Europe proves austerity does not work?

100% stupid and liberal !! Why do you think an economy gets fragile???? When government intervenes with housing stimulus spending bubbles or bridge to no where spending bubbles or Solyndria spending bubbles or Obamacare bubbles an economy gets fragile. Why do you think the Soviet Union had a fragile economy!!

capitalism cures a fragile economy or corrects the distortions caused by liberal interventions. Soviet or liberal spending causes the fragility or recession.

There is only one way to fix a recession, let capitalism put things back in their proper places after liberals have misplaced things. Let carpenters, for example, retrain to do something for which there is real demand, not artificial libturd bubble demand!!

Simple enough for you?? Why not read over and over again and ask others for help to understand? Do you want to be a liberal all your life???


you have really handled yourself well :cool:

a liberal does not know that it is necessary to win a debate intellectually. If he did he would not be a liberal in the first place because a series of debates would have demonstrated to him that liberalism is based on ignorance rather than intelligence.

It is a sad fact that our government and country, like most countries throughout human history, is now in the hands of those who don't have enough intelligence to value intelligence.
Well Ed, as usual you have it exactly backward. Austerity is an ATTEMPT to reduce deficits by reducing spending and/or increase taxes in absolute currency terms, which is what Europe has done. The result has been decreases in income and tax receipts which actually caused deficits to increase. So austerity in a downturn causes increased deficits just like it has for the last 200 years of published economic data. Even Eisenhower eventually figured it out.

By your reasoning, if the government increased spending by a trillion dollars or so and it worked, with GDP rising and the debt-GDP ratio falling, that would be true "austerity" would it not?

Who cares what Europe did or didn't do?
Austerity worked for US after the Great Depression
Are you a Keynesian liberal too? LOL

Isn't it true that when FDR drastically cut spending, the unemployment rate that was declining, jumped up again? The economy stagnated and Wall Street crashed? Hmmm, kinda sounds like what's going on in Europe.
Now don't get me wrong, I certainly believe that government spending needs to be cut. Many economist have stated that we need to cut spending but not when the nation's economy is on shaky ground. Europe is one example of what happens when austerity is introduced to an economy that is weak and that also holds true to the austerity applied while the US was still in recovery from the Great Depression.
It's best to cut spending when the economy is growing, not when it's fragile.

I think the deficits are one big reason for the european crisis in the first place. A bit dumb logic that you are going to get out of such crisis by having even higher deficits I think.

But yeah I could possibly agree that it's wiser to have deficits on the downturn than upturns. However, not necessarily. I especially think that "Sticky wages" are bunch of crap, because in a free market people would KNOW that setting sticky prices would have consequences and would not do it. Wages are as sticky as the market sets them. However, government policy is hard to change and so in downturn the deficits have to grow anyway.
It's best to cut spending when the economy is growing, not when it's fragile.

actually its never best to cut spending if you are a liberal!! There is never enough welfare and there never will be enough, especially as the baby boom retires! Bush did the first $2 trillion and $3 trillion budget and Barry is heading to $4 trillion. You buy votes by spending, not cutting!!
100% stupid and liberal !! Why do you think an economy gets fragile???? When government intervenes with housing stimulus spending bubbles or bridge to no where spending bubbles or Solyndria spending bubbles or Obamacare bubbles an economy gets fragile. Why do you think the Soviet Union had a fragile economy!!

capitalism cures a fragile economy or corrects the distortions caused by liberal interventions. Soviet or liberal spending causes the fragility or recession.

There is only one way to fix a recession, let capitalism put things back in their proper places after liberals have misplaced things. Let carpenters, for example, retrain to do something for which there is real demand, not artificial libturd bubble demand!!

Simple enough for you?? Why not read over and over again and ask others for help to understand? Do you want to be a liberal all your life???


typical liberal without IQ to respond. Ever see a topic a conservative cant handle?? What does that tell you about the liberal IQ and character.

Ed, I'm laughing at you because your post are basically all the same. You need to at least try to use new verbiage. But you don't. Read one your posts and a person has read all of your posts.
On topic. Europe has tried austerity during a weak economic recovery and now they are in a second recession. FDR cut spending during a recovery that was fragile and the US went into a recession. So here we two real life examples of austerity causing a recession because austerity was implemented while the economy was fragile.
Now why don't you try to rebut those historical facts instead going into one of your redundant posts.
Who cares what Europe did or didn't do?
Austerity worked for US after the Great Depression
Are you a Keynesian liberal too? LOL

Isn't it true that when FDR drastically cut spending, the unemployment rate that was declining, jumped up again? The economy stagnated and Wall Street crashed? Hmmm, kinda sounds like what's going on in Europe.
Now don't get me wrong, I certainly believe that government spending needs to be cut. Many economist have stated that we need to cut spending but not when the nation's economy is on shaky ground. Europe is one example of what happens when austerity is introduced to an economy is weak and that also holds true to the austerity applied while the US was still in recovery from the Great Depression.
It's best to cut spending when the economy is growing, not when it's fragile.

GDP went from 44% to 9%
Price control was abandoned
Total output fell, but private-sector GDP rose!
After Truman dumped FDR's radicals, business confidence rose, and investing in America started happening again
FDR was a fool

Here's a little chart for you. Once the spending was restored, the GDP continued it's ride upwards and the recession ended.


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In my opinion,the austerity is not an error,because Economic healing is necessary in States as Italy,Greece,Portugal and Spain but Norther Europe imposed a too quick healing,based on more taxes and more cuts on Welfare State,so recession is terrible in Souther Europe.
In Italy we that"a cicada could not become an ant in an only day".
Ed, I'm laughing at you because your post are basically all the same. You need to at least try to use new verbiage. But you don't. Read one your posts and a person has read all of your posts.

100% stupid and perfectly liberal! The Constitution is the same every day too. If my posts are all the same why not show us one and then show us your confutation of it, and so all of them, to totally defeat the conservative argument once and for all. If you try we can all see how low your liberal IQ is. What does your fear of trying tell us about the liberal IQ and character?
Europe has tried austerity during a weak economic recovery

too stupid of course!! How can they have tried austerity when they are all different and all have had rising deficits??

You blindly parrot the liberal press like a moron when you say they have all tried austerity.

See why we say slow??

Time to laugh again since you are befuddled again??

and now they are in a second recession. FDR cut spending during a recovery that was fragile and the US went into a recession. So here we two real life examples of austerity causing a recession because austerity was implemented while the economy was fragile.
Now why don't you try to rebut those historical facts instead going into one of your redundant posts.[/QUOTE]
It's not austerity causing the problem. It's the conditions that made austerity necessary.
It's not austerity causing the problem. It's the conditions that made austerity necessary.

Austerity, in this case, is when Germany does not want to lend money to the irresponsible liberal Greeks because the liberal irresponsible Greeks can't pay off their loans until after they eliminate a lot of their liberal wefare programs.
In my opinion,the austerity is not an error,

dear, austerity is capitalism so of course it is never an error. The more of it the better!
Dear Baiamonte(your surname seems Italian:cool:),if Southern Europe goes out from Eurozone,German exportations could be seriously damaged,because the return to lira,dracma,peseta could advantage those countries.
Therefore,Merkel would have to avoid the break-up of Eurozone and not to excerbate Southern States by an a too heavy austerity.This situation is a cause of a deep hate against the Europeist ideal,do you know it?
Public spending did not cause the recession and austerity will not cure it.
German exportations could be seriously damaged,because the return to lira,dracma,peseta could advantage those countries.

of course that's perfectly idiotic. If switching curriences made us richer we'd all do it tomorrow and the next day and the next day!! There is no free lunch. Perhaps if you would write that down 100 times we could begin your economics lesson. What do you think?

Therefore,Merkel would have to avoid the break-up of Eurozone and not to excerbate Southern States by an a too heavy austerity.This situation is a cause of a deep hate against the Europeist ideal,do you know it?

too stupid!! They hate Merkel because she won't put them on welfare so they can leech of the German people. They would love to leech off the richer Germans than go back to leeching off their own countrymen! What they hate most of course is no welfare and earning their own livings!!

I'm trying to be as simple as possible know that you are laboring under the triple disadvantage of being european Italian and liberal.
Public spending did not cause the recession and austerity will not cure it.
I agree.
Austerity could be right but not in a long and deep recession,as in Europe from 2008.
I am a liberal-democratic and not a socialist,I don't hate Merkel but German politics in Europe are wrong and they could destroy the E.U.
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Austerity could be right but not in a long and deep recession,as in Europe from 2008.

Dear, the deeper the recession the more austerity you need to cure it.
Do you even know what a recession is??? It is the time it takes the free market to overcome the distortions caused by liberal interference.

Perhaps if you write that down 100 times and then ask your parents to explain it you will finally learn it. Please don't be afraid to learn.

I am a liberal-democratic and not a socialist,I don't hate Merkel but German politics in Europe are wrong and they could destroy the E.U.[/QUOTE]

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