Evangelicals and Trump

#692 Commentary

How do we confront fabrications of reality such as this found in #453...... we first must see that this is how and why the White Evangelical Christian Army justifies itself marching behind an amoral heathen like Trump Instead of Jesus on the public square.

#453 ding ding ding
I don't know for certain but I have a few ideas; insecurity of his own beliefs, subordination of Christianity for social and political purposes, rival religion to atheism, etc.

It's all spelled out in my signature.

Socialism intentionally denies examination because it is irrational. There is no formal defined dogma of socialism. Instead there is only a vague, rosy notion of something good, noble and just: the advent of these things will bring instant euphoria and a social order beyond reproach. Socialism seeks equality through uniformity and communal ownership Socialism has an extraordinary ability to incite and inflame its adherents and inspire social movements. Socialists dismiss their defeats and ignore their incongruities. They desire big government and use big government to implement their morally relativistic social policies. Socialism is a religion. The religious nature of socialism explains their hostility towards traditional religions which is that of one rival religion over another. Their dogma is based on materialism, primitive instincts, atheism and the deification of man. They see no distinction between good and evil, no morality or any other kind of value, save pleasure. They practice moral relativity, indiscriminate indiscriminateness, multiculturalism, cultural Marxism and normalization of deviance. They worship science but are the first to reject it when it suits their purposes. They can be identified by an external locus of control. Their religious doctrine is abolition of private property, abolition of family, abolition of religion and equality via uniformity and communal ownership. They practice critical theory which is the Cultural Marxist theory to criticize what they do not believe to arrive at what they do believe without ever having to examine what they believe. They confuse critical theory for critical thinking. Critical thinking is the practice of challenging what one does believe to test its validity. Something they never do.
#692 Commentary

How do we confront fabrications of reality such as this found in #453...... we first must see that this is how and why the White Evangelical Christian Army justifies itself marching behind an amoral heathen like Trump Instead of Jesus on the public square.


And that is what this is all about. You liberals need to find a reason to invalidate Evangelical support of President Trump.

As part of your desire to drive Christianity and Christians from the Public Square.

You wish to deny them their Civil Right to engage in the political process.
And that is what this is all about. You liberals need to find a reason to invalidate Evangelical support of President Trump.
As part of your desire to drive Christianity and Christians from the Public Square.
You wish to deny them their Civil Right to engage in the political process.
no one needs to find a reason to invalidate trump - their first act nullifying the climate accord alone is reason enough despite your evangelical applause. cry a river correll
something wrong with your keeping yourself in your church, christian.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

as has been mentioned, you'll need to amend the constitution correll to legitimately put yourself back in public education it simply is you who does not abide by established law.

Yes, there is something wrong with "keeping me in my church'.

I have the God Given Human RIGHT to come into the Public Square and the RIght to Speak, and the RIght to Assemble and Organize politically and the Right to vote for Candidates that are willing to represent my interests.

That is what is wrong with it. And that is way you are a want a be tyrant.
That's what they really want. That's what they have always wanted.

And we knew it. It was obvious. EVERYTHING else was just bullshit trying to gin up some shit, to hide their real motive.
Well, I never consider people who slander me or Liberals or Democrats as “Satanic” exactly “normal.” I have faced more than my fair share of such attacks over the years. I see many problems in supporting Trump ... period. I see particular hypocrisy in “Moral Majority” types supporting the utterly amoral Trump. Within their rights? Of course!

But I warn fanatically partisan evangelicals and other Christians who try to organize out of their Churches for Trump that many in our nation are becoming less tolerant of such activity, already in many cases technically illegal. There is no Constitutional right, merely traditional acceptance, for granting Churches special tax benefits. Churches were historically granted such benefits because they were long seen as providing socially important benefits to their communities. If they ever become seen as little more than political organizing centers for political campaigns, local pastors and mega church leaders alike may find their special tax benefits under assault. This is just one more reason I say many evangelicals of the “Christian Right” are hurting not just the reputation of Christianity but its future place in American society.

ONly when churches organize for those you oppose? It is still ok for them to organize politically if it is for politicians you support, such as black churches supporting Biden?
Well, I never consider people who slander me or Liberals or Democrats as “Satanic” exactly “normal.” I have faced more than my fair share of such attacks over the years. I see many problems in supporting Trump ... period. I see particular hypocrisy in “Moral Majority” types supporting the utterly amoral Trump. Within their rights? Of course!

But I warn fanatically partisan evangelicals and other Christians who try to organize out of their Churches for Trump that many in our nation are becoming less tolerant of such activity, already in many cases technically illegal. There is no Constitutional right, merely traditional acceptance, for granting Churches special tax benefits. Churches were historically granted such benefits because they were long seen as providing socially important benefits to their communities. If they ever become seen as little more than political organizing centers for political campaigns, local pastors and mega church leaders alike may find their special tax benefits under assault. This is just one more reason I say many evangelicals of the “Christian Right” are hurting not just the reputation of Christianity but its future place in American society.
ONly when churches organize for those you oppose? It is still ok for them to organize politically if it is for politicians you support, such as black churches supporting Biden?
Not at all. But we are not talking about black and white issues. Personally I would be very sad to see Churches lose their non-profit and special “pastor” privileges. Churches do important things, meet spiritual and social needs in many communities. But of course here “churches” must include mosques and synagogues and pagan religious temples as well. How do you feel about extending tax benefits to all these groups? Again, the country is changing, and we need to not discriminate .... among superstitious cults just as among ancient “religions” of every kind and sect.
Well, I never consider people who slander me or Liberals or Democrats as “Satanic” exactly “normal.” I have faced more than my fair share of such attacks over the years. I see many problems in supporting Trump ... period. I see particular hypocrisy in “Moral Majority” types supporting the utterly amoral Trump. Within their rights? Of course!

But I warn fanatically partisan evangelicals and other Christians who try to organize out of their Churches for Trump that many in our nation are becoming less tolerant of such activity, already in many cases technically illegal. There is no Constitutional right, merely traditional acceptance, for granting Churches special tax benefits. Churches were historically granted such benefits because they were long seen as providing socially important benefits to their communities. If they ever become seen as little more than political organizing centers for political campaigns, local pastors and mega church leaders alike may find their special tax benefits under assault. This is just one more reason I say many evangelicals of the “Christian Right” are hurting not just the reputation of Christianity but its future place in American society.
ONly when churches organize for those you oppose? It is still ok for them to organize politically if it is for politicians you support, such as black churches supporting Biden?
Not at all. But we are not talking about black and white issues. Personally I would be very sad to see Churches lose their non-profit and special “pastor” privileges. Churches do important things, meet spiritual and social needs in many communities. But of course here “churches” must include mosques and synagogues and pagan religious temples as well. How do you feel about extending tax benefits to all these groups? Again, the country is changing, and we need to not discriminate .... among superstitious cults just as among ancient “religions” of every kind and sect.

This thread is about discriminating against Christians who support Trump. It is pretending that the low opinion of Trump that liberals have, combined with the low opinion liberals have of white evangelical Christians,

somehow justifies attacking, ridiculing, demonizing, marginalizing, who knows what else, evangelical Christians who support Trump.

For you to sort of acknowledge that, but only when combined with digs at Christianity and those that support Trump and then to immediately pivot to pretending that the problem is Christians discriminating against "mosques and synagogues and pagan religious temples",

is disingenuous and implies support for the anti-Christian bigotry and discrimination we have seen in this thread.
Well, I never consider people who slander me or Liberals or Democrats as “Satanic” exactly “normal.” I have faced more than my fair share of such attacks over the years. I see many problems in supporting Trump ... period. I see particular hypocrisy in “Moral Majority” types supporting the utterly amoral Trump. Within their rights? Of course!

But I warn fanatically partisan evangelicals and other Christians who try to organize out of their Churches for Trump that many in our nation are becoming less tolerant of such activity, already in many cases technically illegal. There is no Constitutional right, merely traditional acceptance, for granting Churches special tax benefits. Churches were historically granted such benefits because they were long seen as providing socially important benefits to their communities. If they ever become seen as little more than political organizing centers for political campaigns, local pastors and mega church leaders alike may find their special tax benefits under assault. This is just one more reason I say many evangelicals of the “Christian Right” are hurting not just the reputation of Christianity but its future place in American society.
ONly when churches organize for those you oppose? It is still ok for them to organize politically if it is for politicians you support, such as black churches supporting Biden?
Not at all. But we are not talking about black and white issues. Personally I would be very sad to see Churches lose their non-profit and special “pastor” privileges. Churches do important things, meet spiritual and social needs in many communities. But of course here “churches” must include mosques and synagogues and pagan religious temples as well. How do you feel about extending tax benefits to all these groups? Again, the country is changing, and we need to not discriminate .... among superstitious cults just as among ancient “religions” of every kind and sect.

This thread is about discriminating against Christians who support Trump. It is pretending that the low opinion of Trump that liberals have, combined with the low opinion liberals have of white evangelical Christians,

somehow justifies attacking, ridiculing, demonizing, marginalizing, who knows what else, evangelical Christians who support Trump.

For you to sort of acknowledge that, but only when combined with digs at Christianity and those that support Trump and then to immediately pivot to pretending that the problem is Christians discriminating against "mosques and synagogues and pagan religious temples",

is disingenuous and implies support for the anti-Christian bigotry and discrimination we have seen in this thread.
This thread is about discriminating against Christians who support Trump. It is pretending that the low opinion of Trump that liberals have, combined with the low opinion liberals have of white evangelical Christians,

somehow justifies attacking, ridiculing, demonizing, marginalizing, who knows what else, evangelical Christians who support Trump.
the reasons have been provided to you correll - stop making up false allegations to suit your own disregard for the objective facts.

christianity, the desert religions have recorded uninterrupted histories of persecution and victimization of the innocence from their beginnings to the present day ...

you yourself represent in your posts their past and present transgressions without a shred of remorse.
Well, I never consider people who slander me or Liberals or Democrats as “Satanic” exactly “normal.” I have faced more than my fair share of such attacks over the years. I see many problems in supporting Trump ... period. I see particular hypocrisy in “Moral Majority” types supporting the utterly amoral Trump. Within their rights? Of course!

But I warn fanatically partisan evangelicals and other Christians who try to organize out of their Churches for Trump that many in our nation are becoming less tolerant of such activity, already in many cases technically illegal. There is no Constitutional right, merely traditional acceptance, for granting Churches special tax benefits. Churches were historically granted such benefits because they were long seen as providing socially important benefits to their communities. If they ever become seen as little more than political organizing centers for political campaigns, local pastors and mega church leaders alike may find their special tax benefits under assault. This is just one more reason I say many evangelicals of the “Christian Right” are hurting not just the reputation of Christianity but its future place in American society.
ONly when churches organize for those you oppose? It is still ok for them to organize politically if it is for politicians you support, such as black churches supporting Biden?
Not at all. But we are not talking about black and white issues. Personally I would be very sad to see Churches lose their non-profit and special “pastor” privileges. Churches do important things, meet spiritual and social needs in many communities. But of course here “churches” must include mosques and synagogues and pagan religious temples as well. How do you feel about extending tax benefits to all these groups? Again, the country is changing, and we need to not discriminate .... among superstitious cults just as among ancient “religions” of every kind and sect.

This thread is about discriminating against Christians who support Trump. It is pretending that the low opinion of Trump that liberals have, combined with the low opinion liberals have of white evangelical Christians,

somehow justifies attacking, ridiculing, demonizing, marginalizing, who knows what else, evangelical Christians who support Trump.

For you to sort of acknowledge that, but only when combined with digs at Christianity and those that support Trump and then to immediately pivot to pretending that the problem is Christians discriminating against "mosques and synagogues and pagan religious temples",

is disingenuous and implies support for the anti-Christian bigotry and discrimination we have seen in this thread.
This thread is about discriminating against Christians who support Trump. It is pretending that the low opinion of Trump that liberals have, combined with the low opinion liberals have of white evangelical Christians,

somehow justifies attacking, ridiculing, demonizing, marginalizing, who knows what else, evangelical Christians who support Trump.
the reasons have been provided to you correll - stop making up false allegations to suit your own disregard for the objective facts.
View attachment 397201
christianity, the desert religions have recorded uninterrupted histories of persecution and victimization of the innocence from their beginnings to the present day ...

you yourself represent in your posts their past and present transgressions without a shred of remorse.

The Present Day is you trying to persecute and victimize your enemies today, because you have the upper hand, today.

That you justify your persecution and thuggery, with past injusticies done by other people in other times in other places,

is irrelevant to your actions.

You are a bully and an asshole and a bigot and an asshole.

Did I mention that you were an asshole?

Cause I don't want to forget that.

You asshole bigot.
#727 reply to #724
This thread is about discriminating against Christians who support Trump.

Could you please explain how opposition and the historical argument against the use of the false phrase that America was founded as a Christian Nation by white evangelical Christian nationalists is in any discriminatory against them?

Are you one but won’t admit it?
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Well, I never consider people who slander me or Liberals or Democrats as “Satanic” exactly “normal.” I have faced more than my fair share of such attacks over the years. I see many problems in supporting Trump ... period. I see particular hypocrisy in “Moral Majority” types supporting the utterly amoral Trump. Within their rights? Of course!

But I warn fanatically partisan evangelicals and other Christians who try to organize out of their Churches for Trump that many in our nation are becoming less tolerant of such activity, already in many cases technically illegal. There is no Constitutional right, merely traditional acceptance, for granting Churches special tax benefits. Churches were historically granted such benefits because they were long seen as providing socially important benefits to their communities. If they ever become seen as little more than political organizing centers for political campaigns, local pastors and mega church leaders alike may find their special tax benefits under assault. This is just one more reason I say many evangelicals of the “Christian Right” are hurting not just the reputation of Christianity but its future place in American society.
ONly when churches organize for those you oppose? It is still ok for them to organize politically if it is for politicians you support, such as black churches supporting Biden?
Not at all. But we are not talking about black and white issues. Personally I would be very sad to see Churches lose their non-profit and special “pastor” privileges. Churches do important things, meet spiritual and social needs in many communities. But of course here “churches” must include mosques and synagogues and pagan religious temples as well. How do you feel about extending tax benefits to all these groups? Again, the country is changing, and we need to not discriminate .... among superstitious cults just as among ancient “religions” of every kind and sect.
This thread is about discriminating against Christians who support Trump. It is pretending that the low opinion of Trump that liberals have, combined with the low opinion liberals have of white evangelical Christians, somehow justifies attacking, ridiculing, demonizing, marginalizing, who knows what else, evangelical Christians who support Trump.

For you to sort of acknowledge that, but only when combined with digs at Christianity and those that support Trump and then to immediately pivot to pretending that the problem is Christians discriminating against "mosques and synagogues and pagan religious temples", is disingenuous and implies support for the anti-Christian bigotry and discrimination we have seen in this thread.

You do seem to love to twist my words. Read what I wrote again. I never at all implied “that the problem is Christians discriminating against ’mosques and synagogues and pagan religious temples.’”
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# reply to #
This thread is about discriminating against Christians who support Trump.

Could you explain please how opposition to the use of the false phrase that America was founded as a Christian Nation by white evangelical Christian nationalists is in any discriminatory against them?

Are you one but won’t admit it?

SUre. As I explained before, it is an invented controversy, based primarily on semantics to give you an excuse to pretend that people you don't like are "bad" or a "danger" to others.

Thus, justify your current bullying and discrimination and bigotry.

You are a bigot and an asshole.
Well, I never consider people who slander me or Liberals or Democrats as “Satanic” exactly “normal.” I have faced more than my fair share of such attacks over the years. I see many problems in supporting Trump ... period. I see particular hypocrisy in “Moral Majority” types supporting the utterly amoral Trump. Within their rights? Of course!

But I warn fanatically partisan evangelicals and other Christians who try to organize out of their Churches for Trump that many in our nation are becoming less tolerant of such activity, already in many cases technically illegal. There is no Constitutional right, merely traditional acceptance, for granting Churches special tax benefits. Churches were historically granted such benefits because they were long seen as providing socially important benefits to their communities. If they ever become seen as little more than political organizing centers for political campaigns, local pastors and mega church leaders alike may find their special tax benefits under assault. This is just one more reason I say many evangelicals of the “Christian Right” are hurting not just the reputation of Christianity but its future place in American society.
ONly when churches organize for those you oppose? It is still ok for them to organize politically if it is for politicians you support, such as black churches supporting Biden?
Not at all. But we are not talking about black and white issues. Personally I would be very sad to see Churches lose their non-profit and special “pastor” privileges. Churches do important things, meet spiritual and social needs in many communities. But of course here “churches” must include mosques and synagogues and pagan religious temples as well. How do you feel about extending tax benefits to all these groups? Again, the country is changing, and we need to not discriminate .... among superstitious cults just as among ancient “religions” of every kind and sect.
This thread is about discriminating against Christians who support Trump. It is pretending that the low opinion of Trump that liberals have, combined with the low opinion liberals have of white evangelical Christians,

somehow justifies attacking, ridiculing, demonizing, marginalizing, who knows what else, evangelical Christians who support Trump.

For you to sort of acknowledge that, but only when combined with digs at Christianity and those that support Trump and then to immediately pivot to pretending that the problem is Christians discriminating against "mosques and synagogues and pagan religious temples",

is disingenuous and implies support for the anti-Christian bigotry and discrimination we have seen in this thread.

You do seem to love to twist my words. Read what I wrote again. I never at all implied “that the problem is Christians discriminating against "’mosques and synagogues and pagan religious temples.’”

I did read your words. And you certainly did imply that.

If you were HALF the man you pretend to be, you would not hesitate to call out the anti-Christian bigotry of your fellow lefties in this thread.

And without mitigating your position by off topic comments on how bad Christians have been in the past, or are today, or how bad Trump is, or blah, blah, fucking blah.
You are an anti-Christian bigot, and this thread is nothing but a small part of the constant push by people like you to undermine and marginalize Christians and Christianity in our history and current and future culture.

Actually I believe most sincere Christians are a huge asset to our society and have been from the beginning. Not without flaws, but a good thing overall.

I’m happy they are here. I don’t agree that Christianity has a lock on setting and preserving morality in a society over other forms of spirituality, philosophy, religion or lifestyle choices, but I believe that if those that profess a belief in Christian doctrine find meaning and well being in their lives - and the end result is positive productive citizens the all is well.

But those Christians who take any Criticism of what they do in the secular and political arena ti be motivated by bigotry and is an sinister and hostile attempt to remove Christianity from the face of the earth, are assinine, feeble minded fools who lack confidence in their own religious beliefs.

What society needs that?

1. "Sincere Christains", and right there you set yourself up as a judge on which Christians are deserving of being treated with respect and which deserve to be marginalized. Hint. It depends mostly on whether or not they agree with you.

2. So far your "criticism" has been to mainly conflate Christians with Christian Nationalists and White Nationalists. That is not valid criticism but simply propaganda from a dishonest and bigoted enemy.

Thus, my point stands.

You are an anti-Christian bigot, and this thread is nothing but a small part of the constant push by people like you to undermine and marginalize Christians and Christianity in our history and current and future culture.
You are an anti-Christian bigot, and this thread is nothing but a small part of the constant push by people like you to undermine and marginalize Christians and Christianity in our history and current and future culture.
you have yet to give an example where christianity was not at the forefront of persecution and victimization of the innocent to the present day ...
a present example of the evil christianity employs to eviscerate the true message of the 1st century - their dreadful christian bible ingratiates them in recalcitrant motive -

Oh, sorry, I did not bother wading though your shit posts closely and must have missed it.

How about I the various Soviet Genocides and Mass Murders? Those were nice atheists committing horrificc persecutions and victimizations of innocents.

My point stands.

You are an anti-Christian bigot, and this thread is nothing but a small part of the constant push by people like you to undermine and marginalize Christians and Christianity in our history and current and future culture.
You are an anti-Christian bigot, and this thread is nothing but a small part of the constant push by people like you to undermine and marginalize Christians and Christianity in our history and current and future culture.
you have yet to give an example where christianity was not at the forefront of persecution and victimization of the innocent to the present day ...
there is no example of christianity fulfilling the goals of the 1st century theological enlightenment void of the fallacies and forgeries found in the christian bible that is the true history of christianities past deeds - and certainly the reason for their resultant exclusion from the text of the u s constitution.

otherwise they would provide the exculpatory evidence they are unable to demonstrate.

The Bible in it's original tongue is about as close to original as it gets.
Please read: The 5 Most Accurate Bible Translations | Faith Founded on Fact.
The Bible in it's original tongue is about as close to original as it gets.
they spent a century writing the christian bible including text only of their choosing - there are no original copies of any text, non etched in stone or clay gliffs nor notes for the century long process that in many cases relied on votes for material submission - the trinity as one - used to tie their loose ends together.
Christianity in the 4th century was dominated in its early stage by Constantine the great and the First Council of Nicaea of 325, which was the beginning of the period of the First seven Ecumenical Councils (325–787), and in its late stage by the Edict of Thessalonica of 380, which made Nicene Christianity the state church of the Roman Empire.
and was written for the establishment of the religion of the roman empire. there are forgeries and falacies on nearly every page of that document, written by the persecuitors of the original 1st century adherents.
More copies ancient exist of the NEW TESTAMENT than any other book. Biblical manuscript - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Well, I never consider people who slander me or Liberals or Democrats as “Satanic” exactly “normal.” I have faced more than my fair share of such attacks over the years. I see many problems in supporting Trump ... period. I see particular hypocrisy in “Moral Majority” types supporting the utterly amoral Trump. Within their rights? Of course!

But I warn fanatically partisan evangelicals and other Christians who try to organize out of their Churches for Trump that many in our nation are becoming less tolerant of such activity, already in many cases technically illegal. There is no Constitutional right, merely traditional acceptance, for granting Churches special tax benefits. Churches were historically granted such benefits because they were long seen as providing socially important benefits to their communities. If they ever become seen as little more than political organizing centers for political campaigns, local pastors and mega church leaders alike may find their special tax benefits under assault. This is just one more reason I say many evangelicals of the “Christian Right” are hurting not just the reputation of Christianity but its future place in American society.
ONly when churches organize for those you oppose? It is still ok for them to organize politically if it is for politicians you support, such as black churches supporting Biden?
Not at all. But we are not talking about black and white issues. Personally I would be very sad to see Churches lose their non-profit and special “pastor” privileges. Churches do important things, meet spiritual and social needs in many communities. But of course here “churches” must include mosques and synagogues and pagan religious temples as well. How do you feel about extending tax benefits to all these groups? Again, the country is changing, and we need to not discriminate .... among superstitious cults just as among ancient “religions” of every kind and sect.
This thread is about discriminating against Christians who support Trump. It is pretending that the low opinion of Trump that liberals have, combined with the low opinion liberals have of white evangelical Christians,

somehow justifies attacking, ridiculing, demonizing, marginalizing, who knows what else, evangelical Christians who support Trump.

For you to sort of acknowledge that, but only when combined with digs at Christianity and those that support Trump and then to immediately pivot to pretending that the problem is Christians discriminating against "mosques and synagogues and pagan religious temples",

is disingenuous and implies support for the anti-Christian bigotry and discrimination we have seen in this thread.

You do seem to love to twist my words. Read what I wrote again. I never at all implied “that the problem is Christians discriminating against "’mosques and synagogues and pagan religious temples.’”
I did read your words. And you certainly did imply that.
If you were HALF the man you pretend to be, you would not hesitate to call out the anti-Christian bigotry of your fellow lefties in this thread.
And without mitigating your position by off topic comments on how bad Christians have been in the past, or are today, or how bad Trump is, or blah, blah, fucking blah.
Really getting tired of your lack of seriousness, your personal attacks, your paranoia, your lumping me in with others here ... and your triple spacing your comments too.

The subject is Evangelicals and Trump. I expressed my opinions intelligently and contributed honestly and appropriately to the related discussion of Christian nationalists. I addressed the claim by PoliticalChic that our nation “was founded as a Christian nation,” and I did it in an objective manner.

I do not “take sides” with people I have differences with just because they also disagree with you. You are not that important to me, nor are they. I especially want to avoid getting in the middle of disrespectful grudge matches — shit shows — so typical of USMB and your own ... “discussions.”
Well, I never consider people who slander me or Liberals or Democrats as “Satanic” exactly “normal.” I have faced more than my fair share of such attacks over the years. I see many problems in supporting Trump ... period. I see particular hypocrisy in “Moral Majority” types supporting the utterly amoral Trump. Within their rights? Of course!

But I warn fanatically partisan evangelicals and other Christians who try to organize out of their Churches for Trump that many in our nation are becoming less tolerant of such activity, already in many cases technically illegal. There is no Constitutional right, merely traditional acceptance, for granting Churches special tax benefits. Churches were historically granted such benefits because they were long seen as providing socially important benefits to their communities. If they ever become seen as little more than political organizing centers for political campaigns, local pastors and mega church leaders alike may find their special tax benefits under assault. This is just one more reason I say many evangelicals of the “Christian Right” are hurting not just the reputation of Christianity but its future place in American society.
ONly when churches organize for those you oppose? It is still ok for them to organize politically if it is for politicians you support, such as black churches supporting Biden?
Not at all. But we are not talking about black and white issues. Personally I would be very sad to see Churches lose their non-profit and special “pastor” privileges. Churches do important things, meet spiritual and social needs in many communities. But of course here “churches” must include mosques and synagogues and pagan religious temples as well. How do you feel about extending tax benefits to all these groups? Again, the country is changing, and we need to not discriminate .... among superstitious cults just as among ancient “religions” of every kind and sect.
This thread is about discriminating against Christians who support Trump. It is pretending that the low opinion of Trump that liberals have, combined with the low opinion liberals have of white evangelical Christians,

somehow justifies attacking, ridiculing, demonizing, marginalizing, who knows what else, evangelical Christians who support Trump.

For you to sort of acknowledge that, but only when combined with digs at Christianity and those that support Trump and then to immediately pivot to pretending that the problem is Christians discriminating against "mosques and synagogues and pagan religious temples",

is disingenuous and implies support for the anti-Christian bigotry and discrimination we have seen in this thread.

You do seem to love to twist my words. Read what I wrote again. I never at all implied “that the problem is Christians discriminating against "’mosques and synagogues and pagan religious temples.’”
I did read your words. And you certainly did imply that.
If you were HALF the man you pretend to be, you would not hesitate to call out the anti-Christian bigotry of your fellow lefties in this thread.
And without mitigating your position by off topic comments on how bad Christians have been in the past, or are today, or how bad Trump is, or blah, blah, fucking blah.
Really getting tired of your lack of seriousness, your personal attacks, your paranoia, your lumping me in with others here ... and your triple spacing your comments too.

The subject is Evangelicals and Trump. I expressed my opinions intelligently and contributed honestly and appropriately to the related discussion of Christian nationalists. I addressed the claim by PoliticalChic that our nation “was founded as a Christian nation,” and I did it in an objective manner.

I do not “take sides” with people I have differences with just because they also disagree with you. You are not that important to me, nor are they. I especially want to avoid getting in the middle of disrespectful grudge matches — shit shows — so typical of USMB and your own ... “discussions.”

Do you agree there is nothing untoward about Evangelical Christians politically supporting President Trump, for political reasons and that the attempt by others to spin it as something "wrong", is bs?
Do you agree there is nothing untoward about Evangelical Christians politically supporting President Trump, for political reasons and that the attempt by others to spin it as something "wrong", is bs?
I have already said what I think about the evangelical “Moral Majority” types and their embrace of the utterly amoral conman Trump. There are many kinds of “Evangelicals” and many different types of Christians. Just like there are different kinds of Muslims and Jews.

I defend womens right to have a legal abortion, I am against anti-scientific “creationism,” I despise the intellectual dishonesty of people like Politicalchic, and I think most rich televangelists are despicable hypocrites. For most of the latter, support to Trump seems not “untoward” or “wrong” ... but perfectly appropriate.
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I have already said what I think about the evangelical “Moral Majority” types and their embrace of the utterly amoral conman Trump.
Forget about that which is personal. Has the President and his administration done anything good or worthwhile in the past four years? Rate the Presidency, not the man.
I have already said what I think about the evangelical “Moral Majority” types and their embrace of the utterly amoral conman Trump.
Forget about that which is personal. Has the President and his administration done anything good or worthwhile in the past four years? Rate the Presidency, not the man.
I agree it’s worth rating Donald Trump right now before the elections. I rate his presidency very low. I’m sure if I wracked my brains I could find a few things he did I do agree with. But this is really not the place to go into all that. This is mostly about evangelicals and Trump.
# 738 reply to 733
Do you agree there is nothing untoward about Evangelical Christians politically supporting President Trump, for political reasons and that the attempt by others to spin it as something "wrong", is bs?
I already said hell yes to your white evangelical Christians politically and publically supporting Trump because when they do they enter the real world that is supposed to be based on facts and a demonstration that they are somewhat attached to reality. So when a non-believer like me hears one of your saved political evangelical activists tell me that TrumpO was chosen by his god to save America and make it Great Again - excuse me if I laugh at the damned fool.

And because I’m laughing at that white Trump believin’ Christian fool, I get to laugh some more when another fool comes along like you whimpering and crying out loud that a good old fashioned secular laugh like mine is motivated by bigoted hatred of all Christians.

I guess you’d have a point if all Christians worshipped TrumpO like you do, but we all know there are more American Democrats professing Christian and Jewish faith than Republicans. They live in cities and although a majority many get stiffed by the red rural state electoral advantage.

I cited Reverend Darby who appears to care not at all about some necessity to demand belief that America was founded as a Christian nation and you called the black preacher a dupe.

And then you hide behind Jesus’ robe and hurl more insults and conspiracy theories about the sinister socialist plan to destroy America and Christianity before yours and @ding’s very eyes.

I’ve worked every weekday and some weekends for fifty five years and I own property and have plenty of capital and rental income for my retirement.

IF I’m a socialist I’m a piss poor one.
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Well, I never consider people who slander me or Liberals or Democrats as “Satanic” exactly “normal.” I have faced more than my fair share of such attacks over the years. I see many problems in supporting Trump ... period. I see particular hypocrisy in “Moral Majority” types supporting the utterly amoral Trump. Within their rights? Of course!

But I warn fanatically partisan evangelicals and other Christians who try to organize out of their Churches for Trump that many in our nation are becoming less tolerant of such activity, already in many cases technically illegal. There is no Constitutional right, merely traditional acceptance, for granting Churches special tax benefits. Churches were historically granted such benefits because they were long seen as providing socially important benefits to their communities. If they ever become seen as little more than political organizing centers for political campaigns, local pastors and mega church leaders alike may find their special tax benefits under assault. This is just one more reason I say many evangelicals of the “Christian Right” are hurting not just the reputation of Christianity but its future place in American society.
ONly when churches organize for those you oppose? It is still ok for them to organize politically if it is for politicians you support, such as black churches supporting Biden?
Not at all. But we are not talking about black and white issues. Personally I would be very sad to see Churches lose their non-profit and special “pastor” privileges. Churches do important things, meet spiritual and social needs in many communities. But of course here “churches” must include mosques and synagogues and pagan religious temples as well. How do you feel about extending tax benefits to all these groups? Again, the country is changing, and we need to not discriminate .... among superstitious cults just as among ancient “religions” of every kind and sect.

This thread is about discriminating against Christians who support Trump. It is pretending that the low opinion of Trump that liberals have, combined with the low opinion liberals have of white evangelical Christians,

somehow justifies attacking, ridiculing, demonizing, marginalizing, who knows what else, evangelical Christians who support Trump.

For you to sort of acknowledge that, but only when combined with digs at Christianity and those that support Trump and then to immediately pivot to pretending that the problem is Christians discriminating against "mosques and synagogues and pagan religious temples",

is disingenuous and implies support for the anti-Christian bigotry and discrimination we have seen in this thread.
This thread is about discriminating against Christians who support Trump. It is pretending that the low opinion of Trump that liberals have, combined with the low opinion liberals have of white evangelical Christians,

somehow justifies attacking, ridiculing, demonizing, marginalizing, who knows what else, evangelical Christians who support Trump.
the reasons have been provided to you correll - stop making up false allegations to suit your own disregard for the objective facts.
View attachment 397201
christianity, the desert religions have recorded uninterrupted histories of persecution and victimization of the innocence from their beginnings to the present day ...

you yourself represent in your posts their past and present transgressions without a shred of remorse.

The Present Day is you trying to persecute and victimize your enemies today, because you have the upper hand, today.

That you justify your persecution and thuggery, with past injusticies done by other people in other times in other places,

is irrelevant to your actions.

You are a bully and an asshole and a bigot and an asshole.

Did I mention that you were an asshole?

Cause I don't want to forget that.

You asshole bigot.
Cause I don't want to forget that.
you yourself represent in your posts their past and present transgressions without a shred of remorse.
really -

you simply ignore the relevancy of why in your mind you accuse others of what you yourself are guilty of in association with your support of a corrupt entity, christianity mascaraing as a religion. and believe insults are a way to cleanse your own dark soul.
#739 reply to #729
SUre. As I explained before, it is an invented controversy, based primarily on semantics

No. You are lying by omission by generalizing as you admit in order to omit non-Christian Deist and Unitarian founding fathers, and Constitutional leaders such Madison who steered religious freedom into the Constitution based on his outspoken contempt for the corrupt 15 centuries of the Christian Church and it’s lazy superstitious laity. His friend and fellow Jefferson write that Calvinism was demonic.

So you have a political agenda requiring a belief that America was founded as a Christian nation and it can’t be right until it is as Christian as it was at the founding. Trouble is you are a liar.

It’s not generalizing or a case of semantics to omit historical fact that Christianity affected the Constitution as a negative reaction to it.

#562 corr corr corr
2. I generalized that as a group, they were Christian.

You can’t do that

#569 corr corr corr
ANd now you change the debate to one of semantics,

#578 corr corr corr
Nothing un-American about wanting to keep the America you grew up in.

No it’s not. How does that excuse your generalized lie? Nothing wrong with wanting to keep the progress that did not exist from the time that one in any era grew up to the time the leave this beautiful progressives works leaving cranky and sour/assed conservatives like you behind.
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#740 reply to #460 and 578
#460 ding ding ding
That's multiculturalism and it's aimed at destroying the dominant culture of a nation

Is religious pluralism doing the same damage to what you consider the dominant culture?

#578 corr corr corr
Nothing un-American about wanting to keep the America you grew up in.

Minding what ding says in #460 when you were growing up were you then a member of the as yet undamaged dominant culture?

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