European Colonialism - Good or Bad?

Good for who though.

Overall I'd say miserably disastrous. Just ask the Arawak.
Or the Africans. Or the Irish. Or the Maori. Or the Indian subcontinent.
-------------------------------- GOOD for the 'euro's' until they became wusses 50 or longer years ago and nowadays the 'euro's' are paying because of their wussiness Pogo .


Probably more bad than good, as the benefits were generally achieved at terrible costs.
wouldn't it have been kinda hard to civilize the 'aztecs' without Conquering them ?? Same for other 'indians' that were in 'south america' . In fact , from what i have Heard , the 'aztecs' were Conquered by the Spanish and some 'indians' that allied with the 'spanish' to conquer the 'aztecs' .

British colonies? You mean the way they carved up Persia and Iraq into random map freaks irrespective of their histories just to grease their oil channels and created the same kind of tensions France did in Syria?

As for the others, I dunno when you say Portuguese I just think of Brazil, which is hardly a "shithole", and then its Spanish-legacy neighbors like Uruguay and Argentina. And Chile and Ecuador. I'm not seeing your patterns.

I kinda agree about the Middle East. Shit fight.

Brazil is a shit hole. Chile is coming right. Argentina was until its currency went down the gurgler.
Not good or bad but inevitable. Strong nations have always victimized weaker tribes going back to the Neanderthals. We stopped doing that about a hundred years ago but Sub-Sahara African emerging nations and Jihadist Islamist cultures apparently didn't get the memo.
Exploitation of other cultures

Rape their land, steal their resources, enslave their population
How did French colonialization of IndoChina work out?
I'm thinking - overall - good. Kinda depends on the colonial power too IMO.

Overall good. Especially to be colonized by the English.
Not so good to be colonized by Belgium or Germany.
Are we assuming European is the better civilization to be colonized by compared to other world powers ?
I'd say good overall but with bad in some parts, and horrific in others, i.e. the Congo.

Belgian Congo was a horror story. But (for whatever difference it makes) wasn’t Congo a personal colony of the king?
...well, after WW2, there were many civil wars because Belgium's, France's and England's power was shot...they divided up the world and made ''fictional'' divisions
....Leopold obviously created very ''bad'' in Africa
...the whites ''destroyed'' the Native American culture

.....but this does not mean the Europeans are more evil/etc --they just had the power/technology/etc
..that was the way of the world way back THEN, in these areas that were NOT countries before ww2 = after WW2, these areas cannot advance/get better until after the civil wars/political chaos/etc

..I would say it leans toward the bad side as we see many more killed during the civil wars where the Europeans were involved - the bad outweighs the good
...especially with the US involved [ initially the Europeans = French ] not only in Vietnam, but Cambodia and Laos--all fought--all killing for -------------------NOTHING
Just the idea that, for example, the largest "Colonialism" the 100,000 max British officers that were ever in all India, training and cooperating with native operations, could induce an inferiority in the Japanese, to see these Proud, Imperial, and Unreligious actions, Unreligious because Nowhere was there Any attempt for the promotion of a vigorous Morality in Any European Colonies save perhaps the earliest Spanish Crusade through the Americas, I'm sorry for this run-on sentence, and just the idea that this all could from a distnae inspire Japan to their identical Nazi german type acts. No one is taught about this. It will be True regardless of what people see or think of the Other events. Japan invaded Korea, Manchuria and parts of China with tens of millions of deaths, daily humiliation to bow to any soldier who represents a Japanese Emperor. The farms would be evicted for over 3 million Japanese immigrants to Korea. Again, even with staff and all immigrants to the Huge Indian country then at 500 million, there were max 300,000 British persons to effect anything at all then! The simplest economic interaction would be finalized and dictated by the ethnic Japanese person who could resort to all-Japanese Judges.

I spend a lot of time that people forget about Our Thirteen Colonies, then We were a Colony! So much of early America then is maneuvering off of the boot and heel of being a Colony! Forgotten because for the Time Being its not useful to know. So, Andrew Jackson held his land and people Dear to him the Scotsman's land where the brits took a sword to his face where he defended his wife's memory in a duel, where he wouldn't let Imperialists the same race, just Colonial imperialists, tax and take over our land at the Battle of New Orleans, so people are fans of racializing colonialism now days.
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