Evangelical Christian Child Porn Ring Busted

Christianity MADE them pervs?

Who knew?

If that's what the Bibe teaches you'd think the NAMBLA/gay/polyamory crowd would be rushing to church every Sunday.
Why don't you add the truth to your quotes.

Palin got and spent 80% less in earmarks then her predecessor?

oh wait that would not work as well would it.

As Mayor of Wasilla...?

As govenor she requested money to study the mating habits of crustaceans... Do you really think thats a wise use of your tax money...
As Mayor of Wasilla...?

As govenor she requested money to study the mating habits of crustaceans... Do you really think thats a wise use of your tax money...

I dunno? Does Alaska have any crustacean-based industries?

What are those crab-like things that come from Alaska? I bet they could make a mint off of 'em.
Have you guys been reading the threads lately??? Seems the board MO on both sides is to find the wackiest nutjob in the news and attribute them to that side. It's pretty funny watching one side do it and then watching them cry foul when it happens back to them. You guys kill me. :rofl:

Hate to say this, but it happens everywhere, not just on message boards. It's a sad state of the world. Extremism is NEVER a good thing, but to try to stop it also destroys freedom. What we need to do is be certain that there are more moderates working on real policy instead of the extremists, somehow. No plans yet because we already know that the loudest (aka most extreme) voices are always heard more.
child abusers are not limited by race or age or relgion or political party. The majority of times, the abuser is a close trusted friend and/or relative to the victim.

Why is it the press refers to these religous sects as "compounds"...note billy graham has a "retreat"? The press loves to take a story like this and blow it out of proportions...waco...the texas sect they illegally took all the kids from and had to return...

if you really want information on child abuse, its out there...pay attention to the sexual offenders registries. There are several of them. There is even one for Catholic priests ( no offense to Catholics) . INFORM YOURSELF about offenders and if they live near you and your child....

Federal Bureau of Investigation - Crimes Against Children - National/State Sex Offender Registry

the url will give you a registry for each state.
Rock, by the time anyone gets convicted we would have moved on. Stop ruining the fun :lol:

I am happy to condemn guilty parties if the State has enough evidence to charge them in cases like this. Especially when it was local State and Federal law enforcement.

The lack of anyone being charged though would lead one to believe the Government has no case.
child abusers are not limited by race or age or relgion or political party. The majority of times, the abuser is a close trusted friend and/or relative to the victim.

Why is it the press refers to these religous sects as "compounds"...note billy graham has a "retreat"? The press loves to take a story like this and blow it out of proportions...waco...the texas sect they illegally took all the kids from and had to return...

if you really want information on child abuse, its out there...pay attention to the sexual offenders registries. There are several of them. There is even one for Catholic priests ( no offense to Catholics) . INFORM YOURSELF about offenders and if they live near you and your child....

Federal Bureau of Investigation - Crimes Against Children - National/State Sex Offender Registry

the url will give you a registry for each state.

Ohh you missed the Texas threads from the last episode. I was called a child molester and supporter of child molester's for pointing out the State broke their own laws and the first Judge violated everyones rights. Even Jillian was claiming I supported Child Molesters. She is a Lawyer and INSISTED the State was legally able to break it's own laws for the " protection" of the Children.

She even argued that the 30 women the state held as minors even though they had VALID birth certificates was legal cause the State of Texas did not have to recognize any other States Birth Certificate.
I am happy to condemn guilty parties if the State has enough evidence to charge them in cases like this. Especially when it was local State and Federal law enforcement.

The lack of anyone being charged though would lead one to believe the Government has no case.

Perhaps, sometimes it's a question of gathering the evidence a bit later. I'm sure you wouldn't be surprised if I told you that political pressure can force the police to act to quickly to satisfy political demands which then seem them "re-investigating" to get admissible evidence.

But fair point innocent until proven guilty.
there's one of those operating under the cloak of fundmentalism in Waldo country Maine, right now.

I know of at least three victims (from two different families), kids I have known their whole lives, who are complainijng about how they were sexually abused (when they were very young, they no longer attend this coven of pederastes) only nobody is YET doing anything about it.

The parents are in denial, and so the band plays on.

Understand that most of the congregation is oblivious, and as yet not enough kids are willing to have their lives torn up by exposing the vile thengs that have been done to them.

Sadly I'm not the kind of guy who knows enough stand up men to just off the perps.

Eventually this will out though, I have no doubt about that.

That or one of those kids will start shooting up the church one day, and then everyone will wonder why that kid lost it.
there's one of those operating under the cloak of fundmentalism in Waldo country Maine, right now.

I know of at least three victims (from two different families), kids I have known their whole lives, who are complainijng about how they were sexually abused (when they were very young, they no longer attend this coven of pederastes) only nobody is YET doing anything about it.

The parents are in denial, and so the band plays on.

Understand that most of the congregation is oblivious, and as yet not enough kids are willing to have their lives torn up by exposing the vile thengs that have been done to them.

Sadly I'm not the kind of guy who knows enough stand up men to just off the perps.

Eventually this will out though, I have no doubt about that.

That or one of those kids will start shooting up the church one day, and then everyone will wonder why that kid lost it.

Well of course the kids couldn't be making it up? Or have a vendetta for some other reason?

There was child molestation case in Washington State 20 or 25 years ago. A girl claimed the church preacher and ALL the families of the church were in on it. That they took kids into the church basement and molested them on a weekly basis.

Trials were held and every member of the congregation that could not afford a private Lawyer was found guilty and every member that hired their own lawyer were found not guilty.

Know why?

The girl was a ward of the Police Officer that did the investigation. An officer that had lost his Job in LA cause he made shit up and wouldn't drop bogus charges.

The Girl? She had a HISTORY of making the same false allegations before being placed with this Officer.

The people that "interviewed" the children were caught on tape coaching them with bribes and threats to say what they wanted to hear. There was ZERO physical evidence.

The people convicted admitted they pleaded out on the advice of their Court appointed Lawyers that had access to all this information but told them they would be convicted.

It is not always a simple case of someone claimed it. And just because you know them does not equal that they are being truthful.

Having said that, the police have a DUTY and RESPONSIBILITY to investigate if even one child makes those claims and EVEN if the child has lied in the past.

Your County and local police are failing their primary duty if they have not investigated the charges. I would write to the State authorities about it if that is the case.
Ohh you missed the Texas threads from the last episode. I was called a child molester and supporter of child molester's for pointing out the State broke their own laws and the first Judge violated everyones rights. Even Jillian was claiming I supported Child Molesters. She is a Lawyer and INSISTED the State was legally able to break it's own laws for the " protection" of the Children.

She even argued that the 30 women the state held as minors even though they had VALID birth certificates was legal cause the State of Texas did not have to recognize any other States Birth Certificate.

Thos of us with an iota of sense realize you are not a supporter of child molesters. The people who are the real threat to children are the ones who think they should be aborted if they come from a population different from their own, and who demonize young women for choosing to marry and raise their children, instead of killing them.

We also realize the people to be feared aren't those who think that the "choice" ends at the beginning of life in a woman, and that children who obtain abortions should be allowed to protect the criminal men who get them pregnant...but women who choose to keep their babies should be ripped from their families and children, subjected to gynocological and DNA testing to find the fathers, and in general incarcerated without just cause.

We know who the villains are, RGS, and it isn't the ones who want to protect children, and the right of law abiding women and men to opt to marry and raise their children in a loving family.
Thos of us with an iota of sense realize you are not a supporter of child molesters. The people who are the real threat to children are the ones who think they should be aborted if they come from a population different from their own, and who demonize young women for choosing to marry and raise their children, instead of killing them.

We also realize the people to be feared aren't those who think that the "choice" ends at the beginning of life in a woman, and that children who obtain abortions should be allowed to protect the criminal men who get them pregnant...but women who choose to keep their babies should be ripped from their families and children, subjected to gynocological and DNA testing to find the fathers, and in general incarcerated without just cause.

We know who the villains are, RGS, and it isn't the ones who want to protect children, and the right of law abiding women and men to opt to marry and raise their children in a loving family.

Projecting your own feelings onto others does not make them right.
Kindly provide a link to back up any or all of the idiocies you're posted. Until then, you'll be considered the baby-killing nobody your posts prove you want to be, Pagin piece of shit.

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