

Nov 14, 2012
Germany´s theatre of remembrance - the Jews don´t want to serve as victims there but to protect the future of their children - with all means.

That term, you cannot use it. They will call you a Nazi and anti-semite and continue to import Islamism on a large scale. But a Jew can. And did. The author of the following German article lives in Israel and is not satisfied with German FM Baerbock. She calls the new German sanctions a smokescreen and says that the German government made Iran strong over the decades with their economic relationships. Now she is unhappy with Barbock´s statements regarding a possible retaliation.
But is Baerbock really to blame for her words? Doesn´t she have a history of parroting US officials? For example when Blinken called for a Palestinian state it took Baerbock literally only seconds to "retweet" the demand. Isn´t also the Chancellor in blatant violation of his oath?

“I swear that I will dedicate my strength to the good of the German people, that I will enhance their prosperity, avert harm from them, respect and defend the Constitution and the laws of the federal state, fulfill my duty conscientiously and exercise justice toward everyone. So help me God.”

Those vassals, that rule against the interest of the people and even employ unofficial forces that terrorize, threaten and harass citizens, have no feelings towards Israel, as well. They don´t hesitate to demand a terrorist anti-semitic state next to Israel, when their masters call for it.
It is time to get rid of them once and for all.

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