Evangelical Christians Must Pay For Trading Faith For Power, Morality Lost Forever

Yes, LGBT people can get married. No, they do not seem to think any more about sex than anyone else does. Wedding receptions usually involve a cake cut together by the newlyweds. And no, most people do not assume that such receptions are orgies. This idea only exists in your little mind. And yes,
It's the fanatical pseudo-Christian fundies who started this obsession with sex, and want everybody to behave as stupidly as they do about it. I remember back when there was no such obsession with sex.

Then you fundies came along and it was "put an aspirin between your knees," training poor little girls for early sex in so-called "marriage" with older men before these girls could ever have an opportunity to get an education and decide what they wanted out of life. "Purity"? "Institute for Basic Life Principles"? Decent parents look out for their daughters' futures. My dear and faithful father put aside a portion of his paycheck to make sure that I never had to pay for my college education as he always said that he wanted me always to be able to take care of myself.

I remember reading articles on how "Christian" husbands can extort sex from their wives who don't want to have it and how "Christian" wives should always be ready to screw on demand, which would not occur if the husband were not a filthy pig. Decent heterosexuals don't do these things or have these kinds of disrespectful "marriages." I am not "angry" at heterosexuals having normal married relationships, just at the abnormal ones that are based on power trips and disrespect of partners, and the fact that these pigs want to lure innocent girls into these indecent relationships.

I Let My Husband Rape Me, and Here’s Why...
Preacher's Wife on Stand for Murder: Husband Forced Me to Have Sex, Refused Divorce
Roy Moore allegations prompt reflections on fundamentalist culture in which some Christian men date teens

Nobody is forced to "endorse" anyone else's sexual activities. I certainly don't endorse the activities I described above, which seem designed to ruin heterosexuality. Abortion is an important issue because people are trying to force their views and their religious beliefs on a person who is entitled to her own views, to select her own religious beliefs, and to control her own physical body. Who else's judgment should take precedence. Such usurpation of individual rights should not take place in the U.S.

As for your photo display: it's really childish and certainly is an insult to those who suffer from mental illness.
By the same token, no one is EVER going to look to you tell tell them what Christianity is or how Christians should behave. I have no desire whatsoever to embrace your ideas of how Christians should behave. You think that you have the right, but you don't. Goodbye, ignorant little girl.

Well, unlike you, I'M not TRYING to tell anyone how to practice their faith, because I have no deep-seated psychological need to control the lives of others.

Please notice that no one has asked you to embrace my ideas about anything, because I genuinely don't give a crap about you. I have simply pointed out YOUR hubris.

Goodbye, poltroon. Your surrender and subsequent retreat are duly noted and you are free to go.

Trying to control the lives of others is exactly what you and your ilk are trying to do out of some deep-seated psychological need. If you morons would stop targeting other people and their rights and go do cartwheels in your prairie dresses or service your husbands' sexual "needs," or refrain from voting on command of your masters, nobody would care. You morons are the ones who have spent years denying that people like President Obama and Hillary Clinton are Christians because they don't practice their faith the same way you do.
Says the puke who thinks bakers must be forced to create works of art to celebrate orgies.

Your bigoted commentary is evidence of your small minded meanness. Nazis spoke in the same way of Jews. Settlers spoke the same way of Indians. The difference is that you are also mentally ill...

Which is why we're building great big mental hospitals. So when you lunatics expose yourselves for the crazies you are, we can lock you up. For good.

I've never heard of anyone having an orgy at a wedding. Is this what your weird "Christian" cult does? I've have never spoken against an entire religion. But all religions spawn a set of lunatics. I perceive you to be one of them. Go away. I think I hear your husband calling and he needs servicing right now!

Fags can't be married, so what they do that requires *special* cake is beyond me. Most just assume it's an orgy, since all they ever think of is depraved sex.

Take, for example, the claim of Cake Rape. Who the hell but a lesbian twat would ever even think of a cake as a violent intrusive penis? And if they do, why would they insist on having a *special* one for their orgy?

And take your own obsession over Christian rituals and normal heterosexual relationships. Why so angry about normal relations between normal people who are actually married? It's funny that heteros and males are forced to endorse the obnoxious and obvious sexual panderings of perverts...and yet you use all sorts of hateful and creepily bigoted rhetoric to reference (over and over over) the activities (which you obviously spend a lot of time thinking about) that go on between two married people in their bedroom.

You people just have no *normal* bones in your body.

Which is why I maintain you belong in mental institutions. Anybody who pitches a fit like you fanatics pitch over things like cake, and abortion, and the *right* to cut off your sons' penises... is a menace and needs to be locked up.


Put the crazies where they belong. Get them off our streets, and for God's sakes don't let them breed or be anywhere near children:


Since my original reply apparently did not post, perhaps because I hit the wrong button, I will post again.

Yes. LGBTs can legally marry now. A wedding cake to be ceremonially cut by the newlyweds has been a staple of wedding receptions for a very long time. Wedding cakes are not "special." You are the only person I have ever come across who thinks of wedding receptions as orgies, not "most" people. I hesitate to think that people going through their marriage ceremonies are preoccupied with sex at the moment. Marriage is choosing one person as a life partner, to the exclusion of all others.

I have no idea what this "cake rape" thing is all about, even having done a quick Google search. It has a few different meanings, including inserting drugs into a cake to make a person who eats it stoned, with the objective of sexually assaulting that person.

I never said anything about "Christian rituals" and have been a participant in many.

As a heterosexual, I have never been "angry" about normal heterosexuals having "normal" heterosexual relationships, including those who are formally married. I cheer people like Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, who appear to have heterosexuality right. I love to see their pictures together. I love seeing people happy, whatever sexual orientation they may have. I am, however, against people who seek to abuse and pervert heterosexuality and the institution of marriage through power-tripping, penis-worship, the sexual grooming and chasing of children before they have a chance to become mature, educated, adults, the denigration and disrespect of one's partner, and approval of rape. Nobody is "forced" to approve of anyone else's sex life.

Your photo array is not only childish, it is really insulting of those unfortunates who have suffered from the terrible affliction of mental illness.
Well, unlike you, I'M not TRYING to tell anyone how to practice their faith, because I have no deep-seated psychological need to control the lives of others.

Please notice that no one has asked you to embrace my ideas about anything, because I genuinely don't give a crap about you. I have simply pointed out YOUR hubris.

Goodbye, poltroon. Your surrender and subsequent retreat are duly noted and you are free to go.

Trying to control the lives of others is exactly what you and your ilk are trying to do out of some deep-seated psychological need. If you morons would stop targeting other people and their rights and go do cartwheels in your prairie dresses or service your husbands' sexual "needs," or refrain from voting on command of your masters, nobody would care. You morons are the ones who have spent years denying that people like President Obama and Hillary Clinton are Christians because they don't practice their faith the same way you do.
Says the puke who thinks bakers must be forced to create works of art to celebrate orgies.

Your bigoted commentary is evidence of your small minded meanness. Nazis spoke in the same way of Jews. Settlers spoke the same way of Indians. The difference is that you are also mentally ill...

Which is why we're building great big mental hospitals. So when you lunatics expose yourselves for the crazies you are, we can lock you up. For good.

I've never heard of anyone having an orgy at a wedding. Is this what your weird "Christian" cult does? I've have never spoken against an entire religion. But all religions spawn a set of lunatics. I perceive you to be one of them. Go away. I think I hear your husband calling and he needs servicing right now!

Fags can't be married, so what they do that requires *special* cake is beyond me. Most just assume it's an orgy, since all they ever think of is depraved sex.

Take, for example, the claim of Cake Rape. Who the hell but a lesbian twat would ever even think of a cake as a violent intrusive penis? And if they do, why would they insist on having a *special* one for their orgy?

And take your own obsession over Christian rituals and normal heterosexual relationships. Why so angry about normal relations between normal people who are actually married? It's funny that heteros and males are forced to endorse the obnoxious and obvious sexual panderings of perverts...and yet you use all sorts of hateful and creepily bigoted rhetoric to reference (over and over over) the activities (which you obviously spend a lot of time thinking about) that go on between two married people in their bedroom.

You people just have no *normal* bones in your body.

Which is why I maintain you belong in mental institutions. Anybody who pitches a fit like you fanatics pitch over things like cake, and abortion, and the *right* to cut off your sons' penises... is a menace and needs to be locked up.


Put the crazies where they belong. Get them off our streets, and for God's sakes don't let them breed or be anywhere near children:


Since my original reply apparently did not post, perhaps because I hit the wrong button, I will post again.

Yes. LGBTs can legally marry now. A wedding cake to be ceremonially cut by the newlyweds has been a staple of wedding receptions for a very long time. Wedding cakes are not "special." You are the only person I have ever come across who thinks of wedding receptions as orgies, not "most" people. I hesitate to think that people going through their marriage ceremonies are preoccupied with sex at the moment. Marriage is choosing one person as a life partner, to the exclusion of all others.

I have no idea what this "cake rape" thing is all about, even having done a quick Google search. It has a few different meanings, including inserting drugs into a cake to make a person who eats it stoned, with the objective of sexually assaulting that person.

I never said anything about "Christian rituals" and have been a participant in many.

As a heterosexual, I have never been "angry" about normal heterosexuals having "normal" heterosexual relationships, including those who are formally married. I cheer people like Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, who appear to have heterosexuality right. I love to see their pictures together. I love seeing people happy, whatever sexual orientation they may have. I am, however, against people who seek to abuse and pervert heterosexuality and the institution of marriage through power-tripping, penis-worship, the sexual grooming and chasing of children before they have a chance to become mature, educated, adults, the denigration and disrespect of one's partner, and approval of rape. Nobody is "forced" to approve of anyone else's sex life.

Your photo array is not only childish, it is really insulting of those unfortunates who have suffered from the terrible affliction of mental illness.

I could care less if crazy people are insulted.

If the cake wasn't *special* the fake victims wouldn't have insisted on one made specifically for their event. That is the definition of *special*.

*Cake rape* is the term that is used to describe the insane assertion by the fake victims that they felt *mentally raped* by being offered a case cake, instead of one made SPECIALLY for them.

The fake victims are not interested in happiness..their own or others. They are interested in racketeering.
Trying to control the lives of others is exactly what you and your ilk are trying to do out of some deep-seated psychological need. If you morons would stop targeting other people and their rights and go do cartwheels in your prairie dresses or service your husbands' sexual "needs," or refrain from voting on command of your masters, nobody would care. You morons are the ones who have spent years denying that people like President Obama and Hillary Clinton are Christians because they don't practice their faith the same way you do.
Says the puke who thinks bakers must be forced to create works of art to celebrate orgies.

Your bigoted commentary is evidence of your small minded meanness. Nazis spoke in the same way of Jews. Settlers spoke the same way of Indians. The difference is that you are also mentally ill...

Which is why we're building great big mental hospitals. So when you lunatics expose yourselves for the crazies you are, we can lock you up. For good.

I've never heard of anyone having an orgy at a wedding. Is this what your weird "Christian" cult does? I've have never spoken against an entire religion. But all religions spawn a set of lunatics. I perceive you to be one of them. Go away. I think I hear your husband calling and he needs servicing right now!

Fags can't be married, so what they do that requires *special* cake is beyond me. Most just assume it's an orgy, since all they ever think of is depraved sex.

Take, for example, the claim of Cake Rape. Who the hell but a lesbian twat would ever even think of a cake as a violent intrusive penis? And if they do, why would they insist on having a *special* one for their orgy?

And take your own obsession over Christian rituals and normal heterosexual relationships. Why so angry about normal relations between normal people who are actually married? It's funny that heteros and males are forced to endorse the obnoxious and obvious sexual panderings of perverts...and yet you use all sorts of hateful and creepily bigoted rhetoric to reference (over and over over) the activities (which you obviously spend a lot of time thinking about) that go on between two married people in their bedroom.

You people just have no *normal* bones in your body.

Which is why I maintain you belong in mental institutions. Anybody who pitches a fit like you fanatics pitch over things like cake, and abortion, and the *right* to cut off your sons' penises... is a menace and needs to be locked up.


Put the crazies where they belong. Get them off our streets, and for God's sakes don't let them breed or be anywhere near children:


Since my original reply apparently did not post, perhaps because I hit the wrong button, I will post again.

Yes. LGBTs can legally marry now. A wedding cake to be ceremonially cut by the newlyweds has been a staple of wedding receptions for a very long time. Wedding cakes are not "special." You are the only person I have ever come across who thinks of wedding receptions as orgies, not "most" people. I hesitate to think that people going through their marriage ceremonies are preoccupied with sex at the moment. Marriage is choosing one person as a life partner, to the exclusion of all others.

I have no idea what this "cake rape" thing is all about, even having done a quick Google search. It has a few different meanings, including inserting drugs into a cake to make a person who eats it stoned, with the objective of sexually assaulting that person.

I never said anything about "Christian rituals" and have been a participant in many.

As a heterosexual, I have never been "angry" about normal heterosexuals having "normal" heterosexual relationships, including those who are formally married. I cheer people like Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, who appear to have heterosexuality right. I love to see their pictures together. I love seeing people happy, whatever sexual orientation they may have. I am, however, against people who seek to abuse and pervert heterosexuality and the institution of marriage through power-tripping, penis-worship, the sexual grooming and chasing of children before they have a chance to become mature, educated, adults, the denigration and disrespect of one's partner, and approval of rape. Nobody is "forced" to approve of anyone else's sex life.

Your photo array is not only childish, it is really insulting of those unfortunates who have suffered from the terrible affliction of mental illness.

I could care less if crazy people are insulted.

If the cake wasn't *special* the fake victims wouldn't have insisted on one made specifically for their event. That is the definition of *special*.

*Cake rape* is the term that is used to describe the insane assertion by the fake victims that they felt *mentally raped* by being offered a case cake, instead of one made SPECIALLY for them.

The fake victims are not interested in happiness..their own or others. They are interested in racketeering.
Shouldn't fag hating cake makers at least put a sign in their window saying "We don't serve gays", or something similar, like whites used to do?


or for barring Jews
Says the puke who thinks bakers must be forced to create works of art to celebrate orgies.

Your bigoted commentary is evidence of your small minded meanness. Nazis spoke in the same way of Jews. Settlers spoke the same way of Indians. The difference is that you are also mentally ill...

Which is why we're building great big mental hospitals. So when you lunatics expose yourselves for the crazies you are, we can lock you up. For good.

I've never heard of anyone having an orgy at a wedding. Is this what your weird "Christian" cult does? I've have never spoken against an entire religion. But all religions spawn a set of lunatics. I perceive you to be one of them. Go away. I think I hear your husband calling and he needs servicing right now!

Fags can't be married, so what they do that requires *special* cake is beyond me. Most just assume it's an orgy, since all they ever think of is depraved sex.

Take, for example, the claim of Cake Rape. Who the hell but a lesbian twat would ever even think of a cake as a violent intrusive penis? And if they do, why would they insist on having a *special* one for their orgy?

And take your own obsession over Christian rituals and normal heterosexual relationships. Why so angry about normal relations between normal people who are actually married? It's funny that heteros and males are forced to endorse the obnoxious and obvious sexual panderings of perverts...and yet you use all sorts of hateful and creepily bigoted rhetoric to reference (over and over over) the activities (which you obviously spend a lot of time thinking about) that go on between two married people in their bedroom.

You people just have no *normal* bones in your body.

Which is why I maintain you belong in mental institutions. Anybody who pitches a fit like you fanatics pitch over things like cake, and abortion, and the *right* to cut off your sons' penises... is a menace and needs to be locked up.


Put the crazies where they belong. Get them off our streets, and for God's sakes don't let them breed or be anywhere near children:


Since my original reply apparently did not post, perhaps because I hit the wrong button, I will post again.

Yes. LGBTs can legally marry now. A wedding cake to be ceremonially cut by the newlyweds has been a staple of wedding receptions for a very long time. Wedding cakes are not "special." You are the only person I have ever come across who thinks of wedding receptions as orgies, not "most" people. I hesitate to think that people going through their marriage ceremonies are preoccupied with sex at the moment. Marriage is choosing one person as a life partner, to the exclusion of all others.

I have no idea what this "cake rape" thing is all about, even having done a quick Google search. It has a few different meanings, including inserting drugs into a cake to make a person who eats it stoned, with the objective of sexually assaulting that person.

I never said anything about "Christian rituals" and have been a participant in many.

As a heterosexual, I have never been "angry" about normal heterosexuals having "normal" heterosexual relationships, including those who are formally married. I cheer people like Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, who appear to have heterosexuality right. I love to see their pictures together. I love seeing people happy, whatever sexual orientation they may have. I am, however, against people who seek to abuse and pervert heterosexuality and the institution of marriage through power-tripping, penis-worship, the sexual grooming and chasing of children before they have a chance to become mature, educated, adults, the denigration and disrespect of one's partner, and approval of rape. Nobody is "forced" to approve of anyone else's sex life.

Your photo array is not only childish, it is really insulting of those unfortunates who have suffered from the terrible affliction of mental illness.

I could care less if crazy people are insulted.

If the cake wasn't *special* the fake victims wouldn't have insisted on one made specifically for their event. That is the definition of *special*.

*Cake rape* is the term that is used to describe the insane assertion by the fake victims that they felt *mentally raped* by being offered a case cake, instead of one made SPECIALLY for them.

The fake victims are not interested in happiness..their own or others. They are interested in racketeering.
Shouldn't fag hating cake makers at least put a sign in their window saying "We don't serve gays", or something similar, like whites used to do?

View attachment 169347

or for barring Jews
View attachment 169348

Tsk, tsk. A lie.

They served queers.

They just didn't want to create a special cake specifically intended for a queer fest.

Which is of course their right.

And you might want to rethink your stupidity. Nazis believed in forcing Jews to serve their masters. They forced them to play music as their brethren were gassed, they forced them to cook in their kitchens.

Nazis and tyrants in general are always about forcing despised people to serve them and create things for them. Jews were used to create skin lampshades, for example. Nero forced men to share their wives with him at dinner parties. He forced young children to swim in the baths and lick him. That's the homo lobby side of the situation.

And Nazis shut down Jewish businesses, and took them over.
Trying to control the lives of others is exactly what you and your ilk are trying to do out of some deep-seated psychological need. If you morons would stop targeting other people and their rights and go do cartwheels in your prairie dresses or service your husbands' sexual "needs," or refrain from voting on command of your masters, nobody would care. You morons are the ones who have spent years denying that people like President Obama and Hillary Clinton are Christians because they don't practice their faith the same way you do.
Says the puke who thinks bakers must be forced to create works of art to celebrate orgies.

Your bigoted commentary is evidence of your small minded meanness. Nazis spoke in the same way of Jews. Settlers spoke the same way of Indians. The difference is that you are also mentally ill...

Which is why we're building great big mental hospitals. So when you lunatics expose yourselves for the crazies you are, we can lock you up. For good.

I've never heard of anyone having an orgy at a wedding. Is this what your weird "Christian" cult does? I've have never spoken against an entire religion. But all religions spawn a set of lunatics. I perceive you to be one of them. Go away. I think I hear your husband calling and he needs servicing right now!

Fags can't be married, so what they do that requires *special* cake is beyond me. Most just assume it's an orgy, since all they ever think of is depraved sex.

Take, for example, the claim of Cake Rape. Who the hell but a lesbian twat would ever even think of a cake as a violent intrusive penis? And if they do, why would they insist on having a *special* one for their orgy?

And take your own obsession over Christian rituals and normal heterosexual relationships. Why so angry about normal relations between normal people who are actually married? It's funny that heteros and males are forced to endorse the obnoxious and obvious sexual panderings of perverts...and yet you use all sorts of hateful and creepily bigoted rhetoric to reference (over and over over) the activities (which you obviously spend a lot of time thinking about) that go on between two married people in their bedroom.

You people just have no *normal* bones in your body.

Which is why I maintain you belong in mental institutions. Anybody who pitches a fit like you fanatics pitch over things like cake, and abortion, and the *right* to cut off your sons' penises... is a menace and needs to be locked up.


Put the crazies where they belong. Get them off our streets, and for God's sakes don't let them breed or be anywhere near children:


Since my original reply apparently did not post, perhaps because I hit the wrong button, I will post again.

Yes. LGBTs can legally marry now. A wedding cake to be ceremonially cut by the newlyweds has been a staple of wedding receptions for a very long time. Wedding cakes are not "special." You are the only person I have ever come across who thinks of wedding receptions as orgies, not "most" people. I hesitate to think that people going through their marriage ceremonies are preoccupied with sex at the moment. Marriage is choosing one person as a life partner, to the exclusion of all others.

I have no idea what this "cake rape" thing is all about, even having done a quick Google search. It has a few different meanings, including inserting drugs into a cake to make a person who eats it stoned, with the objective of sexually assaulting that person.

I never said anything about "Christian rituals" and have been a participant in many.

As a heterosexual, I have never been "angry" about normal heterosexuals having "normal" heterosexual relationships, including those who are formally married. I cheer people like Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, who appear to have heterosexuality right. I love to see their pictures together. I love seeing people happy, whatever sexual orientation they may have. I am, however, against people who seek to abuse and pervert heterosexuality and the institution of marriage through power-tripping, penis-worship, the sexual grooming and chasing of children before they have a chance to become mature, educated, adults, the denigration and disrespect of one's partner, and approval of rape. Nobody is "forced" to approve of anyone else's sex life.

Your photo array is not only childish, it is really insulting of those unfortunates who have suffered from the terrible affliction of mental illness.

I could care less if crazy people are insulted.

If the cake wasn't *special* the fake victims wouldn't have insisted on one made specifically for their event. That is the definition of *special*.

*Cake rape* is the term that is used to describe the insane assertion by the fake victims that they felt *mentally raped* by being offered a case cake, instead of one made SPECIALLY for them.

The fake victims are not interested in happiness..their own or others. They are interested in racketeering.

Everyone who orders a cake for their wedding orders a "special" cake, a "special" cake ordered specifically for their event. Otherwise, heterosexual couples would simply purchase a "case cake" or buy cakes from the local supermarket to serve to their wedding guests.

These people were not "fake victims." They simply entered a bakery to order a wedding cake, as so many people do, they were refused service, and they filed complaints alleging that these bakers violated the business laws in their various states. Sounds like this was just what occurred. How is reporting discrimination "racketeering"? People who suffer discrimination and humiliation by someone else's violation of law certainly are entitled to report it. Maybe I would not use the word "rape" to describe the emotional impact on them at that time and during the events that followed, but they could have been properly served by these businesses, in accordance with both the law and their own advertising, and gone on their merry way. They should not be blamed for any of this because they are innocent. By contrast, the bakers knew through the business laws that they are required to follow what they were required to do and failed to do it. The blame falls entirely on them.
I've never heard of anyone having an orgy at a wedding. Is this what your weird "Christian" cult does? I've have never spoken against an entire religion. But all religions spawn a set of lunatics. I perceive you to be one of them. Go away. I think I hear your husband calling and he needs servicing right now!

Fags can't be married, so what they do that requires *special* cake is beyond me. Most just assume it's an orgy, since all they ever think of is depraved sex.

Take, for example, the claim of Cake Rape. Who the hell but a lesbian twat would ever even think of a cake as a violent intrusive penis? And if they do, why would they insist on having a *special* one for their orgy?

And take your own obsession over Christian rituals and normal heterosexual relationships. Why so angry about normal relations between normal people who are actually married? It's funny that heteros and males are forced to endorse the obnoxious and obvious sexual panderings of perverts...and yet you use all sorts of hateful and creepily bigoted rhetoric to reference (over and over over) the activities (which you obviously spend a lot of time thinking about) that go on between two married people in their bedroom.

You people just have no *normal* bones in your body.

Which is why I maintain you belong in mental institutions. Anybody who pitches a fit like you fanatics pitch over things like cake, and abortion, and the *right* to cut off your sons' penises... is a menace and needs to be locked up.


Put the crazies where they belong. Get them off our streets, and for God's sakes don't let them breed or be anywhere near children:


Since my original reply apparently did not post, perhaps because I hit the wrong button, I will post again.

Yes. LGBTs can legally marry now. A wedding cake to be ceremonially cut by the newlyweds has been a staple of wedding receptions for a very long time. Wedding cakes are not "special." You are the only person I have ever come across who thinks of wedding receptions as orgies, not "most" people. I hesitate to think that people going through their marriage ceremonies are preoccupied with sex at the moment. Marriage is choosing one person as a life partner, to the exclusion of all others.

I have no idea what this "cake rape" thing is all about, even having done a quick Google search. It has a few different meanings, including inserting drugs into a cake to make a person who eats it stoned, with the objective of sexually assaulting that person.

I never said anything about "Christian rituals" and have been a participant in many.

As a heterosexual, I have never been "angry" about normal heterosexuals having "normal" heterosexual relationships, including those who are formally married. I cheer people like Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, who appear to have heterosexuality right. I love to see their pictures together. I love seeing people happy, whatever sexual orientation they may have. I am, however, against people who seek to abuse and pervert heterosexuality and the institution of marriage through power-tripping, penis-worship, the sexual grooming and chasing of children before they have a chance to become mature, educated, adults, the denigration and disrespect of one's partner, and approval of rape. Nobody is "forced" to approve of anyone else's sex life.

Your photo array is not only childish, it is really insulting of those unfortunates who have suffered from the terrible affliction of mental illness.

I could care less if crazy people are insulted.

If the cake wasn't *special* the fake victims wouldn't have insisted on one made specifically for their event. That is the definition of *special*.

*Cake rape* is the term that is used to describe the insane assertion by the fake victims that they felt *mentally raped* by being offered a case cake, instead of one made SPECIALLY for them.

The fake victims are not interested in happiness..their own or others. They are interested in racketeering.
Shouldn't fag hating cake makers at least put a sign in their window saying "We don't serve gays", or something similar, like whites used to do?

View attachment 169347

or for barring Jews
View attachment 169348

Tsk, tsk. A lie.

They served queers.

They just didn't want to create a special cake specifically intended for a queer fest.

Which is of course their right.

And you might want to rethink your stupidity. Nazis believed in forcing Jews to serve their masters. They forced them to play music as their brethren were gassed, they forced them to cook in their kitchens.

Nazis and tyrants in general are always about forcing despised people to serve them and create things for them. Jews were used to create skin lampshades, for example. Nero forced men to share their wives with him at dinner parties. He forced young children to swim in the baths and lick him. That's the homo lobby side of the situation.

And Nazis shut down Jewish businesses, and took them over.
It would be interesting to know whether these cake makers would make a Jewish or Muslim specific cake, but they should put a sign in their window stating that they don’t make gay cakes to avoid all the hassle? Or are they too chicken to do that? Would it be against the law to do that?
Says the puke who thinks bakers must be forced to create works of art to celebrate orgies.

Your bigoted commentary is evidence of your small minded meanness. Nazis spoke in the same way of Jews. Settlers spoke the same way of Indians. The difference is that you are also mentally ill...

Which is why we're building great big mental hospitals. So when you lunatics expose yourselves for the crazies you are, we can lock you up. For good.

I've never heard of anyone having an orgy at a wedding. Is this what your weird "Christian" cult does? I've have never spoken against an entire religion. But all religions spawn a set of lunatics. I perceive you to be one of them. Go away. I think I hear your husband calling and he needs servicing right now!

Fags can't be married, so what they do that requires *special* cake is beyond me. Most just assume it's an orgy, since all they ever think of is depraved sex.

Take, for example, the claim of Cake Rape. Who the hell but a lesbian twat would ever even think of a cake as a violent intrusive penis? And if they do, why would they insist on having a *special* one for their orgy?

And take your own obsession over Christian rituals and normal heterosexual relationships. Why so angry about normal relations between normal people who are actually married? It's funny that heteros and males are forced to endorse the obnoxious and obvious sexual panderings of perverts...and yet you use all sorts of hateful and creepily bigoted rhetoric to reference (over and over over) the activities (which you obviously spend a lot of time thinking about) that go on between two married people in their bedroom.

You people just have no *normal* bones in your body.

Which is why I maintain you belong in mental institutions. Anybody who pitches a fit like you fanatics pitch over things like cake, and abortion, and the *right* to cut off your sons' penises... is a menace and needs to be locked up.


Put the crazies where they belong. Get them off our streets, and for God's sakes don't let them breed or be anywhere near children:


Since my original reply apparently did not post, perhaps because I hit the wrong button, I will post again.

Yes. LGBTs can legally marry now. A wedding cake to be ceremonially cut by the newlyweds has been a staple of wedding receptions for a very long time. Wedding cakes are not "special." You are the only person I have ever come across who thinks of wedding receptions as orgies, not "most" people. I hesitate to think that people going through their marriage ceremonies are preoccupied with sex at the moment. Marriage is choosing one person as a life partner, to the exclusion of all others.

I have no idea what this "cake rape" thing is all about, even having done a quick Google search. It has a few different meanings, including inserting drugs into a cake to make a person who eats it stoned, with the objective of sexually assaulting that person.

I never said anything about "Christian rituals" and have been a participant in many.

As a heterosexual, I have never been "angry" about normal heterosexuals having "normal" heterosexual relationships, including those who are formally married. I cheer people like Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, who appear to have heterosexuality right. I love to see their pictures together. I love seeing people happy, whatever sexual orientation they may have. I am, however, against people who seek to abuse and pervert heterosexuality and the institution of marriage through power-tripping, penis-worship, the sexual grooming and chasing of children before they have a chance to become mature, educated, adults, the denigration and disrespect of one's partner, and approval of rape. Nobody is "forced" to approve of anyone else's sex life.

Your photo array is not only childish, it is really insulting of those unfortunates who have suffered from the terrible affliction of mental illness.

I could care less if crazy people are insulted.

If the cake wasn't *special* the fake victims wouldn't have insisted on one made specifically for their event. That is the definition of *special*.

*Cake rape* is the term that is used to describe the insane assertion by the fake victims that they felt *mentally raped* by being offered a case cake, instead of one made SPECIALLY for them.

The fake victims are not interested in happiness..their own or others. They are interested in racketeering.

Everyone who orders a cake for their wedding orders a "special" cake, a "special" cake ordered specifically for their event. Otherwise, heterosexual couples would simply purchase a "case cake" or buy cakes from the local supermarket to serve to their wedding guests.

These people were not "fake victims." They simply entered a bakery to order a wedding cake, as so many people do, they were refused service, and they filed complaints alleging that these bakers violated the business laws in their various states. Sounds like this was just what occurred. How is reporting discrimination "racketeering"? People who suffer discrimination and humiliation by someone else's violation of law certainly are entitled to report it. Maybe I would not use the word "rape" to describe the emotional impact on them at that time and during the events that followed, but they could have been properly served by these businesses, in accordance with both the law and their own advertising, and gone on their merry way. They should not be blamed for any of this because they are innocent. By contrast, the bakers knew through the business laws that they are required to follow what they were required to do and failed to do it. The blame falls entirely on them.
They weren't refused *service*. The cake makers failed to enter into a contract with them. They offered them a ready made cake.

I have been married. One of the things you do is go around to different bakeries. You sit down with the baker, you taste their wares, you discuss your thoughts on the design..and then you both decide whether or not to enter into an agreement. Sometimes the shopper demurs. Sometimes the baker says "no I can't do that". That's why you shop. It's an agreement entered into by two parties.

And yes, it was a special cake. Now go back through the thread and count how many times idiots (including you, I think) insisted "it wasn't special!"

And please quit forcing the false narrative that they were *refused service*. They weren't refused service at all. The bakers just refused to enter into a contract with them to create a SPECIAL cake. By your own assertion.
Fags can't be married, so what they do that requires *special* cake is beyond me. Most just assume it's an orgy, since all they ever think of is depraved sex.

Take, for example, the claim of Cake Rape. Who the hell but a lesbian twat would ever even think of a cake as a violent intrusive penis? And if they do, why would they insist on having a *special* one for their orgy?

And take your own obsession over Christian rituals and normal heterosexual relationships. Why so angry about normal relations between normal people who are actually married? It's funny that heteros and males are forced to endorse the obnoxious and obvious sexual panderings of perverts...and yet you use all sorts of hateful and creepily bigoted rhetoric to reference (over and over over) the activities (which you obviously spend a lot of time thinking about) that go on between two married people in their bedroom.

You people just have no *normal* bones in your body.

Which is why I maintain you belong in mental institutions. Anybody who pitches a fit like you fanatics pitch over things like cake, and abortion, and the *right* to cut off your sons' penises... is a menace and needs to be locked up.


Put the crazies where they belong. Get them off our streets, and for God's sakes don't let them breed or be anywhere near children:


Since my original reply apparently did not post, perhaps because I hit the wrong button, I will post again.

Yes. LGBTs can legally marry now. A wedding cake to be ceremonially cut by the newlyweds has been a staple of wedding receptions for a very long time. Wedding cakes are not "special." You are the only person I have ever come across who thinks of wedding receptions as orgies, not "most" people. I hesitate to think that people going through their marriage ceremonies are preoccupied with sex at the moment. Marriage is choosing one person as a life partner, to the exclusion of all others.

I have no idea what this "cake rape" thing is all about, even having done a quick Google search. It has a few different meanings, including inserting drugs into a cake to make a person who eats it stoned, with the objective of sexually assaulting that person.

I never said anything about "Christian rituals" and have been a participant in many.

As a heterosexual, I have never been "angry" about normal heterosexuals having "normal" heterosexual relationships, including those who are formally married. I cheer people like Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, who appear to have heterosexuality right. I love to see their pictures together. I love seeing people happy, whatever sexual orientation they may have. I am, however, against people who seek to abuse and pervert heterosexuality and the institution of marriage through power-tripping, penis-worship, the sexual grooming and chasing of children before they have a chance to become mature, educated, adults, the denigration and disrespect of one's partner, and approval of rape. Nobody is "forced" to approve of anyone else's sex life.

Your photo array is not only childish, it is really insulting of those unfortunates who have suffered from the terrible affliction of mental illness.

I could care less if crazy people are insulted.

If the cake wasn't *special* the fake victims wouldn't have insisted on one made specifically for their event. That is the definition of *special*.

*Cake rape* is the term that is used to describe the insane assertion by the fake victims that they felt *mentally raped* by being offered a case cake, instead of one made SPECIALLY for them.

The fake victims are not interested in happiness..their own or others. They are interested in racketeering.
Shouldn't fag hating cake makers at least put a sign in their window saying "We don't serve gays", or something similar, like whites used to do?

View attachment 169347

or for barring Jews
View attachment 169348

Tsk, tsk. A lie.

They served queers.

They just didn't want to create a special cake specifically intended for a queer fest.

Which is of course their right.

And you might want to rethink your stupidity. Nazis believed in forcing Jews to serve their masters. They forced them to play music as their brethren were gassed, they forced them to cook in their kitchens.

Nazis and tyrants in general are always about forcing despised people to serve them and create things for them. Jews were used to create skin lampshades, for example. Nero forced men to share their wives with him at dinner parties. He forced young children to swim in the baths and lick him. That's the homo lobby side of the situation.

And Nazis shut down Jewish businesses, and took them over.
It would be interesting to know whether these cake makers would make a Jewish or Muslim specific cake, but they should put a sign in their window stating that they don’t make gay cakes to avoid all the hassle? Or are they too chicken to do that? Would it be against the law to do that?

I'm sure it never occurred to them that it would be an issue. Because wedding cakes are and always have been about the baker and the customer agreeing to work together to produce something that pleases them both.
"7) Can you custom design the wedding cake I have in mind?
You’ll want to have some inspiration photos available. You may want a glam cake dipped in glitter, but the baker only specializes in fondant flowers."

See..you ask the baker if they can design the cake you want. If they can't...you go to another baker. Maybe they don't have the skill. Maybe it is against their religion. Maybe they don't have the ingredients, or they don't have the time, or the equipment.

Doesn't matter. If they don't want to do it for any reason, then you go to another fucking baker. You don't have the right to force bakers to create a cake for you if they don't want to.

It's ludicrous. I've participated in a lot of weddings and this is just about the stupidest thing I've ever heard of. You don't force a baker to make your fucking cake. You find a baker that wants to.

How to Choose a Wedding Cake Baker
"Once you’ve met your cake baker match, make sure to put it in writing. A signed contract should include details of the agreed upon cake (size, flavors, any special instructions, etc.), pricing and delivery details. Most reputable cake bakers will also require a deposit to reserve your wedding date and cake."

It's a contract for a specialized work of art.

You can't force people to enter into contracts. Well, at least, you can't force them to enter into contracts unless a homo cries about it.

How to Choose a Wedding Cake Baker
I've never heard of anyone having an orgy at a wedding. Is this what your weird "Christian" cult does? I've have never spoken against an entire religion. But all religions spawn a set of lunatics. I perceive you to be one of them. Go away. I think I hear your husband calling and he needs servicing right now!

Fags can't be married, so what they do that requires *special* cake is beyond me. Most just assume it's an orgy, since all they ever think of is depraved sex.

Take, for example, the claim of Cake Rape. Who the hell but a lesbian twat would ever even think of a cake as a violent intrusive penis? And if they do, why would they insist on having a *special* one for their orgy?

And take your own obsession over Christian rituals and normal heterosexual relationships. Why so angry about normal relations between normal people who are actually married? It's funny that heteros and males are forced to endorse the obnoxious and obvious sexual panderings of perverts...and yet you use all sorts of hateful and creepily bigoted rhetoric to reference (over and over over) the activities (which you obviously spend a lot of time thinking about) that go on between two married people in their bedroom.

You people just have no *normal* bones in your body.

Which is why I maintain you belong in mental institutions. Anybody who pitches a fit like you fanatics pitch over things like cake, and abortion, and the *right* to cut off your sons' penises... is a menace and needs to be locked up.


Put the crazies where they belong. Get them off our streets, and for God's sakes don't let them breed or be anywhere near children:


Since my original reply apparently did not post, perhaps because I hit the wrong button, I will post again.

Yes. LGBTs can legally marry now. A wedding cake to be ceremonially cut by the newlyweds has been a staple of wedding receptions for a very long time. Wedding cakes are not "special." You are the only person I have ever come across who thinks of wedding receptions as orgies, not "most" people. I hesitate to think that people going through their marriage ceremonies are preoccupied with sex at the moment. Marriage is choosing one person as a life partner, to the exclusion of all others.

I have no idea what this "cake rape" thing is all about, even having done a quick Google search. It has a few different meanings, including inserting drugs into a cake to make a person who eats it stoned, with the objective of sexually assaulting that person.

I never said anything about "Christian rituals" and have been a participant in many.

As a heterosexual, I have never been "angry" about normal heterosexuals having "normal" heterosexual relationships, including those who are formally married. I cheer people like Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, who appear to have heterosexuality right. I love to see their pictures together. I love seeing people happy, whatever sexual orientation they may have. I am, however, against people who seek to abuse and pervert heterosexuality and the institution of marriage through power-tripping, penis-worship, the sexual grooming and chasing of children before they have a chance to become mature, educated, adults, the denigration and disrespect of one's partner, and approval of rape. Nobody is "forced" to approve of anyone else's sex life.

Your photo array is not only childish, it is really insulting of those unfortunates who have suffered from the terrible affliction of mental illness.

I could care less if crazy people are insulted.

If the cake wasn't *special* the fake victims wouldn't have insisted on one made specifically for their event. That is the definition of *special*.

*Cake rape* is the term that is used to describe the insane assertion by the fake victims that they felt *mentally raped* by being offered a case cake, instead of one made SPECIALLY for them.

The fake victims are not interested in happiness..their own or others. They are interested in racketeering.
Shouldn't fag hating cake makers at least put a sign in their window saying "We don't serve gays", or something similar, like whites used to do?

View attachment 169347

or for barring Jews
View attachment 169348

Tsk, tsk. A lie.

They served queers.

They just didn't want to create a special cake specifically intended for a queer fest.

Which is of course their right.

And you might want to rethink your stupidity. Nazis believed in forcing Jews to serve their masters. They forced them to play music as their brethren were gassed, they forced them to cook in their kitchens.

Nazis and tyrants in general are always about forcing despised people to serve them and create things for them. Jews were used to create skin lampshades, for example. Nero forced men to share their wives with him at dinner parties. He forced young children to swim in the baths and lick him. That's the homo lobby side of the situation.

And Nazis shut down Jewish businesses, and took them over.
I've never heard of anyone having an orgy at a wedding. Is this what your weird "Christian" cult does? I've have never spoken against an entire religion. But all religions spawn a set of lunatics. I perceive you to be one of them. Go away. I think I hear your husband calling and he needs servicing right now!

Fags can't be married, so what they do that requires *special* cake is beyond me. Most just assume it's an orgy, since all they ever think of is depraved sex.

Take, for example, the claim of Cake Rape. Who the hell but a lesbian twat would ever even think of a cake as a violent intrusive penis? And if they do, why would they insist on having a *special* one for their orgy?

And take your own obsession over Christian rituals and normal heterosexual relationships. Why so angry about normal relations between normal people who are actually married? It's funny that heteros and males are forced to endorse the obnoxious and obvious sexual panderings of perverts...and yet you use all sorts of hateful and creepily bigoted rhetoric to reference (over and over over) the activities (which you obviously spend a lot of time thinking about) that go on between two married people in their bedroom.

You people just have no *normal* bones in your body.

Which is why I maintain you belong in mental institutions. Anybody who pitches a fit like you fanatics pitch over things like cake, and abortion, and the *right* to cut off your sons' penises... is a menace and needs to be locked up.


Put the crazies where they belong. Get them off our streets, and for God's sakes don't let them breed or be anywhere near children:


Since my original reply apparently did not post, perhaps because I hit the wrong button, I will post again.

Yes. LGBTs can legally marry now. A wedding cake to be ceremonially cut by the newlyweds has been a staple of wedding receptions for a very long time. Wedding cakes are not "special." You are the only person I have ever come across who thinks of wedding receptions as orgies, not "most" people. I hesitate to think that people going through their marriage ceremonies are preoccupied with sex at the moment. Marriage is choosing one person as a life partner, to the exclusion of all others.

I have no idea what this "cake rape" thing is all about, even having done a quick Google search. It has a few different meanings, including inserting drugs into a cake to make a person who eats it stoned, with the objective of sexually assaulting that person.

I never said anything about "Christian rituals" and have been a participant in many.

As a heterosexual, I have never been "angry" about normal heterosexuals having "normal" heterosexual relationships, including those who are formally married. I cheer people like Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, who appear to have heterosexuality right. I love to see their pictures together. I love seeing people happy, whatever sexual orientation they may have. I am, however, against people who seek to abuse and pervert heterosexuality and the institution of marriage through power-tripping, penis-worship, the sexual grooming and chasing of children before they have a chance to become mature, educated, adults, the denigration and disrespect of one's partner, and approval of rape. Nobody is "forced" to approve of anyone else's sex life.

Your photo array is not only childish, it is really insulting of those unfortunates who have suffered from the terrible affliction of mental illness.

I could care less if crazy people are insulted.

If the cake wasn't *special* the fake victims wouldn't have insisted on one made specifically for their event. That is the definition of *special*.

*Cake rape* is the term that is used to describe the insane assertion by the fake victims that they felt *mentally raped* by being offered a case cake, instead of one made SPECIALLY for them.

The fake victims are not interested in happiness..their own or others. They are interested in racketeering.

Everyone who orders a cake for their wedding orders a "special" cake, a "special" cake ordered specifically for their event. Otherwise, heterosexual couples would simply purchase a "case cake" or buy cakes from the local supermarket to serve to their wedding guests.

These people were not "fake victims." They simply entered a bakery to order a wedding cake, as so many people do, they were refused service, and they filed complaints alleging that these bakers violated the business laws in their various states. Sounds like this was just what occurred. How is reporting discrimination "racketeering"? People who suffer discrimination and humiliation by someone else's violation of law certainly are entitled to report it. Maybe I would not use the word "rape" to describe the emotional impact on them at that time and during the events that followed, but they could have been properly served by these businesses, in accordance with both the law and their own advertising, and gone on their merry way. They should not be blamed for any of this because they are innocent. By contrast, the bakers knew through the business laws that they are required to follow what they were required to do and failed to do it. The blame falls entirely on them.
They weren't refused *service*. The cake makers failed to enter into a contract with them. They offered them a ready made cake.

I have been married. One of the things you do is go around to different bakeries. You sit down with the baker, you taste their wares, you discuss your thoughts on the design..and then you both decide whether or not to enter into an agreement. Sometimes the shopper demurs. Sometimes the baker says "no I can't do that". That's why you shop. It's an agreement entered into by two parties.

And yes, it was a special cake. Now go back through the thread and count how many times idiots (including you, I think) insisted "it wasn't special!"

And please quit forcing the false narrative that they were *refused service*. They weren't refused service at all. The bakers just refused to enter into a contract with them to create a SPECIAL cake. By your own assertion.

Try as you might, you still can't sell your idiotic theories. This is not a matter of contract law. These bakeries were in the business of offering what you call "special" cakes to their customers, and operated under general business law. They volunteered to do so when they got their licenses, and certainly volunteered when they advertised their services. "Special" cakes certainly were included in the wares that they advertised to the public. Yes, a refusal to provide a "special" cake constitutes a refusal of service.
Your display is still totally tasteless.
"Once you’ve met your cake baker match, make sure to put it in writing. A signed contract should include details of the agreed upon cake (size, flavors, any special instructions, etc.), pricing and delivery details. Most reputable cake bakers will also require a deposit to reserve your wedding date and cake."

It's a contract for a specialized work of art.

You can't force people to enter into contracts. Well, at least, you can't force them to enter into contracts unless a homo cries about it.

How to Choose a Wedding Cake Baker

You are too stupid to ever be believed. And your references to enslaved and murdered Jews are totally disgusting, as well as being irrelevant to the circumstances at issue here. I can't believe that you are writing this crap.
I've never heard of anyone having an orgy at a wedding. Is this what your weird "Christian" cult does? I've have never spoken against an entire religion. But all religions spawn a set of lunatics. I perceive you to be one of them. Go away. I think I hear your husband calling and he needs servicing right now!

Fags can't be married, so what they do that requires *special* cake is beyond me. Most just assume it's an orgy, since all they ever think of is depraved sex.

Take, for example, the claim of Cake Rape. Who the hell but a lesbian twat would ever even think of a cake as a violent intrusive penis? And if they do, why would they insist on having a *special* one for their orgy?

And take your own obsession over Christian rituals and normal heterosexual relationships. Why so angry about normal relations between normal people who are actually married? It's funny that heteros and males are forced to endorse the obnoxious and obvious sexual panderings of perverts...and yet you use all sorts of hateful and creepily bigoted rhetoric to reference (over and over over) the activities (which you obviously spend a lot of time thinking about) that go on between two married people in their bedroom.

You people just have no *normal* bones in your body.

Which is why I maintain you belong in mental institutions. Anybody who pitches a fit like you fanatics pitch over things like cake, and abortion, and the *right* to cut off your sons' penises... is a menace and needs to be locked up.


Put the crazies where they belong. Get them off our streets, and for God's sakes don't let them breed or be anywhere near children:


Since my original reply apparently did not post, perhaps because I hit the wrong button, I will post again.

Yes. LGBTs can legally marry now. A wedding cake to be ceremonially cut by the newlyweds has been a staple of wedding receptions for a very long time. Wedding cakes are not "special." You are the only person I have ever come across who thinks of wedding receptions as orgies, not "most" people. I hesitate to think that people going through their marriage ceremonies are preoccupied with sex at the moment. Marriage is choosing one person as a life partner, to the exclusion of all others.

I have no idea what this "cake rape" thing is all about, even having done a quick Google search. It has a few different meanings, including inserting drugs into a cake to make a person who eats it stoned, with the objective of sexually assaulting that person.

I never said anything about "Christian rituals" and have been a participant in many.

As a heterosexual, I have never been "angry" about normal heterosexuals having "normal" heterosexual relationships, including those who are formally married. I cheer people like Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, who appear to have heterosexuality right. I love to see their pictures together. I love seeing people happy, whatever sexual orientation they may have. I am, however, against people who seek to abuse and pervert heterosexuality and the institution of marriage through power-tripping, penis-worship, the sexual grooming and chasing of children before they have a chance to become mature, educated, adults, the denigration and disrespect of one's partner, and approval of rape. Nobody is "forced" to approve of anyone else's sex life.

Your photo array is not only childish, it is really insulting of those unfortunates who have suffered from the terrible affliction of mental illness.

I could care less if crazy people are insulted.

If the cake wasn't *special* the fake victims wouldn't have insisted on one made specifically for their event. That is the definition of *special*.

*Cake rape* is the term that is used to describe the insane assertion by the fake victims that they felt *mentally raped* by being offered a case cake, instead of one made SPECIALLY for them.

The fake victims are not interested in happiness..their own or others. They are interested in racketeering.

Everyone who orders a cake for their wedding orders a "special" cake, a "special" cake ordered specifically for their event. Otherwise, heterosexual couples would simply purchase a "case cake" or buy cakes from the local supermarket to serve to their wedding guests.

These people were not "fake victims." They simply entered a bakery to order a wedding cake, as so many people do, they were refused service, and they filed complaints alleging that these bakers violated the business laws in their various states. Sounds like this was just what occurred. How is reporting discrimination "racketeering"? People who suffer discrimination and humiliation by someone else's violation of law certainly are entitled to report it. Maybe I would not use the word "rape" to describe the emotional impact on them at that time and during the events that followed, but they could have been properly served by these businesses, in accordance with both the law and their own advertising, and gone on their merry way. They should not be blamed for any of this because they are innocent. By contrast, the bakers knew through the business laws that they are required to follow what they were required to do and failed to do it. The blame falls entirely on them.
They weren't refused *service*. The cake makers failed to enter into a contract with them. They offered them a ready made cake.

I have been married. One of the things you do is go around to different bakeries. You sit down with the baker, you taste their wares, you discuss your thoughts on the design..and then you both decide whether or not to enter into an agreement. Sometimes the shopper demurs. Sometimes the baker says "no I can't do that". That's why you shop. It's an agreement entered into by two parties.

And yes, it was a special cake. Now go back through the thread and count how many times idiots (including you, I think) insisted "it wasn't special!"

And please quit forcing the false narrative that they were *refused service*. They weren't refused service at all. The bakers just refused to enter into a contract with them to create a SPECIAL cake. By your own assertion.

Can we just focus for a second on the fact that all manner of different professions refuse client contracts every day, for all sorts of reasons. They frequently do it just because they don't want to work with the client in question. Attorneys do it and advertising agencies do it, just as examples. This is not at all uncommon, but we now seem to want to go to a place where people can be forced to take jobs they don't want, for people they don't want to work for, simply because those people can claim some sort of special status that entitles them to the services of people who don't want to do business with them. I think we need to really consider how far-reaching these implications are.
Since my original reply apparently did not post, perhaps because I hit the wrong button, I will post again.

Yes. LGBTs can legally marry now. A wedding cake to be ceremonially cut by the newlyweds has been a staple of wedding receptions for a very long time. Wedding cakes are not "special." You are the only person I have ever come across who thinks of wedding receptions as orgies, not "most" people. I hesitate to think that people going through their marriage ceremonies are preoccupied with sex at the moment. Marriage is choosing one person as a life partner, to the exclusion of all others.

I have no idea what this "cake rape" thing is all about, even having done a quick Google search. It has a few different meanings, including inserting drugs into a cake to make a person who eats it stoned, with the objective of sexually assaulting that person.

I never said anything about "Christian rituals" and have been a participant in many.

As a heterosexual, I have never been "angry" about normal heterosexuals having "normal" heterosexual relationships, including those who are formally married. I cheer people like Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, who appear to have heterosexuality right. I love to see their pictures together. I love seeing people happy, whatever sexual orientation they may have. I am, however, against people who seek to abuse and pervert heterosexuality and the institution of marriage through power-tripping, penis-worship, the sexual grooming and chasing of children before they have a chance to become mature, educated, adults, the denigration and disrespect of one's partner, and approval of rape. Nobody is "forced" to approve of anyone else's sex life.

Your photo array is not only childish, it is really insulting of those unfortunates who have suffered from the terrible affliction of mental illness.

I could care less if crazy people are insulted.

If the cake wasn't *special* the fake victims wouldn't have insisted on one made specifically for their event. That is the definition of *special*.

*Cake rape* is the term that is used to describe the insane assertion by the fake victims that they felt *mentally raped* by being offered a case cake, instead of one made SPECIALLY for them.

The fake victims are not interested in happiness..their own or others. They are interested in racketeering.
Shouldn't fag hating cake makers at least put a sign in their window saying "We don't serve gays", or something similar, like whites used to do?

View attachment 169347

or for barring Jews
View attachment 169348

Tsk, tsk. A lie.

They served queers.

They just didn't want to create a special cake specifically intended for a queer fest.

Which is of course their right.

And you might want to rethink your stupidity. Nazis believed in forcing Jews to serve their masters. They forced them to play music as their brethren were gassed, they forced them to cook in their kitchens.

Nazis and tyrants in general are always about forcing despised people to serve them and create things for them. Jews were used to create skin lampshades, for example. Nero forced men to share their wives with him at dinner parties. He forced young children to swim in the baths and lick him. That's the homo lobby side of the situation.

And Nazis shut down Jewish businesses, and took them over.
It would be interesting to know whether these cake makers would make a Jewish or Muslim specific cake, but they should put a sign in their window stating that they don’t make gay cakes to avoid all the hassle? Or are they too chicken to do that? Would it be against the law to do that?

I'm sure it never occurred to them that it would be an issue. Because wedding cakes are and always have been about the baker and the customer agreeing to work together to produce something that pleases them both.
It never occurred to them that telling someone I won't make your gay cake because I don't like gays would be an issue? I can understand that they don't sell the him and him little statues because they choose not to carry them, but to say that they're not going to write John and Gary, for example, is kinda childish. And anyways, doesn't their religion preach forgiveness and acceptance, charity, and good will to all men...? And was that something Jesus preached, to be mean to others?
Fags can't be married, so what they do that requires *special* cake is beyond me. Most just assume it's an orgy, since all they ever think of is depraved sex.

Take, for example, the claim of Cake Rape. Who the hell but a lesbian twat would ever even think of a cake as a violent intrusive penis? And if they do, why would they insist on having a *special* one for their orgy?

And take your own obsession over Christian rituals and normal heterosexual relationships. Why so angry about normal relations between normal people who are actually married? It's funny that heteros and males are forced to endorse the obnoxious and obvious sexual panderings of perverts...and yet you use all sorts of hateful and creepily bigoted rhetoric to reference (over and over over) the activities (which you obviously spend a lot of time thinking about) that go on between two married people in their bedroom.

You people just have no *normal* bones in your body.

Which is why I maintain you belong in mental institutions. Anybody who pitches a fit like you fanatics pitch over things like cake, and abortion, and the *right* to cut off your sons' penises... is a menace and needs to be locked up.


Put the crazies where they belong. Get them off our streets, and for God's sakes don't let them breed or be anywhere near children:


Since my original reply apparently did not post, perhaps because I hit the wrong button, I will post again.

Yes. LGBTs can legally marry now. A wedding cake to be ceremonially cut by the newlyweds has been a staple of wedding receptions for a very long time. Wedding cakes are not "special." You are the only person I have ever come across who thinks of wedding receptions as orgies, not "most" people. I hesitate to think that people going through their marriage ceremonies are preoccupied with sex at the moment. Marriage is choosing one person as a life partner, to the exclusion of all others.

I have no idea what this "cake rape" thing is all about, even having done a quick Google search. It has a few different meanings, including inserting drugs into a cake to make a person who eats it stoned, with the objective of sexually assaulting that person.

I never said anything about "Christian rituals" and have been a participant in many.

As a heterosexual, I have never been "angry" about normal heterosexuals having "normal" heterosexual relationships, including those who are formally married. I cheer people like Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, who appear to have heterosexuality right. I love to see their pictures together. I love seeing people happy, whatever sexual orientation they may have. I am, however, against people who seek to abuse and pervert heterosexuality and the institution of marriage through power-tripping, penis-worship, the sexual grooming and chasing of children before they have a chance to become mature, educated, adults, the denigration and disrespect of one's partner, and approval of rape. Nobody is "forced" to approve of anyone else's sex life.

Your photo array is not only childish, it is really insulting of those unfortunates who have suffered from the terrible affliction of mental illness.

I could care less if crazy people are insulted.

If the cake wasn't *special* the fake victims wouldn't have insisted on one made specifically for their event. That is the definition of *special*.

*Cake rape* is the term that is used to describe the insane assertion by the fake victims that they felt *mentally raped* by being offered a case cake, instead of one made SPECIALLY for them.

The fake victims are not interested in happiness..their own or others. They are interested in racketeering.

Everyone who orders a cake for their wedding orders a "special" cake, a "special" cake ordered specifically for their event. Otherwise, heterosexual couples would simply purchase a "case cake" or buy cakes from the local supermarket to serve to their wedding guests.

These people were not "fake victims." They simply entered a bakery to order a wedding cake, as so many people do, they were refused service, and they filed complaints alleging that these bakers violated the business laws in their various states. Sounds like this was just what occurred. How is reporting discrimination "racketeering"? People who suffer discrimination and humiliation by someone else's violation of law certainly are entitled to report it. Maybe I would not use the word "rape" to describe the emotional impact on them at that time and during the events that followed, but they could have been properly served by these businesses, in accordance with both the law and their own advertising, and gone on their merry way. They should not be blamed for any of this because they are innocent. By contrast, the bakers knew through the business laws that they are required to follow what they were required to do and failed to do it. The blame falls entirely on them.
They weren't refused *service*. The cake makers failed to enter into a contract with them. They offered them a ready made cake.

I have been married. One of the things you do is go around to different bakeries. You sit down with the baker, you taste their wares, you discuss your thoughts on the design..and then you both decide whether or not to enter into an agreement. Sometimes the shopper demurs. Sometimes the baker says "no I can't do that". That's why you shop. It's an agreement entered into by two parties.

And yes, it was a special cake. Now go back through the thread and count how many times idiots (including you, I think) insisted "it wasn't special!"

And please quit forcing the false narrative that they were *refused service*. They weren't refused service at all. The bakers just refused to enter into a contract with them to create a SPECIAL cake. By your own assertion.

Can we just focus for a second on the fact that all manner of different professions refuse client contracts every day, for all sorts of reasons. They frequently do it just because they don't want to work with the client in question. Attorneys do it and advertising agencies do it, just as examples. This is not at all uncommon, but we now seem to want to go to a place where people can be forced to take jobs they don't want, for people they don't want to work for, simply because those people can claim some sort of special status that entitles them to the services of people who don't want to do business with them. I think we need to really consider how far-reaching these implications are.
So it's ok to say to someone: "I'm not serving/hiring/taking you on as a client you because you're black?" I'm not even sure that that's legal.
Fags can't be married, so what they do that requires *special* cake is beyond me. Most just assume it's an orgy, since all they ever think of is depraved sex.

Take, for example, the claim of Cake Rape. Who the hell but a lesbian twat would ever even think of a cake as a violent intrusive penis? And if they do, why would they insist on having a *special* one for their orgy?

And take your own obsession over Christian rituals and normal heterosexual relationships. Why so angry about normal relations between normal people who are actually married? It's funny that heteros and males are forced to endorse the obnoxious and obvious sexual panderings of perverts...and yet you use all sorts of hateful and creepily bigoted rhetoric to reference (over and over over) the activities (which you obviously spend a lot of time thinking about) that go on between two married people in their bedroom.

You people just have no *normal* bones in your body.

Which is why I maintain you belong in mental institutions. Anybody who pitches a fit like you fanatics pitch over things like cake, and abortion, and the *right* to cut off your sons' penises... is a menace and needs to be locked up.


Put the crazies where they belong. Get them off our streets, and for God's sakes don't let them breed or be anywhere near children:


Since my original reply apparently did not post, perhaps because I hit the wrong button, I will post again.

Yes. LGBTs can legally marry now. A wedding cake to be ceremonially cut by the newlyweds has been a staple of wedding receptions for a very long time. Wedding cakes are not "special." You are the only person I have ever come across who thinks of wedding receptions as orgies, not "most" people. I hesitate to think that people going through their marriage ceremonies are preoccupied with sex at the moment. Marriage is choosing one person as a life partner, to the exclusion of all others.

I have no idea what this "cake rape" thing is all about, even having done a quick Google search. It has a few different meanings, including inserting drugs into a cake to make a person who eats it stoned, with the objective of sexually assaulting that person.

I never said anything about "Christian rituals" and have been a participant in many.

As a heterosexual, I have never been "angry" about normal heterosexuals having "normal" heterosexual relationships, including those who are formally married. I cheer people like Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, who appear to have heterosexuality right. I love to see their pictures together. I love seeing people happy, whatever sexual orientation they may have. I am, however, against people who seek to abuse and pervert heterosexuality and the institution of marriage through power-tripping, penis-worship, the sexual grooming and chasing of children before they have a chance to become mature, educated, adults, the denigration and disrespect of one's partner, and approval of rape. Nobody is "forced" to approve of anyone else's sex life.

Your photo array is not only childish, it is really insulting of those unfortunates who have suffered from the terrible affliction of mental illness.

I could care less if crazy people are insulted.

If the cake wasn't *special* the fake victims wouldn't have insisted on one made specifically for their event. That is the definition of *special*.

*Cake rape* is the term that is used to describe the insane assertion by the fake victims that they felt *mentally raped* by being offered a case cake, instead of one made SPECIALLY for them.

The fake victims are not interested in happiness..their own or others. They are interested in racketeering.
Shouldn't fag hating cake makers at least put a sign in their window saying "We don't serve gays", or something similar, like whites used to do?

View attachment 169347

or for barring Jews
View attachment 169348

Tsk, tsk. A lie.

They served queers.

They just didn't want to create a special cake specifically intended for a queer fest.

Which is of course their right.

And you might want to rethink your stupidity. Nazis believed in forcing Jews to serve their masters. They forced them to play music as their brethren were gassed, they forced them to cook in their kitchens.

Nazis and tyrants in general are always about forcing despised people to serve them and create things for them. Jews were used to create skin lampshades, for example. Nero forced men to share their wives with him at dinner parties. He forced young children to swim in the baths and lick him. That's the homo lobby side of the situation.

And Nazis shut down Jewish businesses, and took them over.
Fags can't be married, so what they do that requires *special* cake is beyond me. Most just assume it's an orgy, since all they ever think of is depraved sex.

Take, for example, the claim of Cake Rape. Who the hell but a lesbian twat would ever even think of a cake as a violent intrusive penis? And if they do, why would they insist on having a *special* one for their orgy?

And take your own obsession over Christian rituals and normal heterosexual relationships. Why so angry about normal relations between normal people who are actually married? It's funny that heteros and males are forced to endorse the obnoxious and obvious sexual panderings of perverts...and yet you use all sorts of hateful and creepily bigoted rhetoric to reference (over and over over) the activities (which you obviously spend a lot of time thinking about) that go on between two married people in their bedroom.

You people just have no *normal* bones in your body.

Which is why I maintain you belong in mental institutions. Anybody who pitches a fit like you fanatics pitch over things like cake, and abortion, and the *right* to cut off your sons' penises... is a menace and needs to be locked up.


Put the crazies where they belong. Get them off our streets, and for God's sakes don't let them breed or be anywhere near children:


Since my original reply apparently did not post, perhaps because I hit the wrong button, I will post again.

Yes. LGBTs can legally marry now. A wedding cake to be ceremonially cut by the newlyweds has been a staple of wedding receptions for a very long time. Wedding cakes are not "special." You are the only person I have ever come across who thinks of wedding receptions as orgies, not "most" people. I hesitate to think that people going through their marriage ceremonies are preoccupied with sex at the moment. Marriage is choosing one person as a life partner, to the exclusion of all others.

I have no idea what this "cake rape" thing is all about, even having done a quick Google search. It has a few different meanings, including inserting drugs into a cake to make a person who eats it stoned, with the objective of sexually assaulting that person.

I never said anything about "Christian rituals" and have been a participant in many.

As a heterosexual, I have never been "angry" about normal heterosexuals having "normal" heterosexual relationships, including those who are formally married. I cheer people like Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, who appear to have heterosexuality right. I love to see their pictures together. I love seeing people happy, whatever sexual orientation they may have. I am, however, against people who seek to abuse and pervert heterosexuality and the institution of marriage through power-tripping, penis-worship, the sexual grooming and chasing of children before they have a chance to become mature, educated, adults, the denigration and disrespect of one's partner, and approval of rape. Nobody is "forced" to approve of anyone else's sex life.

Your photo array is not only childish, it is really insulting of those unfortunates who have suffered from the terrible affliction of mental illness.

I could care less if crazy people are insulted.

If the cake wasn't *special* the fake victims wouldn't have insisted on one made specifically for their event. That is the definition of *special*.

*Cake rape* is the term that is used to describe the insane assertion by the fake victims that they felt *mentally raped* by being offered a case cake, instead of one made SPECIALLY for them.

The fake victims are not interested in happiness..their own or others. They are interested in racketeering.

Everyone who orders a cake for their wedding orders a "special" cake, a "special" cake ordered specifically for their event. Otherwise, heterosexual couples would simply purchase a "case cake" or buy cakes from the local supermarket to serve to their wedding guests.

These people were not "fake victims." They simply entered a bakery to order a wedding cake, as so many people do, they were refused service, and they filed complaints alleging that these bakers violated the business laws in their various states. Sounds like this was just what occurred. How is reporting discrimination "racketeering"? People who suffer discrimination and humiliation by someone else's violation of law certainly are entitled to report it. Maybe I would not use the word "rape" to describe the emotional impact on them at that time and during the events that followed, but they could have been properly served by these businesses, in accordance with both the law and their own advertising, and gone on their merry way. They should not be blamed for any of this because they are innocent. By contrast, the bakers knew through the business laws that they are required to follow what they were required to do and failed to do it. The blame falls entirely on them.
They weren't refused *service*. The cake makers failed to enter into a contract with them. They offered them a ready made cake.

I have been married. One of the things you do is go around to different bakeries. You sit down with the baker, you taste their wares, you discuss your thoughts on the design..and then you both decide whether or not to enter into an agreement. Sometimes the shopper demurs. Sometimes the baker says "no I can't do that". That's why you shop. It's an agreement entered into by two parties.

And yes, it was a special cake. Now go back through the thread and count how many times idiots (including you, I think) insisted "it wasn't special!"

And please quit forcing the false narrative that they were *refused service*. They weren't refused service at all. The bakers just refused to enter into a contract with them to create a SPECIAL cake. By your own assertion.

Try as you might, you still can't sell your idiotic theories. This is not a matter of contract law. These bakeries were in the business of offering what you call "special" cakes to their customers, and operated under general business law. They volunteered to do so when they got their licenses, and certainly volunteered when they advertised their services. "Special" cakes certainly were included in the wares that they advertised to the public. Yes, a refusal to provide a "special" cake constitutes a refusal of service.
Your display is still totally tasteless.

Again..they offered their "cake" and the fake victims didn't want those non special cakes. They wanted a special cake. And bakers have the right to decline entering into a contract for *specialty* items.

Don't worry, it's going to be overthrown. And then the bakers will be suing the fake victims. Because yes, it is a crime to claim you've been victimized..when you haven't. And it's a crime to target and harass business owners.

Before that happens, we will be lodging the *fake victims* in mental institutions, where they belong. They are not fit to be in society. They offend, harass, and harm everybody who comes into contact with them..and that is evidence of mental illness.
"... mental illness and being queer go hand in hand. It’s an uncomfortable but important reality that LGBT youth are four times more likely to kill themselves than their heterosexual counterparts. More than half of individuals who identify as transgender experience depression or anxiety. Even among Stonewall’s own staff, people who dedicate themselves to the betterment and improved health of our community, 86% have experienced mental health issues first-hand."

LGBT people are prone to mental illness. It’s a truth we shouldn’t shy away from | Alexander Leon

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