Even by conservative estimates, the cost of Trump’s “me” parade could have fed every hungry...

...veteran in America.

Even conservatively estimated, Trump could feed every homeless veteran for the cost of his military parade

I mean we already know the GOP doesn’t actually give a shit about veterans, but Trump just had to remind us with his pure stupidity. Just for the record - a military parade doesn’t make us look strong. It makes us look like weak bitches seeking global validation
He says as he supports:

Sanctuary cities
Government funded sex changes in prison and the military
Bailing out BANKS
Bailing out auto makers
Funding shrimp on a treadmill
Giving welfare to black women with 6 babies
Giving iran plane loads of cash
Giving Solyndra and similar scam companies billions

You sir are RETARDED

The money Trump saved renegotiating plane orders for the military more than paid for your latest diarrhea of the mouth episode

That deal was negotiated by the Obama Admin. It's well on track. Trump had not a damned thing to do with it. It goes by the bulk sold and the number of manufacturing lines that are in full production. Right now, there are two in full production. There was supposed to be a third in Turkey but that fell through for a bunch of reasons. And there was supposed to be a forth in Italy that fell down as well. But Lockheed opened up a second line to take care of the orders. Again, read my fingers.......Trump didn't have a damned thing to do with it.
Keep telling yourself that as you wear out your pacifier.

Trump overstates credit for $700 million in savings for F-35

Read ALL OF IT, not just the parts that tickle your political bone.

Then there is this....

Trump overstates credit for $700 million in savings for F-35

See if you can see the savings or if you're just a moron leftist led like a dog on a leash by a inflammatory headline
And Obama's entourage trips to Hawaii could have fed more than Jesus with mere loaves and fishes.

This is true. His one trip to Africa for him and the family cost us over 100 million dollars. At least some people got something out of the parade.

that something was a photo op for the 2020 campaign, complete with signs and caps --

Nothing wrong with that.

Giving people visible information about the state of the American economy will help them make a decision next year when they are sealed in the voting cubicles.
More importantly than that, military displays always increase local recruitment.
And you think it did? Or will? If unemployment is so low, why would someone sign up? Give the soldiers a raise and that would help. $780 f'n billion. Carve off some of that.

Why would they sign up? College costs money. Learning a job skill costs money.

Right now, the Army is offering a $40,000 bonus for infantry who will ship out this summer. It doesn't get much better than that.
...veteran in America.

Even conservatively estimated, Trump could feed every homeless veteran for the cost of his military parade

I mean we already know the GOP doesn’t actually give a shit about veterans, but Trump just had to remind us with his pure stupidity. Just for the record - a military parade doesn’t make us look strong. It makes us look like weak bitches seeking global validation
He says as he supports:

Sanctuary cities
Government funded sex changes in prison and the military
Bailing out BANKS
Bailing out auto makers
Funding shrimp on a treadmill
Giving welfare to black women with 6 babies
Giving iran plane loads of cash
Giving Solyndra and similar scam companies billions

You sir are RETARDED

The money Trump saved renegotiating plane orders for the military more than paid for your latest diarrhea of the mouth episode

Lord have mercy on us. He's back.
Damn right, bitch.

Now tell me what part of the July 4th celebration is the part where Trump focused on himself?

Or go crawl back under your bridge and SHUT THE FUCK UP

Well, Trump finally decided to stick to the script and not violate the Hatch Act. By his standards, that makes him the greatest president of all time, I guess.

But then again, he was so god damned stupid that he has the whole world laughing at him, but it was all the fault of the rain.

You should have taken the stfu option.

But seriously. Did you not enjoy the festivities DESPITE Trump?
I thought it was a FANTASTIC tribute to our brothers and sisters in the military.

Didn't watch. Not interested in the slightest.
Then why are you in this thread? That
He says as he supports:

Sanctuary cities
Government funded sex changes in prison and the military
Bailing out BANKS
Bailing out auto makers
Funding shrimp on a treadmill
Giving welfare to black women with 6 babies
Giving iran plane loads of cash
Giving Solyndra and similar scam companies billions

You sir are RETARDED

The money Trump saved renegotiating plane orders for the military more than paid for your latest diarrhea of the mouth episode

Lord have mercy on us. He's back.
Damn right, bitch.

Now tell me what part of the July 4th celebration is the part where Trump focused on himself?

Or go crawl back under your bridge and SHUT THE FUCK UP

Well, Trump finally decided to stick to the script and not violate the Hatch Act. By his standards, that makes him the greatest president of all time, I guess.

But then again, he was so god damned stupid that he has the whole world laughing at him, but it was all the fault of the rain.

You should have taken the stfu option.

But seriously. Did you not enjoy the festivities DESPITE Trump?
I thought it was a FANTASTIC tribute to our brothers and sisters in the military.

Didn't watch. Not interested in the slightest.
Is the epitome of an uninformed opinion
Of course "loaves and fishes" cost a lot less in the days of the REAL Messiah......

the B-2 bomber could cost $700,000, two F-22s fighters are estimated to cost around $300,000, the Blue Angels jets are expected to cost around $320,000, and two F-35 jets could cost upward of $660,000.

how long does a fly by last ? 10 seconds ?

10 seconds x 4 = 40 seconds

And it's all written off to the training and recruiting budgets. It costs the same for a pilot to log a training hour as it does to do a flyover. How many kids do you think saw those planes and said I want to fly one of those some day? You ignorant commies just crack me up.

The AF needs 3000 pilots NOW.

Most of the time they are not qualified because they take the easy subjects in school and barely pass those they do take. They are either too fat, too lazy, or do too many drugs.
If unemployment is so low, why would someone sign up?

Because it's a free paid vacation, that's why. It's the same reason why we have nearly 50 million people on food stamps today and over a million job openings that industry can't fill.

Trust me, I'm a truck driver. As such, I see people all over the highway instead of working. My industry is in need of tens of thousands of people we can't find. They are hiring foreigners to take the jobs because Americans would rather sit home. Walmart is looking for drivers and pay close to 90K a year.
I lost my job to the internet. The reason I did not switch to Truck Driving is because I already used my Student loan/grant money getting my AS and I can't afford Truck Driving School. That plus I'm worried about my small bladder getting in the way.

That's why they make Gatorade bottles.
Then why are you in this thread? That
Lord have mercy on us. He's back.
Damn right, bitch.

Now tell me what part of the July 4th celebration is the part where Trump focused on himself?

Or go crawl back under your bridge and SHUT THE FUCK UP

Well, Trump finally decided to stick to the script and not violate the Hatch Act. By his standards, that makes him the greatest president of all time, I guess.

But then again, he was so god damned stupid that he has the whole world laughing at him, but it was all the fault of the rain.

You should have taken the stfu option.

But seriously. Did you not enjoy the festivities DESPITE Trump?
I thought it was a FANTASTIC tribute to our brothers and sisters in the military.

Didn't watch. Not interested in the slightest.
Is the epitome of an uninformed opinion

Actually, the epitome of an uninterested person. My best guess is that the only think that could have been learned from watching the disastrous speech was that Fort McHenry held out against a British siege from 1775 to 1814 (and a few other interesting historical tidbits). As for the parade, who cares?
...veteran in America.

Even conservatively estimated, Trump could feed every homeless veteran for the cost of his military parade

I mean we already know the GOP doesn’t actually give a shit about veterans, but Trump just had to remind us with his pure stupidity. Just for the record - a military parade doesn’t make us look strong. It makes us look like weak bitches seeking global validation
Hmm, what could 4.6 BILLION do for homeless/hungry vetrans?

Maybe they should turn themselves in at a detention facility
And you think it did? Or will? If unemployment is so low, why would someone sign up? Give the soldiers a raise and that would help. $780 f'n billion. Carve off some of that.
Of course, it did. Military displays and air shows always have a bump in recruitments.

Our Aerial demonstration teams perform for the express purpose of PR for the military.

The Military has expressly been against these parades and shows. The millions that they cost could go towards other badly needed programs. Yes, Dorathy (and your little dog too) I said millions. The ONLY reason for this last show is for the Ego of ONE Orange person. He tried to do it once before and was shamed out of it. This time, he got his wish. I wished he would have gone golfing instead.

If President Trump had cancelled the 4th of July Program on the Washington Mall, and instead went to Florida to play golf on the holiday with the Maha Rushdie, or had a rally in Portland, OR or Philadelphia, MS instead, the Left would have had a conniption. How can a President not be in Washington during the 4th is what we would have heard.

Trump was going to be abused by the Fake News no matter what he did or did not do.

They are not worried about the money. It's a red herring, just like they have no care about the kids at the border. They only want to stop Trump.

I was just participating in anther topic a moment ago. The subject was Harris wanting to give minorities 100 billion dollars to buy homes they can't afford. The perfect setup that caused the housing bubble and crash. I'm willing to bet not one leftist will chime in on the topic to object to spending 100 billion dollars to setup another disaster.

Stop lying. Harris has never said she wanted to give illegals 100 billion to buy homes. The second you said that your whole argument fell apart. Usual rightwingnutjob response.

He said minorities, and so did she. Learn to fucking read!
More importantly than that, military displays always increase local recruitment.
And you think it did? Or will? If unemployment is so low, why would someone sign up? Give the soldiers a raise and that would help. $780 f'n billion. Carve off some of that.
Of course, it did. Military displays and air shows always have a bump in recruitments.

Our Aerial demonstration teams perform for the express purpose of PR for the military.
We know why the PR exists, but does it make a difference towards new recruits? Please provide the facts concerning that air shows bump recruitment. Like I said before, the Air Force needs thousands of pilots:

New study shows grim outlook for future of Air Force pilot shortage | Federal News Network

One BIG recruiting problem?...Too Fucking FAT and unacceptable.
Read the following links for the Army alone:

"COLORADO SPRINGS — The Army fell thousands of troops short of its recruiting goals this year, the first time it has done so since the height of the Iraq war 13 years ago."

"The shortfall is due in part to a hot job market that has lured away many recruits at a time that President Trump and Congress seek to expand the military, and have raised the number the Army needs to meet."

"The Army hoped to bring in about 76,500 new soldiers this year. But with the fiscal year ending this month, it is still 6,500 troops short, even after spending an extra $200 million on bonuses and lowering standards to let in more troops with conduct or health issues."

"On top of having to compete with a robust economy, with an unemployment rate below 4 percent, the Army must pick from what it says is a shrinking pool of eligible recruits. More than two-thirds of young adults do not qualify for military service because of poor physical fitness or other issues such as drug use, according to the Army."

As Economy Roars, Army Falls Thousands Short of Recruiting Goals

The Army is supposed to be growing, but this year, it didn’t at all

The Recruitment Problem the Military Doesn’t Want to Talk About
I made no claim on the fitness of the Citizen who is applying for enlistment. This is a bit of a red herring. Because the military is having problems finding suitable recruits, the PR campaigns and demonstration teams are not effective?

I'm not sure about that logic.

Thunderbirds > U.S. Air Force > Fact Sheet Display

U.S. Navy Blue Angels | Home
"ONE" big problem is what I said. You post the PR links.Ok, that still gives no facts on recruiting effectiveness. I have been to Pt. Mugu air shows many times and loved them. Especially seeing an SR-71 fly by near vertical. And, personally, I sure as hell didn't go to sign up. I did take my 7 year old Grandson to one show and he did say he wanted to fly a jet after that.

No, you are lying. An SR-71 cannot fly at low altitudes because it leaks fuel like a sieve. Also, it is about as maneuverable as a brick! Shut up, dumbass!
Except Obama didn't do the same thing on Independence day or any other day for that matter.
And, once again, that 150 billion wasn't "Given" to Iran from the United States. It was released from an over seas bank where it was held in escrow blocked by the United Nations and the United States.
You can stop lying any time now.
Of course Obama wouldn't do such a thing. He hates America.

Since when did a simple bank transaction require a secret flight to drop off a pallet of cash on the tarmac in Tehran? Sounds more like a drug deal.

Don't call me a liar just because you can't handle the truth.

Considering the US is the one that really blocked the deal and the Bank refused to deal with Iran directly, the US had to transport the money. 150 billion in hard cold cash in 100 dollar bills fills up an entire C-130 cargo plane. UPS isn't going to handle that job and forget about FEDEX. So the USAF does the job. Tell me, how else is that money going to get there if it can't be done through a wire transfer since none of the banks would do business with Iran?

The USAF did NOT transport the cash, dumbass!
...veteran in America.

Even conservatively estimated, Trump could feed every homeless veteran for the cost of his military parade

I mean we already know the GOP doesn’t actually give a shit about veterans, but Trump just had to remind us with his pure stupidity. Just for the record - a military parade doesn’t make us look strong. It makes us look like weak bitches seeking global validation

Since you are concerned with feeding homeless veterans, when can I tell them you are coming by with dinner?
...veteran in America.

Even conservatively estimated, Trump could feed every homeless veteran for the cost of his military parade

I mean we already know the GOP doesn’t actually give a shit about veterans, but Trump just had to remind us with his pure stupidity. Just for the record - a military parade doesn’t make us look strong. It makes us look like weak bitches seeking global validation
He says as he supports:

Sanctuary cities
Government funded sex changes in prison and the military
Bailing out BANKS
Bailing out auto makers
Funding shrimp on a treadmill
Giving welfare to black women with 6 babies
Giving iran plane loads of cash
Giving Solyndra and similar scam companies billions

You sir are RETARDED

The money Trump saved renegotiating plane orders for the military more than paid for your latest diarrhea of the mouth episode

Lord have mercy on us. He's back.
Damn right, bitch.

Now tell me what part of the July 4th celebration is the part where Trump focused on himself?

Or go crawl back under your bridge and SHUT THE FUCK UP

Well, Trump finally decided to stick to the script and not violate the Hatch Act. By his standards, that makes him the greatest president of all time, I guess.

But then again, he was so god damned stupid that he has the whole world laughing at him, but it was all the fault of the rain.
President Trump doesnt follow the Hatch act you fucking moron. Egad man, grow a brain.
He says as he supports:

Sanctuary cities
Government funded sex changes in prison and the military
Bailing out BANKS
Bailing out auto makers
Funding shrimp on a treadmill
Giving welfare to black women with 6 babies
Giving iran plane loads of cash
Giving Solyndra and similar scam companies billions

You sir are RETARDED

The money Trump saved renegotiating plane orders for the military more than paid for your latest diarrhea of the mouth episode

Lord have mercy on us. He's back.
Damn right, bitch.

Now tell me what part of the July 4th celebration is the part where Trump focused on himself?

Or go crawl back under your bridge and SHUT THE FUCK UP

Well, Trump finally decided to stick to the script and not violate the Hatch Act. By his standards, that makes him the greatest president of all time, I guess.

But then again, he was so god damned stupid that he has the whole world laughing at him, but it was all the fault of the rain.

You should have taken the stfu option.

But seriously. Did you not enjoy the festivities DESPITE Trump?
I thought it was a FANTASTIC tribute to our brothers and sisters in the military.

Didn't watch. Not interested in the slightest.
Yet I have invited this asshole to visit Cuba or Venezuela, but I guess he put me on ignore, because most dumbass liberals will never visit those Socialist Utopian Paradises because they "know" it proves their whole life has been 1 big fucking lie.
Homeless Veterans? Come on lefties. Congress is in charge of spending and so far the democrat majority seems reluctant to do anything except cover their collective asses regarding the attempted coup on the President.
I discuss issues with enough of them here. It's like Limbaugh always says "I know liberals like I know every inch of my glorious naked body."

Do you mean you talk to them like you talk to me in here? And you still don't have your jaw wired shut? Or have full use of both limbs? I find that hard to believe. Not all Liberals would take your BS lightly.

So I doubt if you talk with too many Liberals since you are able to type these messages.

Why do you think I come here? That's right, to talk politics with the opposition.

And what do I say that's ever offensive, especially compared to you?

I discuss politics without insults unless somebody starts with me first. Hey! I'm just like Trump in that way. And unless you are aware of technology that I'm not, I don't think there is a way somebody could punch me over a computer.

However I do understand how some can take my comments as abrasive. After all, it must be hard being wrong all the time. But as a 6'4" 240 lbs,.blackbelt who does stay armed many times, I'm not too worried about some snowflake coming along to kick my ass.

You mean you are like Trump?

Fat, a pathological liar, cheat, con artist and thief? And here I thought more of you than that. And here all I am armed with is a good Lawyer.

Show me how many people in this country (or world perhaps) that wouldn't want to be like Trump: wealthy, flies in his own personal jet, the most beautiful wife in the world with a history of relationships with women just like her, a household name even before becoming President?

Unlike you, I can't speak for all the other people in the world but I can speak for just myself. I am an old Cowboy. I ride for the brand and have certain peculiar other rules I live by. They didn't use to be peculiar but seem to be today. There is no way in hell I would want to have what Trump has. The Cost would be too high.

He's a pretty good role model though. He's a guy that never touched a tobacco product, illegal narcotic, or even an alcoholic beverage. In fact he told his children if they wanted to stay in the will, they will do the same.

Yes, there is a responsibility when you run businesses, and Trump owned or operated over 500 of them in his career. While he may not have done a lot of physical work in his life, the mental aspect could drive somebody suicidal.

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