Evangelicals and Trump

Breezewood believes that the religion of antiquity is Christianity.
#682 reply to #460 ding ding ding
That's multiculturalism and it's aimed at destroying the dominant culture of a nation

I assume you are referring to Christianity and all the 18th Century Colonial American generalities That came with it as the dominant culture needing protection from the dreaded multiculturalism that followed that beautiful Christianized Century if Washington Adams Jefferson and Madison.
Breezewood believes
#682 reply to #460 ding ding ding
That's multiculturalism and it's aimed at destroying the dominant culture of a nation

I assume you are referring to Christianity and all the 18th Century Colonial American generalities That came with it as the dominant culture needing protection from the dreaded multiculturalism that followed that beautiful Christianized Century if Washington Adams Jefferson and Madison.
Still waiting for you to state what you think I mean by the phrase Christian nation. Can't go forward until that's resolved. It wouldn't be logical to do so.
#684 reply to #678

#667 PC PC PC
America was not founded to be a Christian only nation.
It was never meant to be a theocracy.

But it was founded by orthodox Christians, based on the Judeo-Christian Bible....which was the single most quoted document by the Founders, and points to Jesus Christ in the text of the Constitution. Segments of our founding documents come directly from the Bible.

That religion and that book were always seen as the guidance that would form the basis of our morality.

But let's clear this up. What did I tell you a Christian nation means to me

Then tell me again. What you said before must be lost in the trash.

While you are at it please clarify how much you agree with PC inserted above. You appear to be a member of her tribe.
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#685 reply to #683 ding ding ding
Still waiting for you to state what you think I mean by the phrase Christian nation.

I see you’ve enlisted ambiguity as your ally. That’s cute.

I believe the phrase Christian Nation in your mind matches up quite nicely with what PoliticalChic writes in her Post #667 PC PC PC.

Is that accurate?
#671 reply to #667 #670
America was not founded to be a Christian only nation by any organized religion in particular, because America was founded as a secular nation tolerant of religious beliefs within the bounds of established law and as expressed in the Constitution.

The above is an absolutely true “joined by me” statement from PoliticalChic and BreezeWood.

I wonder if the self anointed winners ding and Correll can deny the truth of that statement.

Perhaps they can see the absurdity of stating that America was not founded to be a Christian only nation and then from the other side of the mouth turn it around and say that America was founded as a Christian Nation.

America was not founded to be a Christian only nation.
It was never meant to be a theocracy.

But it was founded by orthodox Christians, based on the Judeo-Christian Bible...

by any organized religion in particular.

the country is founded as a secular nation tolerant of religious beliefs within the bounds of established law by the written document irregardless of any sentiments otherwise considered at the time of its ratification.

“America was not founded to be a Christian only nation because it was founded as a Christian nation.” A.B.Surd

You have done nothing to support your assumption that Christian Nation, means that "Christian Only".

Any time you want to support your conclusion with an actual supporting argument, we will be happen to discuss it.
#684 reply to #678

#667 PC PC PC
America was not founded to be a Christian only nation.
It was never meant to be a theocracy.

But it was founded by orthodox Christians, based on the Judeo-Christian Bible....which was the single most quoted document by the Founders, and points to Jesus Christ in the text of the Constitution. Segments of our founding documents come directly from the Bible.

That religion and that book were always seen as the guidance that would form the basis of our morality.

But let's clear this up. What did I tell you a Christian nation means to me

Then tell me again. What you said before must be lost in the trash.

While you are at it please clarify how much you agree with PC inserted above. You appear to be a member of her tribe.
Why? You'll just misstate it again.
In the final analysis it matters not if some people call America a Christian Nation. What I want to know is if Jesus thinks America is a Christian Nation.

America was not founded to be a Christian only nation.
It was never meant to be a theocracy.

But it was founded by orthodox Christians, based on the Judeo-Christian Bible....which was the single most quoted document by the Founders, and points to Jesus Christ in the text of the Constitution. Segments of our founding documents come directly from the Bible.

That religion and that book were always seen as the guidance that would form the basis of our morality.

It is the neo-Marxist influence of government school that has corrupted your view and deprived you of the truth. I doubt you will ever recover from said intellectual abuse.

And, of course, it is true.
Still didn't answer my question. I'll rephrase it. How does Jesus feel when people attach His Name to an earthly political entity? No one besides me bothered to see what He had to say about His followers wielding worldly political power, and I'd have to say He considers it to be blasphemous.


There are two political entities in this nation.

Your job is to decide which is closer to the morality of the Bible, the basis for Western Civilization.

That's the answer to your question.
My point is that a Christian America means as much to Him as a Hindu India, Buddhist Thailand, Muslim Saudi Arabia or an Atheist China. I doubt you're scoring any points with Him with your Christian America.

I've seen your posts.

With minimal effort, you've become our best source of greenhouse gases.

Greenhouse gases? Because I'm wondering what Jesus is thinking when humans put His name and faith to worldly political units, like some sort of advertising slogan? Or inferring that they have His blessing and endorsement?

And in the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed: and the kingdom shall not be left to other people, but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand for ever. (Daniel 2:44)

Again, it doesn't say "Except for America!"

This is a description of you.....is that why you'd rather change the subject?
The subject under discussion is whether or not America is a Christian Nation. Wondering what Jesus thinks of that is taboo?

It is off topic.
So if some people want to call America a Christian nation that's none of His business?

It is not relevant to this discussion. Unless you are claiming to speak for him and claiming him as an Authority that we should defer to.
Jesus isn't relevant to a discussion about Christians and Christianity? I never spoke for Him, just cited scriptures suggesting that attaching Him and His faith to an earthly political entity is ludicrous at best, blasphemous at worst.

So, nothing to do with the topic. Like i said.

Seriously. Are you mentally retarded?
#671 reply to #667 #670
America was not founded to be a Christian only nation by any organized religion in particular, because America was founded as a secular nation tolerant of religious beliefs within the bounds of established law and as expressed in the Constitution.

The above is an absolutely true “joined by me” statement from PoliticalChic and BreezeWood.

I wonder if the self anointed winners ding and Correll can deny the truth of that statement.

Perhaps they can see the absurdity of stating that America was not founded to be a Christian only nation and then from the other side of the mouth turn it around and say that America was founded as a Christian Nation.

America was not founded to be a Christian only nation.
It was never meant to be a theocracy.

But it was founded by orthodox Christians, based on the Judeo-Christian Bible...

by any organized religion in particular.

the country is founded as a secular nation tolerant of religious beliefs within the bounds of established law by the written document irregardless of any sentiments otherwise considered at the time of its ratification.

“America was not founded to be a Christian only nation because it was founded as a Christian nation.” A.B.Surd
I'm not doing anything until you acknowledge and stop misstating what I have written. It would be illogical to do otherwise.
I'm not doing anything until you acknowledge and stop misstating what I have written. It would be illogical to do otherwise.
so says the loser without stating what their position is for clarity ....

That is a completely different topic.
what is your topic specifically correll.

My point in being here is to discuss the fact that evangelicals support Trump politically even though he is not one of them, and how liberals try to gin that up into a "thing".

More specifically, the discussion has moved on to whether the nation was founded as a Christian Nation.

I believe that you are having trouble remembering the topic. YOur thinking seem very confused.
#690 Question for ding:
Is this what the phrase Christian Nation means to you?

#472 ding ding ding
Every aspect of colonial times was steeped in Christianity, especially education.

Will you quit pouting now and explain how ‘steeped in Christianity’ in Colonial times justifies naming a nation defined by its beautiful secular Constitution that codified a new ideal to mankind and governance that no religion, including Christianity, steeped or not steeped, will be established as the religion of the NATION?
#691 reply to #451
Apparently his world would stop turning if he had to acknowledge the truth of our Christian heritage.

I’ve acknowledged the truth and the value of our Christian heritage quite often. Why do you lie about me so much?
#690 Question for ding:
Is this what the phrase Christian Nation means to you?

#472 ding ding ding
Every aspect of colonial times was steeped in Christianity, especially education.

Will you quit pouting now and explain how ‘steeped in Christianity’ in Colonial times justifies naming a nation defined by its beautiful secular Constitution that codified a new ideal to mankind and governance that no religion, including Christianity, steeped or not steeped, will be established as the religion of the NATION?
I'm not pouting. That's a false narrative. I am not accepting you misstating what I have written. It would be illogical to converse with someone who did that.
#692 Commentary

How do we confront fabrications of reality such as this found in #453...... we first must see that this is how and why the White Evangelical Christian Army justifies itself marching behind an amoral heathen like Trump Instead of Jesus on the public square.

#453 ding ding ding
I don't know for certain but I have a few ideas; insecurity of his own beliefs, subordination of Christianity for social and political purposes, rival religion to atheism, etc.

It's all spelled out in my signature.

Socialism intentionally denies examination because it is irrational. There is no formal defined dogma of socialism. Instead there is only a vague, rosy notion of something good, noble and just: the advent of these things will bring instant euphoria and a social order beyond reproach. Socialism seeks equality through uniformity and communal ownership Socialism has an extraordinary ability to incite and inflame its adherents and inspire social movements. Socialists dismiss their defeats and ignore their incongruities. They desire big government and use big government to implement their morally relativistic social policies. Socialism is a religion. The religious nature of socialism explains their hostility towards traditional religions which is that of one rival religion over another. Their dogma is based on materialism, primitive instincts, atheism and the deification of man. They see no distinction between good and evil, no morality or any other kind of value, save pleasure. They practice moral relativity, indiscriminate indiscriminateness, multiculturalism, cultural Marxism and normalization of deviance. They worship science but are the first to reject it when it suits their purposes. They can be identified by an external locus of control. Their religious doctrine is abolition of private property, abolition of family, abolition of religion and equality via uniformity and communal ownership. They practice critical theory which is the Cultural Marxist theory to criticize what they do not believe to arrive at what they do believe without ever having to examine what they believe. They confuse critical theory for critical thinking. Critical thinking is the practice of challenging what one does believe to test its validity. Something they never do.
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#671 reply to #667 #670
America was not founded to be a Christian only nation by any organized religion in particular, because America was founded as a secular nation tolerant of religious beliefs within the bounds of established law and as expressed in the Constitution.

The above is an absolutely true “joined by me” statement from PoliticalChic and BreezeWood.

I wonder if the self anointed winners ding and Correll can deny the truth of that statement.

Perhaps they can see the absurdity of stating that America was not founded to be a Christian only nation and then from the other side of the mouth turn it around and say that America was founded as a Christian Nation.

America was not founded to be a Christian only nation.
It was never meant to be a theocracy.

But it was founded by orthodox Christians, based on the Judeo-Christian Bible...

by any organized religion in particular.

the country is founded as a secular nation tolerant of religious beliefs within the bounds of established law by the written document irregardless of any sentiments otherwise considered at the time of its ratification.

“America was not founded to be a Christian only nation because it was founded as a Christian nation.” A.B.Surd
I'm not doing anything until you acknowledge and stop misstating what I have written. It would be illogical to do otherwise.
I'm not doing anything until you acknowledge and stop misstating what I have written. It would be illogical to do otherwise.
so says the loser without stating what their position is for clarity ....

That is a completely different topic.
what is your topic specifically correll.
My position was stated clearly multiple times by me.

Lets see how you like it.... you support black men raping white women. Do you want to argue against it? Or would it be illogical for you to continue conversations with me if I just keep making shit up about you?
My position was stated clearly multiple times by me.

Lets see how you like it.... you support black men raping white women. Do you want to argue against it? Or would it be illogical for you to continue conversations with me if I just keep making shit up about you?
But let's clear this up. What did I tell you a Christian nation means to mean, dummy? Because that's what you keep misstating.
means to mean - is your subjective manner to never be found erroneous (to be lying) - liar. and makes no sense when the subject matter being discussed is not your interpretation but the factual data in support of the historically recorded underpinnings for a documents ratification.

- your example is correll in a nutshell.
#671 reply to #667 #670
America was not founded to be a Christian only nation by any organized religion in particular, because America was founded as a secular nation tolerant of religious beliefs within the bounds of established law and as expressed in the Constitution.

The above is an absolutely true “joined by me” statement from PoliticalChic and BreezeWood.

I wonder if the self anointed winners ding and Correll can deny the truth of that statement.

Perhaps they can see the absurdity of stating that America was not founded to be a Christian only nation and then from the other side of the mouth turn it around and say that America was founded as a Christian Nation.

America was not founded to be a Christian only nation.
It was never meant to be a theocracy.

But it was founded by orthodox Christians, based on the Judeo-Christian Bible...

by any organized religion in particular.

the country is founded as a secular nation tolerant of religious beliefs within the bounds of established law by the written document irregardless of any sentiments otherwise considered at the time of its ratification.

“America was not founded to be a Christian only nation because it was founded as a Christian nation.” A.B.Surd
I'm not doing anything until you acknowledge and stop misstating what I have written. It would be illogical to do otherwise.
I'm not doing anything until you acknowledge and stop misstating what I have written. It would be illogical to do otherwise.
so says the loser without stating what their position is for clarity ....

That is a completely different topic.
what is your topic specifically correll.

My point in being here is to discuss the fact that evangelicals support Trump politically even though he is not one of them, and how liberals try to gin that up into a "thing".

More specifically, the discussion has moved on to whether the nation was founded as a Christian Nation.

I believe that you are having trouble remembering the topic. YOur thinking seem very confused.
More specifically, the discussion has moved on to whether the nation was founded as a Christian Nation.
oh and how did that one work out for you ...

about the same as every devious post you have posted which happens to be everyone you have written.
#692 Commentary

How do we confront fabrications of reality such as this found in #453...... we first must see that this is how and why the White Evangelical Christian Army justifies itself marching behind an amoral heathen like Trump Instead of Jesus on the public square.

#453 ding ding ding
I don't know for certain but I have a few ideas; insecurity of his own beliefs, subordination of Christianity for social and political purposes, rival religion to atheism, etc.

It's all spelled out in my signature.

Socialism intentionally denies examination because it is irrational. There is no formal defined dogma of socialism. Instead there is only a vague, rosy notion of something good, noble and just: the advent of these things will bring instant euphoria and a social order beyond reproach. Socialism seeks equality through uniformity and communal ownership Socialism has an extraordinary ability to incite and inflame its adherents and inspire social movements. Socialists dismiss their defeats and ignore their incongruities. They desire big government and use big government to implement their morally relativistic social policies. Socialism is a religion. The religious nature of socialism explains their hostility towards traditional religions which is that of one rival religion over another. Their dogma is based on materialism, primitive instincts, atheism and the deification of man. They see no distinction between good and evil, no morality or any other kind of value, save pleasure. They practice moral relativity, indiscriminate indiscriminateness, multiculturalism, cultural Marxism and normalization of deviance. They worship science but are the first to reject it when it suits their purposes. They can be identified by an external locus of control. Their religious doctrine is abolition of private property, abolition of family, abolition of religion and equality via uniformity and communal ownership. They practice critical theory which is the Cultural Marxist theory to criticize what they do not believe to arrive at what they do believe without ever having to examine what they believe. They confuse critical theory for critical thinking. Critical thinking is the practice of challenging what one does believe to test its validity. Something they never do.
#692 Commentary

How do we confront fabrications of reality such as this found in #453...... we first must see that this is how and why the White Evangelical Christian Army justifies itself marching behind an amoral heathen like Trump Instead of Jesus on the public square.

#453 ding ding ding
I don't know for certain but I have a few ideas; insecurity of his own beliefs, subordination of Christianity for social and political purposes, rival religion to atheism, etc.

It's all spelled out in my signature.

Socialism intentionally denies examination because it is irrational. There is no formal defined dogma of socialism. Instead there is only a vague, rosy notion of something good, noble and just: the advent of these things will bring instant euphoria and a social order beyond reproach. Socialism seeks equality through uniformity and communal ownership Socialism has an extraordinary ability to incite and inflame its adherents and inspire social movements. Socialists dismiss their defeats and ignore their incongruities. They desire big government and use big government to implement their morally relativistic social policies. Socialism is a religion. The religious nature of socialism explains their hostility towards traditional religions which is that of one rival religion over another. Their dogma is based on materialism, primitive instincts, atheism and the deification of man. They see no distinction between good and evil, no morality or any other kind of value, save pleasure. They practice moral relativity, indiscriminate indiscriminateness, multiculturalism, cultural Marxism and normalization of deviance. They worship science but are the first to reject it when it suits their purposes. They can be identified by an external locus of control. Their religious doctrine is abolition of private property, abolition of family, abolition of religion and equality via uniformity and communal ownership. They practice critical theory which is the Cultural Marxist theory to criticize what they do not believe to arrive at what they do believe without ever having to examine what they believe. They confuse critical theory for critical thinking. Critical thinking is the practice of challenging what one does believe to test its validity. Something they never do.
#692 Commentary

How do we confront fabrications of reality such as this found in #453...... we first must see that this is how and why the White Evangelical Christian Army justifies itself marching behind an amoral heathen like Trump Instead of Jesus on the public square.


And that is what this is all about. You liberals need to find a reason to invalidate Evangelical support of President Trump.

As part of your desire to drive Christianity and Christians from the Public Square.

You wish to deny them their Civil Right to engage in the political process.
#671 reply to #667 #670
America was not founded to be a Christian only nation by any organized religion in particular, because America was founded as a secular nation tolerant of religious beliefs within the bounds of established law and as expressed in the Constitution.

The above is an absolutely true “joined by me” statement from PoliticalChic and BreezeWood.

I wonder if the self anointed winners ding and Correll can deny the truth of that statement.

Perhaps they can see the absurdity of stating that America was not founded to be a Christian only nation and then from the other side of the mouth turn it around and say that America was founded as a Christian Nation.

America was not founded to be a Christian only nation.
It was never meant to be a theocracy.

But it was founded by orthodox Christians, based on the Judeo-Christian Bible...

by any organized religion in particular.

the country is founded as a secular nation tolerant of religious beliefs within the bounds of established law by the written document irregardless of any sentiments otherwise considered at the time of its ratification.

“America was not founded to be a Christian only nation because it was founded as a Christian nation.” A.B.Surd
I'm not doing anything until you acknowledge and stop misstating what I have written. It would be illogical to do otherwise.
I'm not doing anything until you acknowledge and stop misstating what I have written. It would be illogical to do otherwise.
so says the loser without stating what their position is for clarity ....

That is a completely different topic.
what is your topic specifically correll.

My point in being here is to discuss the fact that evangelicals support Trump politically even though he is not one of them, and how liberals try to gin that up into a "thing".

More specifically, the discussion has moved on to whether the nation was founded as a Christian Nation.

I believe that you are having trouble remembering the topic. YOur thinking seem very confused.
More specifically, the discussion has moved on to whether the nation was founded as a Christian Nation.
oh and how did that one work out for you ...

about the same as every devious post you have posted which happens to be everyone you have written.

Dude. You have made yourself look like a retarded baboon in this thread.

I look cruel, because I treated your posts seriously.
When was the nation “founded”? Who “founded” it? Clearly the idea refers to the “Founding Fathers” in the period from say 1776 to 1789. We refer to our nation’s “founding documents.” Some liberals mistakenly want to push the nation‘s founding back to 1619. Others to the Puritan’s arrival. This is nonsense. The revolutionary political separation from Britain, the defeat and exile of British aristocrats and monarchy with its tradition of granting privileges to a national Church, the establishment of a Constitution ... all were great achievements of this “founding” period.

This was in many ways an “enlightened” and radical period in U.S. history, when even great slave-owners embraced ideas their class would later reject as nonsense. The most popular book of the times was Paine’s “Common Sense” and the frontier spirit and religious non-conformism was the norm.

But even the Enlightenment had deep roots in Protestant non-conformist and earlier Christian “humanist” ideas. Politically speaking the leaders of this “new nation” —insofar as there was a nation at all — looked to examples of the Roman Republic and not the Christianized Roman Empire or Calvinism or the ancient Hebrew Monarchy or rule of rabbis and prophets. Thank heaven!

The worst of the “founded as a Christian nation” Evangelicals, and many of their apologists here, would probably like to “re-found” our nation as one which upholds Christian religion and beliefs, or places it on a pedestal, in a special position, based on some essentialist view of our nation’s historical character. I think this can only profoundly harm Christianity as well as founder (= “sink like a stone”) our Republic.

Our Republic already faces great economic and social challenges that have nothing to do with organized religion, and everything to do with the working out of modern capitalism, imperialism, nationalism, and state capitalist conflicts. We also have racial and social conflicts and insane party partisanship.

Do we all reject any altering of our nation’s “founding” documents regarding Church and State? I hope so. Superstitious religious views of any kind are bad, but injecting them into politics today is especially dangerous. They need to be kept from polluting our republic and dividing our people further.
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When was the nation “founded”? Who “founded” it? Clearly the idea refers to the “Founding Fathers” in the period from say 1776 to 1789. We refer to our nation’s “founding documents.” Some liberals mistakenly want to push the nation‘s founding back to 1619. Others to the Puritan’s arrival. This is nonsense. The revolutionary political separation from Britain, the defeat and exile of British aristocrats and monarchy with its tradition of granting privileges to a national Church, the establishment of a Constitution ... all were great achievement’s of this “founding” period.

This was in many ways an “enlightened” and radical period in U.S. history, when even great slave-owners embraced ideas their class would later reject as nonsense. The most popular book of the times was Paine’s “Common Sense” and the frontier spirit and religious non-conformism was the norm.

But even the Enlightenment had deep roots in Protestant non-conformist and earlier Christian “humanist” ideas. Politically speaking the leaders of this “new nation” —insofar as there was a nation at all — looked to examples of the Roman Republic and not the Christianized Roman Empire or Calvinism or the ancient Hebrew Monarchy or rule of rabbis and prophets. Thank heaven!

The worst of the “founded as a Christian nation” Evangelicals, and many of their apologists here, would probably like to “re-found” our nation as one which upholds Christian religion and beliefs, or places it on a pedestal, in a special position, based on some essentialist view of our nation’s historical character. I think this can only profoundly harm Christianity as well as founder (= “sink like a stone”) our Republic.

Our Republic already faces great economic and social challenges that have nothing to do with organized religion, and everything to do with the working out of modern capitalism, imperialism, nationalism, and state capitalist conflicts. We also have racial and social conflicts and insane party partisanship.

Do we all reject any altering of our nation’s “founding” documents regarding Church and State? I hope so. Superstitious religious views of any kind are bad, but injecting them into politics today is especially dangerous. They need to be kept from polluting our republic and dividing our people further.

No one in this thread is advocating any sort of "re-founding", so that is just your Fear of the Other talking.

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