Even Jesus Is A Zionist

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We are dealing with a myopic psychotic here, people. She/he/it/they manifest enough symptoms to keep an entire mental health clinic busy for months.

I have to agree with you here, and feel it is sad that there is no good mental health provider in her community to help her. What a way to spend her life, stuck in her home posting on the Internet around the clock. Is this a way to live???
We all only have this much time to accept Jesus as Messiah, the earlier to occur of the end of our lives or Jesus return.

Are you saying Zionists do not physically die?

We read of Zionists who die every day, like Ariel Sharon.

He is burning in hell right now because he did not accept Jesus as Messiah.

And you have no idea what his relationship with God was you hound of hell.

And the imp of Satan will call us liars when we accuse her of judging.

" God judges is what I said."

Sherri, you fucking liar and imp of Satan.

With Mrs. Sherri always speaking about Hell and people burning, she must be a regular visitor down there checking out to see if her friend Mr. Lucifer has everything he needs, like enough coal to keep those furnances going or if he needs a new set of horns.
Notice how Sherri couldn't answer my question in post #2628
Give her a little time to consult her Ouija board.
Jerusalem today rejects Christ, we see.

The people rejecting Christ are not the children of God.

The physical Jerusalem today is Hagar and slavery.

Even the pope has said it was not the jewish people who were responsible for Jesus death.
Jews did not reject jesus.
What happened to Jesus spawned some of his followers to form a new religion, while his brother and others to continue to teach the jewish laws.

To say Jesus was rejected or to blame any group for his death misses the point of his own actions intended on sacrificing himself for all mankind.

The roman empire ended to be replaced by the christian church. The beast was killed to be replaced by a thousand years of the church.

Shame on people like Sherri and try to seed decent and hatred. They make a sham of what Jesus tried to teach and do.

Judaism and christianity cannot be separated from Jerusalem of it's history. Jerusalem cannot reject Jesus. People might not all see him as a god or son of god, but as a teacher, sage, rabbi, wise man or moral leader he is not rejected. It is just a matter of perception.
Jerusalem today rejects Christ, we see.

The people rejecting Christ are not the children of God.

The physical Jerusalem today is Hagar and slavery.

Even the pope has said it was not the jewish people who were responsible for Jesus death.
Jews did not reject jesus.
What happened to Jesus spawned some of his followers to form a new religion, while his brother and others to continue to teach the jewish laws.

To say Jesus was rejected or to blame any group for his death misses the point of his own actions intended on sacrificing himself for all mankind.

The roman empire ended to be replaced by the christian church. The beast was killed to be replaced by a thousand years of the church.

Shame on people like Sherri and try to seed decent and hatred. They make a sham of what Jesus tried to teach and do.

Judaism and christianity cannot be separated from Jerusalem of it's history. Jerusalem cannot reject Jesus. People might not all see him as a god or son of god, but as a teacher, sage, rabbi, wise man or moral leader he is not rejected. It is just a matter of perception.

Leave sherri alone----she NEEDS the deicide myth. I have mentioned that I grew
up in a WASP town-----by the time I reached high school-----our one high school
was peculiar for a singular characteristic -----1/3 catholic, 1/3 protestant, 1/3 jewish---
we HAD LIVELY discussions----then circa 1964 POPE JOHN decided not
to blame THE JOOOOOS some of the kids were INDIGNANT ----interestingly---
Jerusalem today rejects Christ, we see.

The people rejecting Christ are not the children of God.

The physical Jerusalem today is Hagar and slavery.

Even the pope has said it was not the jewish people who were responsible for Jesus death.
Jews did not reject jesus.
What happened to Jesus spawned some of his followers to form a new religion, while his brother and others to continue to teach the jewish laws.

To say Jesus was rejected or to blame any group for his death misses the point of his own actions intended on sacrificing himself for all mankind.

The roman empire ended to be replaced by the christian church. The beast was killed to be replaced by a thousand years of the church.

Shame on people like Sherri and try to seed decent and hatred. They make a sham of what Jesus tried to teach and do.

Judaism and christianity cannot be separated from Jerusalem of it's history. Jerusalem cannot reject Jesus. People might not all see him as a god or son of god, but as a teacher, sage, rabbi, wise man or moral leader he is not rejected. It is just a matter of perception.

Well said, whoever Jesus was though, he was definitely without a question a ZIONIST.
Jesus words, disbelief in Him is condemnation and eternity in hell.

Can you read English?

Read the words of Jesus Son of God for yourself, Zionist.

Your choice is belief in Jesus and heaven or disbelief in Jesus and hell.

For God So Loved the World

“For*God so loved*the world,*that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not*perish but have eternal life.*For*God did not send his Son into the world*to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.*Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe is condemned already, because he has not*believed in the name of the only Son of God.*And this is the judgment:*the light has come into the world, and*people loved the darkness rather than the light because*their works were evil.For everyone who does wicked things hates the light and does not come to the light,*lest his works should be exposed.*But whoever*does what is true*comes to the light, so that it may be clearly seen that his works have been carried out in God.”

John 3 - Jesus Teaches Nicodemus - Now there was - Bible Gateway

We all only have this much time to accept Jesus as Messiah, the earlier to occur of the end of our lives or Jesus return.

Are you saying Zionists do not physically die?

We read of Zionists who die every day, like Ariel Sharon.

He is burning in hell right now because he did not accept Jesus as Messiah.

Read your sentence and admit that Zion will be here for eternity. If they don't accept Jesus, God will stay away until they do. Maks sense to moi.

He is burning in hell right now because he did not accept Jesus as Messiah.

Ummm, Jews don't accept Jesus as their Messiah, in case you didn't know (maybe a small minority do)

Are you saying most Jews are going to hell?
Lament over Jerusalem

“O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the city that*kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to it! How often would I have*gathered*your children together*as a hen gathers her brood*under her wings, and*you were not willing!*See,*your house is left to you desolate.*For I tell you, you will not see me again, until you say,*‘Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.’”

Matthew 23 - A Warning Against Hypocrisy - Then - Bible Gateway

You misstate the Pope.

And Jews killed Jesus, it's written in The Bible.

And Jews did reject Jesus.

READ Jesus words.

Jerusalem today rejects Christ, we see.

The people rejecting Christ are not the children of God.

The physical Jerusalem today is Hagar and slavery.

Even the pope has said it was not the jewish people who were responsible for Jesus death.
Jews did not reject jesus.
What happened to Jesus spawned some of his followers to form a new religion, while his brother and others to continue to teach the jewish laws.

To say Jesus was rejected or to blame any group for his death misses the point of his own actions intended on sacrificing himself for all mankind.

The roman empire ended to be replaced by the christian church. The beast was killed to be replaced by a thousand years of the church.

Shame on people like Sherri and try to seed decent and hatred. They make a sham of what Jesus tried to teach and do.

Judaism and christianity cannot be separated from Jerusalem of it's history. Jerusalem cannot reject Jesus. People might not all see him as a god or son of god, but as a teacher, sage, rabbi, wise man or moral leader he is not rejected. It is just a matter of perception.
What Zionist nonsense you spew, I have been in Church over 8 hours today.

I have a life and certainly do leave my house.

We are dealing with a myopic psychotic here, people. She/he/it/they manifest enough symptoms to keep an entire mental health clinic busy for months.

I have to agree with you here, and feel it is sad that there is no good mental health provider in her community to help her. What a way to spend her life, stuck in her home posting on the Internet around the clock. Is this a way to live???
What Zionist nonsense you spew, I have been in Church over 8 hours today.

I have a life and certainly do leave my house.

We are dealing with a myopic psychotic here, people. She/he/it/they manifest enough symptoms to keep an entire mental health clinic busy for months.

I have to agree with you here, and feel it is sad that there is no good mental health provider in her community to help her. What a way to spend her life, stuck in her home posting on the Internet around the clock. Is this a way to live???
Probably can't stand the smell and the clutter, huh.
What Zionist nonsense you spew, I have been in Church over 8 hours today.

I have a life and certainly do leave my house.

What? The church of Satan? Where they teach you to say "fuck you" and call people whores? And condemn people to hell? You do realize people can check you stats and see you post 18-20 hours a day? And 28 straight hours? Leave the house my ass.
What nonsense comes from the mouths of Zionists.

What Zionist nonsense you spew, I have been in Church over 8 hours today.

I have a life and certainly do leave my house.

I have to agree with you here, and feel it is sad that there is no good mental health provider in her community to help her. What a way to spend her life, stuck in her home posting on the Internet around the clock. Is this a way to live???
Probably can't stand the smell and the clutter, huh.
What Zionist nonsense you spew, I have been in Church over 8 hours today.

I have a life and certainly do leave my house.

I have to agree with you here, and feel it is sad that there is no good mental health provider in her community to help her. What a way to spend her life, stuck in her home posting on the Internet around the clock. Is this a way to live???

Probably can't stand the smell and the clutter, huh.

Can you see somebody spending 8 hours in church unless they are the pastor's wife and living on the premises? Someone who posts around the clock certainly doesn't have a life.
The Sermon tonight was on this Bible verse.

1 Thessalonians 5

English Standard Version (ESV)

The Day of the Lord

Now concerning*the times and the seasons, brothers,[a]*you have no need to have anything written to you.*For you yourselves are fully aware that*the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night.*While people are saying, “There is peace and security,” then*sudden destruction will come upon them*as labor pains come upon a pregnant woman, and they will not escape.*But you*are not in darkness, brothers, for that day to surprise you like a thief.*For you are all*children*of light, children of the day. We are not of the night or of the darkness.*So then*let us not sleep, as others do, but let us*keep awake and*be sober.*For those who sleep, sleep at night, and those who get drunk,*are drunk at night.*But since we belong to the day, let us be sober,*having put on the breastplate of*faith and love, and for a helmet the hope of salvation.*For God has not destined us for*wrath, but*to obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ,*who died for us so that whether we are awake or asleep we might live with him.Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing.

1 thessalonians 5 ESV - The Day of the Lord - Now concerning - Bible Gateway

What Zionist nonsense you spew, I have been in Church over 8 hours today.

I have a life and certainly do leave my house.

What? The church of Satan? Where they teach you to say "fuck you" and call people whores? And condemn people to hell? You do realize people can check you stats and see you post 18-20 hours a day? And 28 straight hours? Leave the house my ass.
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