
We get it. You hate liberals.

Why do you people always equate truth with hate? If you hate the truth about what you are for why not change what you are for?

Or do you hate the truth when you have to be reminded of it because it causes you to realize what you are defending is indefensible? Therein the personal accusations, temper tantrums ad nauseum..... ?

"Truth is the mother of hatred."
Hi PoliticalChich, Jeremiah, Coloradomtnman:

I believe that Universal Truth "sets us free" from strife, division, and discord.

I think you must mean when you first discover there is betrayal and lies,
then there can be rage and unforgiveness, anger as part of the grief process
while having to process the changes.

it is not the truth that causes the hate and anger coming out,
but the recognition of suffering caused by either
ignorance, denial, misrepresentation, fraud, omission, negligence,
malice, or whatever caused the suppression of Truth that
would have freed that person from suffering worse problems.

The Truth sets us free where we have fuller understanding
and can see both the cause of the problems and how to correct them.

with forgiveness we are set free

with unforgiveness we can still feel angry or betrayed
because the truth was denied or kept from us

I went through this, too

When I first found out how karma was passed down
and I didn't have a choice in it because I didn't know it was happening
I was furious

I screamed and yelled at my family that we needed to end this
vicious cycle of denial projection and blame on other people

so my first reaction was shock and it came out
as panic and anger that so much went wrong
that could have been prevented had I known

now that I know I can help other people

but at first, of course, the first reaction can be
why isn't this being taught
why are people refusing to hear the solutions
and keep fighting and wasting lives and resources over problems
how is any of this suffering necessary
when it can all be prevented

it is heatbreaking and so grievous
what humanity has done to itself
the first reaction is to scream in grief

so we must have forgiveness and compssion
for one another to rise above this grief
embrace one another in loving grace and healing
in order to get through this process without
screaming our heads off at the suffering caused

so heartbreaking and tragic
when all the answers are here
and we do not hear each other
for the screaming going on because of the problems

so it goes in a cycle until we all calm down
and speak to one another with love
forgiving one another so we may
walk each other through and get to a better place

we can do it but it is human to react with
anger and grief when we first realize
none of this suffering has to happen

very shocking and disturbing
so it is absolutely necessary to forgive
or we would all be mad with grief
We get it. You hate liberals.

Why do you people always equate truth with hate? If you hate the truth about what you are for why not change what you are for?

Or do you hate the truth when you have to be reminded of it because it causes you to realize what you are defending is indefensible? Therein the personal accusations, temper tantrums ad nauseum..... ?

"Truth is the mother of hatred."
Hi PoliticalChich, Jeremiah, Coloradomtnman:

I believe that Universal Truth "sets us free" from strife, division, and discord.

I think you must mean when you first discover there is betrayal and lies,
then there can be rage and unforgiveness, anger as part of the grief process
while having to process the changes.

it is not the truth that causes the hate and anger coming out,
but the recognition of suffering caused by either
ignorance, denial, misrepresentation, fraud, omission, negligence,
malice, or whatever caused the suppression of Truth that
would have freed that person from suffering worse problems.

The Truth sets us free where we have fuller understanding
and can see both the cause of the problems and how to correct them.

with forgiveness we are set free

with unforgiveness we can still feel angry or betrayed
because the truth was denied or kept from us

I went through this, too

When I first found out how karma was passed down
and I didn't have a choice in it because I didn't know it was happening
I was furious

I screamed and yelled at my family that we needed to end this
vicious cycle of denial projection and blame on other people

so my first reaction was shock and it came out
as panic and anger that so much went wrong
that could have been prevented had I known

now that I know I can help other people

but at first, of course, the first reaction can be
why isn't this being taught
why are people refusing to hear the solutions
and keep fighting and wasting lives and resources over problems
how is any of this suffering necessary
when it can all be prevented

it is heatbreaking and so grievous
what humanity has done to itself
the first reaction is to scream in grief

so we must have forgiveness and compssion
for one another to rise above this grief
embrace one another in loving grace and healing
in order to get through this process without
screaming our heads off at the suffering caused

so heartbreaking and tragic
when all the answers are here
and we do not hear each other
for the screaming going on because of the problems

so it goes in a cycle until we all calm down
and speak to one another with love
forgiving one another so we may
walk each other through and get to a better place

we can do it but it is human to react with
anger and grief when we first realize
none of this suffering has to happen

very shocking and disturbing
so it is absolutely necessary to forgive
or we would all be mad with grief

Anything to say about the 'truth' re:euthanasia?
10. "In his Letter to a Christian Nation, [Sam] Harris argues that "qualms" about stem-cell research are "obscene," because they are "morally indefensible." And they are morally indefensible because they represent nothing more than "faith-based irrationality."

These remarks .... invite the obvious response. Beyond the fact that it is religiously based, just what makes the religious objection to stem-cell research irrational?

[The] warning that so many religious believers hear when they consider stem-cell research, abortion, or euthanasia sounds at a frequency to which he is insensitive.

This is very odd considering that what moral philosophers have called the slippery slope has proven in recent decades to be slippery enough to seem waxed. It is, if anything, more slippery than ever. In 1984, Holland legalized euthanasia. Critics immediately objected that Dutch doctors, having been given the right to kill their elderly patients at their request, would almost at once find reasons to kill patients at their whim. This is precisely what has happened.

The Journal of Medical Ethics, in reviewing Dutch hospital practices, reported that 3 percent of Dutch deaths for 1995 were assisted suicides, and that of these, fully one-fourth were involuntary. The doctors simply knocked their patients off, no doubt assuring the family that Grootmoeder [grandmother] would have wanted it that way. As a result, a great many elderly Dutch carry around sanctuary certificates indicating in no uncertain terms that they do not wish their doctors to assist them to die, emerging from their coma, when they are ill, just long enough to tell these murderous pests for heaven's sake to go away."
Don Mitchell March 2009

Without God there is no morality in a society.

Without morality....there is euthanasia.
I love Euthanasia.

it has been very succesfull in the Netherlands, Belgium and Switzerland.

And should I ever get a glioblastrom I would insist on having the option of ending my life.

Why wait?

While you are waiting....have someone explain the OP to you.....what if you don't give your consent?
I love Euthanasia.

it has been very succesfull in the Netherlands, Belgium and Switzerland.

And should I ever get a glioblastrom I would insist on having the option of ending my life.

Why wait?

While you are waiting....have someone explain the OP to you.....what if you don't give your consent?

It wasn't funny the first time you tried it, dope.

There is actual content in this thread....way over your head.

You can return to the 24-hour all cartoon network.
I love Euthanasia.

it has been very succesfull in the Netherlands, Belgium and Switzerland.

And should I ever get a glioblastrom I would insist on having the option of ending my life.

Why wait?

While you are waiting....have someone explain the OP to you.....what if you don't give your consent?

It wasn't funny the first time you tried it, dope.

There is actual content in this thread....way over your head.

You can return to the 24-hour all cartoon network.

One of the serious indications of the end of a society and impending destruction / judgment is euthanasia, PC. When we look at one of the factors of what brought on the destruction of Germany and much of Europe it was Hitlers intro to Euthanasia - the doorway being eugenics which was introduced by Sir Francis Galt who was a cousin to Charles Darwin. ( oh! the wicked spiritual curses in that bloodline! ) Anyhow - it is an indication of the utter moral decay - of a society - when people no longer consider murder to be murder. In light of what I have heard about Obamacare / death panels / Doctors who know more about it then the general public does - it does appear this is one more reason that judgment is impending now. God is not mocked - whatever a man sows that shall he reap.
In the Torah the LORD taught to honor the elderly. It is written:

Leviticus 19 32 Stand up in the presence of the aged show respect for the elderly and revere your God. I am the LORD.

Cross References
1 Timothy 5:1
Do not rebuke an older man harshly, but exhort him as if he were your father. Treat younger men as brothers,

No where in the bible does it teach that Jews or Christians could make jokes about the elderly, could even "consider" euthanizing them, disrespect them but rather we are to revere our elders! I do respect my elders and I do expect that those who tell me they love God to respect the elders among us too! Some things are sacred and should not be joked about! Seriously.
I love Euthanasia.

it has been very succesfull in the Netherlands, Belgium and Switzerland.

And should I ever get a glioblastrom I would insist on having the option of ending my life.

Why wait?

While you are waiting....have someone explain the OP to you.....what if you don't give your consent?

It wasn't funny the first time you tried it, dope.

There is actual content in this thread....way over your head.

You can return to the 24-hour all cartoon network.

One of the serious indications of the end of a society and impending destruction / judgment is euthanasia, PC. When we look at one of the factors of what brought on the destruction of Germany and much of Europe it was Hitlers intro to Euthanasia - the doorway being eugenics which was introduced by Sir Francis Galt who was a cousin to Charles Darwin. ( oh! the wicked spiritual curses in that bloodline! ) Anyhow - it is an indication of the utter moral decay - of a society - when people no longer consider murder to be murder. In light of what I have heard about Obamacare / death panels / Doctors who know more about it then the general public does - it does appear this is one more reason that judgment is impending now. God is not mocked - whatever a man sows that shall he reap.
What is truly significant is that Progressives from Woodrow Wilson advocated that society be in the hands of bureaucrats and technocrats....who would only have the highest ethics, and the best of intentions.....

"I should do Brutus wrong, and Cassius wrong,
Who, you all know, are honourable men:
I will not do them wrong; I rather choose
To wrong the dead, to wrong myself and you,
Than I will wrong such honourable men."

Certainly these honourable men would have excellent reasons to end a person's life.....

"A Reuters news article that was written by Anthony Boadle and published on March 28 has reported that Dr. Virginia Soares de Souza has been charged with 7 counts of murder and may have killed 300 patients in order to, reportedly, “free-up” beds. (Doesn’t that sound familier) It has been suggested that de Souza could be one of the world’s worst serial killers.

Several years ago I heard a talk by a Dutch physician who did euthanasia. He referred to the patients who were nearing death, but not dying quickly, as “bed blockers.” I was shocked that he suggested, so plainly, how euthanasia was solving the problem of the “bed blocker”."
Doctor Killed 300 Patients in Euthanasia to Free Up Hospital Beds
Know you're gonna love this but it's what they call it,

Humanist Manifesto III

"Humanism is a progressive philosophy of life that, without supernaturalism, affirms our ability and responsibility to lead ethical lives of personal fulfillment that aspire to the greater good of humanity."

goes on at link

And that ties to
And how do your usual cut and paste "quotes"
10. "In his Letter to a Christian Nation, [Sam] Harris argues that "qualms" about stem-cell research are "obscene," because they are "morally indefensible." And they are morally indefensible because they represent nothing more than "faith-based irrationality."

These remarks .... invite the obvious response. Beyond the fact that it is religiously based, just what makes the religious objection to stem-cell research irrational?

[The] warning that so many religious believers hear when they consider stem-cell research, abortion, or euthanasia sounds at a frequency to which he is insensitive.

This is very odd considering that what moral philosophers have called the slippery slope has proven in recent decades to be slippery enough to seem waxed. It is, if anything, more slippery than ever. In 1984, Holland legalized euthanasia. Critics immediately objected that Dutch doctors, having been given the right to kill their elderly patients at their request, would almost at once find reasons to kill patients at their whim. This is precisely what has happened.

The Journal of Medical Ethics, in reviewing Dutch hospital practices, reported that 3 percent of Dutch deaths for 1995 were assisted suicides, and that of these, fully one-fourth were involuntary. The doctors simply knocked their patients off, no doubt assuring the family that Grootmoeder [grandmother] would have wanted it that way. As a result, a great many elderly Dutch carry around sanctuary certificates indicating in no uncertain terms that they do not wish their doctors to assist them to die, emerging from their coma, when they are ill, just long enough to tell these murderous pests for heaven's sake to go away."
Don Mitchell March 2009

Without God there is no morality in a society.

Without morality....there is euthanasia.
The ranting of the religiously insane.
We get it. You hate liberals.

Why do you people always equate truth with hate? If you hate the truth about what you are for why not change what you are for?

Or do you hate the truth when you have to be reminded of it because it causes you to realize what you are defending is indefensible? Therein the personal accusations, temper tantrums ad nauseum..... ?

I do not equate what you believe to be truth with hate. You might have a point but this thread does not exist in a vacuum. If Politicalchic actually had a discussion rather than just her posts of quotes and then her snarky remarks at any counter-arguments, then I wouldn't post something like the above and would instead engage her. I've tried many times before but it's pointless. She ignores arguments and insults the opposition.

You believe God has given us the gift of life and that it is Sin to commit suicide. I don't. I think people should have the freedom to do with their lives whatever it is they want so long as they do not infringe on the rights of others. If you can show me that your argument is based on truth, I'll change my mind. Until then you argue from belief and not truth.
Know you're gonna love this but it's what they call it,

Humanist Manifesto III

"Humanism is a progressive philosophy of life that, without supernaturalism, affirms our ability and responsibility to lead ethical lives of personal fulfillment that aspire to the greater good of humanity."

goes on at link

And that ties to
And how do your usual cut and paste "quotes"
10. "In his Letter to a Christian Nation, [Sam] Harris argues that "qualms" about stem-cell research are "obscene," because they are "morally indefensible." And they are morally indefensible because they represent nothing more than "faith-based irrationality."

These remarks .... invite the obvious response. Beyond the fact that it is religiously based, just what makes the religious objection to stem-cell research irrational?

[The] warning that so many religious believers hear when they consider stem-cell research, abortion, or euthanasia sounds at a frequency to which he is insensitive.

This is very odd considering that what moral philosophers have called the slippery slope has proven in recent decades to be slippery enough to seem waxed. It is, if anything, more slippery than ever. In 1984, Holland legalized euthanasia. Critics immediately objected that Dutch doctors, having been given the right to kill their elderly patients at their request, would almost at once find reasons to kill patients at their whim. This is precisely what has happened.

The Journal of Medical Ethics, in reviewing Dutch hospital practices, reported that 3 percent of Dutch deaths for 1995 were assisted suicides, and that of these, fully one-fourth were involuntary. The doctors simply knocked their patients off, no doubt assuring the family that Grootmoeder [grandmother] would have wanted it that way. As a result, a great many elderly Dutch carry around sanctuary certificates indicating in no uncertain terms that they do not wish their doctors to assist them to die, emerging from their coma, when they are ill, just long enough to tell these murderous pests for heaven's sake to go away."
Don Mitchell March 2009

Without God there is no morality in a society.

Without morality....there is euthanasia.
The ranting of the religiously insane.

I notice, are unable to confront the truth.

Keep up the good work.
Know you're gonna love this but it's what they call it,

Humanist Manifesto III

"Humanism is a progressive philosophy of life that, without supernaturalism, affirms our ability and responsibility to lead ethical lives of personal fulfillment that aspire to the greater good of humanity."

goes on at link

And that ties to
And how do your usual cut and paste "quotes"
10. "In his Letter to a Christian Nation, [Sam] Harris argues that "qualms" about stem-cell research are "obscene," because they are "morally indefensible." And they are morally indefensible because they represent nothing more than "faith-based irrationality."

These remarks .... invite the obvious response. Beyond the fact that it is religiously based, just what makes the religious objection to stem-cell research irrational?

[The] warning that so many religious believers hear when they consider stem-cell research, abortion, or euthanasia sounds at a frequency to which he is insensitive.

This is very odd considering that what moral philosophers have called the slippery slope has proven in recent decades to be slippery enough to seem waxed. It is, if anything, more slippery than ever. In 1984, Holland legalized euthanasia. Critics immediately objected that Dutch doctors, having been given the right to kill their elderly patients at their request, would almost at once find reasons to kill patients at their whim. This is precisely what has happened.

The Journal of Medical Ethics, in reviewing Dutch hospital practices, reported that 3 percent of Dutch deaths for 1995 were assisted suicides, and that of these, fully one-fourth were involuntary. The doctors simply knocked their patients off, no doubt assuring the family that Grootmoeder [grandmother] would have wanted it that way. As a result, a great many elderly Dutch carry around sanctuary certificates indicating in no uncertain terms that they do not wish their doctors to assist them to die, emerging from their coma, when they are ill, just long enough to tell these murderous pests for heaven's sake to go away."
Don Mitchell March 2009

Without God there is no morality in a society.

Without morality....there is euthanasia.
The ranting of the religiously insane.

I notice, are unable to confront the truth.

Keep up the good work.

I notice, again when it's you writing you can't write for crap.
Know you're gonna love this but it's what they call it,

Humanist Manifesto III

"Humanism is a progressive philosophy of life that, without supernaturalism, affirms our ability and responsibility to lead ethical lives of personal fulfillment that aspire to the greater good of humanity."

goes on at link

And that ties to
And how do your usual cut and paste "quotes"
10. "In his Letter to a Christian Nation, [Sam] Harris argues that "qualms" about stem-cell research are "obscene," because they are "morally indefensible." And they are morally indefensible because they represent nothing more than "faith-based irrationality."

These remarks .... invite the obvious response. Beyond the fact that it is religiously based, just what makes the religious objection to stem-cell research irrational?

[The] warning that so many religious believers hear when they consider stem-cell research, abortion, or euthanasia sounds at a frequency to which he is insensitive.

This is very odd considering that what moral philosophers have called the slippery slope has proven in recent decades to be slippery enough to seem waxed. It is, if anything, more slippery than ever. In 1984, Holland legalized euthanasia. Critics immediately objected that Dutch doctors, having been given the right to kill their elderly patients at their request, would almost at once find reasons to kill patients at their whim. This is precisely what has happened.

The Journal of Medical Ethics, in reviewing Dutch hospital practices, reported that 3 percent of Dutch deaths for 1995 were assisted suicides, and that of these, fully one-fourth were involuntary. The doctors simply knocked their patients off, no doubt assuring the family that Grootmoeder [grandmother] would have wanted it that way. As a result, a great many elderly Dutch carry around sanctuary certificates indicating in no uncertain terms that they do not wish their doctors to assist them to die, emerging from their coma, when they are ill, just long enough to tell these murderous pests for heaven's sake to go away."
Don Mitchell March 2009

Without God there is no morality in a society.

Without morality....there is euthanasia.
The ranting of the religiously insane.

I notice, are unable to confront the truth.

Keep up the good work.
I notice, again, you promote your serial mass murderer gawds as a standard for morality.

That, is the definition of being unable to confront the truth.

Stick with littering your goofy posts with "quotes" that you mine from extremist websites. Your attempts to add coherent commentary is a laughable joke.
Don't need a god to have morals and ethics. Secular humanism does just fine absent God while remaining very moral and ethical.
You my friend are not even remotely Moral, you have no Morals other than if it feels good do it - which is what I gather from your posts.

You are probably not too ethical either , and apparently you are Godless as well . That's two strikes and a ball Delta4 ---- you're at the mound what do you do ? [ And ..uh.. no ... the correct answer is not "another ball"]

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