Europe: The Psychological Gap Between East and West.

Do You know the difference between history and "historic estimations",
or just swallow anything that will fit Your arrogance and 'draw a circle around the arrow'?

Israeli ancestry is determined by both mother and father, the first determines the belonging to the nation as a whole, the second the specific tribe. A child born to woman from the tribe Judah (Jew) and father from the tribe of Gad, is determined as and Israeli child belonging to the tribe of Gad.


Maybe you should step back and stop being such an pompous jerk for a change. It would be a breath of fresh air but I won’t hold my breath.

Who Is a Jew: Matrilineal Descent | My Jewish Learning
According to traditional Jewish law (halacha), Jewishness is passed down through the mother. So, if your mother was Jewish, you are too. This position is held by most members of the Conservative and Orthodox communities. The Reform movement recognizes the children of one Jewish parent — mother or father — as a Member of the Tribe if the child is raised Jewish.

Who Is A Jew?
Who is a Jew According to halakhah (Jewish Religious Law)?
According to Jewish law, a child born to a Jewish mother or an adult who has converted to Judaism is considered a Jew; one does not have to reaffirm their Jewishness or practice any of the laws of the Torah to be Jewish. According to Reform Judaism, a person is a Jew if they were born to either a Jewish mother or a Jewish father. Also, Reform Judaism stresses the importance of being raised Jewish; if a child is born to Jewish parents and was not raised Jewish then the child is not considered Jewish. According to the Orthodox movement, the father’s religion and whether the person practices is immaterial. No affirmation or upbringing is needed, as long as the mother was Jewish.

Born to a non-Jewish mother
The practice and acceptance of patrilineal descent is somewhat different in the United States, and has been since 1983, but the Canadian Reform movement adheres to the traditional approach to Jewish status: one is a Jew if he or she is born to a Jewish mother, or if that person converts to Judaism

My cousin’s father was Jewish, her mother not. She was not considered a Jew. In fact her father’s family never forgave him for marrying outside the faith.

I don't see any contradiction with my post.
If You don't like being put in Your place on the issue, address Your obsession with anything Jewish,
to someone who matches Your apparent bias and level of ignorance of the topic.
I am not obsessed with everything Jewish. I was commenting on something historic that another poster had brought up, that was interesting when you jumped in to the middle of it flaming, with something that really wasn’t even relevant to that part of the discussion. I wonder why? Because you are just a jerk?
Oh. And let me add, you really are a pompous jerk. My response to the other poster was just a question. Nothing to do with you, just a question about something I had read somewhere. Then jump in, take my question as a statement, and act like a jerk. And you hardly lack bias yourself, so don’t crack your glass house while you are chucking stones around.
Divide my capital, support my enemies, insult my faith, abuse my friends,
use Your admin status to dig into posts I've deleted to smear and accuse me of stuff,
while attacking me personally?

Nothing to do with me? Really?
That's just below any basic level of integrity...

Please go find someone else to bother.
I responded to that post before you deleted it. Then you removed it leaving my response hanging. Look at the times. And then be honest.
Get down from that high horse, and educate Yourself, because other than projecting Christianity and Islam on Judaism and the Torah, those which they swore to eradicate and forge, You have no idea what You're talking about whatsoever.
If one imagine that Israel became a big state with a number of nationalities and religions inside of it. And the power in this Israel was seized by an Orthodox Jews. It became a theocracy with Orthodox rabbis heading the state and imposing religious laws upon the society.

What role would be preserved for religious and national minorities in such a state? What role of women would be? What rules would be regarding public behavior, appearance, arts and so on?

No such animal possible.
Again You folks are projecting Christianity and Islam on Judaism.

In Judaism the govt сan't impose that which the nation is not willing to accept.
Neither Jewish law allow any such things as "theocracy", monarchy yes, and even that too, is function of popular agreement.

There was only one such occasion in Jewish history of an attempt to run a "theocracy" aka rule of priesthood, that was called the Hashmonean rule- a vivid example of an illegitimate gotv, according to the "orthodox" law itself (if there's such a thing to begin with) that fell for that exact reason.

Educate Yourself with the basics.
Theocracy is impossible? Okay. After some time, becsuse of demography, the majority on the Knesset is got by Orthodox parties. They form the government and are able to carry out their policy as they want. Is it possible? And my previous questions still stand - about religious minorities, women and the public rules.

Unless I am mistaken, in some places the Orthodoxes had their demands met about public transport being not operated in Sabbath, for example.

I don't think You understand the term Theocracy.
Orthodox parties having a majority in the Knesset doesn't mean they get to forcefully impose anything against the will of the nation. Neither Jewish Law a dogmatic body, but a dynamic discussion that evolves around the situation at the time, and as I've said part of its principles is that one cannot impose that which the nation is incapable to follow or accept, even if Torah prescribes that. Nor does it mean there's a single superior authority in that equation, or that Jewish Law itself, in any current form has more authority than what a big community, or person received as traditional practice.

For example, if most scholars rule that on a specific fast day there's not to be any work done,
while Your grandma was taught to clean the house on that day - all the scholars can do is find a rationale for that in the Jewish Law - heritage is of higher authority than religious rule.

If the nation elects them, it can vote them out the same way. What You're probably imagining when saying "theocracy" is closer to the rule that was in Israel when Moses A"H was the authority, and that too wasn't a single man's rule rather a system of courts representing each tribe, as if say each state in the US had equal representation and a president who's decision was needed only when the lower courts had no ruling.

Your framing of the question in terms of theocracy is irrelevant, because prophets are neither elected, nor the orthodox parties pertain to be one's. That's about where their rule ends and real theocracy starts, no one can choose that and no one can make that a reality other than G-d Himself.

Same goes with the Sanhedrion, it's a different equation of reality altogether that no orthodox party is capable of fulfilling.

As for transport on Shabbat, it may be a surprise but many who demand it stops for the day are simple people not belonging to any orthodox party, who simply prefer some quiet once in a week without any religious reasoning. We've had demonstration in most secular communities of Holon, Givataim, Ramat Gan etc - Tel Aviv area demanding just that. While on the other hand the orthodox parties look for ways to indirectly allow that in places of greater demand, so that they can find middle ground and function as a government on issues they see more important. They don't force it through law, but simply by boycotting companies en mass as consumers.

In Jerusalem for example, if You go by bus or tram, You'll see both mixed situations, and separation, where men are at the front and women at the back volunterally - it depends solely on the public using the transport at the time. No one will force You out if You don't apply by their standard - simply won't sit near You and go to another part of the bus.

'Sinful' city buses stoned by ultra-Orthodox Jews

'Only room for men': Driver denied Israeli woman entry on bus to ultra-Orthodox town

Ultra-Orthodox protesters shatter bus windows after female passenger refuses to sit in back

Yep not obsessed at all...:rolleyes:
Good girl, thank You for proving my point.

You cracked really fast.
Just scratch a bit and the Jew-hater eventually shows his face.
You're no exception, though I've seen smarter antisemites play that game better.
Maybe you should step back and stop being such an pompous jerk for a change. It would be a breath of fresh air but I won’t hold my breath.

Who Is a Jew: Matrilineal Descent | My Jewish Learning
According to traditional Jewish law (halacha), Jewishness is passed down through the mother. So, if your mother was Jewish, you are too. This position is held by most members of the Conservative and Orthodox communities. The Reform movement recognizes the children of one Jewish parent — mother or father — as a Member of the Tribe if the child is raised Jewish.

Who Is A Jew?
Who is a Jew According to halakhah (Jewish Religious Law)?
According to Jewish law, a child born to a Jewish mother or an adult who has converted to Judaism is considered a Jew; one does not have to reaffirm their Jewishness or practice any of the laws of the Torah to be Jewish. According to Reform Judaism, a person is a Jew if they were born to either a Jewish mother or a Jewish father. Also, Reform Judaism stresses the importance of being raised Jewish; if a child is born to Jewish parents and was not raised Jewish then the child is not considered Jewish. According to the Orthodox movement, the father’s religion and whether the person practices is immaterial. No affirmation or upbringing is needed, as long as the mother was Jewish.

Born to a non-Jewish mother
The practice and acceptance of patrilineal descent is somewhat different in the United States, and has been since 1983, but the Canadian Reform movement adheres to the traditional approach to Jewish status: one is a Jew if he or she is born to a Jewish mother, or if that person converts to Judaism

My cousin’s father was Jewish, her mother not. She was not considered a Jew. In fact her father’s family never forgave him for marrying outside the faith.

I don't see any contradiction with my post.
If You don't like being put in Your place on the issue, address Your obsession with anything Jewish,
to someone who matches Your apparent bias and level of ignorance of the topic.
I am not obsessed with everything Jewish. I was commenting on something historic that another poster had brought up, that was interesting when you jumped in to the middle of it flaming, with something that really wasn’t even relevant to that part of the discussion. I wonder why? Because you are just a jerk?
Oh. And let me add, you really are a pompous jerk. My response to the other poster was just a question. Nothing to do with you, just a question about something I had read somewhere. Then jump in, take my question as a statement, and act like a jerk. And you hardly lack bias yourself, so don’t crack your glass house while you are chucking stones around.
Divide my capital, support my enemies, insult my faith, abuse my friends,
use Your admin status to dig into posts I've deleted to smear and accuse me of stuff,
while attacking me personally?

Nothing to do with me? Really?
That's just below any basic level of integrity...

Please go find someone else to bother.
I responded to that post before you deleted it. Then you removed it leaving my response hanging. Look at the times. And then be honest.

Really pathetic and disgusting lying.

Don't You have other threads to troll?
Other members to abuse?
If one imagine that Israel became a big state with a number of nationalities and religions inside of it. And the power in this Israel was seized by an Orthodox Jews. It became a theocracy with Orthodox rabbis heading the state and imposing religious laws upon the society.

What role would be preserved for religious and national minorities in such a state? What role of women would be? What rules would be regarding public behavior, appearance, arts and so on?

No such animal possible.
Again You folks are projecting Christianity and Islam on Judaism.

In Judaism the govt сan't impose that which the nation is not willing to accept.
Neither Jewish law allow any such things as "theocracy", monarchy yes, and even that too, is function of popular agreement.

There was only one such occasion in Jewish history of an attempt to run a "theocracy" aka rule of priesthood, that was called the Hashmonean rule- a vivid example of an illegitimate gotv, according to the "orthodox" law itself (if there's such a thing to begin with) that fell for that exact reason.

Educate Yourself with the basics.
Theocracy is impossible? Okay. After some time, becsuse of demography, the majority on the Knesset is got by Orthodox parties. They form the government and are able to carry out their policy as they want. Is it possible? And my previous questions still stand - about religious minorities, women and the public rules.

Unless I am mistaken, in some places the Orthodoxes had their demands met about public transport being not operated in Sabbath, for example.

I don't think You understand the term Theocracy.
Orthodox parties having a majority in the Knesset doesn't mean they get to forcefully impose anything against the will of the nation. Neither Jewish Law a dogmatic body, but a dynamic discussion that evolves around the situation at the time, and as I've said part of its principles is that one cannot impose that which the nation is incapable to follow or accept, even if Torah prescribes that. Nor does it mean there's a single superior authority in that equation, or that Jewish Law itself, in any current form has more authority than what a big community, or person received as traditional practice.

For example, if most scholars rule that on a specific fast day there's not to be any work done,
while Your grandma was taught to clean the house on that day - all the scholars can do is find a rationale for that in the Jewish Law - heritage is of higher authority than religious rule.

If the nation elects them, it can vote them out the same way. What You're probably imagining when saying "theocracy" is closer to the rule that was in Israel when Moses A"H was the authority, and that too wasn't a single man's rule rather a system of courts representing each tribe, as if say each state in the US had equal representation and a president who's decision was needed only when the lower courts had no ruling.

Your framing of the question in terms of theocracy is irrelevant, because prophets are neither elected, nor the orthodox parties pertain to be one's. That's about where their rule ends and real theocracy starts, no one can choose that and no one can make that a reality other than G-d Himself.

Same goes with the Sanhedrion, it's a different equation of reality altogether that no orthodox party is capable of fulfilling.

As for transport on Shabbat, it may be a surprise but many who demand it stops for the day are simple people not belonging to any orthodox party, who simply prefer some quiet once in a week without any religious reasoning. We've had demonstration in most secular communities of Holon, Givataim, Ramat Gan etc - Tel Aviv area demanding just that. While on the other hand the orthodox parties look for ways to indirectly allow that in places of greater demand, so that they can find middle ground and function as a government on issues they see more important. They don't force it through law, but simply by boycotting companies en mass as consumers.

In Jerusalem for example, if You go by bus or tram, You'll see both mixed situations, and separation, where men are at the front and women at the back volunterally - it depends solely on the public using the transport at the time. No one will force You out if You don't apply by their standard - simply won't sit near You and go to another part of the bus.

'Sinful' city buses stoned by ultra-Orthodox Jews

'Only room for men': Driver denied Israeli woman entry on bus to ultra-Orthodox town

Ultra-Orthodox protesters shatter bus windows after female passenger refuses to sit in back

Yep not obsessed at all...:rolleyes:
Good girl, thank You for proving my point.

You cracked really fast.
Just scratch a bit and the Jew-hater eventually shows his face.
You're no exception, though I've seen smarter antisemites play that game better.

Oh my goodness. Showing your statement about the ultra orthodox attitudes towards gender segregation on buses to be a LIE makes one a Jew hater? Really? Because Jews in Israel who are not ultra orthodox also have issues with it. So let me guess...if one were to discuss gender segregation in Muslim mosques (which is also a truth) ... would you call person a Muslim hater? :popcorn:
I don't see any contradiction with my post.
If You don't like being put in Your place on the issue, address Your obsession with anything Jewish,
to someone who matches Your apparent bias and level of ignorance of the topic.
I am not obsessed with everything Jewish. I was commenting on something historic that another poster had brought up, that was interesting when you jumped in to the middle of it flaming, with something that really wasn’t even relevant to that part of the discussion. I wonder why? Because you are just a jerk?
Oh. And let me add, you really are a pompous jerk. My response to the other poster was just a question. Nothing to do with you, just a question about something I had read somewhere. Then jump in, take my question as a statement, and act like a jerk. And you hardly lack bias yourself, so don’t crack your glass house while you are chucking stones around.
Divide my capital, support my enemies, insult my faith, abuse my friends,
use Your admin status to dig into posts I've deleted to smear and accuse me of stuff,
while attacking me personally?

Nothing to do with me? Really?
That's just below any basic level of integrity...

Please go find someone else to bother.
I responded to that post before you deleted it. Then you removed it leaving my response hanging. Look at the times. And then be honest.

Really pathetic and unpleasant lying.

Don't You have other threads to troll?
Other members to abuse?
Be honest and look at the times, if you have integrity.
Last edited:
No such animal possible.
Again You folks are projecting Christianity and Islam on Judaism.

In Judaism the govt сan't impose that which the nation is not willing to accept.
Neither Jewish law allow any such things as "theocracy", monarchy yes, and even that too, is function of popular agreement.

There was only one such occasion in Jewish history of an attempt to run a "theocracy" aka rule of priesthood, that was called the Hashmonean rule- a vivid example of an illegitimate gotv, according to the "orthodox" law itself (if there's such a thing to begin with) that fell for that exact reason.

Educate Yourself with the basics.
Theocracy is impossible? Okay. After some time, becsuse of demography, the majority on the Knesset is got by Orthodox parties. They form the government and are able to carry out their policy as they want. Is it possible? And my previous questions still stand - about religious minorities, women and the public rules.

Unless I am mistaken, in some places the Orthodoxes had their demands met about public transport being not operated in Sabbath, for example.

I don't think You understand the term Theocracy.
Orthodox parties having a majority in the Knesset doesn't mean they get to forcefully impose anything against the will of the nation. Neither Jewish Law a dogmatic body, but a dynamic discussion that evolves around the situation at the time, and as I've said part of its principles is that one cannot impose that which the nation is incapable to follow or accept, even if Torah prescribes that. Nor does it mean there's a single superior authority in that equation, or that Jewish Law itself, in any current form has more authority than what a big community, or person received as traditional practice.

For example, if most scholars rule that on a specific fast day there's not to be any work done,
while Your grandma was taught to clean the house on that day - all the scholars can do is find a rationale for that in the Jewish Law - heritage is of higher authority than religious rule.

If the nation elects them, it can vote them out the same way. What You're probably imagining when saying "theocracy" is closer to the rule that was in Israel when Moses A"H was the authority, and that too wasn't a single man's rule rather a system of courts representing each tribe, as if say each state in the US had equal representation and a president who's decision was needed only when the lower courts had no ruling.

Your framing of the question in terms of theocracy is irrelevant, because prophets are neither elected, nor the orthodox parties pertain to be one's. That's about where their rule ends and real theocracy starts, no one can choose that and no one can make that a reality other than G-d Himself.

Same goes with the Sanhedrion, it's a different equation of reality altogether that no orthodox party is capable of fulfilling.

As for transport on Shabbat, it may be a surprise but many who demand it stops for the day are simple people not belonging to any orthodox party, who simply prefer some quiet once in a week without any religious reasoning. We've had demonstration in most secular communities of Holon, Givataim, Ramat Gan etc - Tel Aviv area demanding just that. While on the other hand the orthodox parties look for ways to indirectly allow that in places of greater demand, so that they can find middle ground and function as a government on issues they see more important. They don't force it through law, but simply by boycotting companies en mass as consumers.

In Jerusalem for example, if You go by bus or tram, You'll see both mixed situations, and separation, where men are at the front and women at the back volunterally - it depends solely on the public using the transport at the time. No one will force You out if You don't apply by their standard - simply won't sit near You and go to another part of the bus.

'Sinful' city buses stoned by ultra-Orthodox Jews

'Only room for men': Driver denied Israeli woman entry on bus to ultra-Orthodox town

Ultra-Orthodox protesters shatter bus windows after female passenger refuses to sit in back

Yep not obsessed at all...:rolleyes:
Good girl, thank You for proving my point.

You cracked really fast.
Just scratch a bit and the Jew-hater eventually shows his face.
You're no exception, though I've seen smarter antisemites play that game better.

Oh my goodness. Showing your statement about the ultra orthodox attitudes towards gender segregation on buses to be a LIE makes one a Jew hater? Really? Because Jews in Israel who are not ultra orthodox also have issues with it. So let me guess...if one were to discuss gender segregation in Muslim mosques (which is also a truth) ... would you call person a Muslim hater? :popcorn:

Oh boy You could quote from The Stormer with the same success.

Why the obsession, is it revenge for that uncle of Yours?
I don't see any contradiction with my post.
If You don't like being put in Your place on the issue, address Your obsession with anything Jewish,
to someone who matches Your apparent bias and level of ignorance of the topic.
I am not obsessed with everything Jewish. I was commenting on something historic that another poster had brought up, that was interesting when you jumped in to the middle of it flaming, with something that really wasn’t even relevant to that part of the discussion. I wonder why? Because you are just a jerk?
Oh. And let me add, you really are a pompous jerk. My response to the other poster was just a question. Nothing to do with you, just a question about something I had read somewhere. Then jump in, take my question as a statement, and act like a jerk. And you hardly lack bias yourself, so don’t crack your glass house while you are chucking stones around.
Divide my capital, support my enemies, insult my faith, abuse my friends,
use Your admin status to dig into posts I've deleted to smear and accuse me of stuff,
while attacking me personally?

Nothing to do with me? Really?
That's just below any basic level of integrity...

Please go find someone else to bother.
I responded to that post before you deleted it. Then you removed it leaving my response hanging. Look at the times. And then be honest.

Really pathetic and disgusting lying.

Don't You have other threads to troll?
Other members to abuse?

You started in on me, not I on you.
Theocracy is impossible? Okay. After some time, becsuse of demography, the majority on the Knesset is got by Orthodox parties. They form the government and are able to carry out their policy as they want. Is it possible? And my previous questions still stand - about religious minorities, women and the public rules.

Unless I am mistaken, in some places the Orthodoxes had their demands met about public transport being not operated in Sabbath, for example.

I don't think You understand the term Theocracy.
Orthodox parties having a majority in the Knesset doesn't mean they get to forcefully impose anything against the will of the nation. Neither Jewish Law a dogmatic body, but a dynamic discussion that evolves around the situation at the time, and as I've said part of its principles is that one cannot impose that which the nation is incapable to follow or accept, even if Torah prescribes that. Nor does it mean there's a single superior authority in that equation, or that Jewish Law itself, in any current form has more authority than what a big community, or person received as traditional practice.

For example, if most scholars rule that on a specific fast day there's not to be any work done,
while Your grandma was taught to clean the house on that day - all the scholars can do is find a rationale for that in the Jewish Law - heritage is of higher authority than religious rule.

If the nation elects them, it can vote them out the same way. What You're probably imagining when saying "theocracy" is closer to the rule that was in Israel when Moses A"H was the authority, and that too wasn't a single man's rule rather a system of courts representing each tribe, as if say each state in the US had equal representation and a president who's decision was needed only when the lower courts had no ruling.

Your framing of the question in terms of theocracy is irrelevant, because prophets are neither elected, nor the orthodox parties pertain to be one's. That's about where their rule ends and real theocracy starts, no one can choose that and no one can make that a reality other than G-d Himself.

Same goes with the Sanhedrion, it's a different equation of reality altogether that no orthodox party is capable of fulfilling.

As for transport on Shabbat, it may be a surprise but many who demand it stops for the day are simple people not belonging to any orthodox party, who simply prefer some quiet once in a week without any religious reasoning. We've had demonstration in most secular communities of Holon, Givataim, Ramat Gan etc - Tel Aviv area demanding just that. While on the other hand the orthodox parties look for ways to indirectly allow that in places of greater demand, so that they can find middle ground and function as a government on issues they see more important. They don't force it through law, but simply by boycotting companies en mass as consumers.

In Jerusalem for example, if You go by bus or tram, You'll see both mixed situations, and separation, where men are at the front and women at the back volunterally - it depends solely on the public using the transport at the time. No one will force You out if You don't apply by their standard - simply won't sit near You and go to another part of the bus.

'Sinful' city buses stoned by ultra-Orthodox Jews

'Only room for men': Driver denied Israeli woman entry on bus to ultra-Orthodox town

Ultra-Orthodox protesters shatter bus windows after female passenger refuses to sit in back

Yep not obsessed at all...:rolleyes:
Good girl, thank You for proving my point.

You cracked really fast.
Just scratch a bit and the Jew-hater eventually shows his face.
You're no exception, though I've seen smarter antisemites play that game better.

Oh my goodness. Showing your statement about the ultra orthodox attitudes towards gender segregation on buses to be a LIE makes one a Jew hater? Really? Because Jews in Israel who are not ultra orthodox also have issues with it. So let me guess...if one were to discuss gender segregation in Muslim mosques (which is also a truth) ... would you call person a Muslim hater? :popcorn:

Oh boy You could quote from The Stormer with the same success.

Why the obsession, is it revenge for that uncle of Yours?
You can’t address the questions? That is all you can come up with, lobbing insults? Insulting family? Are you channeling another member here because you suddenly are not posting in your normal way.

Are you trying to claim that gender segregation on bus’ is not a controversial issue in regards to the ultra orthodox or are you trying to say it is forbidden to speak of it and those who do are virulent anti semites?
I don't think You understand the term Theocracy.
Orthodox parties having a majority in the Knesset doesn't mean they get to forcefully impose anything against the will of the nation. Neither Jewish Law a dogmatic body, but a dynamic discussion that evolves around the situation at the time, and as I've said part of its principles is that one cannot impose that which the nation is incapable to follow or accept, even if Torah prescribes that. Nor does it mean there's a single superior authority in that equation, or that Jewish Law itself, in any current form has more authority than what a big community, or person received as traditional practice.

For example, if most scholars rule that on a specific fast day there's not to be any work done,
while Your grandma was taught to clean the house on that day - all the scholars can do is find a rationale for that in the Jewish Law - heritage is of higher authority than religious rule.

If the nation elects them, it can vote them out the same way. What You're probably imagining when saying "theocracy" is closer to the rule that was in Israel when Moses A"H was the authority, and that too wasn't a single man's rule rather a system of courts representing each tribe, as if say each state in the US had equal representation and a president who's decision was needed only when the lower courts had no ruling.

Your framing of the question in terms of theocracy is irrelevant, because prophets are neither elected, nor the orthodox parties pertain to be one's. That's about where their rule ends and real theocracy starts, no one can choose that and no one can make that a reality other than G-d Himself.

Same goes with the Sanhedrion, it's a different equation of reality altogether that no orthodox party is capable of fulfilling.

As for transport on Shabbat, it may be a surprise but many who demand it stops for the day are simple people not belonging to any orthodox party, who simply prefer some quiet once in a week without any religious reasoning. We've had demonstration in most secular communities of Holon, Givataim, Ramat Gan etc - Tel Aviv area demanding just that. While on the other hand the orthodox parties look for ways to indirectly allow that in places of greater demand, so that they can find middle ground and function as a government on issues they see more important. They don't force it through law, but simply by boycotting companies en mass as consumers.

In Jerusalem for example, if You go by bus or tram, You'll see both mixed situations, and separation, where men are at the front and women at the back volunterally - it depends solely on the public using the transport at the time. No one will force You out if You don't apply by their standard - simply won't sit near You and go to another part of the bus.

'Sinful' city buses stoned by ultra-Orthodox Jews

'Only room for men': Driver denied Israeli woman entry on bus to ultra-Orthodox town

Ultra-Orthodox protesters shatter bus windows after female passenger refuses to sit in back

Yep not obsessed at all...:rolleyes:
Good girl, thank You for proving my point.

You cracked really fast.
Just scratch a bit and the Jew-hater eventually shows his face.
You're no exception, though I've seen smarter antisemites play that game better.

Oh my goodness. Showing your statement about the ultra orthodox attitudes towards gender segregation on buses to be a LIE makes one a Jew hater? Really? Because Jews in Israel who are not ultra orthodox also have issues with it. So let me guess...if one were to discuss gender segregation in Muslim mosques (which is also a truth) ... would you call person a Muslim hater? :popcorn:

Oh boy You could quote from The Stormer with the same success.

Why the obsession, is it revenge for that uncle of Yours?
You can’t address the questions? That is all you can come up with, lobbing insults? Insulting family? Are you channeling another member here because you suddenly are not posting in your normal way.

Are you trying to claim that gender segregation on bus’ is not a controversial issue in regards to the ultra orthodox or are you trying to say it is forbidden to speak of it and those who do are virulent anti semites?

There's simply no segregation in public transport, just hateful media blowing up stories to make them look as if isolated cases of unacceptable behavior were the norm.

But only a true Jew hater would actually bother pay for a subscription to such a biased source,
that barely any Israeli bothers to read or takes seriously, and was sued numerous times to eventually pay damages for blatant lies and incitement.

Who pays for a foreign media source that no one reads home?
Well here wee see the audience...go on talk about integrity, in the meantime it's You who actually spend money from her own pocket to smear my country and my people - the definition of obsession.

Let's pretend there isn't another name for that.
Last edited:

Yep not obsessed at all...:rolleyes:
Good girl, thank You for proving my point.

You cracked really fast.
Just scratch a bit and the Jew-hater eventually shows his face.
You're no exception, though I've seen smarter antisemites play that game better.

Oh my goodness. Showing your statement about the ultra orthodox attitudes towards gender segregation on buses to be a LIE makes one a Jew hater? Really? Because Jews in Israel who are not ultra orthodox also have issues with it. So let me guess...if one were to discuss gender segregation in Muslim mosques (which is also a truth) ... would you call person a Muslim hater? :popcorn:

Oh boy You could quote from The Stormer with the same success.

Why the obsession, is it revenge for that uncle of Yours?
You can’t address the questions? That is all you can come up with, lobbing insults? Insulting family? Are you channeling another member here because you suddenly are not posting in your normal way.

Are you trying to claim that gender segregation on bus’ is not a controversial issue in regards to the ultra orthodox or are you trying to say it is forbidden to speak of it and those who do are virulent anti semites?

There's simply no segregation in public transport, just hateful media blowing up stories to make them look as if isolated cases of unacceptable behavior were the norm.

But only a true Jew hater would actually pay for a subscription to such a biased source,
that barely no Israeli bother to or takes seriously.

Ah. Okay. So you think Haaretz (which is free by the way) is a Jew Hater source, presumably because it is liberal and conflicts with your extremely conservative anti Arab point of view.

Too bad. It offers good articles and commentary and shows Israel has a plurality of viewpoints.

Many women don’t seem to like being told, pressured or even threatened to sit in the back of the bus. Clearly it is enough of an issue that it has been in the courts a good bit.

This is from 2012. From Back of the Bus, Israeli Women Fight Segregation

And this is from a few months ago.

Israeli court fails to stop city concert that barred men and women sitting together - Religion News Service

Israel's attorney general is allowing the gender-segregation tsunami to sweep over

In recent years, gender segregation and discrimination against women have been expanding into various aspects of public life. This is seen on army bases where women are marginalized; on academic campuses where female “modesty supervisors” check the length of skirts; in the civil service, which has cadet courses for men only; in funeral ceremonies, where women cannot mourn or stand with their families; in signposts forbidding women to walk on certain sidewalks, while men police their clothing, applying ever harsher modesty rules, occasionally with curses and spitting. Bus drivers refuse to let on a female passenger in shorts, or don’t allow women to board, claiming there’s “room for men only.”

Yep not obsessed at all...:rolleyes:
Good girl, thank You for proving my point.

You cracked really fast.
Just scratch a bit and the Jew-hater eventually shows his face.
You're no exception, though I've seen smarter antisemites play that game better.

Oh my goodness. Showing your statement about the ultra orthodox attitudes towards gender segregation on buses to be a LIE makes one a Jew hater? Really? Because Jews in Israel who are not ultra orthodox also have issues with it. So let me guess...if one were to discuss gender segregation in Muslim mosques (which is also a truth) ... would you call person a Muslim hater? :popcorn:

Oh boy You could quote from The Stormer with the same success.

Why the obsession, is it revenge for that uncle of Yours?
You can’t address the questions? That is all you can come up with, lobbing insults? Insulting family? Are you channeling another member here because you suddenly are not posting in your normal way.

Are you trying to claim that gender segregation on bus’ is not a controversial issue in regards to the ultra orthodox or are you trying to say it is forbidden to speak of it and those who do are virulent anti semites?

There's simply no segregation in public transport, just hateful media blowing up stories to make them look as if isolated cases of unacceptable behavior were the norm.

But only a true Jew hater would actually bother pay for a subscription to such a biased source,
that barely any Israeli bothers to read or takes seriously, and was sued numerous times to eventually pay damages for blatant lies and incitement.

Who pays for a foreign media source that no one reads home?
Well here wee see the audience...go on talk about integrity, in the meantime it's You who actually spend money from her own pocket to smear my country and my people - the definition of obsession.

Let's pretend there isn't another name for that.

What are talking about, spend money? It is FREE. Just like the Jerusalem Post and other media sources. You get a certain number of articles per day free. Do some research before lying please.
This is an interesting thread. It's got a little of everything that should make it obvious why Eastern Europe wants to chart its own destiny and break away from the radical leftists and the neoconservative jews wreaking havok in the west.
Yep not obsessed at all...:rolleyes:
Good girl, thank You for proving my point.

You cracked really fast.
Just scratch a bit and the Jew-hater eventually shows his face.
You're no exception, though I've seen smarter antisemites play that game better.

Oh my goodness. Showing your statement about the ultra orthodox attitudes towards gender segregation on buses to be a LIE makes one a Jew hater? Really? Because Jews in Israel who are not ultra orthodox also have issues with it. So let me guess...if one were to discuss gender segregation in Muslim mosques (which is also a truth) ... would you call person a Muslim hater? :popcorn:

Oh boy You could quote from The Stormer with the same success.

Why the obsession, is it revenge for that uncle of Yours?
You can’t address the questions? That is all you can come up with, lobbing insults? Insulting family? Are you channeling another member here because you suddenly are not posting in your normal way.

Are you trying to claim that gender segregation on bus’ is not a controversial issue in regards to the ultra orthodox or are you trying to say it is forbidden to speak of it and those who do are virulent anti semites?

There's simply no segregation in public transport, just hateful media blowing up stories to make them look as if isolated cases of unacceptable behavior were the norm.

But only a true Jew hater would actually bother pay for a subscription to such a biased source,
that barely any Israeli bothers to read or takes seriously, and was sued numerous times to eventually pay damages for blatant lies and incitement.

Who pays for a foreign media source that no one reads home?
Well here wee see the audience...go on talk about integrity, in the meantime it's You who actually spend money from her own pocket to smear my country and my people - the definition of obsession.

Let's pretend there isn't another name for that.

What are talking about, spend money?
Aside from Your own admission to actually paying for that,
the numerous times You've posted articles that were blocked for unsubscribed users.

Do You ever read anything else on Israel?
Can You show me one positive article about the orthodox community, in that source?

C'mon stop playing games, You know this is a highly biased one,
that doesn't fall short of the likes of The Stormer.

That they're allowed to publish all that bigotry indeed shows a high level of pluralism,
but not the healthy side of it. Your insistence on constantly using just that speaks volumes about what is clear even without.
No such animal possible.
Again You folks are projecting Christianity and Islam on Judaism.

In Judaism the govt сan't impose that which the nation is not willing to accept.
Neither Jewish law allow any such things as "theocracy", monarchy yes, and even that too, is function of popular agreement.

There was only one such occasion in Jewish history of an attempt to run a "theocracy" aka rule of priesthood, that was called the Hashmonean rule- a vivid example of an illegitimate gotv, according to the "orthodox" law itself (if there's such a thing to begin with) that fell for that exact reason.

Educate Yourself with the basics.
Theocracy is impossible? Okay. After some time, becsuse of demography, the majority on the Knesset is got by Orthodox parties. They form the government and are able to carry out their policy as they want. Is it possible? And my previous questions still stand - about religious minorities, women and the public rules.

Unless I am mistaken, in some places the Orthodoxes had their demands met about public transport being not operated in Sabbath, for example.

I don't think You understand the term Theocracy.
Orthodox parties having a majority in the Knesset doesn't mean they get to forcefully impose anything against the will of the nation. Neither Jewish Law a dogmatic body, but a dynamic discussion that evolves around the situation at the time, and as I've said part of its principles is that one cannot impose that which the nation is incapable to follow or accept, even if Torah prescribes that. Nor does it mean there's a single superior authority in that equation, or that Jewish Law itself, in any current form has more authority than what a big community, or person received as traditional practice.

For example, if most scholars rule that on a specific fast day there's not to be any work done,
while Your grandma was taught to clean the house on that day - all the scholars can do is find a rationale for that in the Jewish Law - heritage is of higher authority than religious rule.

If the nation elects them, it can vote them out the same way. What You're probably imagining when saying "theocracy" is closer to the rule that was in Israel when Moses A"H was the authority, and that too wasn't a single man's rule rather a system of courts representing each tribe, as if say each state in the US had equal representation and a president who's decision was needed only when the lower courts had no ruling.

Your framing of the question in terms of theocracy is irrelevant, because prophets are neither elected, nor the orthodox parties pertain to be one's. That's about where their rule ends and real theocracy starts, no one can choose that and no one can make that a reality other than G-d Himself.

Same goes with the Sanhedrion, it's a different equation of reality altogether that no orthodox party is capable of fulfilling.

As for transport on Shabbat, it may be a surprise but many who demand it stops for the day are simple people not belonging to any orthodox party, who simply prefer some quiet once in a week without any religious reasoning. We've had demonstration in most secular communities of Holon, Givataim, Ramat Gan etc - Tel Aviv area demanding just that. While on the other hand the orthodox parties look for ways to indirectly allow that in places of greater demand, so that they can find middle ground and function as a government on issues they see more important. They don't force it through law, but simply by boycotting companies en mass as consumers.

In Jerusalem for example, if You go by bus or tram, You'll see both mixed situations, and separation, where men are at the front and women at the back volunterally - it depends solely on the public using the transport at the time. No one will force You out if You don't apply by their standard - simply won't sit near You and go to another part of the bus.

'Sinful' city buses stoned by ultra-Orthodox Jews

'Only room for men': Driver denied Israeli woman entry on bus to ultra-Orthodox town

Ultra-Orthodox protesters shatter bus windows after female passenger refuses to sit in back

Yep not obsessed at all...:rolleyes:
Good girl, thank You for proving my point.

You cracked really fast.
Just scratch a bit and the Jew-hater eventually shows his face.
You're no exception, though I've seen smarter antisemites play that game better.

Oh my goodness. Showing your statement about the ultra orthodox attitudes towards gender segregation on buses to be a LIE makes one a Jew hater? Really? Because Jews in Israel who are not ultra orthodox also have issues with it. So let me guess...if one were to discuss gender segregation in Muslim mosques (which is also a truth) ... would you call person a Muslim hater? :popcorn:

But did You show that?
Or just picked a handful of biased reports that smear a whole community from a questionable source?

Being a bigot takes much less brain activity,
than actually taking time to research a subject.
Oh my goodness. Showing your statement about the ultra orthodox attitudes towards gender segregation on buses to be a LIE makes one a Jew hater? Really? Because Jews in Israel who are not ultra orthodox also have issues with it. So let me guess...if one were to discuss gender segregation in Muslim mosques (which is also a truth) ... would you call person a Muslim hater? :popcorn:

Oh boy You could quote from The Stormer with the same success.

Why the obsession, is it revenge for that uncle of Yours?
You can’t address the questions? That is all you can come up with, lobbing insults? Insulting family? Are you channeling another member here because you suddenly are not posting in your normal way.

Are you trying to claim that gender segregation on bus’ is not a controversial issue in regards to the ultra orthodox or are you trying to say it is forbidden to speak of it and those who do are virulent anti semites?

There's simply no segregation in public transport, just hateful media blowing up stories to make them look as if isolated cases of unacceptable behavior were the norm.

But only a true Jew hater would actually bother pay for a subscription to such a biased source,
that barely any Israeli bothers to read or takes seriously, and was sued numerous times to eventually pay damages for blatant lies and incitement.

Who pays for a foreign media source that no one reads home?
Well here wee see the audience...go on talk about integrity, in the meantime it's You who actually spend money from her own pocket to smear my country and my people - the definition of obsession.

Let's pretend there isn't another name for that.

What are talking about, spend money?

The numerous times You've posted articles that were blocked for unsubscribed users.
Aside from Your own admission to actually paying for that.

Do You ever read anything else on Israel?
Can You show me one positive article about the orthodox community in that source?

C'mon stop playing games, You know this is a highly biased one,
that doesn't fall short of the likes of The Stormer.

That they're allowed to publish all that bigotry indeed shows a high level of pluralism,
but not the healthy side of it. Your insistence on constantly using just that speaks volumes about what is clear even without.
What on earth are you talking about? I never said I pay for it, I am not about to pay for something I only read occasionally, I don’t pay for ANY news. Haaretz is freely available up to a certain number of articles per day then you hit a paywall.

You may not like Haaretz because it doesn’t support your ideology but that hardly makes it Stormfront. I suspect your choices of media have a heavy anti Arab bias.
Theocracy is impossible? Okay. After some time, becsuse of demography, the majority on the Knesset is got by Orthodox parties. They form the government and are able to carry out their policy as they want. Is it possible? And my previous questions still stand - about religious minorities, women and the public rules.

Unless I am mistaken, in some places the Orthodoxes had their demands met about public transport being not operated in Sabbath, for example.

I don't think You understand the term Theocracy.
Orthodox parties having a majority in the Knesset doesn't mean they get to forcefully impose anything against the will of the nation. Neither Jewish Law a dogmatic body, but a dynamic discussion that evolves around the situation at the time, and as I've said part of its principles is that one cannot impose that which the nation is incapable to follow or accept, even if Torah prescribes that. Nor does it mean there's a single superior authority in that equation, or that Jewish Law itself, in any current form has more authority than what a big community, or person received as traditional practice.

For example, if most scholars rule that on a specific fast day there's not to be any work done,
while Your grandma was taught to clean the house on that day - all the scholars can do is find a rationale for that in the Jewish Law - heritage is of higher authority than religious rule.

If the nation elects them, it can vote them out the same way. What You're probably imagining when saying "theocracy" is closer to the rule that was in Israel when Moses A"H was the authority, and that too wasn't a single man's rule rather a system of courts representing each tribe, as if say each state in the US had equal representation and a president who's decision was needed only when the lower courts had no ruling.

Your framing of the question in terms of theocracy is irrelevant, because prophets are neither elected, nor the orthodox parties pertain to be one's. That's about where their rule ends and real theocracy starts, no one can choose that and no one can make that a reality other than G-d Himself.

Same goes with the Sanhedrion, it's a different equation of reality altogether that no orthodox party is capable of fulfilling.

As for transport on Shabbat, it may be a surprise but many who demand it stops for the day are simple people not belonging to any orthodox party, who simply prefer some quiet once in a week without any religious reasoning. We've had demonstration in most secular communities of Holon, Givataim, Ramat Gan etc - Tel Aviv area demanding just that. While on the other hand the orthodox parties look for ways to indirectly allow that in places of greater demand, so that they can find middle ground and function as a government on issues they see more important. They don't force it through law, but simply by boycotting companies en mass as consumers.

In Jerusalem for example, if You go by bus or tram, You'll see both mixed situations, and separation, where men are at the front and women at the back volunterally - it depends solely on the public using the transport at the time. No one will force You out if You don't apply by their standard - simply won't sit near You and go to another part of the bus.

'Sinful' city buses stoned by ultra-Orthodox Jews

'Only room for men': Driver denied Israeli woman entry on bus to ultra-Orthodox town

Ultra-Orthodox protesters shatter bus windows after female passenger refuses to sit in back

Yep not obsessed at all...:rolleyes:
Good girl, thank You for proving my point.

You cracked really fast.
Just scratch a bit and the Jew-hater eventually shows his face.
You're no exception, though I've seen smarter antisemites play that game better.

Oh my goodness. Showing your statement about the ultra orthodox attitudes towards gender segregation on buses to be a LIE makes one a Jew hater? Really? Because Jews in Israel who are not ultra orthodox also have issues with it. So let me guess...if one were to discuss gender segregation in Muslim mosques (which is also a truth) ... would you call person a Muslim hater? :popcorn:

But did You show that?
Or just picked a handful of biased reports that smear a whole community from a questionable source?
A questionable source?

Do you label every article that shows a different view point from yours biased?
I don't think You understand the term Theocracy.
Orthodox parties having a majority in the Knesset doesn't mean they get to forcefully impose anything against the will of the nation. Neither Jewish Law a dogmatic body, but a dynamic discussion that evolves around the situation at the time, and as I've said part of its principles is that one cannot impose that which the nation is incapable to follow or accept, even if Torah prescribes that. Nor does it mean there's a single superior authority in that equation, or that Jewish Law itself, in any current form has more authority than what a big community, or person received as traditional practice.

For example, if most scholars rule that on a specific fast day there's not to be any work done,
while Your grandma was taught to clean the house on that day - all the scholars can do is find a rationale for that in the Jewish Law - heritage is of higher authority than religious rule.

If the nation elects them, it can vote them out the same way. What You're probably imagining when saying "theocracy" is closer to the rule that was in Israel when Moses A"H was the authority, and that too wasn't a single man's rule rather a system of courts representing each tribe, as if say each state in the US had equal representation and a president who's decision was needed only when the lower courts had no ruling.

Your framing of the question in terms of theocracy is irrelevant, because prophets are neither elected, nor the orthodox parties pertain to be one's. That's about where their rule ends and real theocracy starts, no one can choose that and no one can make that a reality other than G-d Himself.

Same goes with the Sanhedrion, it's a different equation of reality altogether that no orthodox party is capable of fulfilling.

As for transport on Shabbat, it may be a surprise but many who demand it stops for the day are simple people not belonging to any orthodox party, who simply prefer some quiet once in a week without any religious reasoning. We've had demonstration in most secular communities of Holon, Givataim, Ramat Gan etc - Tel Aviv area demanding just that. While on the other hand the orthodox parties look for ways to indirectly allow that in places of greater demand, so that they can find middle ground and function as a government on issues they see more important. They don't force it through law, but simply by boycotting companies en mass as consumers.

In Jerusalem for example, if You go by bus or tram, You'll see both mixed situations, and separation, where men are at the front and women at the back volunterally - it depends solely on the public using the transport at the time. No one will force You out if You don't apply by their standard - simply won't sit near You and go to another part of the bus.

'Sinful' city buses stoned by ultra-Orthodox Jews

'Only room for men': Driver denied Israeli woman entry on bus to ultra-Orthodox town

Ultra-Orthodox protesters shatter bus windows after female passenger refuses to sit in back

Yep not obsessed at all...:rolleyes:
Good girl, thank You for proving my point.

You cracked really fast.
Just scratch a bit and the Jew-hater eventually shows his face.
You're no exception, though I've seen smarter antisemites play that game better.

Oh my goodness. Showing your statement about the ultra orthodox attitudes towards gender segregation on buses to be a LIE makes one a Jew hater? Really? Because Jews in Israel who are not ultra orthodox also have issues with it. So let me guess...if one were to discuss gender segregation in Muslim mosques (which is also a truth) ... would you call person a Muslim hater? :popcorn:

But did You show that?
Or just picked a handful of biased reports that smear a whole community from a questionable source?
A questionable source?

Do you label every article that shows a different view point from yours biased?

I'm not talking about a "point of view",
but actually a source that was judged to pay damages in several cases for spreading incitement, bigotry and outright lies under the guise of journalistic reporting.

Just this week their chief editor knowingly published a false report about Olive trees,
only to be exposed as blatant forgery:

Gideon Levy's fake olive trees in Haaretz ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

I'm open to discuss anything, and do enjoy that very much,
but don't talk to me about integrity when linking to that garbage.
Last edited:
Ah. Okay. So you think Haaretz (which is free by the way) is a Jew Hater source, presumably because it is liberal and conflicts with your extremely conservative anti Arab point of view.

Because instead of showing some respect and actually asking me what I think, You come up with these ridiculous virtue signaling and strawman fallacies.

Haaretz is not a liberal media source, far from. If that was the case, they would be liberal towards all, including the orthodox community as well. Instead they just constantly incite home and abroad against them, and the vast majority of Israeli population

It has nothing to do with my views on Arabs, but with the publication's material being targeted at, and mainly used for anti-Israel, pan-Arab and Neo-Nazi propaganda.

I think most Israeli printed (and electronic) media is liberal, with probably just one printed newspaper leaning more right-wing, which also happens to be the one with highest circulation.

Haaretz on the other hand, for being what it is, is the one with the lowest circulation,
virtually none, for the natural reasons listed above. I have been working as a professional musician for the last 17 years, hanging around the most liberal circles, and I think I haven't seen one in paper version literally since childhood, no one buys or sells that garbage.
Last edited:
Really? Because Jews in Israel who are not ultra orthodox also have issues with it. So let me guess...if one were to discuss gender segregation in Muslim mosques (which is also a truth) ... would you call person a Muslim hater? :popcorn:

Oh really I didn't realize You perceived me as an ultra-orthodox.
I think all these definitions are simply ridiculous, especially when they add the "ultra-super-mega" adjectives...

Once we were just called simply Jews, and it was enough to scare kids around campfire.
Now they need something more "super-ultra-mega-superfluous" to make old folklore sound spooky enough. Guess that's progress as well...

Anyway, Muslim segregation in mosques sounds most natural and authentic, evokes no enmity or shock, and is true. Unlike knowingly spreading lies about Israel supposedly segregating men and women in public transport -to deceive them into not only thinking this was true but to also associate it with pre-60's America's policies of segregation based not only on gender but skin color as well.

That's just a propaganda technique aimed to dehumanize and motivate an age old hatred.
Last edited:
Get down from that high horse, and educate Yourself, because other than projecting Christianity and Islam on Judaism and the Torah, those which they swore to eradicate and forge, You have no idea what You're talking about whatsoever.
If one imagine that Israel became a big state with a number of nationalities and religions inside of it. And the power in this Israel was seized by an Orthodox Jews. It became a theocracy with Orthodox rabbis heading the state and imposing religious laws upon the society.

What role would be preserved for religious and national minorities in such a state? What role of women would be? What rules would be regarding public behavior, appearance, arts and so on?

No such animal possible.
Again You folks are projecting Christianity and Islam on Judaism.

In Judaism the govt сan't impose that which the nation is not willing to accept.
Neither Jewish law allow any such things as "theocracy", monarchy yes, and even that too, is function of popular agreement.

There was only one such occasion in Jewish history of an attempt to run a "theocracy" aka rule of priesthood, that was called the Hashmonean rule- a vivid example of an illegitimate gotv, according to the "orthodox" law itself (if there's such a thing to begin with) that fell for that exact reason.

Educate Yourself with the basics.
Theocracy is impossible? Okay. After some time, becsuse of demography, the majority on the Knesset is got by Orthodox parties. They form the government and are able to carry out their policy as they want. Is it possible? And my previous questions still stand - about religious minorities, women and the public rules.

Unless I am mistaken, in some places the Orthodoxes had their demands met about public transport being not operated in Sabbath, for example.

I don't think You understand the term Theocracy.
Orthodox parties having a majority in the Knesset doesn't mean they get to forcefully impose anything against the will of the nation. Neither Jewish Law a dogmatic body, but a dynamic discussion that evolves around the situation at the time, and as I've said part of its principles is that one cannot impose that which the nation is incapable to follow or accept, even if Torah prescribes that. Nor does it mean there's a single superior authority in that equation, or that Jewish Law itself, in any current form has more authority than what a big community, or person received as traditional practice.

For example, if most scholars rule that on a specific fast day there's not to be any work done,
while Your grandma was taught to clean the house on that day - all the scholars can do is find a rationale for that in the Jewish Law - heritage is of higher authority than religious rule.

If the nation elects them, it can vote them out the same way. What You're probably imagining when saying "theocracy" is closer to the rule that was in Israel when Moses A"H was the authority, and that too wasn't a single man's rule rather a system of courts representing each tribe, as if say each state in the US had equal representation and a president who's decision was needed only when the lower courts had no ruling.

Your framing of the question in terms of theocracy is irrelevant, because prophets are neither elected, nor the orthodox parties pertain to be one's. That's about where their rule ends and real theocracy starts, no one can choose that and no one can make that a reality other than G-d Himself.

Same goes with the Sanhedrion, it's a different equation of reality altogether that no orthodox party is capable of fulfilling.

As for transport on Shabbat, it may be a surprise but many who demand it stops for the day are simple people not belonging to any orthodox party, who simply prefer some quiet once in a week without any religious reasoning. We've had demonstration in most secular communities of Holon, Givataim, Ramat Gan etc - Tel Aviv area demanding just that. While on the other hand the orthodox parties look for ways to indirectly allow that in places of greater demand, so that they can find middle ground and function as a government on issues they see more important. They don't force it through law, but simply by boycotting companies en mass as consumers.

In Jerusalem for example, if You go by bus or tram, You'll see both mixed situations, and separation, where men are at the front and women at the back volunterally - it depends solely on the public using the transport at the time. No one will force You out if You don't apply by their standard - simply won't sit near You and go to another part of the bus.

'Sinful' city buses stoned by ultra-Orthodox Jews

'Only room for men': Driver denied Israeli woman entry on bus to ultra-Orthodox town

Ultra-Orthodox protesters shatter bus windows after female passenger refuses to sit in back
And that exists considering they are a minority overall. Also, I have seen several videos where Orthodoxes block the roads demanding some things. The most interesting part is that the Orthodox communities live virtually at the expense of the Isrseli society. Only 50 percent of their men have a job and this even is considered a high number comparing with the past.

Btw, I have asked several times about Hasids on this forum. But the Jews here aren't willing to discuss them. I wonder why. Sometimes silence speaks much more than any words.

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