Even Bill Clinton does not think they should raise taxes on the rich in this economy


Gold Member
Apr 17, 2011
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XcRRXpWCU7c]Bill Clinton: "Now Is Not The Time To Raise Taxes" - YouTube[/ame]

He was on Letterman last night
Neither does Obama....EVERYONE thought this would be over by now. Great job, Pubbies!
Neither does Obama....EVERYONE thought this would be over by now. Great job, Pubbies!

Are you insane . What has he been saying PASS THIS BILL which put raises on the rich!!! Man you lefties sure know how to turn things around. :cuckoo:
I love it..Bubbas basically giving Obama the finger, at a crucial time for Obama, in a venue where he can speak to a huge audience that might not be so in tune to politics, but surely has many potential voters.

I also think Obama would love to have Hilary on the ticket, but she wouldn't piss in his mouth if his teeth were on fire.

Clinton, unlike Obama and most of the liberals on this board, understands that the economy expanded under his Presidency because of the Dot Com boom not because he raised taxes. He also understands that raising taxes now would further dampen the economy. You see, Slick Willie wasn't just an ideologue...he actually understood economics.

Maybe we could get Barack to take a LONG vacation on The Vineyard and have Clinton look after the economy while he was gone?

Clinton, unlike Obama and most of the liberals on this board, understands that the economy expanded under his Presidency because of the Dot Com boom not because he raised taxes. He also understands that raising taxes now would further dampen the economy. You see, Slick Willie wasn't just an ideologue...he actually understood economics.

Maybe we could get Barack to take a LONG vacation on The Vineyard and have Clinton look after the economy while he was gone?

Of course you DO understand that the reason Clinton had a balanced budget is because of BOTH the Dot Com boom AND that he raised taxes, right?

Clinton, unlike Obama and most of the liberals on this board, understands that the economy expanded under his Presidency because of the Dot Com boom not because he raised taxes. He also understands that raising taxes now would further dampen the economy. You see, Slick Willie wasn't just an ideologue...he actually understood economics.

Maybe we could get Barack to take a LONG vacation on The Vineyard and have Clinton look after the economy while he was gone?

Of course you DO understand that the reason Clinton had a balanced budget is because of BOTH the Dot Com boom AND that he raised taxes, right?

H lowered the capital gains tax
he eviscerated the military
had the dot boom
created the housing bubble
and raised taxes b/c there was plenty of money around and that could be absorbed.

But it seems you understand that big 0 is incompetent now.
Errrrmmmm, "even Bill Clinton"?

Hes not exactly the most loved person of the leftists within the Democratic Partys voting range is he?

Hes the man who designed the "third way" politics, bringing the Democratic Party further to the right in economic terms. Hes the man who stopped the big spending tradition within his Party.

Hes not exactly someone who you can wheel out and pretend that he is some sort of god to those Americans who wish to see taxes increased.

Clinton, unlike Obama and most of the liberals on this board, understands that the economy expanded under his Presidency because of the Dot Com boom not because he raised taxes. He also understands that raising taxes now would further dampen the economy. You see, Slick Willie wasn't just an ideologue...he actually understood economics.

Maybe we could get Barack to take a LONG vacation on The Vineyard and have Clinton look after the economy while he was gone?

Of course you DO understand that the reason Clinton had a balanced budget is because of BOTH the Dot Com boom AND that he raised taxes, right?
AND he cut spending. Welfare reform: that was clinton.
Errrrmmmm, "even Bill Clinton"?

Hes not exactly the most loved person of the leftists within the Democratic Partys voting range is he?

Hes the man who designed the "third way" politics, bringing the Democratic Party further to the right in economic terms. Hes the man who stopped the big spending tradition within his Party.

Hes not exactly someone who you can wheel out and pretend that he is some sort of god to those Americans who wish to see taxes increased.

He didn't end it, just slowed it to get re-elected.
He didn't end it, just slowed it to get re-elected.

Well, he ended it in the UK anyway. Tony Blair permanently changed the Labour Party by modeling its general principles on what Bill Clinton did to the Democratic Party. The Labour Party was practically still a big spending pro-nationalisation socialist party before Tony Blair came along.

So, I guess conservatives should thank Bill Clinton for that ;)
Lots and lots and LOTS of tpeople that I have no doubt YOU THINK hate the rich and want to conduct CLASS war, agree with BC about this.

MOST of the Keynesians economists ALSO agree that raising taxces right now is foolish, too.

And your surprise about this POV is largely resulting from your ignorance about what most people (who you imagine are communists or something) really are thinking, I suspect.

It's NOT the Black v White world you've been told it is, kiddo.

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