EV maker slashes prices as it tries to avoid bankruptcy

My prediction is the resale value of used EV's is going to be just a few cents on the dollar. Used car lots will be full of EV's they can't sell.
Because why would anyone buy a used EV that will soon be needing a $20,000 battery?
My prediction is the resale value of used EV's is going to be just a few cents on the dollar. Used car lots will be full of EV's they can't sell.
Because why would anyone buy a used EV that will soon be needing a $20,000 battery?
My kid drives 13 year old Prius . Never replaced the battery and looked into the cost of doing so. $4k
My prediction is the resale value of used EV's is going to be just a few cents on the dollar. Used car lots will be full of EV's they can't sell.
Because why would anyone buy a used EV that will soon be needing a $20,000 battery?
Reportedly they last ten years or more or 100K +++ miles. But they degrade. A Full Charge aint what it used to be perhaps? In Cold weather extremes an old one won’t go the range specified. Maybe a 50% loss?
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The naysayers were saying almost the same about hybrids 14 years ago
The naysayers were saying almost the same about hybrids 14 years ago
I ain’t paying 2X to go 45MPG. I get 30MPG at 1/2 the cost. You cant make up $25K saving $50 per month IMVHO. It aint worth it, is it? Before stolen 2020 gas was $2 basically. Now? Complete chaos daily. Hard to plan.
Ever notice how many vehicles are lining up for a charge at those elaborate charging stations? An unofficial survey indicates zero.
Rivian reportedly loses $30k on every EV they sell, and that includes the fact they have added costly, mandatory "options" that add ten grand to their already high price.

But they make wonderful vehicles. They are fast, useful, stylish, convenient, and extremely inexpensive to operate. "We" should be pulling for companies like this, not bad-mouthing them and wishing they would go bankrupt.

Many companies go through periods when they lose tons of money, but the business model eventually pulls them out of the fire and they thrive. Amazon was a failed company that sought to compete successfully against Borders and Barnes & Noble, but they figured it out, and are now a retailing behemoth.

Libby (above) has not met one person who supports EV's????? She needs to get out more. I love my Tesla Model 3, and everyone I've met who drives one, new or used, feels the same way. With discounts and tax credits, I bought this fantastic M3-beater for a little over thirty grand, and I fill up in my garage, overnight, once a week for about $10.

Yeah, I support EV's.
Tesla's are trash.
I was on a road trip to another state.
Pulled off the highway into a convenience store to fill up my gasoline powered car.
Took like 5 minutes and I was ready to hit the road.
Looked over at the EV charging stations.
People were plugged in and sitting in their EV's either reading a book or taking a nap.
I just laughed and headed down the road. .. :thup:
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Actually passenger vehicle weight is an insignificant item in regards to road wear and road damage. It doesn’t matter whether they are electric or gas powered. Neither have much effect on roads

TRUCKS cause by far the most wear and damage
Also, the environmental payback of a carbon footprint of an EV charged with renewables is about 7 months. Compared to a 15-20 year pollution problem of an ICE vehicle.
The 13% figure is estimate of EV sales for this year like I posted.

All sales are sales.
As you learn in Economics -- if not in life--- that signals to all that there is no bargain. No place to recharge , huge huge repair costs. and even the usual Biden excuse doesn't work since we now know that EV's are much greater polluters than are gas powered.
It's okay to laugh.

Electric vehicles release more toxic emissions, are worse for the environment than gas-powered cars: study​

Social Links forShannon Thaler
Published March 5, 2024

Maybe that's why the Disinformation Governance Board (DGB) failed" they would have to admit that climate change,EV's , Green energy ---- it's all shit

Also, the environmental payback of a carbon footprint of an EV charged with renewables is about 7 months. Compared to a 15-20 year pollution problem of an ICE vehicle.
Just the opposite

Electric vehicles release more toxic emissions, are worse for the environment than gas-powered cars: study​

Social Links forShannon Thaler
Published March 5, 2024
As you learn in Economics -- if not in life--- that signals to all that there is no bargain. No place to recharge , huge huge repair costs. and even the usual Biden excuse doesn't work since we now know that EV's are much greater polluters than are gas powered.
It's okay to laugh.

Electric vehicles release more toxic emissions, are worse for the environment than gas-powered cars: study​

Social Links forShannon Thaler
Published March 5, 2024

Maybe that's why the Disinformation Governance Board (DGB) failed" they would have to admit that climate change,EV's , Green energy ---- it's all shit
Hilarious orange cult grandma

Post a real study on EVs verse ICE vehicles over their lifetime use.

Dare ya
Just the opposite

Electric vehicles release more toxic emissions, are worse for the environment than gas-powered cars: study​

Social Links forShannon Thaler
Published March 5, 2024
Jose christ grandma

Tire wear? Seriously

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