Even by conservative estimates, the cost of Trump’s “me” parade could have fed every hungry...

...veteran in America.

Even conservatively estimated, Trump could feed every homeless veteran for the cost of his military parade

I mean we already know the GOP doesn’t actually give a shit about veterans, but Trump just had to remind us with his pure stupidity. Just for the record - a military parade doesn’t make us look strong. It makes us look like weak bitches seeking global validation
Paying for illegals would feed our poor everyday. Tell me again, why you wish for illegals over the poor?
And you think it did? Or will? If unemployment is so low, why would someone sign up? Give the soldiers a raise and that would help. $780 f'n billion. Carve off some of that.
Of course, it did. Military displays and air shows always have a bump in recruitments.

Our Aerial demonstration teams perform for the express purpose of PR for the military.
We know why the PR exists, but does it make a difference towards new recruits? Please provide the facts concerning that air shows bump recruitment. Like I said before, the Air Force needs thousands of pilots:

New study shows grim outlook for future of Air Force pilot shortage | Federal News Network

One BIG recruiting problem?...Too Fucking FAT and unacceptable.
Read the following links for the Army alone:

"COLORADO SPRINGS — The Army fell thousands of troops short of its recruiting goals this year, the first time it has done so since the height of the Iraq war 13 years ago."

"The shortfall is due in part to a hot job market that has lured away many recruits at a time that President Trump and Congress seek to expand the military, and have raised the number the Army needs to meet."

"The Army hoped to bring in about 76,500 new soldiers this year. But with the fiscal year ending this month, it is still 6,500 troops short, even after spending an extra $200 million on bonuses and lowering standards to let in more troops with conduct or health issues."

"On top of having to compete with a robust economy, with an unemployment rate below 4 percent, the Army must pick from what it says is a shrinking pool of eligible recruits. More than two-thirds of young adults do not qualify for military service because of poor physical fitness or other issues such as drug use, according to the Army."

As Economy Roars, Army Falls Thousands Short of Recruiting Goals

The Army is supposed to be growing, but this year, it didn’t at all

The Recruitment Problem the Military Doesn’t Want to Talk About
I made no claim on the fitness of the Citizen who is applying for enlistment. This is a bit of a red herring. Because the military is having problems finding suitable recruits, the PR campaigns and demonstration teams are not effective?

I'm not sure about that logic.

Thunderbirds > U.S. Air Force > Fact Sheet Display

U.S. Navy Blue Angels | Home
"ONE" big problem is what I said. You post the PR links.Ok, that still gives no facts on recruiting effectiveness. I have been to Pt. Mugu air shows many times and loved them. Especially seeing an SR-71 fly by near vertical. And, personally, I sure as hell didn't go to sign up. I did take my 7 year old Grandson to one show and he did say he wanted to fly a jet after that.

No, you are lying. An SR-71 cannot fly at low altitudes because it leaks fuel like a sieve. Also, it is about as maneuverable as a brick! Shut up, dumbass!
I watched a SR-71 fly over my house at alow level during an air show at Travis AFB. Really loud.
the republicans are not the party of the rich. they are the party of everyone who is not a democrat. aka everyone who is not black, LGBT, Latino, Asian. the party of white conservatives

so, by your estimation the GOP is a white cult. Sounds about right.
Of course, it did. Military displays and air shows always have a bump in recruitments.

Our Aerial demonstration teams perform for the express purpose of PR for the military.
We know why the PR exists, but does it make a difference towards new recruits? Please provide the facts concerning that air shows bump recruitment. Like I said before, the Air Force needs thousands of pilots:

New study shows grim outlook for future of Air Force pilot shortage | Federal News Network

One BIG recruiting problem?...Too Fucking FAT and unacceptable.
Read the following links for the Army alone:

"COLORADO SPRINGS — The Army fell thousands of troops short of its recruiting goals this year, the first time it has done so since the height of the Iraq war 13 years ago."

"The shortfall is due in part to a hot job market that has lured away many recruits at a time that President Trump and Congress seek to expand the military, and have raised the number the Army needs to meet."

"The Army hoped to bring in about 76,500 new soldiers this year. But with the fiscal year ending this month, it is still 6,500 troops short, even after spending an extra $200 million on bonuses and lowering standards to let in more troops with conduct or health issues."

"On top of having to compete with a robust economy, with an unemployment rate below 4 percent, the Army must pick from what it says is a shrinking pool of eligible recruits. More than two-thirds of young adults do not qualify for military service because of poor physical fitness or other issues such as drug use, according to the Army."

As Economy Roars, Army Falls Thousands Short of Recruiting Goals

The Army is supposed to be growing, but this year, it didn’t at all

The Recruitment Problem the Military Doesn’t Want to Talk About
I made no claim on the fitness of the Citizen who is applying for enlistment. This is a bit of a red herring. Because the military is having problems finding suitable recruits, the PR campaigns and demonstration teams are not effective?

I'm not sure about that logic.

Thunderbirds > U.S. Air Force > Fact Sheet Display

U.S. Navy Blue Angels | Home
"ONE" big problem is what I said. You post the PR links.Ok, that still gives no facts on recruiting effectiveness. I have been to Pt. Mugu air shows many times and loved them. Especially seeing an SR-71 fly by near vertical. And, personally, I sure as hell didn't go to sign up. I did take my 7 year old Grandson to one show and he did say he wanted to fly a jet after that.

No, you are lying. An SR-71 cannot fly at low altitudes because it leaks fuel like a sieve. Also, it is about as maneuverable as a brick! Shut up, dumbass!
I watched a SR-71 fly over my house at alow level during an air show at Travis AFB. Really loud.
Guess you had to be there to see, right? What a rush.
...veteran in America.

Even conservatively estimated, Trump could feed every homeless veteran for the cost of his military parade

I mean we already know the GOP doesn’t actually give a shit about veterans, but Trump just had to remind us with his pure stupidity. Just for the record - a military parade doesn’t make us look strong. It makes us look like weak bitches seeking global validation
He says as he supports:

Sanctuary cities
Government funded sex changes in prison and the military
Bailing out BANKS
Bailing out auto makers
Funding shrimp on a treadmill
Giving welfare to black women with 6 babies
Giving iran plane loads of cash
Giving Solyndra and similar scam companies billions

You sir are RETARDED

The money Trump saved renegotiating plane orders for the military more than paid for your latest diarrhea of the mouth episode

That deal was negotiated by the Obama Admin. It's well on track. Trump had not a damned thing to do with it. It goes by the bulk sold and the number of manufacturing lines that are in full production. Right now, there are two in full production. There was supposed to be a third in Turkey but that fell through for a bunch of reasons. And there was supposed to be a forth in Italy that fell down as well. But Lockheed opened up a second line to take care of the orders. Again, read my fingers.......Trump didn't have a damned thing to do with it.
Keep telling yourself that as you wear out your pacifier.

Trump overstates credit for $700 million in savings for F-35

Read ALL OF IT, not just the parts that tickle your political bone.

Then there is this....

Trump overstates credit for $700 million in savings for F-35

See if you can see the savings or if you're just a moron leftist led like a dog on a leash by a inflammatory headline

I read the whole thing. The conclusion was

The Department of Defense announced a $728 million reduction on Feb. 3 for the aircraft. But Trump ignores that the government and Lockheed Martin were working toward reducing the costs for years — long before Trump’s tweets in December criticizing the price tag.

We rate this claim Mostly False.
Remember, he was talking to Mrs. Lockheed...
"The number of individuals participating in the nation’s food stamp program has sunk to its lowest level in ten years, according to the latest data from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)."

thanks, Donald!
Of course, it did. Military displays and air shows always have a bump in recruitments.

Our Aerial demonstration teams perform for the express purpose of PR for the military.
We know why the PR exists, but does it make a difference towards new recruits? Please provide the facts concerning that air shows bump recruitment. Like I said before, the Air Force needs thousands of pilots:

New study shows grim outlook for future of Air Force pilot shortage | Federal News Network

One BIG recruiting problem?...Too Fucking FAT and unacceptable.
Read the following links for the Army alone:

"COLORADO SPRINGS — The Army fell thousands of troops short of its recruiting goals this year, the first time it has done so since the height of the Iraq war 13 years ago."

"The shortfall is due in part to a hot job market that has lured away many recruits at a time that President Trump and Congress seek to expand the military, and have raised the number the Army needs to meet."

"The Army hoped to bring in about 76,500 new soldiers this year. But with the fiscal year ending this month, it is still 6,500 troops short, even after spending an extra $200 million on bonuses and lowering standards to let in more troops with conduct or health issues."

"On top of having to compete with a robust economy, with an unemployment rate below 4 percent, the Army must pick from what it says is a shrinking pool of eligible recruits. More than two-thirds of young adults do not qualify for military service because of poor physical fitness or other issues such as drug use, according to the Army."

As Economy Roars, Army Falls Thousands Short of Recruiting Goals

The Army is supposed to be growing, but this year, it didn’t at all

The Recruitment Problem the Military Doesn’t Want to Talk About
I made no claim on the fitness of the Citizen who is applying for enlistment. This is a bit of a red herring. Because the military is having problems finding suitable recruits, the PR campaigns and demonstration teams are not effective?

I'm not sure about that logic.

Thunderbirds > U.S. Air Force > Fact Sheet Display

U.S. Navy Blue Angels | Home
"ONE" big problem is what I said. You post the PR links.Ok, that still gives no facts on recruiting effectiveness. I have been to Pt. Mugu air shows many times and loved them. Especially seeing an SR-71 fly by near vertical. And, personally, I sure as hell didn't go to sign up. I did take my 7 year old Grandson to one show and he did say he wanted to fly a jet after that.

No, you are lying. An SR-71 cannot fly at low altitudes because it leaks fuel like a sieve. Also, it is about as maneuverable as a brick! Shut up, dumbass!
I watched a SR-71 fly over my house at alow level during an air show at Travis AFB. Really loud.
We'd always drive up to Beale AFB about 20 hours after a crisis was announced somewhere in the world. It as almost a given that an SR-71 would be landing.
...veteran in America.

Even conservatively estimated, Trump could feed every homeless veteran for the cost of his military parade

I mean we already know the GOP doesn’t actually give a shit about veterans, but Trump just had to remind us with his pure stupidity. Just for the record - a military parade doesn’t make us look strong. It makes us look weak bitches seeking global validation
I pay taxes and I liked it-so did many others I know. And we did look STRONG-not afraid to flex!

Honestly made US the laughing stock of the world... I was on International Calls all last week and it was the common joke...

I think the funniest was something like this
'The Military won WWI, WW2 and killed Bin Laden but failed in a Presidential Penis enlargement'
It didn't, but you go ahead with that narrative.

If the media hadn't started their anti-military campaign about it, no one would have said a word.

But then, most of you people get your opinions and talking points from bobblehead speakers.
...veteran in America.

Even conservatively estimated, Trump could feed every homeless veteran for the cost of his military parade

I mean we already know the GOP doesn’t actually give a shit about veterans, but Trump just had to remind us with his pure stupidity. Just for the record - a military parade doesn’t make us look strong. It makes us look weak bitches seeking global validation
I pay taxes and I liked it-so did many others I know. And we did look STRONG-not afraid to flex!

Honestly made US the laughing stock of the world... I was on International Calls all last week and it was the common joke...

I think the funniest was something like this
'The Military won WWI, WW2 and killed Bin Laden but failed in a Presidential Penis enlargement'

So how does it feel working for minimum wage?
I made no claim on the fitness of the Citizen who is applying for enlistment. This is a bit of a red herring. Because the military is having problems finding suitable recruits, the PR campaigns and demonstration teams are not effective?

I'm not sure about that logic.

Thunderbirds > U.S. Air Force > Fact Sheet Display

U.S. Navy Blue Angels | Home
"ONE" big problem is what I said. You post the PR links.Ok, that still gives no facts on recruiting effectiveness. I have been to Pt. Mugu air shows many times and loved them. Especially seeing an SR-71 fly by near vertical. And, personally, I sure as hell didn't go to sign up. I did take my 7 year old Grandson to one show and he did say he wanted to fly a jet after that.

No, you are lying. An SR-71 cannot fly at low altitudes because it leaks fuel like a sieve. Also, it is about as maneuverable as a brick! Shut up, dumbass!
Fuck all. It flew by twice. Once really low at low speed around 40-45 degrees like it was dragging its ass. Pic is what it looked like from the ground.
View attachment 268364

What a dumbass! 40-45 degrees is "near vertical"? You flunked Geometry also?

Nice pic! A still shot taken from a movie! How long did it take you to find that to back up your lie? That shot is from a film made at Edwards Air Force Base 5 years ago.

Why do you lie?

BTW, why does the aircraft look like it is taking a SAM up the ass? That is because the aircraft is barely hanging in the air and is suffering compressor stalls because of the low altitude. It is just about to crash!

The SR never went anywhere near vertical. You are right. about 40 to 45 degrees. And then it did have a compressor stall on one engine. Lucky they didn't lose both engines. All for an air show. The SR was never designed to fly that slow and that low. Right after the stall, they dropped the nose, dropped what little altitude they had, recovered their minimum air sped and restarted the engine. And changed their underwear when they got back.

Compressor stalls do NOT necessarily mean you lose the engine. it is more like a backfire. When will you quit talking shit you know nothing about?
"ONE" big problem is what I said. You post the PR links.Ok, that still gives no facts on recruiting effectiveness. I have been to Pt. Mugu air shows many times and loved them. Especially seeing an SR-71 fly by near vertical. And, personally, I sure as hell didn't go to sign up. I did take my 7 year old Grandson to one show and he did say he wanted to fly a jet after that.

No, you are lying. An SR-71 cannot fly at low altitudes because it leaks fuel like a sieve. Also, it is about as maneuverable as a brick! Shut up, dumbass!
Fuck all. It flew by twice. Once really low at low speed around 40-45 degrees like it was dragging its ass. Pic is what it looked like from the ground.
View attachment 268364

What a dumbass! 40-45 degrees is "near vertical"? You flunked Geometry also?

Nice pic! A still shot taken from a movie! How long did it take you to find that to back up your lie? That shot is from a film made at Edwards Air Force Base 5 years ago.

Why do you lie?

BTW, why does the aircraft look like it is taking a SAM up the ass? That is because the aircraft is barely hanging in the air and is suffering compressor stalls because of the low altitude. It is just about to crash!

The SR never went anywhere near vertical. You are right. about 40 to 45 degrees. And then it did have a compressor stall on one engine. Lucky they didn't lose both engines. All for an air show. The SR was never designed to fly that slow and that low. Right after the stall, they dropped the nose, dropped what little altitude they had, recovered their minimum air sped and restarted the engine. And changed their underwear when they got back.

Compressor stalls do NOT necessarily mean you lose the engine. it is more like a backfire. When will you quit talking shit you know nothing about?

Okay, asswipe. He had a compressor stall. The fireball out the tailpipe is from unburnt fuel. Losing an engine doesn't mean that he blew out an engine. It just means he had to restart it. And he had to have the bird level and have enough air speed to get air into the intake. Do you want to compare Jobs on who knows more about this between the two of us? I have 5 years experience as a Power Plant Mech. About the only experience you have, judging from your comment, on aircraft is serving the hash and eggs.
...veteran in America.

Even conservatively estimated, Trump could feed every homeless veteran for the cost of his military parade

I mean we already know the GOP doesn’t actually give a shit about veterans, but Trump just had to remind us with his pure stupidity. Just for the record - a military parade doesn’t make us look strong. It makes us look weak bitches seeking global validation
I pay taxes and I liked it-so did many others I know. And we did look STRONG-not afraid to flex!

Honestly made US the laughing stock of the world... I was on International Calls all last week and it was the common joke...

I think the funniest was something like this
'The Military won WWI, WW2 and killed Bin Laden but failed in a Presidential Penis enlargement'

So how does it feel working for minimum wage?

Okay, dipwad. Working at a minimum wage job is an honest job. 47% of the population works at or near minimum wage in the US. I paid my dues as have most every other American. Minimum Wage Workers are Red Blooded Americans and damn well deserve not only respect but deserve better. And they deserve respect.
Trump is as we ALL Know an attention whore & having his July 4th parade was a wet dream cum true for Donny.
It is a shame that Trump made the choice to 'militarize' the gay parade but again, as we ALL know Trump is an over the top kinda guy.

Just out of curiosity, if CNN told you to cover yourself in honey and go beat on a bee hive, would you leftists do it?
...veteran in America.

Even conservatively estimated, Trump could feed every homeless veteran for the cost of his military parade

I mean we already know the GOP doesn’t actually give a shit about veterans, but Trump just had to remind us with his pure stupidity. Just for the record - a military parade doesn’t make us look strong. It makes us look weak bitches seeking global validation
I pay taxes and I liked it-so did many others I know. And we did look STRONG-not afraid to flex!

Honestly made US the laughing stock of the world... I was on International Calls all last week and it was the common joke...

I think the funniest was something like this
'The Military won WWI, WW2 and killed Bin Laden but failed in a Presidential Penis enlargement'

So how does it feel working for minimum wage?

Okay, dipwad. Working at a minimum wage job is an honest job. 47% of the population works at or near minimum wage in the US. I paid my dues as have most every other American. Minimum Wage Workers are Red Blooded Americans and damn well deserve not only respect but deserve better. And they deserve respect.

Was I talking to you dipshit?
No, you are lying. An SR-71 cannot fly at low altitudes because it leaks fuel like a sieve. Also, it is about as maneuverable as a brick! Shut up, dumbass!
Fuck all. It flew by twice. Once really low at low speed around 40-45 degrees like it was dragging its ass. Pic is what it looked like from the ground.
View attachment 268364

What a dumbass! 40-45 degrees is "near vertical"? You flunked Geometry also?

Nice pic! A still shot taken from a movie! How long did it take you to find that to back up your lie? That shot is from a film made at Edwards Air Force Base 5 years ago.

Why do you lie?

BTW, why does the aircraft look like it is taking a SAM up the ass? That is because the aircraft is barely hanging in the air and is suffering compressor stalls because of the low altitude. It is just about to crash!

The SR never went anywhere near vertical. You are right. about 40 to 45 degrees. And then it did have a compressor stall on one engine. Lucky they didn't lose both engines. All for an air show. The SR was never designed to fly that slow and that low. Right after the stall, they dropped the nose, dropped what little altitude they had, recovered their minimum air sped and restarted the engine. And changed their underwear when they got back.

Compressor stalls do NOT necessarily mean you lose the engine. it is more like a backfire. When will you quit talking shit you know nothing about?

Okay, asswipe. He had a compressor stall. The fireball out the tailpipe is from unburnt fuel. Losing an engine doesn't mean that he blew out an engine. It just means he had to restart it. And he had to have the bird level and have enough air speed to get air into the intake. Do you want to compare Jobs on who knows more about this between the two of us? I have 5 years experience as a Power Plant Mech. About the only experience you have, judging from your comment, on aircraft is serving the hash and eggs.

If what you say is true (which I doubt), why do you say such stupid shit that even laymen know is bullshit?

I could not count the number of times you have had your ass handed to you for getting the facts wrong on a variety of topics!
Fuck all. It flew by twice. Once really low at low speed around 40-45 degrees like it was dragging its ass. Pic is what it looked like from the ground.
View attachment 268364

What a dumbass! 40-45 degrees is "near vertical"? You flunked Geometry also?

Nice pic! A still shot taken from a movie! How long did it take you to find that to back up your lie? That shot is from a film made at Edwards Air Force Base 5 years ago.

Why do you lie?

BTW, why does the aircraft look like it is taking a SAM up the ass? That is because the aircraft is barely hanging in the air and is suffering compressor stalls because of the low altitude. It is just about to crash!

The SR never went anywhere near vertical. You are right. about 40 to 45 degrees. And then it did have a compressor stall on one engine. Lucky they didn't lose both engines. All for an air show. The SR was never designed to fly that slow and that low. Right after the stall, they dropped the nose, dropped what little altitude they had, recovered their minimum air sped and restarted the engine. And changed their underwear when they got back.

Compressor stalls do NOT necessarily mean you lose the engine. it is more like a backfire. When will you quit talking shit you know nothing about?

Okay, asswipe. He had a compressor stall. The fireball out the tailpipe is from unburnt fuel. Losing an engine doesn't mean that he blew out an engine. It just means he had to restart it. And he had to have the bird level and have enough air speed to get air into the intake. Do you want to compare Jobs on who knows more about this between the two of us? I have 5 years experience as a Power Plant Mech. About the only experience you have, judging from your comment, on aircraft is serving the hash and eggs.

If what you say is true (which I doubt), why do you say such stupid shit that even laymen know is bullshit?

I could not count the number of times you have had your ass handed to you for getting the facts wrong on a variety of topics!

intake backfires usually produce flames out of tailpipes - raw fuel burning due to improper air mixture.
...veteran in America.

Even conservatively estimated, Trump could feed every homeless veteran for the cost of his military parade

I mean we already know the GOP doesn’t actually give a shit about veterans, but Trump just had to remind us with his pure stupidity. Just for the record - a military parade doesn’t make us look strong. It makes us look weak bitches seeking global validation
I pay taxes and I liked it-so did many others I know. And we did look STRONG-not afraid to flex!

Honestly made US the laughing stock of the world... I was on International Calls all last week and it was the common joke...

I think the funniest was something like this
'The Military won WWI, WW2 and killed Bin Laden but failed in a Presidential Penis enlargement'

So how does it feel working for minimum wage?

Okay, dipwad. Working at a minimum wage job is an honest job. 47% of the population works at or near minimum wage in the US. I paid my dues as have most every other American. Minimum Wage Workers are Red Blooded Americans and damn well deserve not only respect but deserve better. And they deserve respect.

Was I talking to you dipshit?

Well, dipwad, you were using min wage workers as an insult. Shame on you.

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