Even by conservative estimates, the cost of Trump’s “me” parade could have fed every hungry...

I think if any female has a chance on the left, it's Tulsi.

In any case, the point I was making is that the money spent by Trump pales in comparison to what Harris wants to spend, and that's only a drop in the bucket compared to free college, reparations for those who did pay their college loans, Medicare for all, free daycare and so on.

Money is not the issue for the left on this day of celebration. The left doesn't care about the money. Trump paid homage to our military by having them participate in this event, and that's what the left are all upset about. They never cared much for our military to begin with.

You speak for the Left, you asked each and every one of them personally? Wow, you must have been really, really busy for quite some time.

I discuss issues with enough of them here. It's like Limbaugh always says "I know liberals like I know every inch of my glorious naked body."

Do you mean you talk to them like you talk to me in here? And you still don't have your jaw wired shut? Or have full use of both limbs? I find that hard to believe. Not all Liberals would take your BS lightly.

So I doubt if you talk with too many Liberals since you are able to type these messages.

Why do you think I come here? That's right, to talk politics with the opposition.

And what do I say that's ever offensive, especially compared to you?

I discuss politics without insults unless somebody starts with me first. Hey! I'm just like Trump in that way. And unless you are aware of technology that I'm not, I don't think there is a way somebody could punch me over a computer.

However I do understand how some can take my comments as abrasive. After all, it must be hard being wrong all the time. But as a 6'4" 240 lbs,.blackbelt who does stay armed many times, I'm not too worried about some snowflake coming along to kick my ass.

You mean you are like Trump?

Fat, a pathological liar, cheat, con artist and thief? And here I thought more of you than that. And here all I am armed with is a good Lawyer.

Show me how many people in this country (or world perhaps) that wouldn't want to be like Trump: wealthy, flies in his own personal jet, the most beautiful wife in the world with a history of relationships with women just like her, a household name even before becoming President?
You got me there. And I am not exactly a Harris fan to begin with. She's too far to the leftwingnutcase for me. I am starting to like Amy Klobuchar though. It seems that she is already being attacked for being too far right because other claim she has voted with "Trump" too many times. And she disagrees with a lot of the "Give Aways". She is a moderate Democrat that kicks ass in a Red District to the tune of more than a 75% voter number. The only thing she has lacked is the name recognition and I think that would be taken care of if she is chosen as the one to run against Trump. She is Trumps worst nightmare.

I think if any female has a chance on the left, it's Tulsi.

In any case, the point I was making is that the money spent by Trump pales in comparison to what Harris wants to spend, and that's only a drop in the bucket compared to free college, reparations for those who did pay their college loans, Medicare for all, free daycare and so on.

Money is not the issue for the left on this day of celebration. The left doesn't care about the money. Trump paid homage to our military by having them participate in this event, and that's what the left are all upset about. They never cared much for our military to begin with.

You speak for the Left, you asked each and every one of them personally? Wow, you must have been really, really busy for quite some time.

I discuss issues with enough of them here. It's like Limbaugh always says "I know liberals like I know every inch of my glorious naked body."

Do you mean you talk to them like you talk to me in here? And you still don't have your jaw wired shut? Or have full use of both limbs? I find that hard to believe. Not all Liberals would take your BS lightly.

So I doubt if you talk with too many Liberals since you are able to type these messages.

You mean those big "brave" liberals like you who wear masks and only attack comservatives when they have 20 to 1 numbers in their favor? Seems EVERY time the odds are even, you lefties get your asses handed to you.

You don't want to go messing with those guys in pussy hats now.
Trump: Good morning!

Democrats: #BoycottMornings

Buzzfeed: 18 Reasons Why Mornings Are Racist

Huffpost: Mornings Should Be Banned, Here's Why

Fox News: Liberals Hate Mornings

CNN: Trump Says He Hates The Evening

VICE: This 15 year old is fighting Trump by wearing Sunglasses
If we kicked out all the illegal aliens we could feed and house all our hungrey homeless American Citizens and save some money too.

Sounds like you should take that up with your president, Trump. When he was campaigning, he promised to deport 12 million illegals in the first 2 years.

And he probably would have if not for the Democrats in Congress. What they didn't stop Trump from doing, those commie activist judges did.
I think if any female has a chance on the left, it's Tulsi.

In any case, the point I was making is that the money spent by Trump pales in comparison to what Harris wants to spend, and that's only a drop in the bucket compared to free college, reparations for those who did pay their college loans, Medicare for all, free daycare and so on.

Money is not the issue for the left on this day of celebration. The left doesn't care about the money. Trump paid homage to our military by having them participate in this event, and that's what the left are all upset about. They never cared much for our military to begin with.

You speak for the Left, you asked each and every one of them personally? Wow, you must have been really, really busy for quite some time.

I discuss issues with enough of them here. It's like Limbaugh always says "I know liberals like I know every inch of my glorious naked body."

Do you mean you talk to them like you talk to me in here? And you still don't have your jaw wired shut? Or have full use of both limbs? I find that hard to believe. Not all Liberals would take your BS lightly.

So I doubt if you talk with too many Liberals since you are able to type these messages.

Why do you think I come here? That's right, to talk politics with the opposition.

And what do I say that's ever offensive, especially compared to you?

I discuss politics without insults unless somebody starts with me first. Hey! I'm just like Trump in that way. And unless you are aware of technology that I'm not, I don't think there is a way somebody could punch me over a computer.

However I do understand how some can take my comments as abrasive. After all, it must be hard being wrong all the time. But as a 6'4" 240 lbs,.blackbelt who does stay armed many times, I'm not too worried about some snowflake coming along to kick my ass.

Yeah, keeping it civil whether we agree or disagree is the best policy.

I've always been like that in blogs. I believe in treating people the way you would treat them if you were face to face. Nobody here will find any post of mine drawing first blood.
...veteran in America.

Even conservatively estimated, Trump could feed every homeless veteran for the cost of his military parade

I mean we already know the GOP doesn’t actually give a shit about veterans, but Trump just had to remind us with his pure stupidity. Just for the record - a military parade doesn’t make us look strong. It makes us look like weak bitches seeking global validation

...veteran in America.

Even conservatively estimated, Trump could feed every homeless veteran for the cost of his military parade

I mean we already know the GOP doesn’t actually give a shit about veterans, but Trump just had to remind us with his pure stupidity. Just for the record - a military parade doesn’t make us look strong. It makes us look weak bitches seeking global validation
Political correctness has made you fucking retarded

And Obama's entourage trips to Hawaii could have fed more than Jesus with mere loaves and fishes.

What has been fun is watching the bobbleheads on the media piss themselves at the strength of the US Military on display during our Independence day celebration at our Capitol.

I caught most of the speech, though I had promised Myself that I was not going to do politics while on vacation, and I did NOT hear Trump reference himself at all until the very end, and then I think it was only twice.

Compare that to a Democrat speech when they reference themselves nearly exclusively, and it becomes apparent that the OP is a whiny little bitch who wants everything to be about him.

...veteran in America.

Even conservatively estimated, Trump could feed every homeless veteran for the cost of his military parade

I mean we already know the GOP doesn’t actually give a shit about veterans, but Trump just had to remind us with his pure stupidity. Just for the record - a military parade doesn’t make us look strong. It makes us look like weak bitches seeking global validation
I am a veteran and I ate. Just because you are a butthurt libtard, most of US veterans have something you never will. Honor. So go fuck yourself.

...veteran in America.

Even conservatively estimated, Trump could feed every homeless veteran for the cost of his military parade

I mean we already know the GOP doesn’t actually give a shit about veterans, but Trump just had to remind us with his pure stupidity. Just for the record - a military parade doesn’t make us look strong. It makes us look like weak bitches seeking global validation

There are very few starving vets nowadays. Or starving non-vets for that matter.

At this point in the Obama Regime , the unemployment rate was north of 9. Now its 3 and change.

Did you see your President a few weeks ago in France talking with American D Day veterans? Of course, he loves our vets

Now fellas, and ladies, it is obvious that Billy is hungry. Let us all get together, and feed the poor bast***.

We all know, that if Billy is hungry, his number 1 food is-----------------> BALONEY, lol.

Soooooooooooo, let us all get together and feed him our baloney-)

Here, Billy, Billy, Billy, want to munch on our baloney-) OF COURSE YOU DO!

Now, we should not have any more threads from our hero, BILLY, since he is searching out our baloney to eat!

What a guy! He is our hero, Billy-E-phony-e-Baloney, as he continues to eat our sausages-)
It's been funny watching the left's pathetic reaction to all this. Huge crowd, a terrific speech, and nothing but crying from the lefties here. Seems like a successful day all around.

I have to admit that Trump's speech is going to go down in history! Hell, it was even funnier than Palin explaining Paul Revere's ride!

Not nearly as funny as the ignorant Obozo claiming he visited all 57 states. Or that he sees "some of the fallen joining us today". Or the "corpse men in the audience". Seems Obozo claimed the dead were rising.

Did Trump ever find out who is the president of Puerto Rico? Did someone finally explain to him what a gold Star mother is? When are we going to visit Mars, from which the moon came from?
Look at that crowd that showed up

It was better spent on Americans and the celebration of the white mans achievements than Illegal cockroaches

Another new poster joins us from the white supremist world headquarters, Dogtrot, Idaho.


ya wanna play that game I can play to
What does geographical location have to do with anything ?
Idaho is not DIXIE
BUT Youre nothing but a cultureless big box loser suburbanite to me ..
NYC native born on metropolitan av .I also lived in Paris and London
did a alot of work in Asia to

hows your cul de sac this afternoon ?
did the neighbors waving an American flag for the 4th trigger you ?

Why was the msm lying about the crowd? Did you believe them? IS that why youre lashing out at me like an unhinged retarded nazi that progressive left wing fags like yourself are ?

Its a beautiful Sunday afternoon why so angry and upset ? over nothing of any real importance


Im not the one who is angwy like a wittle left wing nazi child
do you have reservations at burger king tonight ? that may cheer ya up

I'm not angry, Yank. I am merely treating another racist with the contempt that you deserve!

whatever you say big box cracka
It sure was incredible how they took over those British airports in the 18th century. And how they fought a battle from the War of 1812 decades earlier.
All Presidents say things that are mistakes as in obama visiting all 57 States.
It sure was incredible how they took over those British airports in the 18th century. And how they fought a battle from the War of 1812 decades earlier.
All Presidents say things that are mistakes as in obama visiting all 57 States.

The difference is that you had to reach back 9 years to find that Obama used the word,"states" instead of "stops", after almost 20 nonstop hours of campaigning, while we only have to reach back to Trump's last week's military parade to find that his military history so garbled that a 5th grader would have widened his eyes in wonder. Add that to his other 2,400 "misstatements in 2 years, and you have an IQ level that equals his vocabulary level.
...veteran in America.

Even conservatively estimated, Trump could feed every homeless veteran for the cost of his military parade

I mean we already know the GOP doesn’t actually give a shit about veterans, but Trump just had to remind us with his pure stupidity. Just for the record - a military parade doesn’t make us look strong. It makes us look like weak bitches seeking global validation
He says as he supports:

Sanctuary cities
Government funded sex changes in prison and the military
Bailing out BANKS
Bailing out auto makers
Funding shrimp on a treadmill
Giving welfare to black women with 6 babies
Giving iran plane loads of cash
Giving Solyndra and similar scam companies billions

You sir are RETARDED

The money Trump saved renegotiating plane orders for the military more than paid for your latest diarrhea of the mouth episode
...veteran in America.

Even conservatively estimated, Trump could feed every homeless veteran for the cost of his military parade

I mean we already know the GOP doesn’t actually give a shit about veterans, but Trump just had to remind us with his pure stupidity. Just for the record - a military parade doesn’t make us look strong. It makes us look like weak bitches seeking global validation
He says as he supports:

Sanctuary cities
Government funded sex changes in prison and the military
Bailing out BANKS
Bailing out auto makers
Funding shrimp on a treadmill
Giving welfare to black women with 6 babies
Giving iran plane loads of cash
Giving Solyndra and similar scam companies billions

You sir are RETARDED

The money Trump saved renegotiating plane orders for the military more than paid for your latest diarrhea of the mouth episode

Lord have mercy on us. He's back.
...veteran in America.

Even conservatively estimated, Trump could feed every homeless veteran for the cost of his military parade

I mean we already know the GOP doesn’t actually give a shit about veterans, but Trump just had to remind us with his pure stupidity. Just for the record - a military parade doesn’t make us look strong. It makes us look like weak bitches seeking global validation
He says as he supports:

Sanctuary cities
Government funded sex changes in prison and the military
Bailing out BANKS
Bailing out auto makers
Funding shrimp on a treadmill
Giving welfare to black women with 6 babies
Giving iran plane loads of cash
Giving Solyndra and similar scam companies billions

You sir are RETARDED

The money Trump saved renegotiating plane orders for the military more than paid for your latest diarrhea of the mouth episode

Lord have mercy on us. He's back.
Damn right, bitch.

Now tell me what part of the July 4th celebration is the part where Trump focused on himself?

Or go crawl back under your bridge and SHUT THE FUCK UP
...veteran in America.

Even conservatively estimated, Trump could feed every homeless veteran for the cost of his military parade

I mean we already know the GOP doesn’t actually give a shit about veterans, but Trump just had to remind us with his pure stupidity. Just for the record - a military parade doesn’t make us look strong. It makes us look like weak bitches seeking global validation
He says as he supports:

Sanctuary cities
Government funded sex changes in prison and the military
Bailing out BANKS
Bailing out auto makers
Funding shrimp on a treadmill
Giving welfare to black women with 6 babies
Giving iran plane loads of cash
Giving Solyndra and similar scam companies billions

You sir are RETARDED

The money Trump saved renegotiating plane orders for the military more than paid for your latest diarrhea of the mouth episode

Lord have mercy on us. He's back.
Damn right, bitch.

Now tell me what part of the July 4th celebration is the part where Trump focused on himself?

Or go crawl back under your bridge and SHUT THE FUCK UP

Well, Trump finally decided to stick to the script and not violate the Hatch Act. By his standards, that makes him the greatest president of all time, I guess.

But then again, he was so god damned stupid that he has the whole world laughing at him, but it was all the fault of the rain.
...veteran in America.

Even conservatively estimated, Trump could feed every homeless veteran for the cost of his military parade

I mean we already know the GOP doesn’t actually give a shit about veterans, but Trump just had to remind us with his pure stupidity. Just for the record - a military parade doesn’t make us look strong. It makes us look like weak bitches seeking global validation
He says as he supports:

Sanctuary cities
Government funded sex changes in prison and the military
Bailing out BANKS
Bailing out auto makers
Funding shrimp on a treadmill
Giving welfare to black women with 6 babies
Giving iran plane loads of cash
Giving Solyndra and similar scam companies billions

You sir are RETARDED

The money Trump saved renegotiating plane orders for the military more than paid for your latest diarrhea of the mouth episode

Lord have mercy on us. He's back.
Damn right, bitch.

Now tell me what part of the July 4th celebration is the part where Trump focused on himself?

Or go crawl back under your bridge and SHUT THE FUCK UP

Well, Trump finally decided to stick to the script and not violate the Hatch Act. By his standards, that makes him the greatest president of all time, I guess.

But then again, he was so god damned stupid that he has the whole world laughing at him, but it was all the fault of the rain.

You should have taken the stfu option.

But seriously. Did you not enjoy the festivities DESPITE Trump?
I thought it was a FANTASTIC tribute to our brothers and sisters in the military.
...veteran in America.

Even conservatively estimated, Trump could feed every homeless veteran for the cost of his military parade

I mean we already know the GOP doesn’t actually give a shit about veterans, but Trump just had to remind us with his pure stupidity. Just for the record - a military parade doesn’t make us look strong. It makes us look like weak bitches seeking global validation
He says as he supports:

Sanctuary cities
Government funded sex changes in prison and the military
Bailing out BANKS
Bailing out auto makers
Funding shrimp on a treadmill
Giving welfare to black women with 6 babies
Giving iran plane loads of cash
Giving Solyndra and similar scam companies billions

You sir are RETARDED

The money Trump saved renegotiating plane orders for the military more than paid for your latest diarrhea of the mouth episode
Lol do you even hear yourself post? What is this non sense you are saying?
You speak for the Left, you asked each and every one of them personally? Wow, you must have been really, really busy for quite some time.

I discuss issues with enough of them here. It's like Limbaugh always says "I know liberals like I know every inch of my glorious naked body."

Do you mean you talk to them like you talk to me in here? And you still don't have your jaw wired shut? Or have full use of both limbs? I find that hard to believe. Not all Liberals would take your BS lightly.

So I doubt if you talk with too many Liberals since you are able to type these messages.

Why do you think I come here? That's right, to talk politics with the opposition.

And what do I say that's ever offensive, especially compared to you?

I discuss politics without insults unless somebody starts with me first. Hey! I'm just like Trump in that way. And unless you are aware of technology that I'm not, I don't think there is a way somebody could punch me over a computer.

However I do understand how some can take my comments as abrasive. After all, it must be hard being wrong all the time. But as a 6'4" 240 lbs,.blackbelt who does stay armed many times, I'm not too worried about some snowflake coming along to kick my ass.

You mean you are like Trump?

Fat, a pathological liar, cheat, con artist and thief? And here I thought more of you than that. And here all I am armed with is a good Lawyer.

Show me how many people in this country (or world perhaps) that wouldn't want to be like Trump: wealthy, flies in his own personal jet, the most beautiful wife in the world with a history of relationships with women just like her, a household name even before becoming President?

Unlike you, I can't speak for all the other people in the world but I can speak for just myself. I am an old Cowboy. I ride for the brand and have certain peculiar other rules I live by. They didn't use to be peculiar but seem to be today. There is no way in hell I would want to have what Trump has. The Cost would be too high.
...veteran in America.

Even conservatively estimated, Trump could feed every homeless veteran for the cost of his military parade

I mean we already know the GOP doesn’t actually give a shit about veterans, but Trump just had to remind us with his pure stupidity. Just for the record - a military parade doesn’t make us look strong. It makes us look like weak bitches seeking global validation
He says as he supports:

Sanctuary cities
Government funded sex changes in prison and the military
Bailing out BANKS
Bailing out auto makers
Funding shrimp on a treadmill
Giving welfare to black women with 6 babies
Giving iran plane loads of cash
Giving Solyndra and similar scam companies billions

You sir are RETARDED

The money Trump saved renegotiating plane orders for the military more than paid for your latest diarrhea of the mouth episode
Lol do you even hear yourself post? What is this non sense you are saying?[/QUOTEy
...veteran in America.

Even conservatively estimated, Trump could feed every homeless veteran for the cost of his military parade

I mean we already know the GOP doesn’t actually give a shit about veterans, but Trump just had to remind us with his pure stupidity. Just for the record - a military parade doesn’t make us look strong. It makes us look like weak bitches seeking global validation
He says as he supports:

Sanctuary cities
Government funded sex changes in prison and the military
Bailing out BANKS
Bailing out auto makers
Funding shrimp on a treadmill
Giving welfare to black women with 6 babies
Giving iran plane loads of cash
Giving Solyndra and similar scam companies billions

You sir are RETARDED

The money Trump saved renegotiating plane orders for the military more than paid for your latest diarrhea of the mouth episode
Lol do you even hear yourself post? What is this non sense you are saying?









...veteran in America.

Even conservatively estimated, Trump could feed every homeless veteran for the cost of his military parade

I mean we already know the GOP doesn’t actually give a shit about veterans, but Trump just had to remind us with his pure stupidity. Just for the record - a military parade doesn’t make us look strong. It makes us look like weak bitches seeking global validation
He says as he supports:

Sanctuary cities
Government funded sex changes in prison and the military
Bailing out BANKS
Bailing out auto makers
Funding shrimp on a treadmill
Giving welfare to black women with 6 babies
Giving iran plane loads of cash
Giving Solyndra and similar scam companies billions

You sir are RETARDED

The money Trump saved renegotiating plane orders for the military more than paid for your latest diarrhea of the mouth episode

That deal was negotiated by the Obama Admin. It's well on track. Trump had not a damned thing to do with it. It goes by the bulk sold and the number of manufacturing lines that are in full production. Right now, there are two in full production. There was supposed to be a third in Turkey but that fell through for a bunch of reasons. And there was supposed to be a forth in Italy that fell down as well. But Lockheed opened up a second line to take care of the orders. Again, read my fingers.......Trump didn't have a damned thing to do with it.
...veteran in America.

Even conservatively estimated, Trump could feed every homeless veteran for the cost of his military parade

I mean we already know the GOP doesn’t actually give a shit about veterans, but Trump just had to remind us with his pure stupidity. Just for the record - a military parade doesn’t make us look strong. It makes us look like weak bitches seeking global validation

Did you say that when Kennedy did the exact same thing? Not quite the same, Kennedy also paraded Pershing missiles down the streets of DC. you libs are such hypocrites.

Are you going to stick with this story? Are you telling me that a Dead Man came back and paraded Pershing Missiles down the streets of DC? That must be some real wild Hooch you are swigging there, Jim Bob.
close enough.

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