Evangelicals and Trump

The left HATES Christians even more than they hate Trump.
You keep misrepresenting what I say. What did I tell you that means to me?
This is a description of you.....is that why you'd rather change the subject?
It is off topic.
the intellectual aptitude of deplorables - hide in the corner with a pillow over their head.

How is your question relevant to the topic of whether or not this nation is a Christian Nation or was founded as a Christian Nation?

You are the one acting crazy, you lunatic.
You keep misrepresenting what I say. What did I tell you that means to me?
This is a description of you.....is that why you'd rather change the subject?
It is off topic.
the intellectual aptitude of deplorables - hide in the corner with a pillow over their head.

How is your question relevant to the topic of whether or not this nation is a Christian Nation or was founded as a Christian Nation?

You are the one acting crazy, you lunatic.
How is your question relevant to the topic of whether or not this nation is a Christian Nation or was founded as a Christian Nation?

You are the one acting crazy, you lunatic.
what question -
- that verse among many other forgeries in your christian bible is the very reason this country was founded as a secular nation under its constitution as best could be accomplished at the time period it was written.
the historical condition of religious persecution and victimization of the innocent during the time of this countries establishment is the reason for christianity, the desert religions exclusion from the new federal government. and was their response to those religions culpability in the criminal acts against the citizenry of the countries the founders fled themselves to establish the new nation and the reason they chose a secular constitution to shield in the future the ability of those religions from again imposing their corruptions against the freedoms of the citizens in their new country.

not to mention the desert religions as corruptions in of themselves by their scripts and have abandoned the prescribed religion of antiquity for their own personal gratification - the deplorables.
You keep misrepresenting what I say. What did I tell you that means to me?
This is a description of you.....is that why you'd rather change the subject?
It is off topic.
the intellectual aptitude of deplorables - hide in the corner with a pillow over their head.

How is your question relevant to the topic of whether or not this nation is a Christian Nation or was founded as a Christian Nation?

You are the one acting crazy, you lunatic.
How is your question relevant to the topic of whether or not this nation is a Christian Nation or was founded as a Christian Nation?

You are the one acting crazy, you lunatic.
what question -

The question you were harping on and on about. Seriously, are you high right now?
In the final analysis it matters not if some people call America a Christian Nation. What I want to know is if Jesus thinks America is a Christian Nation.

America was not founded to be a Christian only nation.
It was never meant to be a theocracy.

But it was founded by orthodox Christians, based on the Judeo-Christian Bible....which was the single most quoted document by the Founders, and points to Jesus Christ in the text of the Constitution. Segments of our founding documents come directly from the Bible.

That religion and that book were always seen as the guidance that would form the basis of our morality.

It is the neo-Marxist influence of government school that has corrupted your view and deprived you of the truth. I doubt you will ever recover from said intellectual abuse.

And, of course, it is true.
Still didn't answer my question. I'll rephrase it. How does Jesus feel when people attach His Name to an earthly political entity? No one besides me bothered to see what He had to say about His followers wielding worldly political power, and I'd have to say He considers it to be blasphemous.


There are two political entities in this nation.

Your job is to decide which is closer to the morality of the Bible, the basis for Western Civilization.

That's the answer to your question.
My point is that a Christian America means as much to Him as a Hindu India, Buddhist Thailand, Muslim Saudi Arabia or an Atheist China. I doubt you're scoring any points with Him with your Christian America.

I've seen your posts.

With minimal effort, you've become our best source of greenhouse gases.

Greenhouse gases? Because I'm wondering what Jesus is thinking when humans put His name and faith to worldly political units, like some sort of advertising slogan? Or inferring that they have His blessing and endorsement?

And in the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed: and the kingdom shall not be left to other people, but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand for ever. (Daniel 2:44)

Again, it doesn't say "Except for America!"

This is a description of you.....is that why you'd rather change the subject?
The subject under discussion is whether or not America is a Christian Nation. Wondering what Jesus thinks of that is taboo?

It is off topic.
So if some people want to call America a Christian nation that's none of His business?
In the final analysis it matters not if some people call America a Christian Nation. What I want to know is if Jesus thinks America is a Christian Nation.

America was not founded to be a Christian only nation.
It was never meant to be a theocracy.

But it was founded by orthodox Christians, based on the Judeo-Christian Bible....which was the single most quoted document by the Founders, and points to Jesus Christ in the text of the Constitution. Segments of our founding documents come directly from the Bible.

That religion and that book were always seen as the guidance that would form the basis of our morality.

It is the neo-Marxist influence of government school that has corrupted your view and deprived you of the truth. I doubt you will ever recover from said intellectual abuse.

And, of course, it is true.
Still didn't answer my question. I'll rephrase it. How does Jesus feel when people attach His Name to an earthly political entity? No one besides me bothered to see what He had to say about His followers wielding worldly political power, and I'd have to say He considers it to be blasphemous.


There are two political entities in this nation.

Your job is to decide which is closer to the morality of the Bible, the basis for Western Civilization.

That's the answer to your question.
My point is that a Christian America means as much to Him as a Hindu India, Buddhist Thailand, Muslim Saudi Arabia or an Atheist China. I doubt you're scoring any points with Him with your Christian America.

I've seen your posts.

With minimal effort, you've become our best source of greenhouse gases.

Greenhouse gases? Because I'm wondering what Jesus is thinking when humans put His name and faith to worldly political units, like some sort of advertising slogan? Or inferring that they have His blessing and endorsement?

And in the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed: and the kingdom shall not be left to other people, but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand for ever. (Daniel 2:44)

Again, it doesn't say "Except for America!"

This is a description of you.....is that why you'd rather change the subject?
The subject under discussion is whether or not America is a Christian Nation. Wondering what Jesus thinks of that is taboo?

It is off topic.
So if some people want to call America a Christian nation that's none of His business?

America was not founded to be a Christian only nation.
It was never meant to be a theocracy.

But it was founded by orthodox Christians, based on the Judeo-Christian Bible....which was the single most quoted document by the Founders, and points to Jesus Christ in the text of the Constitution. Segments of our founding documents come directly from the Bible.

That religion and that book were always seen as the guidance that would form the basis of our morality.

It is the neo-Marxist influence of government school that has corrupted your view and deprived you of the truth. I doubt you will ever recover from said intellectual abuse.

And, of course, it is true.
In the final analysis it matters not if some people call America a Christian Nation. What I want to know is if Jesus thinks America is a Christian Nation.

America was not founded to be a Christian only nation.
It was never meant to be a theocracy.

But it was founded by orthodox Christians, based on the Judeo-Christian Bible....which was the single most quoted document by the Founders, and points to Jesus Christ in the text of the Constitution. Segments of our founding documents come directly from the Bible.

That religion and that book were always seen as the guidance that would form the basis of our morality.

It is the neo-Marxist influence of government school that has corrupted your view and deprived you of the truth. I doubt you will ever recover from said intellectual abuse.

And, of course, it is true.
Still didn't answer my question. I'll rephrase it. How does Jesus feel when people attach His Name to an earthly political entity? No one besides me bothered to see what He had to say about His followers wielding worldly political power, and I'd have to say He considers it to be blasphemous.


There are two political entities in this nation.

Your job is to decide which is closer to the morality of the Bible, the basis for Western Civilization.

That's the answer to your question.
My point is that a Christian America means as much to Him as a Hindu India, Buddhist Thailand, Muslim Saudi Arabia or an Atheist China. I doubt you're scoring any points with Him with your Christian America.

I've seen your posts.

With minimal effort, you've become our best source of greenhouse gases.

Greenhouse gases? Because I'm wondering what Jesus is thinking when humans put His name and faith to worldly political units, like some sort of advertising slogan? Or inferring that they have His blessing and endorsement?

And in the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed: and the kingdom shall not be left to other people, but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand for ever. (Daniel 2:44)

Again, it doesn't say "Except for America!"

This is a description of you.....is that why you'd rather change the subject?
The subject under discussion is whether or not America is a Christian Nation. Wondering what Jesus thinks of that is taboo?

It is off topic.
So if some people want to call America a Christian nation that's none of His business?

It is not relevant to this discussion. Unless you are claiming to speak for him and claiming him as an Authority that we should defer to.
#669 reply to #668
It is not relevant to this discussion. Unless you are claiming to speak for him and claiming him as an Authority that we should defer to.

Of course Jesus is not relative to the discussion because he undermines your fantasy.

Is JamesMadison relative to the discussion?

It’s funny how any historical reference to lead participants that verify there was massive opposition to founding any kind of religious nation including and specifically a Protestant Christian nation.

Will you try to explain why on earth Madison would have any desire to found a Christian Nation when he held such low regard for what he called fifteen centuries of this:

“pride and indolence in the Clergy, ignorance and servility in the laity, in both, superstition, bigotry and persecution.”

Thats your Christianity in the mind of one of the top four framers if the Constitution In real time during the founding.

ONLY a complete idiot could ever imagine that Madison would appreciate a bunch of white protestant evangelical Establishment Christians putting their Christian brand on the Republic he dedicated his Adult life to founding and preserving.

I expect your reply will be Madison is not relevant. Or You will use your stand in for honest discussion calling me a Marxist.
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In the final analysis it matters not if some people call America a Christian Nation. What I want to know is if Jesus thinks America is a Christian Nation.

America was not founded to be a Christian only nation.
It was never meant to be a theocracy.

But it was founded by orthodox Christians, based on the Judeo-Christian Bible....which was the single most quoted document by the Founders, and points to Jesus Christ in the text of the Constitution. Segments of our founding documents come directly from the Bible.

That religion and that book were always seen as the guidance that would form the basis of our morality.

It is the neo-Marxist influence of government school that has corrupted your view and deprived you of the truth. I doubt you will ever recover from said intellectual abuse.

And, of course, it is true.
Still didn't answer my question. I'll rephrase it. How does Jesus feel when people attach His Name to an earthly political entity? No one besides me bothered to see what He had to say about His followers wielding worldly political power, and I'd have to say He considers it to be blasphemous.


There are two political entities in this nation.

Your job is to decide which is closer to the morality of the Bible, the basis for Western Civilization.

That's the answer to your question.
My point is that a Christian America means as much to Him as a Hindu India, Buddhist Thailand, Muslim Saudi Arabia or an Atheist China. I doubt you're scoring any points with Him with your Christian America.

I've seen your posts.

With minimal effort, you've become our best source of greenhouse gases.

Greenhouse gases? Because I'm wondering what Jesus is thinking when humans put His name and faith to worldly political units, like some sort of advertising slogan? Or inferring that they have His blessing and endorsement?

And in the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed: and the kingdom shall not be left to other people, but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand for ever. (Daniel 2:44)

Again, it doesn't say "Except for America!"

This is a description of you.....is that why you'd rather change the subject?
The subject under discussion is whether or not America is a Christian Nation. Wondering what Jesus thinks of that is taboo?

It is off topic.
So if some people want to call America a Christian nation that's none of His business?

America was not founded to be a Christian only nation.
It was never meant to be a theocracy.

But it was founded by orthodox Christians, based on the Judeo-Christian Bible....which was the single most quoted document by the Founders, and points to Jesus Christ in the text of the Constitution. Segments of our founding documents come directly from the Bible.

That religion and that book were always seen as the guidance that would form the basis of our morality.

It is the neo-Marxist influence of government school that has corrupted your view and deprived you of the truth. I doubt you will ever recover from said intellectual abuse.

And, of course, it is true.
America was not founded to be a Christian only nation.
by any organized religion in particular.

the country is founded as a secular nation tolerant of religious beliefs within the bounds of established law by the written document irregardless of any sentiments otherwise considered at the time of its ratification.
#671 reply to #667 #670
America was not founded to be a Christian only nation by any organized religion in particular, because America was founded as a secular nation tolerant of religious beliefs within the bounds of established law and as expressed in the Constitution.

The above is an absolutely true “joined by me” statement from PoliticalChic and BreezeWood.

I wonder if the self anointed winners ding and Correll can deny the truth of that statement.

Perhaps they can see the absurdity of stating that America was not founded to be a Christian only nation and then from the other side of the mouth turn it around and say that America was founded as a Christian Nation.

America was not founded to be a Christian only nation.
It was never meant to be a theocracy.

But it was founded by orthodox Christians, based on the Judeo-Christian Bible...

by any organized religion in particular.

the country is founded as a secular nation tolerant of religious beliefs within the bounds of established law by the written document irregardless of any sentiments otherwise considered at the time of its ratification.

“America was not founded to be a Christian only nation because it was founded as a Christian nation.” A.B.Surd
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In the final analysis it matters not if some people call America a Christian Nation. What I want to know is if Jesus thinks America is a Christian Nation.

America was not founded to be a Christian only nation.
It was never meant to be a theocracy.

But it was founded by orthodox Christians, based on the Judeo-Christian Bible....which was the single most quoted document by the Founders, and points to Jesus Christ in the text of the Constitution. Segments of our founding documents come directly from the Bible.

That religion and that book were always seen as the guidance that would form the basis of our morality.

It is the neo-Marxist influence of government school that has corrupted your view and deprived you of the truth. I doubt you will ever recover from said intellectual abuse.

And, of course, it is true.
Still didn't answer my question. I'll rephrase it. How does Jesus feel when people attach His Name to an earthly political entity? No one besides me bothered to see what He had to say about His followers wielding worldly political power, and I'd have to say He considers it to be blasphemous.


There are two political entities in this nation.

Your job is to decide which is closer to the morality of the Bible, the basis for Western Civilization.

That's the answer to your question.
My point is that a Christian America means as much to Him as a Hindu India, Buddhist Thailand, Muslim Saudi Arabia or an Atheist China. I doubt you're scoring any points with Him with your Christian America.

I've seen your posts.

With minimal effort, you've become our best source of greenhouse gases.

Greenhouse gases? Because I'm wondering what Jesus is thinking when humans put His name and faith to worldly political units, like some sort of advertising slogan? Or inferring that they have His blessing and endorsement?

And in the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed: and the kingdom shall not be left to other people, but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand for ever. (Daniel 2:44)

Again, it doesn't say "Except for America!"

This is a description of you.....is that why you'd rather change the subject?
The subject under discussion is whether or not America is a Christian Nation. Wondering what Jesus thinks of that is taboo?

It is off topic.
So if some people want to call America a Christian nation that's none of His business?

It is not relevant to this discussion. Unless you are claiming to speak for him and claiming him as an Authority that we should defer to.
Jesus isn't relevant to a discussion about Christians and Christianity? I never spoke for Him, just cited scriptures suggesting that attaching Him and His faith to an earthly political entity is ludicrous at best, blasphemous at worst.
#669 reply to #668
It is not relevant to this discussion. Unless you are claiming to speak for him and claiming him as an Authority that we should defer to.

Of course Jesus is not relative to the discussion because he undermines your fantasy.

The question is, was America founded as a Christian Nation.

Discussing whether or not Christ himself would support such a move, is something to do if the topic was IF America was doing a good job of Being a Christian Nation.

That is a completely different topic.

And you are trying to move the goal posts, because you know you have lost this debate.
In the final analysis it matters not if some people call America a Christian Nation. What I want to know is if Jesus thinks America is a Christian Nation.

America was not founded to be a Christian only nation.
It was never meant to be a theocracy.

But it was founded by orthodox Christians, based on the Judeo-Christian Bible....which was the single most quoted document by the Founders, and points to Jesus Christ in the text of the Constitution. Segments of our founding documents come directly from the Bible.

That religion and that book were always seen as the guidance that would form the basis of our morality.

It is the neo-Marxist influence of government school that has corrupted your view and deprived you of the truth. I doubt you will ever recover from said intellectual abuse.

And, of course, it is true.
Still didn't answer my question. I'll rephrase it. How does Jesus feel when people attach His Name to an earthly political entity? No one besides me bothered to see what He had to say about His followers wielding worldly political power, and I'd have to say He considers it to be blasphemous.


There are two political entities in this nation.

Your job is to decide which is closer to the morality of the Bible, the basis for Western Civilization.

That's the answer to your question.
My point is that a Christian America means as much to Him as a Hindu India, Buddhist Thailand, Muslim Saudi Arabia or an Atheist China. I doubt you're scoring any points with Him with your Christian America.

I've seen your posts.

With minimal effort, you've become our best source of greenhouse gases.

Greenhouse gases? Because I'm wondering what Jesus is thinking when humans put His name and faith to worldly political units, like some sort of advertising slogan? Or inferring that they have His blessing and endorsement?

And in the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed: and the kingdom shall not be left to other people, but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand for ever. (Daniel 2:44)

Again, it doesn't say "Except for America!"

This is a description of you.....is that why you'd rather change the subject?
The subject under discussion is whether or not America is a Christian Nation. Wondering what Jesus thinks of that is taboo?

It is off topic.
So if some people want to call America a Christian nation that's none of His business?

It is not relevant to this discussion. Unless you are claiming to speak for him and claiming him as an Authority that we should defer to.
Jesus isn't relevant to a discussion about Christians and Christianity? I never spoke for Him, just cited scriptures suggesting that attaching Him and His faith to an earthly political entity is ludicrous at best, blasphemous at worst.

Jesus's opinion on a Christian Nation is not relevant to the intent of the FOunders.

The Most that could be learned from such a discussion, is how well we , America, are doing at being a Christian Nation.

That is thus off topic.

#671 reply to #667 #670
America was not founded to be a Christian only nation by any organized religion in particular, because America was founded as a secular nation tolerant of religious beliefs within the bounds of established law and as expressed in the Constitution.

The above is an absolutely true “joined by me” statement from PoliticalChic and BreezeWood.

I wonder if the self anointed winners ding and Correll can deny the truth of that statement.

Perhaps they can see the absurdity of stating that America was not founded to be a Christian only nation and then from the other side of the mouth turn it around and say that America was founded as a Christian Nation.

America was not founded to be a Christian only nation.
It was never meant to be a theocracy.

But it was founded by orthodox Christians, based on the Judeo-Christian Bible...

by any organized religion in particular.

the country is founded as a secular nation tolerant of religious beliefs within the bounds of established law by the written document irregardless of any sentiments otherwise considered at the time of its ratification.

“America was not founded to be a Christian only nation because it was founded as a Christian nation.” A.B.Surd
I'm not doing anything until you acknowledge and stop misstating what I have written. It would be illogical to do otherwise.
#671 reply to #667 #670
America was not founded to be a Christian only nation by any organized religion in particular, because America was founded as a secular nation tolerant of religious beliefs within the bounds of established law and as expressed in the Constitution.

The above is an absolutely true “joined by me” statement from PoliticalChic and BreezeWood.

I wonder if the self anointed winners ding and Correll can deny the truth of that statement.

Perhaps they can see the absurdity of stating that America was not founded to be a Christian only nation and then from the other side of the mouth turn it around and say that America was founded as a Christian Nation.

America was not founded to be a Christian only nation.
It was never meant to be a theocracy.

But it was founded by orthodox Christians, based on the Judeo-Christian Bible...

by any organized religion in particular.

the country is founded as a secular nation tolerant of religious beliefs within the bounds of established law by the written document irregardless of any sentiments otherwise considered at the time of its ratification.

“America was not founded to be a Christian only nation because it was founded as a Christian nation.” A.B.Surd
I'm not doing anything until you acknowledge and stop misstating what I have written. It would be illogical to do otherwise.
I'm not doing anything until you acknowledge and stop misstating what I have written. It would be illogical to do otherwise.
so says the loser without stating what their position is for clarity ....

That is a completely different topic.
what is your topic specifically correll.
#677 reply to #675
I'm not doing anything until you acknowledge and stop misstating what I have written.

I can’t find any misstating on my part. I‘ve been looking. Was it before or after Post #451 inserted below:

Apparently his world would stop turning if he had to acknowledge the truth of our Christian heritage.
#677 reply to #675
I'm not doing anything until you acknowledge and stop misstating what I have written.

I can’t find any misstating on my part. I‘ve been looking. Was it before or after Post #451 inserted below:

Apparently his world would stop turning if he had to acknowledge the truth of our Christian heritage.
You just did a couple of posts back.

But let's clear this up. What did I tell you a Christian nation means to mean, dummy? Because that's what you keep misstating. And you know you are doing it. That's just you manufacturing a straw man to knock down. Unfortunately, it's YOUR straw man. Not mine. So when you are ready to be an adult, let me know.
#671 reply to #667 #670
America was not founded to be a Christian only nation by any organized religion in particular, because America was founded as a secular nation tolerant of religious beliefs within the bounds of established law and as expressed in the Constitution.

The above is an absolutely true “joined by me” statement from PoliticalChic and BreezeWood.

I wonder if the self anointed winners ding and Correll can deny the truth of that statement.

Perhaps they can see the absurdity of stating that America was not founded to be a Christian only nation and then from the other side of the mouth turn it around and say that America was founded as a Christian Nation.

America was not founded to be a Christian only nation.
It was never meant to be a theocracy.

But it was founded by orthodox Christians, based on the Judeo-Christian Bible...

by any organized religion in particular.

the country is founded as a secular nation tolerant of religious beliefs within the bounds of established law by the written document irregardless of any sentiments otherwise considered at the time of its ratification.

“America was not founded to be a Christian only nation because it was founded as a Christian nation.” A.B.Surd
I'm not doing anything until you acknowledge and stop misstating what I have written. It would be illogical to do otherwise.
I'm not doing anything until you acknowledge and stop misstating what I have written. It would be illogical to do otherwise.
so says the loser without stating what their position is for clarity ....

That is a completely different topic.
what is your topic specifically correll.
My position was stated clearly multiple times by me.

Lets see how you like it.... you support black men raping white women. Do you want to argue against it? Or would it be illogical for you to continue conversations with me if I just keep making shit up about you?
Breezewood believes Christianity is the greatest force for good in the history of mankind.

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