffed but the law is the law. Fighting cops is always a losing proposition.

The real problem is that even if it determined that a cop was wrong to arrest you, or used excessive force, 9 times out of 10 the cop gets a slap on the wrist, and the person victimized gets the shaft.

Advising people to just submit only works if the cop gets punished if it turns out their violated protocol or wrongly arrested a person. Right now that doesn't happen, and again, blame public unions for that.
The union has nothing to do with this. The decision to not charge him is the fault of the prosecutor and no one else's.

What the union is going to do is stop him from losing his job. I don't think his actions were to the level of manslaughter, however I don't care how many experts they bring in, he used a choke hold, that's against policy, someone died, he loses his job. Let him be a cop out in some podunk town in upstate NY, but he can't be an NYPD cop anymore.
If the guy had not resisted arrest in the first place things would not have gone a far as it did.
As soon as he said don't touch me is when they had to take him down.
There was a black woman officer who was in charge there at the scene and she did not stop them because she knew they were not chocking him.


Didn`t you savage consistently post the coroners report as evidence to support your outlandish claims in the michael bron case?

Well. The coroners report this time clearly underlines that the victim died due to choking.

Now go fuck some animals and play with mud Cletus.

The guy who died his name is Eric Garner. I am peach174
NO you must have me mixed up with someone else.
The Black woman police Sergent was in charge and she did not stop them, the press is not talking about her being in charge. She could have orderd them to get off of him she didn't because she knew he was not being choked.
The man was unhealthy and weighed 400 pounds. He could have had that heart attack at any time.
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The very first time I visited an aikido class, sensei who was about the same size as the Staten Island officer, called one of his students up to attack. The student, Joe, was a Corrections Officer at Rikers and only slightly smaller than Garner. Joe attacked sensei and literally a fraction of a second later Joe was flat on his back. The point being that there are many way Garner could have been subdued short of lethal force. And, once again, these same cops now are in body armor armed with AR-15's in Grand Central Station and I don't feel safe

They didn't use lethal force. The problem is Gardner was in poor health and he was mouthing off. He didn't deserve even being cuffed and stuffed but the law is the law. Fighting cops is always a losing proposition.

The real problem is that even if it determined that a cop was wrong to arrest you, or used excessive force, 9 times out of 10 the cop gets a slap on the wrist, and the person victimized gets the shaft.

Advising people to just submit only works if the cop gets punished if it turns out their violated protocol or wrongly arrested a person. Right now that doesn't happen, and again, blame public unions for that.
The union has nothing to do with this. The decision to not charge him is the fault of the prosecutor and no one else's.
That may be the most idiotic post of the year. :rolleyes:
If the guy had not resisted arrest in the first place things would not have gone a far as it did.
As soon as he said don't touch me is when they had to take him down.
There was a black woman officer who was in charge there at the scene and she did not stop them because she knew they were not chocking him.


Didn`t you savage consistently post the coroners report as evidence to support your outlandish claims in the michael bron case?

Well. The coroners report this time clearly underlines that the victim died due to choking.

Now go fuck some animals and play with mud Cletus.

The guy who died his name is Cletus Garner. I am peach174
NO you must have me mixed up with someone else.
The Black woman police Sergent was in charge and she did not stop them, the press is not talking about her being in charge. She could have orderd them to get off of him she didn't because she knew he was not being choked.
The man was unhealthy and weighed 400 pounds. He could have had that heart attack at any time.
Then she should be fired as well.
I believe I'm speaking for all who have seen the least, I would hope so....we are shaken. There is nothing good here.

Sandy Boyer, who wrote the article, uses the opportunity to pound home his perspective, and uses it to attack Police Commissioner Bratton, and the "Broken Windows Theory of Policing."

8. "ERIC GARNER wasn't killed in a city with a conservative political establishment and nearly all-white police force. New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio may be the most liberal big city mayor in the country. Unlike Ferguson, the New York City Police Department is 16 percent Black, and the First Deputy Commissioner is African American.

9. ...the 'liberal" De Blasio anointed Bill Bratton as police commissioner even before he took office. And when he chose Bratton, de Blasio knew exactly what to expect.

10. The first time [Bratton] was police commissioner, under former Mayor Rudolph Guiliani, Amnesty International reported "a serious problem of police brutality and excessive force." Amnesty found that "racial disparities appear to be most marked in cases involving deaths in custody and questionable shootings." Researchers found a 34.8 percent increase in civilians shot dead by New York police and a 53.3 percent increase in the number of people who died in police custody with Bratton in charge.

11. Bratton is the champion of the "broken windows" theory of policing. He claims that the police can reduce violent crimes like murder, rape and mugging by rounding up masses of people for minor violations of the law known as quality-of-life offenses."
Will there be justice for Eric Garner
If the guy had not resisted arrest in the first place things would not have gone a far as it did.
As soon as he said don't touch me is when they had to take him down.
There was a black woman officer who was in charge there at the scene and she did not stop them because she knew they were not chocking him.


Didn`t you savage consistently post the coroners report as evidence to support your outlandish claims in the michael bron case?

Well. The coroners report this time clearly underlines that the victim died due to choking.

Now go fuck some animals and play with mud Cletus.

The guy who died his name is Cletus Garner. I am peach174
NO you must have me mixed up with someone else.
The Black woman police Sergent was in charge and she did not stop them, the press is not talking about her being in charge. She could have orderd them to get off of him she didn't because she knew he was not being choked.
The man was unhealthy and weighed 400 pounds. He could have had that heart attack at any time.
Then she should be fired as well.
That's racist.
12. "...broken windows policing doesn't actually reduce crime. Bratton likes to talk about how serious crime went down after he brought his broken windows program to New York City and Los Angeles. He doesn't mention that crime rates were going down nationally. In fact, it has declined as much or more in cities that haven't turned to broken windows policing.

13. .... every New York City cop--from patrolman to precinct captain--is evaluated under a strict monthly quota system. Those who don't make the quota for misdemeanor arrests and summonses face immediate retaliation...

14. ... The result has been an epidemic of petty arrests for everything from drinking a beer on a stoop to jaywalking, smoking a joint or fare-beating. For Eric Garner, it was selling untaxed cigarettes..... Black men get killed in these confrontations because that's the way the system is designed to work. Stockbrokers may use coke, but there will never be a drug sweep on Wall Street.

15. Officer Pedro Serrano recorded an inspector in the Bronx telling him exactly who police should target and where. On the recording, which was played in federal court, the inspector can be heard saying the cops should go after "the right people at the right time in the right location."

In case there was any misunderstanding, he added, "The problem was what? Male Blacks. And I told you that at roll call, and I have no problem telling you this: male Blacks, 14 to 20."

16. Under capitalism, the police defend order and property, not people. But that doesn't mean that the people can't fight back against police harassment and brutality. Anything that moves power away from police headquarters and to the community can only make things better on the streets. If there can be community control of education, why not community control of policing? Why shouldn't elected precinct councils hire the precinct commander?"
Will there be justice for Eric Garner
PC, are you turning into a commie?

I regularly listen to the commie radio station, WBAI, a Pacifica endeavor.....rarely agree, but they give me the idea for a lot of my posts.

On this subject, I agreed with least about this incident.

Garner never should have died, I saw the tape and it was a choke hold.
Today I hear over and over how he couldn't have said "I can't breathe" if he had no air....but he could not take a normal..a deep breathe....just shallow draughts, enough to say "I can't breathe."

It was wrong.
I understand that there is no right to resist arrest....but the police actions were both excessive and inappropriate.

Then, Dominick Carter, formerly of News1, said he interviewed the family several times, and they claimed that Garner had a history with those particular police....and if you remember, Garner said that in the video...that they kept harassing him.
Carter said a case could be made that the take-down was personal because Garner had filed charges against those police.
If true....that officer should be on trial. 'commie'???
Just honest in everything I post.
I agree with you PC but both were to blame on this Garner and the Cops.
Garner who said don't touch me and the Cops who should have backed off when he kept saying he could not breath.
I don't think that firing them will do anything. They need to change the way they are trained. If that is not addressed then you will get the same type of behavior.
I agree with you PC but both were to blame on this Garner and the Cops.
Garner who said don't touch me and the Cops who should have backed off when he kept saying he could not breath.
I don't think that firing them will do anything. They need to change the way they are trained. If that is not addressed then you will get the same type of behavior.

I don't disagree with anything in your post, peachy.....

Seems both of us were heartbroken witnessing the vid....

But if it turns out that there was a revenge element by the Police because of Garner had brought charges of harassment brought against these particular officers....then firings should be the least of the penalties.

"...has been sued three times for allegedly violating the constitutional rights of other blacks he and fellow cops arrested."
Choke-hold cop sued in prior misconduct cases
The video of Eric Garner's death is one of those two or three minutes that leaves it's impact forever.

"I can't breathe...." ....eleven times.

There is nothing good here, not for anyone. No one will say 'I'm glad that happened...' because no one is.

Radio host Sandy Boyer, from the communist radio voice in NYC, WBAI, wrote the following for the Socialist Worker, Will there be justice for Eric Garner

1. "IN NEW York City, like in Ferguson, African Americans aren't safe walking down the street.

2. Eric Garner was strangled to death by Patrolman Daniel Pantaleo in broad daylight on Staten Island .....

3. His killing might have gone almost unnoticed if a friend hadn't videotaped it--only to be arrested in retaliation for recording a police murder.

4. .... Pantaleo can be seen holding Eric Garner in an illegal chokehold as he wrestles him to the ground. Garner can be heard crying out, "I can't breathe." The video shows Pantaleo pushing Garner's face into the sidewalk. Garner died a few minutes later--but police waited seven minutes before trying to resuscitate him.

5. New York City Medical Examiner Barbara Sampson has ruled the Garner's death was a homicide. She found that it was the chokehold, ... that killed him.

6. Garner's "crime" was underselling local merchants by selling "loosies"--single, untaxed cigarettes--on the street for 50 cents apiece.

7. Cops routinely hassled Garner. He was out on bail for selling untaxed cigarettes the day they killed him.

When the cops came after him, Garner threw his arms in the air and yelled, "I was just minding my own business. Every time you see me, you want to mess with me. I'm tired of it. It stops today." Will there be justice for Eric Garner

FULL Black Man KILLED After NYPD Cop Puts Him In CHOKEHOLD For Breaking Up a FIGHT - YouTube

Yes, he stopped it alright.
If the guy had not resisted arrest in the first place things would not have gone a far as it did.
As soon as he said don't touch me is when they had to take him down.
There was a black woman officer who was in charge there at the scene and she did not stop them because she knew they were not chocking him.


Didn`t you savage consistantly post the coroners report as evidence to support your outlandish claims in the michael bron case?

Well. The coroners report this time clearly underlines that the victim died due to choking.

Now go fuck some animals and play with mud Cletus.
STFU, Cleonce'.
If the guy had not resisted arrest in the first place things would not have gone a far as it did.
As soon as he said don't touch me is when they had to take him down.
There was a black woman officer who was in charge there at the scene and she did not stop them because she knew they were not chocking him.


Didn`t you savage consistently post the coroners report as evidence to support your outlandish claims in the michael bron case?

Well. The coroners report this time clearly underlines that the victim died due to choking.

Now go fuck some animals and play with mud Cletus.

The guy who died his name is Eric Garner. I am peach174
NO you must have me mixed up with someone else.
The Black woman police Sergent was in charge and she did not stop them, the press is not talking about her being in charge. She could have orderd them to get off of him she didn't because she knew he was not being choked.
The man was unhealthy and weighed 400 pounds. He could have had that heart attack at any time.
You have to go up the chain of command a bit to find a white guy to blame this on.

His name is Bill DeBlasio.

He could have just told his cops to not enforce the law on selling loosies.

Instead, he wants every tax dollar he can get.

14. ... The result has been an epidemic of petty arrests for everything from drinking a beer on a stoop to jaywalking, smoking a joint or fare-beating. For Eric Garner, it was selling untaxed cigarettes..... Black men get killed in these confrontations because that's the way the system is designed to work. Stockbrokers may use coke, but there will never be a drug sweep on Wall Street.

Black men get killed in these confrontations mainly because of their seemingly innate tendency to react with provocative belligerence to the kind of oppressive arrogance that comes with most badges. Rather than going with the flow they instinctively provoke aggressive cops with smart-ass comments, questions, or body language, and in doing so they allow the cops to lead them in the direction of a beating -- or worse.

Police authority is analogous to a rip tide. The way to survive being caught in it is to swim with it -- not against it. Keep a cool head and understand what you are up against.
My dad taught me to treat cops with the same respect I would any other dangerous animal.

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