Even by conservative estimates, the cost of Trump’s “me” parade could have fed every hungry...

And all the taxpayer money you liberalfilth have handed to muslim countries and various terrorists groups could also take care of homeless vets, you liberal testament to everything mankind has ever done wrong! You liberal are such liars, you never gave a flying fuck about homeless veterans in the first place, you son of a bitch. You're simply using them to push your America-hating agenda.
listen, friends, usually businessmen cant predict their future, but Trump is an exception. he knew all along that he would become POTUS. he plans everything 10 years ahead of time (that's why he's against daylights savings time, it confuses him!)
The bigger joke is how "fiscal conservatives" are blowing up the deficit for short term gains. Republicans being fiscal conservatives is a myth.

The biggest joke is ANY Democrat having the gall to criticize Republicans or anyone else for being fiscally irresponsible.
The Democratic party has been more fiscally responsible since bong blowin Bill Clinton. Fact. Them massive tax cuts don't pay for themselves, only morons believe that works at this point.
The bigger joke is how "fiscal conservatives" are blowing up the deficit for short term gains. Republicans being fiscal conservatives is a myth.

The biggest joke is ANY Democrat having the gall to criticize Republicans or anyone else for being fiscally irresponsible.
The Democratic party has been more fiscally responsible since bong blowin Bill Clinton. Fact. Them massive tax cuts don't pay for themselves, only morons believe that works at this point.

Anyone who thinks tax cuts need to be "paid for" has just disqualified himself from being taken seriously on fiscal matters.

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