Evangelicals are turning against Trump

Are you demanding that evangelicals attempt to vote ministers and pastors into office?

As a man of faith, while I don't condone Trump's infedility, it's not part of his policy that he enforces or encourages.. so what do I care? If I hire a plumber to fix the sink, I care if he can fix the sink, not if he's having marital problems.
As a man of faith one would assume you’d condemn Trump’s bigotry, racism, misogyny, and hate.
Evangelicals are turning against Trump.

Many are fleeing the Trump ship. The attached has several articles about Evangelicals moving on from Trump.

Although they might be abandoning Trump, the Christo-fascist right is not abandoning Trump’s wrong and reprehensible agenda.

Evangelicals have no problem with Trump’s message, they only have a problem with the messenger.
Although they might be abandoning Trump, the Christo-fascist right is not abandoning Trump’s wrong and reprehensible agenda.

Evangelicals have no problem with Trump’s message, they only have a problem with the messenger.

Mike Pence or Donald Trump
Who is more a Christian?

Who did they support on Jan 6?

Trump has not changed
Evangelicals sold out their moral values in the hope of overturning Roe v Wade

Now that it is done, they can throw Trump under the bus
Evangelicals haven’t stopped selling out their moral values – and they aren’t stopping with Roe.

Overturning Roe was just the beginning.

The Christo-fascist right will continue to advance its agenda against Establishment Clause jurisprudence, against the Framers’ mandate that church and state remain separate, and against the rights and liberties of gay and transgender Americans – if not with Trump, then with another Republican politician.
...they are here to protect our freedoms and stay out of our lives as much as possible.. at least that's what the Conservative view is.
The conservative ‘view’ is a lie.

They seek to attack and undermine our freedoms, not protect them; they seek to interfere in our lives and personal, private decisions as much as possible.

They interfere with a woman’s decision to have a child or not, they attack the freedom of gay and transgender Americans, and they seek to codify subjective religious dogma in secular law to compel conformity and punish dissent.

The Christo-fascist right is the bane of the American nation.
The thing that amuses me most about a type of narrative as this… when leftists dictate if the religious right are acting religious enough… is that no matter what the religious right does, the leftist will paint them as immoral, racist, etc. There’s no “win”, so why pretend
The thing that amuses me most about a type of narrative as this… when leftists dictate if the religious right are acting religious enough… is that no matter what the religious right does, the leftist will paint them as immoral, racist, etc. There’s no “win”, so why pretend

Why do you think that the Evangelicals have turned against Trump? Do you think the Democrats did that?
Why do you think that the Evangelicals have turned against Trump? Do you think the Democrats did that?
I think the evangelicals will support who wins the GOP primary, and they can do so safely without having to appease skewed leftist narratives..
the Q begs - why would they turn towards him to begin with?

a 3x married man whore who has broken most of the 10 commandments AND all 7 deadly sins?

he's their chosen one & they are hypocrites of the highest order.


answer -
Is tha slick Willie?

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