Even by conservative estimates, the cost of Trump’s “me” parade could have fed every hungry...

Nothing wrong with that.

Giving people visible information about the state of the American economy will help them make a decision next year when they are sealed in the voting cubicles.
More importantly than that, military displays always increase local recruitment.
And you think it did? Or will? If unemployment is so low, why would someone sign up? Give the soldiers a raise and that would help. $780 f'n billion. Carve off some of that.
Of course, it did. Military displays and air shows always have a bump in recruitments.

Our Aerial demonstration teams perform for the express purpose of PR for the military.
We know why the PR exists, but does it make a difference towards new recruits? Please provide the facts concerning that air shows bump recruitment. Like I said before, the Air Force needs thousands of pilots:

New study shows grim outlook for future of Air Force pilot shortage | Federal News Network

One BIG recruiting problem?...Too Fucking FAT and unacceptable.
Read the following links for the Army alone:

"COLORADO SPRINGS — The Army fell thousands of troops short of its recruiting goals this year, the first time it has done so since the height of the Iraq war 13 years ago."

"The shortfall is due in part to a hot job market that has lured away many recruits at a time that President Trump and Congress seek to expand the military, and have raised the number the Army needs to meet."

"The Army hoped to bring in about 76,500 new soldiers this year. But with the fiscal year ending this month, it is still 6,500 troops short, even after spending an extra $200 million on bonuses and lowering standards to let in more troops with conduct or health issues."

"On top of having to compete with a robust economy, with an unemployment rate below 4 percent, the Army must pick from what it says is a shrinking pool of eligible recruits. More than two-thirds of young adults do not qualify for military service because of poor physical fitness or other issues such as drug use, according to the Army."

As Economy Roars, Army Falls Thousands Short of Recruiting Goals

The Army is supposed to be growing, but this year, it didn’t at all

The Recruitment Problem the Military Doesn’t Want to Talk About
I made no claim on the fitness of the Citizen who is applying for enlistment. This is a bit of a red herring. Because the military is having problems finding suitable recruits, the PR campaigns and demonstration teams are not effective?

I'm not sure about that logic.

Thunderbirds > U.S. Air Force > Fact Sheet Display

U.S. Navy Blue Angels | Home
"ONE" big problem is what I said. You post the PR links.Ok, that still gives no facts on recruiting effectiveness. I have been to Pt. Mugu air shows many times and loved them. Especially seeing an SR-71 fly by near vertical. And, personally, I sure as hell didn't go to sign up. I did take my 7 year old Grandson to one show and he did say he wanted to fly a jet after that.
And you think it did? Or will? If unemployment is so low, why would someone sign up? Give the soldiers a raise and that would help. $780 f'n billion. Carve off some of that.
Of course, it did. Military displays and air shows always have a bump in recruitments.

Our Aerial demonstration teams perform for the express purpose of PR for the military.

The Military has expressly been against these parades and shows. The millions that they cost could go towards other badly needed programs. Yes, Dorathy (and your little dog too) I said millions. The ONLY reason for this last show is for the Ego of ONE Orange person. He tried to do it once before and was shamed out of it. This time, he got his wish. I wished he would have gone golfing instead.

If President Trump had cancelled the 4th of July Program on the Washington Mall, and instead went to Florida to play golf on the holiday with the Maha Rushdie, or had a rally in Portland, OR or Philadelphia, MS instead, the Left would have had a conniption. How can a President not be in Washington during the 4th is what we would have heard.

Trump was going to be abused by the Fake News no matter what he did or did not do.

They are not worried about the money. It's a red herring, just like they have no care about the kids at the border. They only want to stop Trump.

I was just participating in anther topic a moment ago. The subject was Harris wanting to give minorities 100 billion dollars to buy homes they can't afford. The perfect setup that caused the housing bubble and crash. I'm willing to bet not one leftist will chime in on the topic to object to spending 100 billion dollars to setup another disaster.

Stop lying. Harris has never said she wanted to give illegals 100 billion to buy homes. The second you said that your whole argument fell apart. Usual rightwingnutjob response.

Maybe try new reading glasses Daryl. Either that or don't post so late in the night.
Ah, about time you came up with a "but, but, but what about Obama".

If Obama had done the same Independence Day parade and flyovers the leftist media would have said it was fabulous.

Just like they thought Obama giving $150 billion in cash to Iran was a great idea. I wonder how much of that money the Iranians used to construct IED's to kill our soldiers?
...veteran in America.

Even conservatively estimated, Trump could feed every homeless veteran for the cost of his military parade

I mean we already know the GOP doesn’t actually give a shit about veterans, but Trump just had to remind us with his pure stupidity. Just for the record - a military parade doesn’t make us look strong. It makes us look like weak bitches seeking global validation

Did you say that when Kennedy did the exact same thing? Not quite the same, Kennedy also paraded Pershing missiles down the streets of DC. you libs are such hypocrites.
Obama takes two kids and a wife to Hawaii for a week and RW fuktards shit themselves BLIND for over a yrar

Trump spends $100 million +++++ an hour and the same group of fuktards form a line to lick his fat ass-


Lets see now, you left off: Obama send 1.5 billion to the Iranians in cash on pallets on an unmarked plane in the middle of the night.

BTW, congress did not approve, authorize, or appropriate that money, so where did Obama get it? Do you know, do you care?
Of course, it did. Military displays and air shows always have a bump in recruitments.

Our Aerial demonstration teams perform for the express purpose of PR for the military.

The Military has expressly been against these parades and shows. The millions that they cost could go towards other badly needed programs. Yes, Dorathy (and your little dog too) I said millions. The ONLY reason for this last show is for the Ego of ONE Orange person. He tried to do it once before and was shamed out of it. This time, he got his wish. I wished he would have gone golfing instead.

If President Trump had cancelled the 4th of July Program on the Washington Mall, and instead went to Florida to play golf on the holiday with the Maha Rushdie, or had a rally in Portland, OR or Philadelphia, MS instead, the Left would have had a conniption. How can a President not be in Washington during the 4th is what we would have heard.

Trump was going to be abused by the Fake News no matter what he did or did not do.

They are not worried about the money. It's a red herring, just like they have no care about the kids at the border. They only want to stop Trump.

I was just participating in anther topic a moment ago. The subject was Harris wanting to give minorities 100 billion dollars to buy homes they can't afford. The perfect setup that caused the housing bubble and crash. I'm willing to bet not one leftist will chime in on the topic to object to spending 100 billion dollars to setup another disaster.

Stop lying. Harris has never said she wanted to give illegals 100 billion to buy homes. The second you said that your whole argument fell apart. Usual rightwingnutjob response.

Maybe try new reading glasses Daryl. Either that or don't post so late in the night.

My glasses are just fine. Try using fewer opioids.
Ah, about time you came up with a "but, but, but what about Obama".

If Obama had done the same Independence Day parade and flyovers the leftist media would have said it was fabulous.

Just like they thought Obama giving $150 billion in cash to Iran was a great idea. I wonder how much of that money the Iranians used to construct IED's to kill our soldiers?

Except Obama didn't do the same thing on Independence day or any other day for that matter. Your "but, but what about Obama" doesn't cut it. And at no time did Obama feel the need to narrate for an entire hour explaining to the public about what they were seeing about the military displays and flyovers. He knew he was ill equipped to try this. Trump is even less qualified but since when did that ever stop him.

And, once again, that 150 billion wasn't "Given" to Iran from the United States. It was released from an over seas bank where it was held in escrow blocked by the United Nations and the United States. It belonged to Iran all along. It was part of the agreement that the US and Europe agreed to for Iran to cease Nuclear Development which they did cease. It was Iran's own money.

You can stop lying any time now.
...veteran in America.

Even conservatively estimated, Trump could feed every homeless veteran for the cost of his military parade

I mean we already know the GOP doesn’t actually give a shit about veterans, but Trump just had to remind us with his pure stupidity. Just for the record - a military parade doesn’t make us look strong. It makes us look like weak bitches seeking global validation

Did you say that when Kennedy did the exact same thing? Not quite the same, Kennedy also paraded Pershing missiles down the streets of DC. you libs are such hypocrites.

Are you going to stick with this story? Are you telling me that a Dead Man came back and paraded Pershing Missiles down the streets of DC? That must be some real wild Hooch you are swigging there, Jim Bob.
The Military has expressly been against these parades and shows. The millions that they cost could go towards other badly needed programs. Yes, Dorathy (and your little dog too) I said millions. The ONLY reason for this last show is for the Ego of ONE Orange person. He tried to do it once before and was shamed out of it. This time, he got his wish. I wished he would have gone golfing instead.

If President Trump had cancelled the 4th of July Program on the Washington Mall, and instead went to Florida to play golf on the holiday with the Maha Rushdie, or had a rally in Portland, OR or Philadelphia, MS instead, the Left would have had a conniption. How can a President not be in Washington during the 4th is what we would have heard.

Trump was going to be abused by the Fake News no matter what he did or did not do.

They are not worried about the money. It's a red herring, just like they have no care about the kids at the border. They only want to stop Trump.

I was just participating in anther topic a moment ago. The subject was Harris wanting to give minorities 100 billion dollars to buy homes they can't afford. The perfect setup that caused the housing bubble and crash. I'm willing to bet not one leftist will chime in on the topic to object to spending 100 billion dollars to setup another disaster.

Stop lying. Harris has never said she wanted to give illegals 100 billion to buy homes. The second you said that your whole argument fell apart. Usual rightwingnutjob response.

Maybe try new reading glasses Daryl. Either that or don't post so late in the night.

My glasses are just fine. Try using fewer opioids.

Then it must be you. I only assumed that when you read my post about MINORITIES and seen ILLEGALS instead, your glasses were the problem. What did you say about opioid usage again?????
Except Obama didn't do the same thing on Independence day or any other day for that matter.
And, once again, that 150 billion wasn't "Given" to Iran from the United States. It was released from an over seas bank where it was held in escrow blocked by the United Nations and the United States.
You can stop lying any time now.
Of course Obama wouldn't do such a thing. He hates America.

Since when did a simple bank transaction require a secret flight to drop off a pallet of cash on the tarmac in Tehran? Sounds more like a drug deal.

Don't call me a liar just because you can't handle the truth.
If President Trump had cancelled the 4th of July Program on the Washington Mall, and instead went to Florida to play golf on the holiday with the Maha Rushdie, or had a rally in Portland, OR or Philadelphia, MS instead, the Left would have had a conniption. How can a President not be in Washington during the 4th is what we would have heard.

Trump was going to be abused by the Fake News no matter what he did or did not do.

They are not worried about the money. It's a red herring, just like they have no care about the kids at the border. They only want to stop Trump.

I was just participating in anther topic a moment ago. The subject was Harris wanting to give minorities 100 billion dollars to buy homes they can't afford. The perfect setup that caused the housing bubble and crash. I'm willing to bet not one leftist will chime in on the topic to object to spending 100 billion dollars to setup another disaster.

Stop lying. Harris has never said she wanted to give illegals 100 billion to buy homes. The second you said that your whole argument fell apart. Usual rightwingnutjob response.

Maybe try new reading glasses Daryl. Either that or don't post so late in the night.

My glasses are just fine. Try using fewer opioids.

Then it must be you. I only assumed that when you read my post about MINORITIES and seen ILLEGALS instead, your glasses were the problem. What did you say about opioid usage again?????

You got me there. And I am not exactly a Harris fan to begin with. She's too far to the leftwingnutcase for me. I am starting to like Amy Klobuchar though. It seems that she is already being attacked for being too far right because other claim she has voted with "Trump" too many times. And she disagrees with a lot of the "Give Aways". She is a moderate Democrat that kicks ass in a Red District to the tune of more than a 75% voter number. The only thing she has lacked is the name recognition and I think that would be taken care of if she is chosen as the one to run against Trump. She is Trumps worst nightmare.

Except Obama didn't do the same thing on Independence day or any other day for that matter.
And, once again, that 150 billion wasn't "Given" to Iran from the United States. It was released from an over seas bank where it was held in escrow blocked by the United Nations and the United States.
You can stop lying any time now.
Of course Obama wouldn't do such a thing. He hates America.

Since when did a simple bank transaction require a secret flight to drop off a pallet of cash on the tarmac in Tehran? Sounds more like a drug deal.

Don't call me a liar just because you can't handle the truth.

Considering the US is the one that really blocked the deal and the Bank refused to deal with Iran directly, the US had to transport the money. 150 billion in hard cold cash in 100 dollar bills fills up an entire C-130 cargo plane. UPS isn't going to handle that job and forget about FEDEX. So the USAF does the job. Tell me, how else is that money going to get there if it can't be done through a wire transfer since none of the banks would do business with Iran?
Tell me, how else is that money going to get there if it can't be done through a wire transfer since none of the banks would do business with Iran?
You just made my point. Obama circumvented the sanctions to give the mullahs cash so they could promote more terrorism.
Tell me, how else is that money going to get there if it can't be done through a wire transfer since none of the banks would do business with Iran?
You just made my point. Obama circumvented the sanctions to give the mullahs cash so they could promote more terrorism.

The sanction that was tying up the money was lifted as part of the nuclear agreement. You are just making it up as you go, aren't you. Because of the agreement, the money had to be released. And the conundrum was, the only outfit that could safely deliver that amount of cash was a major Military Cargo Plane (meaning, the USAF). That is about 50 tons of weight and many pallets stacked two high. It even taxed a C-130. But legally, due to the agreement, it had to be returned. And it wasn't the US money, it was confiscated Iranian Money.
They are not worried about the money. It's a red herring, just like they have no care about the kids at the border. They only want to stop Trump.

I was just participating in anther topic a moment ago. The subject was Harris wanting to give minorities 100 billion dollars to buy homes they can't afford. The perfect setup that caused the housing bubble and crash. I'm willing to bet not one leftist will chime in on the topic to object to spending 100 billion dollars to setup another disaster.

Stop lying. Harris has never said she wanted to give illegals 100 billion to buy homes. The second you said that your whole argument fell apart. Usual rightwingnutjob response.

Maybe try new reading glasses Daryl. Either that or don't post so late in the night.

My glasses are just fine. Try using fewer opioids.

Then it must be you. I only assumed that when you read my post about MINORITIES and seen ILLEGALS instead, your glasses were the problem. What did you say about opioid usage again?????

You got me there. And I am not exactly a Harris fan to begin with. She's too far to the leftwingnutcase for me. I am starting to like Amy Klobuchar though. It seems that she is already being attacked for being too far right because other claim she has voted with "Trump" too many times. And she disagrees with a lot of the "Give Aways". She is a moderate Democrat that kicks ass in a Red District to the tune of more than a 75% voter number. The only thing she has lacked is the name recognition and I think that would be taken care of if she is chosen as the one to run against Trump. She is Trumps worst nightmare.

I think if any female has a chance on the left, it's Tulsi.

In any case, the point I was making is that the money spent by Trump pales in comparison to what Harris wants to spend, and that's only a drop in the bucket compared to free college, reparations for those who did pay their college loans, Medicare for all, free daycare and so on.

Money is not the issue for the left on this day of celebration. The left doesn't care about the money. Trump paid homage to our military by having them participate in this event, and that's what the left are all upset about. They never cared much for our military to begin with.
Stop lying. Harris has never said she wanted to give illegals 100 billion to buy homes. The second you said that your whole argument fell apart. Usual rightwingnutjob response.

Maybe try new reading glasses Daryl. Either that or don't post so late in the night.

My glasses are just fine. Try using fewer opioids.

Then it must be you. I only assumed that when you read my post about MINORITIES and seen ILLEGALS instead, your glasses were the problem. What did you say about opioid usage again?????

You got me there. And I am not exactly a Harris fan to begin with. She's too far to the leftwingnutcase for me. I am starting to like Amy Klobuchar though. It seems that she is already being attacked for being too far right because other claim she has voted with "Trump" too many times. And she disagrees with a lot of the "Give Aways". She is a moderate Democrat that kicks ass in a Red District to the tune of more than a 75% voter number. The only thing she has lacked is the name recognition and I think that would be taken care of if she is chosen as the one to run against Trump. She is Trumps worst nightmare.

I think if any female has a chance on the left, it's Tulsi.

In any case, the point I was making is that the money spent by Trump pales in comparison to what Harris wants to spend, and that's only a drop in the bucket compared to free college, reparations for those who did pay their college loans, Medicare for all, free daycare and so on.

Money is not the issue for the left on this day of celebration. The left doesn't care about the money. Trump paid homage to our military by having them participate in this event, and that's what the left are all upset about. They never cared much for our military to begin with.

You speak for the Left, you asked each and every one of them personally? Wow, you must have been really, really busy for quite some time.
Maybe try new reading glasses Daryl. Either that or don't post so late in the night.

My glasses are just fine. Try using fewer opioids.

Then it must be you. I only assumed that when you read my post about MINORITIES and seen ILLEGALS instead, your glasses were the problem. What did you say about opioid usage again?????

You got me there. And I am not exactly a Harris fan to begin with. She's too far to the leftwingnutcase for me. I am starting to like Amy Klobuchar though. It seems that she is already being attacked for being too far right because other claim she has voted with "Trump" too many times. And she disagrees with a lot of the "Give Aways". She is a moderate Democrat that kicks ass in a Red District to the tune of more than a 75% voter number. The only thing she has lacked is the name recognition and I think that would be taken care of if she is chosen as the one to run against Trump. She is Trumps worst nightmare.

I think if any female has a chance on the left, it's Tulsi.

In any case, the point I was making is that the money spent by Trump pales in comparison to what Harris wants to spend, and that's only a drop in the bucket compared to free college, reparations for those who did pay their college loans, Medicare for all, free daycare and so on.

Money is not the issue for the left on this day of celebration. The left doesn't care about the money. Trump paid homage to our military by having them participate in this event, and that's what the left are all upset about. They never cared much for our military to begin with.

You speak for the Left, you asked each and every one of them personally? Wow, you must have been really, really busy for quite some time.

I discuss issues with enough of them here. It's like Limbaugh always says "I know liberals like I know every inch of my glorious naked body."
Ah, about time you came up with a "but, but, but what about Obama".

If Obama had done the same Independence Day parade and flyovers the leftist media would have said it was fabulous.

Just like they thought Obama giving $150 billion in cash to Iran was a great idea. I wonder how much of that money the Iranians used to construct IED's to kill our soldiers?

Except Obama didn't do the same thing on Independence day or any other day for that matter. Your "but, but what about Obama" doesn't cut it. And at no time did Obama feel the need to narrate for an entire hour explaining to the public about what they were seeing about the military displays and flyovers. He knew he was ill equipped to try this. Trump is even less qualified but since when did that ever stop him.

And, once again, that 150 billion wasn't "Given" to Iran from the United States. It was released from an over seas bank where it was held in escrow blocked by the United Nations and the United States. It belonged to Iran all along. It was part of the agreement that the US and Europe agreed to for Iran to cease Nuclear Development which they did cease. It was Iran's own money.

You can stop lying any time now.
Could have been Russian MIGs flying over but some people (actually many) don't have a clue.
If President Trump had cancelled the 4th of July Program on the Washington Mall, and instead went to Florida to play golf on the holiday with the Maha Rushdie, or had a rally in Portland, OR or Philadelphia, MS instead, the Left would have had a conniption. How can a President not be in Washington during the 4th is what we would have heard.

Trump was going to be abused by the Fake News no matter what he did or did not do.

They are not worried about the money. It's a red herring, just like they have no care about the kids at the border. They only want to stop Trump.

I was just participating in anther topic a moment ago. The subject was Harris wanting to give minorities 100 billion dollars to buy homes they can't afford. The perfect setup that caused the housing bubble and crash. I'm willing to bet not one leftist will chime in on the topic to object to spending 100 billion dollars to setup another disaster.

Stop lying. Harris has never said she wanted to give illegals 100 billion to buy homes. The second you said that your whole argument fell apart. Usual rightwingnutjob response.

Maybe try new reading glasses Daryl. Either that or don't post so late in the night.

My glasses are just fine. Try using fewer opioids.

Then it must be you. I only assumed that when you read my post about MINORITIES and seen ILLEGALS instead, your glasses were the problem. What did you say about opioid usage again?????
Ray needs a little help... In reference to "Opioids" as in >Wake Up
They are not worried about the money. It's a red herring, just like they have no care about the kids at the border. They only want to stop Trump.

I was just participating in anther topic a moment ago. The subject was Harris wanting to give minorities 100 billion dollars to buy homes they can't afford. The perfect setup that caused the housing bubble and crash. I'm willing to bet not one leftist will chime in on the topic to object to spending 100 billion dollars to setup another disaster.

Stop lying. Harris has never said she wanted to give illegals 100 billion to buy homes. The second you said that your whole argument fell apart. Usual rightwingnutjob response.

Maybe try new reading glasses Daryl. Either that or don't post so late in the night.

My glasses are just fine. Try using fewer opioids.

Then it must be you. I only assumed that when you read my post about MINORITIES and seen ILLEGALS instead, your glasses were the problem. What did you say about opioid usage again?????
Ray needs a little help... In reference to "Opioids" as in >Wake Up

Let me ask Troll, are you a sock of a former troll that everybody avoided talking to or are you actually a new troll?

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