Even Jesus Is A Zionist

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Thanks Sherri let us know if you have any more verses which prove Jesus was Zionist. LOLOLOLOLOL
Where on earth did you grow up to be accused of being a Christ killer? That is perfectly horrible.

I grew up in the USA-----east. In a town that already existed
prior to the revolutionary war and still had a core population that represented
people who migrated to the USA as FARMERS----from england, ireland,
scotland, and germany---etc. As such there were methodists. lutherans,
episcoplians and catholics when I was a small child.-----I have never met a jew
in the USA who grew up at the time I did----who was not told the fact that
he "killed jesus" Muslims only recently began to make an issue of that "fact"

I did not meet any muslims until-----the early 60s. That's when I learned that
the entire MIDDLE EAST is "MUSLIM LAND" and "jews have no business there"
Before meeting you ----I never met a single person who spent time in saudi arabia
who claimed to have a church there and to openly practice christianity. I have
known people who have spent time in saudi arabia-----christians and jews----and
have met a few saudis. In the USA saudis cling to jews LIKE GLUE under some
circumstances-----like when they are sick. I attribute it to the fact that Sala'adin's
personal physician was a jew. Even today----saudis import Israeli doctors for
consultation don't tell anyone-----it's a secret. Tell me about CHRISTMAS
IN SAUDI ARABIA------did you go out in groups on christmas eve and sing???

My nephew is a Jew and he toured Arabia three years ago... and I have met Jewish Wall Street types at the Meridien Hotel in Al Khobar.

Christmas was very much like Christmas in the US.. with caroling and Christmas trees.. Santa arrived on a Camel or by helicopter. We had Christmas parades and pageants.

Years ago they always had a huge Christmas pageant in Dhahran with live camels, goats, sheep and donkeys .. also a live choir of angels on the roof of the manger. Also wise men on camels..

Most compounds have Christmas.. just like they have Friday School and Church and Vacation Bible School.

My family has been in America since the early 1600s. In fact there is a plaque where the one f the first homes in New Amsterdam.

Ah yes, 'compounds'......aka 'ghettos'. As opposed to living 'on the economy' in neighborhoods with Saudi citizens. Not exactly the same thing, is it?

BTW, are you related to the Phinney from the Mayflower, or a Thomas Lewis who came over on the 'Bleu Douv'? If so, you're a distant relation...
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There is no way you lived in Saudi Arabia. Otherwise you'd know of the millions of animals that are sacrificed on Muslim religious holidays. Perhaps you were imported as a temp maid to clean up hotel rooms, who knows. You seem to know very little about the religion or people for someone who claims to have lived there. :clap:

Muslims slaughter a lamb or whatever and share the meat with needy families. I lived there a couple of decades... along with thousands of other Americans.
Yet you claimed Muslims don't sacrifice animals. Hundreds of millions of animals get sacrificed every year as part of the rituals.

Muslims even sacrifice animals when friends, relatives or loved ones are about to travel or just arrived. How did Jihad Sherri end up putting you up to this, as a friend or are you also getting paid?

I don't know Sherri at all.. I am just trying to correct some of the ignorance concerning KSA.

I wasn't temp help in any hotel.. Where do you come up with such accusations?
I grew up in the USA-----east. In a town that already existed
prior to the revolutionary war and still had a core population that represented
people who migrated to the USA as FARMERS----from england, ireland,
scotland, and germany---etc. As such there were methodists. lutherans,
episcoplians and catholics when I was a small child.-----I have never met a jew
in the USA who grew up at the time I did----who was not told the fact that
he "killed jesus" Muslims only recently began to make an issue of that "fact"

I did not meet any muslims until-----the early 60s. That's when I learned that
the entire MIDDLE EAST is "MUSLIM LAND" and "jews have no business there"
Before meeting you ----I never met a single person who spent time in saudi arabia
who claimed to have a church there and to openly practice christianity. I have
known people who have spent time in saudi arabia-----christians and jews----and
have met a few saudis. In the USA saudis cling to jews LIKE GLUE under some
circumstances-----like when they are sick. I attribute it to the fact that Sala'adin's
personal physician was a jew. Even today----saudis import Israeli doctors for
consultation don't tell anyone-----it's a secret. Tell me about CHRISTMAS
IN SAUDI ARABIA------did you go out in groups on christmas eve and sing???

My nephew is a Jew and he toured Arabia three years ago... and I have met Jewish Wall Street types at the Meridien Hotel in Al Khobar.

Christmas was very much like Christmas in the US.. with caroling and Christmas trees.. Santa arrived on a Camel or by helicopter. We had Christmas parades and pageants.

Years ago they always had a huge Christmas pageant in Dhahran with live camels, goats, sheep and donkeys .. also a live choir of angels on the roof of the manger. Also wise men on camels..

Most compounds have Christmas.. just like they have Friday School and Church and Vacation Bible School.

My family has been in America since the early 1600s. In fact there is a plaque where the one of the first homes in New Amsterdam.

Ah yes, 'compounds'......aka 'ghettos'. As opposed to living 'on the economy' in neighborhoods with Saudi citizens. Not exactly the same thing, is it?

Ghettos? Most Saudis these days also live in compounds and many are very luxurious.
Eh who really cares. Most American Christians stand shoulder to shoulder wi Israel and believe Jesus was a Zionist. You guys are just desperate Islamic ass kissers and terrorist worshippers, and not even a fly on an elephants ass.

Approval of Israel is at record highs in the US. Hard to swallow? Good I hope you choke on it. Ha ha ha.
Where on earth did you grow up to be accused of being a Christ killer? That is perfectly horrible.

I grew up in the USA-----east. In a town that already existed
prior to the revolutionary war and still had a core population that represented
people who migrated to the USA as FARMERS----from england, ireland,
scotland, and germany---etc. As such there were methodists. lutherans,
episcoplians and catholics when I was a small child.-----I have never met a jew
in the USA who grew up at the time I did----who was not told the fact that
he "killed jesus" Muslims only recently began to make an issue of that "fact"

I did not meet any muslims until-----the early 60s. That's when I learned that
the entire MIDDLE EAST is "MUSLIM LAND" and "jews have no business there"
Before meeting you ----I never met a single person who spent time in saudi arabia
who claimed to have a church there and to openly practice christianity. I have
known people who have spent time in saudi arabia-----christians and jews----and
have met a few saudis. In the USA saudis cling to jews LIKE GLUE under some
circumstances-----like when they are sick. I attribute it to the fact that Sala'adin's
personal physician was a jew. Even today----saudis import Israeli doctors for
consultation don't tell anyone-----it's a secret. Tell me about CHRISTMAS
IN SAUDI ARABIA------did you go out in groups on christmas eve and sing???

My nephew is a Jew and he toured Arabia three years ago... and I have met Jewish Wall Street types at the Meridien Hotel in Al Khobar.

Christmas was very much like Christmas in the US.. with caroling and Christmas trees.. Santa arrived on a Camel or by helicopter. We had Christmas parades and pageants.

Years ago they always had a huge Christmas pageant in Dhahran with live camels, goats, sheep and donkeys .. also a live choir of angels on the roof of the manger. Also wise men on camels..

Most compounds have Christmas.. just like they have Friday School and Church and Vacation Bible School.

My family has been in America since the early 1600s. In fact there is a plaque where the one f the first homes in New Amsterdam.
BULLSHIT! You can even get a visa to Saudi Arabia if you claim to be a Jew. Tell the truth liar. And non Muslim religious expressions are only allowed inside compounds. Not in the open. Women have to be totally covered and cannot drive. Non Muslims cannot even visit Mecca or Medina. And we know what they'll do if you preach Christianity in KSA. No Churches exist officially in the kingdom. There's your shithole Cradle of a Islam for you.

Which insane western woman would live there for decades? Figure it out.
Jesus slandered continues in his lies about Jesus and disbelief in Jesus.

Poor boy, repent and accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior or hell awaits.

It's just so enjoyable to watch this Jew hating witch (and her cohorts manning that member name) grappling with the fact that most American Christians support Israel wholeheartedly and believe the anew Testament and Jesus are Zionist. This is the undeniable truth.

At some point in time Jihad Sherri will come to that realization that she's pissing in the wind and just pull the cord on her suicide vest, sending her to her 72 Islamic vibrators in heaven.
Jihad Sherri you are an abomination. When will you face the fact that most American Christians don't feel the same as you do. I almost feel sorry for you. You spend all your living hours denying the obvious truth. Ha ha ha.

I am a jew-----I was always a jew---born that way. As a jew---I do know that some
jews do not like to hear about the person jesus----because of relatives who as they
were being killed ------were being killed to a snarled "christ killer". But I never
met a jew who personally HATED JESUS ------it seemed to be all a negative association.

I was a very highly credulous child-----if my mom or dad hated jesus---I would have
too. -------for the first time in my life I am beginning to despise this thing called
"jesus"------he actually throws persons into ETERNAL TORMENT for simply not
"BELIEVING IN HIM" ????? of course he was not a JEW or a ZIONIST.
There are not jews in the world THAT VINDICTIVE or-----damned nasty. Even
the ZIONIST G-D does not do that.....

Moses ---according to jewish tradition was ----uhm the height of "anav" ???

I think that comes out as "meek" in english ?? Its a trait highly honored
amongst pharisee jews Like the best thing a person can be.---sorta.
As the story goes----JOSHUA (his side kick) got all bent out of shape because
some of the other kids in town-----were making up stories about what THEY
thought of "divine issues" Joshua complains to Moses "do something moses--
knock 'em around---they are insulting you---they are pretending they know stuff
that only you know...."
Moses answers "you worried about my HONOR josh-baby"????
"it ain't important"


anav.....I think the word is ANAV???? roudy?

"the avav inherits the earth" <<<< 100% pharisee earth is probably
a translation of OLAM----the WORLD
or sometimes...EVERYTHING and
sometimes ETERNITY

I think I have the language issues correct---but I could be wrong
I grew up in the USA-----east. In a town that already existed
prior to the revolutionary war and still had a core population that represented
people who migrated to the USA as FARMERS----from england, ireland,
scotland, and germany---etc. As such there were methodists. lutherans,
episcoplians and catholics when I was a small child.-----I have never met a jew
in the USA who grew up at the time I did----who was not told the fact that
he "killed jesus" Muslims only recently began to make an issue of that "fact"

I did not meet any muslims until-----the early 60s. That's when I learned that
the entire MIDDLE EAST is "MUSLIM LAND" and "jews have no business there"
Before meeting you ----I never met a single person who spent time in saudi arabia
who claimed to have a church there and to openly practice christianity. I have
known people who have spent time in saudi arabia-----christians and jews----and
have met a few saudis. In the USA saudis cling to jews LIKE GLUE under some
circumstances-----like when they are sick. I attribute it to the fact that Sala'adin's
personal physician was a jew. Even today----saudis import Israeli doctors for
consultation don't tell anyone-----it's a secret. Tell me about CHRISTMAS
IN SAUDI ARABIA------did you go out in groups on christmas eve and sing???

My nephew is a Jew and he toured Arabia three years ago... and I have met Jewish Wall Street types at the Meridien Hotel in Al Khobar.

Christmas was very much like Christmas in the US.. with caroling and Christmas trees.. Santa arrived on a Camel or by helicopter. We had Christmas parades and pageants.

Years ago they always had a huge Christmas pageant in Dhahran with live camels, goats, sheep and donkeys .. also a live choir of angels on the roof of the manger. Also wise men on camels..

Most compounds have Christmas.. just like they have Friday School and Church and Vacation Bible School.

My family has been in America since the early 1600s. In fact there is a plaque where the one f the first homes in New Amsterdam.

BULLSHIT! You can even get a visa to Saudi Arabia if you claim to be a Jew. Tell the truth liar. And non Muslim religious expressions are only allowed inside compounds. Not in the open. Women have to be totally covered and cannot drive. Non Muslims cannot even visit Mecca or Medina. And we know what they'll do if you preach Christianity in KSA. No Churches exist officially in the kingdom. There's your shithole Cradle of a Islam for you.

Which insane western woman would live there for decades? Figure it out.

I have never worn an abaya in my whole life. I went back a few years ago as a guest of the then Crown Prince Abdullah. None of us wore abayas.

Women do drive in the compounds and on university campuses.. Bedouin women have been driving for 50 years.

I have discussed Christianity with many Muslims in Arabia. They tend to be well-informed.
What are you babbling about?

You do not make any sense.

He is speaking to the people of Thessalonia by letter, words in bold, Gentile believers.

His words to Jews rejecting Jesus is God's wrath is on them.

You certainly have difficulty with English, obviously not your first.language.

Always, if you read on, the verse totally negates Jihad Sherri's claims. How hard she tries to make Jesus all about hate:

Paul's Longing to See Them Again

17 But since we were torn away from you, brothers, for a short time, in person not in heart, we endeavored the more eagerly and with great desire to see you face to face, 18 because we wanted to come to you—I, Paul, again and again—but Satan hindered us. 19 For what is our hope or joy or crown of boasting before our Lord Jesus at his coming? Is it not you? 20 For you are our glory and joy.

You see? Jesus comes back to save his brothers and sisters the Jews first. It is their hope and joy of boating about it. Will you Jihad Sherri boast about it too, or keep whining and moaning about it? Ha ha ha. Unreal.
Nah, you obviously have a huge problem. The very next verse in your lame attempt can even be considered a ZIONIST verse. You just keep quoting verses that blow up in your face. When will you blow yourself up, did they give you a launch date for your virgin 72 vibrators?
I presented you with a verse proving Jews killed Jesus and God's wrath was on those rejecting Jesus as Messiah.

But you continue to ignore the words written and slander Jesus.

AS I said, continued disbelief in Jesus will take you to eternity in hell.

Thanks Sherri let us know if you have any more verses which prove Jesus was Zionist. LOLOLOLOLOL
My nephew is a Jew and he toured Arabia three years ago... and I have met Jewish Wall Street types at the Meridien Hotel in Al Khobar.

Christmas was very much like Christmas in the US.. with caroling and Christmas trees.. Santa arrived on a Camel or by helicopter. We had Christmas parades and pageants.

Years ago they always had a huge Christmas pageant in Dhahran with live camels, goats, sheep and donkeys .. also a live choir of angels on the roof of the manger. Also wise men on camels..

Most compounds have Christmas.. just like they have Friday School and Church and Vacation Bible School.

My family has been in America since the early 1600s. In fact there is a plaque where the one f the first homes in New Amsterdam.

BULLSHIT! You can even get a visa to Saudi Arabia if you claim to be a Jew. Tell the truth liar. And non Muslim religious expressions are only allowed inside compounds. Not in the open. Women have to be totally covered and cannot drive. Non Muslims cannot even visit Mecca or Medina. And we know what they'll do if you preach Christianity in KSA. No Churches exist officially in the kingdom. There's your shithole Cradle of a Islam for you.

Which insane western woman would live there for decades? Figure it out.

I have never worn an abaya in my whole life. I went back a few years ago as a guest of the then Crown Prince Abdullah. None of us wore abayas.

Women do drive in the compounds and on university campuses.. Bedouin women have been driving for 50 years.

I have discussed Christianity with many Muslims in Arabia. They tend to be well-informed.

I am intrigued where was this "COMPOUND"? was it sorrounded by electrified
'barbed wire"??? I have also known people who lived in COMPOUNDS in saudi arabia.
sheesh HOW BIG ARE THESE ISOLATED COMPOUNDS"? does anyone know
about them? How many times did you go to Mecca? Did you hand bibles to your
muslim friends in Saudi arabia? did they take them home? According to you---
of the MANY PEOPLE I have known who went to saudi arabia----ALL LIED ABOUT IT---
even saudis I have known----lied about it
You obviously reject the words of Jesus and the Christian Gospels.

I will Pray for you that you do not continue in your disbelief, God loves each of us and desires nothing more than us to accept Jesus as His Son and our Lord and Savior.

I pity anyone who does not know Jesus, it's their loss more than anything else, it's not God who needs them, it is us who needs God.

If Jesus lived as a man today, He would say the exact same things He said then now, believe I am the Son of God or stand condemned...
I would not presume nor pretend to know the Mind of God... for shame.

Had he lived in the early decades of the Zionist era, it seems reasonable to speculate that he would have supported the concept of a return to the Holy Land, although it seems equally reasonable to speculate that he not have approved of many of the methods that eventually came to be used by the Zionist movement and its successors.

1. we would be certain that we were getting his words, not those of others

2. we would be getting his teachings without the accretions piled on top of it over the centuries

3. different times call for different approaches to life and society and even the attaining of paradise

"...The gospel of the Kingdom is eternal."

Like all Sacred Texts, the Gospels have certainly locked-out changes; after the various repeaters and translators and editors and early Church Councils and Fathers got finished with them.

It is modern-day interpretation which keeps the Gospels alive and functional.

Without an ability to apply these religious precepts to any given Age of Man, then Men would not continue to find the Gospels relevant.

The Gospels only remain relevant so long as they can be related to any given Age of Man.

And such Jesus-was-a-Zionist' speculation is just that - an attempt by partisans (of which I'm one) to speculate on whether Jesus would have approved of the concept, if not the tactics by which the goal is accomplished.

Such speculation requires personal effort and personal reflection and imagination and thinking outside the box. It is not a comfortable or efficient plane of existence for the dogmatic, nor those given-over to (a) un-thinking and robotic cut-and-paste of passages and (b) a simple, child-like and petulant insistence that her interpretation is the only valid interpretation.

It is such a mindless, dogmatic mindset that makes possible religious wars in every age.

I cannot think of any better way to keep the Gospels alive than to speculate upon what those Ancients would have thought of the modern world and its goings-on.

But that does not mean that I presume nor pretend to know the mind of God.
You have no authority on earth nor in heaven to authoritatively declare what I accept and what I reject.

You presume to know my mind, and you do not.

Further, and far worse, you presume to know the Mind of God.

Even more shamefully, you seek to legitimize your hatreds and your tactics through disingenuous pronouncements that your interpretation of what God wants is the only operative one, and you judge others in a condemnatory fashion for arriving at different conclusions.

You are not only a dangerous Islamo-Fascist supporter but you are an even more dangerous religious fanatic, and it is, quite possibly, your soul, rather than those of your colleagues, which is in peril and at grave risk.

Get thee behind me, malevolent spirit.
BULLSHIT! You can even get a visa to Saudi Arabia if you claim to be a Jew. Tell the truth liar. And non Muslim religious expressions are only allowed inside compounds. Not in the open. Women have to be totally covered and cannot drive. Non Muslims cannot even visit Mecca or Medina. And we know what they'll do if you preach Christianity in KSA. No Churches exist officially in the kingdom. There's your shithole Cradle of a Islam for you.

Which insane western woman would live there for decades? Figure it out.

I have never worn an abaya in my whole life. I went back a few years ago as a guest of the then Crown Prince Abdullah. None of us wore abayas.

Women do drive in the compounds and on university campuses.. Bedouin women have been driving for 50 years.

I have discussed Christianity with many Muslims in Arabia. They tend to be well-informed.

I am intrigued where was this "COMPOUND"? was it sorrounded by electrified
'barbed wire"??? I have also known people who lived in COMPOUNDS in saudi arabia.
sheesh HOW BIG ARE THESE ISOLATED COMPOUNDS"? does anyone know
about them? How many times did you go to Mecca? Did you hand bibles to your
muslim friends in Saudi arabia? did they take them home? According to you---
of the MANY PEOPLE I have known who went to saudi arabia----ALL LIED ABOUT IT---
even saudis I have known----lied about it

I lived on two different compounds.. both were quite nice and not isolated at all.. you can always get a cab or a bus to go where you want to go.. They were no electrified fences. I am an Episcopalian, why would I go to Mecca? But, I sure have been all over the country..

Many Americans who live and work in Arabia are third generation ex-pats. Its a very good life and includes lots of travel.

Carol Flemming (American Bedu) died last year.

I have met many, many Saudi women over the years. They own and operate restaurants, publishing houses, import-export businesses of every time. They are involved in historic preservation, art galleries.. own small factories..... They are involved in Breast Cancer and other charities. All sort of stuff.

Why would I give my Bible to a Muslim?
Muslims slaughter a lamb or whatever and share the meat with needy families. I lived there a couple of decades... along with thousands of other Americans.
Yet you claimed Muslims don't sacrifice animals. Hundreds of millions of animals get sacrificed every year as part of the rituals.

Muslims even sacrifice animals when friends, relatives or loved ones are about to travel or just arrived. How did Jihad Sherri end up putting you up to this, as a friend or are you also getting paid?

I don't know Sherri at all.. I am just trying to correct some of the ignorance concerning KSA.

I wasn't temp help in any hotel.. Where do you come up with such accusations?
Well, you sound pretty ignorant about the basic laws and culture there. You claimed you have a Jewish nephew who visited Saudi Arabia, but you forgot to say that he had to LIE about his religion in order to get a visitor visa. Plus, how did the nephew get a visa? You can't get one other than being directly related to a Saudi citizen, so are you a Saudi citizen (one can only venture how you became one). How did you end up living "for decades" over there. Even as an American. Its obvious you have Muslim ties. Is that the point of commonality and friendship between you and Sherri? Awwww how romantic.

You guys should make a movie, call it Dancing with the Islamic Wolves. LOL.
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I have never worn an abaya in my whole life. I went back a few years ago as a guest of the then Crown Prince Abdullah. None of us wore abayas.

Women do drive in the compounds and on university campuses.. Bedouin women have been driving for 50 years.

I have discussed Christianity with many Muslims in Arabia. They tend to be well-informed.

I am intrigued where was this "COMPOUND"? was it sorrounded by electrified
'barbed wire"??? I have also known people who lived in COMPOUNDS in saudi arabia.
sheesh HOW BIG ARE THESE ISOLATED COMPOUNDS"? does anyone know
about them? How many times did you go to Mecca? Did you hand bibles to your
muslim friends in Saudi arabia? did they take them home? According to you---
of the MANY PEOPLE I have known who went to saudi arabia----ALL LIED ABOUT IT---
even saudis I have known----lied about it

I lived on two different compounds.. both were quite nice and not isolated at all.. you can always get a cab or a bus to go where you want to go.. They were no electrified fences. I am an Episcopalian, why would I go to Mecca? But, I sure have been all over the country..

Many Americans who live and work in Arabia are third generation ex-pats. Its a very good life and includes lots of travel.

Carol Flemming (American Bedu) died last year.

I have met many, many Saudi women over the years. They own and operate restaurants, publishing houses, import-export businesses of every time. They are involved in historic preservation, art galleries.. own small factories..... They are involved in Breast Cancer and other charities. All sort of stuff.

Why would I give my Bible to a Muslim?
What are you blabbering now. Nothing you said negates anything I said. Saudi society treats women as property of men. And they are second class citizens living in a totally chauvinistic society. Why any sane woman would want to live there is beyond me.
I have never worn an abaya in my whole life. I went back a few years ago as a guest of the then Crown Prince Abdullah. None of us wore abayas.

Women do drive in the compounds and on university campuses.. Bedouin women have been driving for 50 years.

I have discussed Christianity with many Muslims in Arabia. They tend to be well-informed.

I am intrigued where was this "COMPOUND"? was it sorrounded by electrified
'barbed wire"??? I have also known people who lived in COMPOUNDS in saudi arabia.
sheesh HOW BIG ARE THESE ISOLATED COMPOUNDS"? does anyone know
about them? How many times did you go to Mecca? Did you hand bibles to your
muslim friends in Saudi arabia? did they take them home? According to you---
of the MANY PEOPLE I have known who went to saudi arabia----ALL LIED ABOUT IT---
even saudis I have known----lied about it

I lived on two different compounds.. both were quite nice and not isolated at all.. you can always get a cab or a bus to go where you want to go.. They were no electrified fences. I am an Episcopalian, why would I go to Mecca? But, I sure have been all over the country..

Many Americans who live and work in Arabia are third generation ex-pats. Its a very good life and includes lots of travel.

Carol Flemming (American Bedu) died last year.

I have met many, many Saudi women over the years. They own and operate restaurants, publishing houses, import-export businesses of every time. They are involved in historic preservation, art galleries.. own small factories..... They are involved in Breast Cancer and other charities. All sort of stuff.

Why would I give my Bible to a Muslim?

you did a good job evading Why would a muslim want to give me a
koran in the USA? Most people who go to Italy visit the VATICAN ---
you lied a lot about very real problems for non muslims in saudi arabia because
you assumed that most people do not know. sorry----I do know.
Of course for VALUABLE EXPATS doing a needed job for the saudi fat cats--
day to day life is made good so some can just ignore the filth of hindu slavery
over there. ------and imported enslaved chldren used for -----their bodes.

I knew a jewish professor of economics who also lived THE GOOD LIFE---
in saudi arabia------for awhile......but he was not quite so accepting of the
real facts over there. I got the real story of life for US military personnel
over there, too. I got the real story of purchased kids-----purchased in
south east asia for USE BACK there------from physicians from south east asia.

The erstwhile MAHARAJAHS of India----did not see anything wrong
witn Indian society under queen victoria either. and Scarlett loved mammy

were you invited to any beheadings?
I am intrigued where was this "COMPOUND"? was it sorrounded by electrified
'barbed wire"??? I have also known people who lived in COMPOUNDS in saudi arabia.
sheesh HOW BIG ARE THESE ISOLATED COMPOUNDS"? does anyone know
about them? How many times did you go to Mecca? Did you hand bibles to your
muslim friends in Saudi arabia? did they take them home? According to you---
of the MANY PEOPLE I have known who went to saudi arabia----ALL LIED ABOUT IT---
even saudis I have known----lied about it

I lived on two different compounds.. both were quite nice and not isolated at all.. you can always get a cab or a bus to go where you want to go.. They were no electrified fences. I am an Episcopalian, why would I go to Mecca? But, I sure have been all over the country..

Many Americans who live and work in Arabia are third generation ex-pats. Its a very good life and includes lots of travel.

Carol Flemming (American Bedu) died last year.

I have met many, many Saudi women over the years. They own and operate restaurants, publishing houses, import-export businesses of every time. They are involved in historic preservation, art galleries.. own small factories..... They are involved in Breast Cancer and other charities. All sort of stuff.

Why would I give my Bible to a Muslim?
What are you blabbering now. Nothing you said negates anything I said. Saudi society treats women as property of men. And they are second class citizens living in a totally chauvinistic society. Why any sane woman would want to live there is beyond me.

Saudi women wield considerable power in Arabia. They also control a great deal of money.
You obviously reject the words of Jesus and the Christian Gospels.

I will Pray for you that you do not continue in your disbelief, God loves each of us and desires nothing more than us to accept Jesus as His Son and our Lord and Savior.

I pity anyone who does not know Jesus, it's their loss more than anything else, it's not God who needs them, it is us who needs God.

I would not presume nor pretend to know the Mind of God... for shame.

Had he lived in the early decades of the Zionist era, it seems reasonable to speculate that he would have supported the concept of a return to the Holy Land, although it seems equally reasonable to speculate that he not have approved of many of the methods that eventually came to be used by the Zionist movement and its successors.

1. we would be certain that we were getting his words, not those of others

2. we would be getting his teachings without the accretions piled on top of it over the centuries

3. different times call for different approaches to life and society and even the attaining of paradise

Like all Sacred Texts, the Gospels have certainly locked-out changes; after the various repeaters and translators and editors and early Church Councils and Fathers got finished with them.

It is modern-day interpretation which keeps the Gospels alive and functional.

Without an ability to apply these religious precepts to any given Age of Man, then Men would not continue to find the Gospels relevant.

The Gospels only remain relevant so long as they can be related to any given Age of Man.

And such Jesus-was-a-Zionist' speculation is just that - an attempt by partisans (of which I'm one) to speculate on whether Jesus would have approved of the concept, if not the tactics by which the goal is accomplished.

Such speculation requires personal effort and personal reflection and imagination and thinking outside the box. It is not a comfortable or efficient plane of existence for the dogmatic, nor those given-over to (a) un-thinking and robotic cut-and-paste of passages and (b) a simple, child-like and petulant insistence that her interpretation is the only valid interpretation.

It is such a mindless, dogmatic mindset that makes possible religious wars in every age.

I cannot think of any better way to keep the Gospels alive than to speculate upon what those Ancients would have thought of the modern world and its goings-on.

But that does not mean that I presume nor pretend to know the mind of God.
You have no authority on earth nor in heaven to authoritatively declare what I accept and what I reject.

You presume to know my mind, and you do not.

Further, and far worse, you presume to know the Mind of God.

Even more shamefully, you seek to legitimize your hatreds and your tactics through disingenuous pronouncements that your interpretation of what God wants is the only operative one, and you judge others in a condemnatory fashion for arriving at different conclusions.

You are not only a dangerous Islamo-Fascist supporter but you are an even more dangerous religious fanatic, and it is, quite possibly, your soul, rather than those of your colleagues, which is in peril and at grave risk.

Get thee behind me, malevolent spirit.
IslamoFacist supporters almost always are religious fanatic who use a warped interpretation of the religion to justify their hatred. As we can see Jihad Sherri is anything but a true Christian. This lifeless creature lives to hate and has tuned Jesus into an image of her abominable self. .
I am intrigued where was this "COMPOUND"? was it sorrounded by electrified
'barbed wire"??? I have also known people who lived in COMPOUNDS in saudi arabia.
sheesh HOW BIG ARE THESE ISOLATED COMPOUNDS"? does anyone know
about them? How many times did you go to Mecca? Did you hand bibles to your
muslim friends in Saudi arabia? did they take them home? According to you---
of the MANY PEOPLE I have known who went to saudi arabia----ALL LIED ABOUT IT---
even saudis I have known----lied about it

I lived on two different compounds.. both were quite nice and not isolated at all.. you can always get a cab or a bus to go where you want to go.. They were no electrified fences. I am an Episcopalian, why would I go to Mecca? But, I sure have been all over the country..

Many Americans who live and work in Arabia are third generation ex-pats. Its a very good life and includes lots of travel.

Carol Flemming (American Bedu) died last year.

I have met many, many Saudi women over the years. They own and operate restaurants, publishing houses, import-export businesses of every time. They are involved in historic preservation, art galleries.. own small factories..... They are involved in Breast Cancer and other charities. All sort of stuff.

Why would I give my Bible to a Muslim?

you did a good job evading Why would a muslim want to give me a
koran in the USA? Most people who go to Italy visit the VATICAN ---
you lied a lot about very real problems for non muslims in saudi arabia because
you assumed that most people do not know. sorry----I do know.
Of course for VALUABLE EXPATS doing a needed job for the saudi fat cats--
day to day life is made good so some can just ignore the filth of hindu slavery
over there. ------and imported enslaved chldren used for -----their bodes.

I knew a jewish professor of economics who also lived THE GOOD LIFE---
in saudi arabia------for awhile......but he was not quite so accepting of the
real facts over there. I got the real story of life for US military personnel
over there, too. I got the real story of purchased kids-----purchased in
south east asia for USE BACK there------from physicians from south east asia.

The erstwhile MAHARAJAHS of India----did not see anything wrong
witn Indian society under queen victoria either. and Scarlett loved mammy

were you invited to any beheadings?

Military personal rarely stayed long enough or saw much of the country or got to know Saudi people.
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