Evangelical Christians Must Pay For Trading Faith For Power, Morality Lost Forever

Don't play games. Loyal to the government you define as your enemy.

Should normal, loyal, Americans consider you their enemy?
Normal Americans are finally waking up to the fact that government is corrupt beyond the tipping point. Voting doesn't work so revolt is inevitable.

Being loyal to a corrupt government makes you part of the problem with no interest in a solution.

Normal Americans are not supporting your marxist revolution.

If you are brave enough to declare the Government your enemy, be brave enough to admit that loyal Americans, ie Americans that are not on your side in this fight of yours, are your enemy.

ie, admit that you are the Enemy of normal, loyal Americans.

If you aren't brave enough to say it, that does not bode well for you being brave enough to actually fight it.

Are you the enemy of loyal Americans?
What part of revolt is inevitable did you not understand?

Government is depending on the drivers of the tanks in our streets to remain loyal. I'm not convinced that will happen.

I understand what you are saying perfectly.

I also note that you are not stating it clearly and openly.

Lefties like you depend on dishonesty to allow your allies in the media to provide political cover for your treasonous actions and plans.

I dare you to openly state your enmity to the American People.
Evangelical christians are the enemy of the American people and the people of the world.

How many heads have the Christians whacked off lately? You had better watch out, or you just might get prayed for... :ack-1:
White Evangelical Christians en masse and other Christians voting for the likes of Donald Trump and Roy Moore have done irreparable damage to their faith. They now have absolutely no moral authority outside the cult they have become.

Evangelical Christians must pay for trading faith for power, morality lost forever
Just look at the alternatives we had. Enough said. I voted for Trump with a clear conscience, because voting for the bitch was completely unthinkable. Voting for her would have been everything you claim voting for Trump would have been.
Normal Americans are finally waking up to the fact that government is corrupt beyond the tipping point. Voting doesn't work so revolt is inevitable.

Being loyal to a corrupt government makes you part of the problem with no interest in a solution.

Normal Americans are not supporting your marxist revolution.

If you are brave enough to declare the Government your enemy, be brave enough to admit that loyal Americans, ie Americans that are not on your side in this fight of yours, are your enemy.

ie, admit that you are the Enemy of normal, loyal Americans.

If you aren't brave enough to say it, that does not bode well for you being brave enough to actually fight it.

Are you the enemy of loyal Americans?
What part of revolt is inevitable did you not understand?

Government is depending on the drivers of the tanks in our streets to remain loyal. I'm not convinced that will happen.

I understand what you are saying perfectly.

I also note that you are not stating it clearly and openly.

Lefties like you depend on dishonesty to allow your allies in the media to provide political cover for your treasonous actions and plans.

I dare you to openly state your enmity to the American People.
Evangelical christians are the enemy of the American people and the people of the world.

How many heads have the Christians whacked off lately? You had better watch out, or you just might get prayed for... :ack-1:
That will make them feel like they've been cake raped for sure.
Look, it was trashy bullshit artists like graham and jeffress and perkins, and you stupid followers who have tried to set themselves up as "grand high arbiters" of Christianity, and in front of open mikes. They, and you, are the ones going around carrying on and sputtering that something is a "Christian belief," or somebody else "isn't a Christian." Remember what happened to President Obama. It's you people who are running around making openly misogynist statements about women "knowing their place" and keeping themselves sexually available on demand, and making unfair and sometimes threatening statements about LGBTs and Muslims. It is you people who support an ugly bearded middle-aged man who said on television that men should sink their teeth into teenage girls before they have a chance to grow up. It is you people who keeping saying that Hillary Clinton is not a Christian when she's been a Methodist her whole life and has behaved according to Christian principles, although YOU stated above that "no one EVER called an aspect" of Ms. Clinton's behavior "Christian." It's you people who think that you just thought up "morality."

The Christian faith and the Republican Party are no where near the same thing. It's time that you dismounted from your high horse.

No, Chuckles, the only people setting themselves up as arbiters of Christianity are twerps like you, who don't even espouse it but are convinced that the world is breathlessly waiting for them to dictate how to practice beliefs they don't share. Everyone else is just stating what they personally believe and how they feel it should best be applied to their decisions. I haven't actually noticed anyone saying someone "isn't a Christian" except for a bunch of people who will proudly tell you THEY aren't, either.

And since I don't even know who Graham, Jeffress (?), and Perkins ARE without going and looking it up (which I'm not planning to do), you can save yourself the effort of screeching about how I'm a "follower" of any of them. If you want to snipe at me for making misogynist statements, I invite you to find one of them and quote it for me. Otherwise, I'm afraid I'm going to have to decline to work myself into a defensive lather about the your disapproval of me. In fact, I'm going to have to decline to give a tin shit about it in any way.

The same goes for anything else you want to accuse me of doing or supporting. Prove it, dipshit, or learn to live with the fact that I consider you a pathetic joke desperately struggling for legitimacy.

And you are a pathetic and easily duped person hawking a bogus ideology. You can't even say anything coherent about your "religion" and don't seem to be familiar with what's in it. I can't help you.

Does it hurt to be as delusionally conceited as you are, or are you accustomed to it like any other birth defect?

I don't recall saying ANYTHING about "my religion", as that would require me to give a fuck what you think of it. What I have said, and will continue to say - admittedly, with very little hope that it will puncture the steel bubble of pompous self-importance around you - is that YOUR OPINION OF RELIGION DOESN'T MATTER. Because you don't matter. No one wants your approval. No one needs your sanction of their beliefs. No one has asked you if their practice and application of their religion to their decisions is okay with you, because no one cares.

There is never going to be a time when ANYONE is EVER going to look to you to tell them what Christianity is or how Christians should behave. I'm dubious that anyone considers you reliable or noticeable enough to ask you what time it is, let alone how to live.

By all means, withhold your unsolicited "help", because I have no desire whatsoever to become like you.

By the same token, no one is EVER going to look to you tell tell them what Christianity is or how Christians should behave. I have no desire whatsoever to embrace your ideas of how Christians should behave. You think that you have the right, but you don't. Goodbye, ignorant little girl.

Well, unlike you, I'M not TRYING to tell anyone how to practice their faith, because I have no deep-seated psychological need to control the lives of others.

Please notice that no one has asked you to embrace my ideas about anything, because I genuinely don't give a crap about you. I have simply pointed out YOUR hubris.

Goodbye, poltroon. Your surrender and subsequent retreat are duly noted and you are free to go.

Trying to control the lives of others is exactly what you and your ilk are trying to do out of some deep-seated psychological need. If you morons would stop targeting other people and their rights and go do cartwheels in your prairie dresses or service your husbands' sexual "needs," or refrain from voting on command of your masters, nobody would care. You morons are the ones who have spent years denying that people like President Obama and Hillary Clinton are Christians because they don't practice their faith the same way you do.
No, Chuckles, the only people setting themselves up as arbiters of Christianity are twerps like you, who don't even espouse it but are convinced that the world is breathlessly waiting for them to dictate how to practice beliefs they don't share. Everyone else is just stating what they personally believe and how they feel it should best be applied to their decisions. I haven't actually noticed anyone saying someone "isn't a Christian" except for a bunch of people who will proudly tell you THEY aren't, either.

And since I don't even know who Graham, Jeffress (?), and Perkins ARE without going and looking it up (which I'm not planning to do), you can save yourself the effort of screeching about how I'm a "follower" of any of them. If you want to snipe at me for making misogynist statements, I invite you to find one of them and quote it for me. Otherwise, I'm afraid I'm going to have to decline to work myself into a defensive lather about the your disapproval of me. In fact, I'm going to have to decline to give a tin shit about it in any way.

The same goes for anything else you want to accuse me of doing or supporting. Prove it, dipshit, or learn to live with the fact that I consider you a pathetic joke desperately struggling for legitimacy.

And you are a pathetic and easily duped person hawking a bogus ideology. You can't even say anything coherent about your "religion" and don't seem to be familiar with what's in it. I can't help you.

Does it hurt to be as delusionally conceited as you are, or are you accustomed to it like any other birth defect?

I don't recall saying ANYTHING about "my religion", as that would require me to give a fuck what you think of it. What I have said, and will continue to say - admittedly, with very little hope that it will puncture the steel bubble of pompous self-importance around you - is that YOUR OPINION OF RELIGION DOESN'T MATTER. Because you don't matter. No one wants your approval. No one needs your sanction of their beliefs. No one has asked you if their practice and application of their religion to their decisions is okay with you, because no one cares.

There is never going to be a time when ANYONE is EVER going to look to you to tell them what Christianity is or how Christians should behave. I'm dubious that anyone considers you reliable or noticeable enough to ask you what time it is, let alone how to live.

By all means, withhold your unsolicited "help", because I have no desire whatsoever to become like you.

By the same token, no one is EVER going to look to you tell tell them what Christianity is or how Christians should behave. I have no desire whatsoever to embrace your ideas of how Christians should behave. You think that you have the right, but you don't. Goodbye, ignorant little girl.

Well, unlike you, I'M not TRYING to tell anyone how to practice their faith, because I have no deep-seated psychological need to control the lives of others.

Please notice that no one has asked you to embrace my ideas about anything, because I genuinely don't give a crap about you. I have simply pointed out YOUR hubris.

Goodbye, poltroon. Your surrender and subsequent retreat are duly noted and you are free to go.

Trying to control the lives of others is exactly what you and your ilk are trying to do out of some deep-seated psychological need. If you morons would stop targeting other people and their rights and go do cartwheels in your prairie dresses or service your husbands' sexual "needs," or refrain from voting on command of your masters, nobody would care. You morons are the ones who have spent years denying that people like President Obama and Hillary Clinton are Christians because they don't practice their faith the same way you do.
Says the puke who thinks bakers must be forced to create works of art to celebrate orgies.

Your bigoted commentary is evidence of your small minded meanness. Nazis spoke in the same way of Jews. Settlers spoke the same way of Indians. The difference is that you are also mentally ill...

Which is why we're building great big mental hospitals. So when you lunatics expose yourselves for the crazies you are, we can lock you up. For good.
And you are a pathetic and easily duped person hawking a bogus ideology. You can't even say anything coherent about your "religion" and don't seem to be familiar with what's in it. I can't help you.

Does it hurt to be as delusionally conceited as you are, or are you accustomed to it like any other birth defect?

I don't recall saying ANYTHING about "my religion", as that would require me to give a fuck what you think of it. What I have said, and will continue to say - admittedly, with very little hope that it will puncture the steel bubble of pompous self-importance around you - is that YOUR OPINION OF RELIGION DOESN'T MATTER. Because you don't matter. No one wants your approval. No one needs your sanction of their beliefs. No one has asked you if their practice and application of their religion to their decisions is okay with you, because no one cares.

There is never going to be a time when ANYONE is EVER going to look to you to tell them what Christianity is or how Christians should behave. I'm dubious that anyone considers you reliable or noticeable enough to ask you what time it is, let alone how to live.

By all means, withhold your unsolicited "help", because I have no desire whatsoever to become like you.

By the same token, no one is EVER going to look to you tell tell them what Christianity is or how Christians should behave. I have no desire whatsoever to embrace your ideas of how Christians should behave. You think that you have the right, but you don't. Goodbye, ignorant little girl.

Well, unlike you, I'M not TRYING to tell anyone how to practice their faith, because I have no deep-seated psychological need to control the lives of others.

Please notice that no one has asked you to embrace my ideas about anything, because I genuinely don't give a crap about you. I have simply pointed out YOUR hubris.

Goodbye, poltroon. Your surrender and subsequent retreat are duly noted and you are free to go.

Trying to control the lives of others is exactly what you and your ilk are trying to do out of some deep-seated psychological need. If you morons would stop targeting other people and their rights and go do cartwheels in your prairie dresses or service your husbands' sexual "needs," or refrain from voting on command of your masters, nobody would care. You morons are the ones who have spent years denying that people like President Obama and Hillary Clinton are Christians because they don't practice their faith the same way you do.
Says the puke who thinks bakers must be forced to create works of art to celebrate orgies.

Your bigoted commentary is evidence of your small minded meanness. Nazis spoke in the same way of Jews. Settlers spoke the same way of Indians. The difference is that you are also mentally ill...

Which is why we're building great big mental hospitals. So when you lunatics expose yourselves for the crazies you are, we can lock you up. For good.

I've never heard of anyone having an orgy at a wedding. Is this what your weird "Christian" cult does? I've have never spoken against an entire religion. But all religions spawn a set of lunatics. I perceive you to be one of them. Go away. I think I hear your husband calling and he needs servicing right now!
Does it hurt to be as delusionally conceited as you are, or are you accustomed to it like any other birth defect?

I don't recall saying ANYTHING about "my religion", as that would require me to give a fuck what you think of it. What I have said, and will continue to say - admittedly, with very little hope that it will puncture the steel bubble of pompous self-importance around you - is that YOUR OPINION OF RELIGION DOESN'T MATTER. Because you don't matter. No one wants your approval. No one needs your sanction of their beliefs. No one has asked you if their practice and application of their religion to their decisions is okay with you, because no one cares.

There is never going to be a time when ANYONE is EVER going to look to you to tell them what Christianity is or how Christians should behave. I'm dubious that anyone considers you reliable or noticeable enough to ask you what time it is, let alone how to live.

By all means, withhold your unsolicited "help", because I have no desire whatsoever to become like you.

By the same token, no one is EVER going to look to you tell tell them what Christianity is or how Christians should behave. I have no desire whatsoever to embrace your ideas of how Christians should behave. You think that you have the right, but you don't. Goodbye, ignorant little girl.

Well, unlike you, I'M not TRYING to tell anyone how to practice their faith, because I have no deep-seated psychological need to control the lives of others.

Please notice that no one has asked you to embrace my ideas about anything, because I genuinely don't give a crap about you. I have simply pointed out YOUR hubris.

Goodbye, poltroon. Your surrender and subsequent retreat are duly noted and you are free to go.

Trying to control the lives of others is exactly what you and your ilk are trying to do out of some deep-seated psychological need. If you morons would stop targeting other people and their rights and go do cartwheels in your prairie dresses or service your husbands' sexual "needs," or refrain from voting on command of your masters, nobody would care. You morons are the ones who have spent years denying that people like President Obama and Hillary Clinton are Christians because they don't practice their faith the same way you do.
Says the puke who thinks bakers must be forced to create works of art to celebrate orgies.

Your bigoted commentary is evidence of your small minded meanness. Nazis spoke in the same way of Jews. Settlers spoke the same way of Indians. The difference is that you are also mentally ill...

Which is why we're building great big mental hospitals. So when you lunatics expose yourselves for the crazies you are, we can lock you up. For good.

I've never heard of anyone having an orgy at a wedding. Is this what your weird "Christian" cult does? I've have never spoken against an entire religion. But all religions spawn a set of lunatics. I perceive you to be one of them. Go away. I think I hear your husband calling and he needs servicing right now!

Fags can't be married, so what they do that requires *special* cake is beyond me. Most just assume it's an orgy, since all they ever think of is depraved sex.

Take, for example, the claim of Cake Rape. Who the hell but a lesbian twat would ever even think of a cake as a violent intrusive penis? And if they do, why would they insist on having a *special* one for their orgy?

And take your own obsession over Christian rituals and normal heterosexual relationships. Why so angry about normal relations between normal people who are actually married? It's funny that heteros and males are forced to endorse the obnoxious and obvious sexual panderings of perverts...and yet you use all sorts of hateful and creepily bigoted rhetoric to reference (over and over over) the activities (which you obviously spend a lot of time thinking about) that go on between two married people in their bedroom.

You people just have no *normal* bones in your body.

Which is why I maintain you belong in mental institutions. Anybody who pitches a fit like you fanatics pitch over things like cake, and abortion, and the *right* to cut off your sons' penises... is a menace and needs to be locked up.


Put the crazies where they belong. Get them off our streets, and for God's sakes don't let them breed or be anywhere near children:

By the same token, no one is EVER going to look to you tell tell them what Christianity is or how Christians should behave. I have no desire whatsoever to embrace your ideas of how Christians should behave. You think that you have the right, but you don't. Goodbye, ignorant little girl.

Well, unlike you, I'M not TRYING to tell anyone how to practice their faith, because I have no deep-seated psychological need to control the lives of others.

Please notice that no one has asked you to embrace my ideas about anything, because I genuinely don't give a crap about you. I have simply pointed out YOUR hubris.

Goodbye, poltroon. Your surrender and subsequent retreat are duly noted and you are free to go.

Trying to control the lives of others is exactly what you and your ilk are trying to do out of some deep-seated psychological need. If you morons would stop targeting other people and their rights and go do cartwheels in your prairie dresses or service your husbands' sexual "needs," or refrain from voting on command of your masters, nobody would care. You morons are the ones who have spent years denying that people like President Obama and Hillary Clinton are Christians because they don't practice their faith the same way you do.
Says the puke who thinks bakers must be forced to create works of art to celebrate orgies.

Your bigoted commentary is evidence of your small minded meanness. Nazis spoke in the same way of Jews. Settlers spoke the same way of Indians. The difference is that you are also mentally ill...

Which is why we're building great big mental hospitals. So when you lunatics expose yourselves for the crazies you are, we can lock you up. For good.

I've never heard of anyone having an orgy at a wedding. Is this what your weird "Christian" cult does? I've have never spoken against an entire religion. But all religions spawn a set of lunatics. I perceive you to be one of them. Go away. I think I hear your husband calling and he needs servicing right now!

Fags can't be married, so what they do that requires *special* cake is beyond me. Most just assume it's an orgy, since all they ever think of is depraved sex.

Take, for example, the claim of Cake Rape. Who the hell but a lesbian twat would ever even think of a cake as a violent intrusive penis? And if they do, why would they insist on having a *special* one for their orgy?

And take your own obsession over Christian rituals and normal heterosexual relationships. Why so angry about normal relations between normal people who are actually married? It's funny that heteros and males are forced to endorse the obnoxious and obvious sexual panderings of perverts...and yet you use all sorts of hateful and creepily bigoted rhetoric to reference (over and over over) the activities (which you obviously spend a lot of time thinking about) that go on between two married people in their bedroom.

You people just have no *normal* bones in your body.

Which is why I maintain you belong in mental institutions. Anybody who pitches a fit like you fanatics pitch over things like cake, and abortion, and the *right* to cut off your sons' penises... is a menace and needs to be locked up.


Put the crazies where they belong. Get them off our streets, and for God's sakes don't let them breed or be anywhere near children:

Well, unlike you, I'M not TRYING to tell anyone how to practice their faith, because I have no deep-seated psychological need to control the lives of others.

Please notice that no one has asked you to embrace my ideas about anything, because I genuinely don't give a crap about you. I have simply pointed out YOUR hubris.

Goodbye, poltroon. Your surrender and subsequent retreat are duly noted and you are free to go.

Trying to control the lives of others is exactly what you and your ilk are trying to do out of some deep-seated psychological need. If you morons would stop targeting other people and their rights and go do cartwheels in your prairie dresses or service your husbands' sexual "needs," or refrain from voting on command of your masters, nobody would care. You morons are the ones who have spent years denying that people like President Obama and Hillary Clinton are Christians because they don't practice their faith the same way you do.
Says the puke who thinks bakers must be forced to create works of art to celebrate orgies.

Your bigoted commentary is evidence of your small minded meanness. Nazis spoke in the same way of Jews. Settlers spoke the same way of Indians. The difference is that you are also mentally ill...

Which is why we're building great big mental hospitals. So when you lunatics expose yourselves for the crazies you are, we can lock you up. For good.

I've never heard of anyone having an orgy at a wedding. Is this what your weird "Christian" cult does? I've have never spoken against an entire religion. But all religions spawn a set of lunatics. I perceive you to be one of them. Go away. I think I hear your husband calling and he needs servicing right now!

Fags can't be married, so what they do that requires *special* cake is beyond me. Most just assume it's an orgy, since all they ever think of is depraved sex.

Take, for example, the claim of Cake Rape. Who the hell but a lesbian twat would ever even think of a cake as a violent intrusive penis? And if they do, why would they insist on having a *special* one for their orgy?

And take your own obsession over Christian rituals and normal heterosexual relationships. Why so angry about normal relations between normal people who are actually married? It's funny that heteros and males are forced to endorse the obnoxious and obvious sexual panderings of perverts...and yet you use all sorts of hateful and creepily bigoted rhetoric to reference (over and over over) the activities (which you obviously spend a lot of time thinking about) that go on between two married people in their bedroom.

You people just have no *normal* bones in your body.

Which is why I maintain you belong in mental institutions. Anybody who pitches a fit like you fanatics pitch over things like cake, and abortion, and the *right* to cut off your sons' penises... is a menace and needs to be locked up.


Put the crazies where they belong. Get them off our streets, and for God's sakes don't let them breed or be anywhere near children:


Oh honey you got all worked up and forgot to write a message.
Republicans like to pretend they are the moral authority but the evidence shows they are the worst of two evils. Justice democrats are at least trying to salvage the democratic party from ruin.

Christians, especially evangelical christians will continue to believe their own lies long after they get their heads handed to them in the upcoming civil war.

Civil war? What?
Republicans like to pretend they are the moral authority but the evidence shows they are the worst of two evils. Justice democrats are at least trying to salvage the democratic party from ruin.

Christians, especially evangelical christians will continue to believe their own lies long after they get their heads handed to them in the upcoming civil war.

Civil war? What?
antifa thinks she's the face of the New America.

One of the "ObamaNation". Mentally ill, stupid, jobless....
I'm not German. My avatar reflects a 21st century version of antifa.

It is the exact same image used by totalitarian espousing communists. The same slogan as well. I posted a picture of it on communist party headquarters.
antifa thinks she's the face of the New America.

One of the "ObamaNation". Mentally ill, stupid, jobless....

Some nerds keep aquariums. Some play D&D. And some pretend to be revolutionaries online.

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