Even Jesus Is A Zionist

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I lived on two different compounds.. both were quite nice and not isolated at all.. you can always get a cab or a bus to go where you want to go.. They were no electrified fences. I am an Episcopalian, why would I go to Mecca? But, I sure have been all over the country..

Many Americans who live and work in Arabia are third generation ex-pats. Its a very good life and includes lots of travel.

Carol Flemming (American Bedu) died last year.

I have met many, many Saudi women over the years. They own and operate restaurants, publishing houses, import-export businesses of every time. They are involved in historic preservation, art galleries.. own small factories..... They are involved in Breast Cancer and other charities. All sort of stuff.

Why would I give my Bible to a Muslim?
What are you blabbering now. Nothing you said negates anything I said. Saudi society treats women as property of men. And they are second class citizens living in a totally chauvinistic society. Why any sane woman would want to live there is beyond me.

Saudi women wield considerable power in Arabia. They also control a great deal of money.
So? Are you defending Saudi persecution of women? What color is your Saudi passport? I believe it's brown the color of bullshit. What you splatter all over this board. Ha ha ha
I lived on two different compounds.. both were quite nice and not isolated at all.. you can always get a cab or a bus to go where you want to go.. They were no electrified fences. I am an Episcopalian, why would I go to Mecca? But, I sure have been all over the country..

Many Americans who live and work in Arabia are third generation ex-pats. Its a very good life and includes lots of travel.

Carol Flemming (American Bedu) died last year.

I have met many, many Saudi women over the years. They own and operate restaurants, publishing houses, import-export businesses of every time. They are involved in historic preservation, art galleries.. own small factories..... They are involved in Breast Cancer and other charities. All sort of stuff.

Why would I give my Bible to a Muslim?

you did a good job evading Why would a muslim want to give me a
koran in the USA? Most people who go to Italy visit the VATICAN ---
you lied a lot about very real problems for non muslims in saudi arabia because
you assumed that most people do not know. sorry----I do know.
Of course for VALUABLE EXPATS doing a needed job for the saudi fat cats--
day to day life is made good so some can just ignore the filth of hindu slavery
over there. ------and imported enslaved chldren used for -----their bodes.

I knew a jewish professor of economics who also lived THE GOOD LIFE---
in saudi arabia------for awhile......but he was not quite so accepting of the
real facts over there. I got the real story of life for US military personnel
over there, too. I got the real story of purchased kids-----purchased in
south east asia for USE BACK there------from physicians from south east asia.

The erstwhile MAHARAJAHS of India----did not see anything wrong
witn Indian society under queen victoria either. and Scarlett loved mammy

were you invited to any beheadings?

Military personal rarely stayed long enough or saw much of the country or got to know Saudi people.
So, how did you end up staying "for decades". Even business and employment visas aren't given for that long. Camel got your tongue? Spit it out. It's obvious. You are the splitting or should I say SPITTING image of Sherri.
What are you blabbering now. Nothing you said negates anything I said. Saudi society treats women as property of men. And they are second class citizens living in a totally chauvinistic society. Why any sane woman would want to live there is beyond me.

Saudi women wield considerable power in Arabia. They also control a great deal of money.
So? Are you defending Saudi persecution of women? What color is your Saudi passport? I believe it's brown the color of bullshit. What you splatter all over this board. Ha ha ha

I am a natural born US citizen like my ancestors back to before the American Revolution.

In fact my family has a plaque in New York from when out house stood in New Amsterdam.

Skimpy clothing in Saudi Arabia? If you’re in a compound, sure!

By Abdullah Ansari Published: October 30, 2013

Skimpy clothing in Saudi Arabia? If you?re in a compound, sure! ? The Express Tribune Blog


While amenities can vary from compound to compound it is safe to say that typical amenities of a compound will include swimming pool, restaurant(s), laundry services, tailor, hair salon, playground, tennis courts, community room, fitness center, library and shuttle bus services. In addition some compounds will have a golf course, bar(s), basketball courts, bowling alley, (small) grocery store, nursery/daycare services, Arabic classes, horseback riding and theatre.
I lived on two different compounds.. both were quite nice and not isolated at all.. you can always get a cab or a bus to go where you want to go.. They were no electrified fences. I am an Episcopalian, why would I go to Mecca? But, I sure have been all over the country..

Many Americans who live and work in Arabia are third generation ex-pats. Its a very good life and includes lots of travel.

Carol Flemming (American Bedu) died last year.

I have met many, many Saudi women over the years. They own and operate restaurants, publishing houses, import-export businesses of every time. They are involved in historic preservation, art galleries.. own small factories..... They are involved in Breast Cancer and other charities. All sort of stuff.

Why would I give my Bible to a Muslim?
What are you blabbering now. Nothing you said negates anything I said. Saudi society treats women as property of men. And they are second class citizens living in a totally chauvinistic society. Why any sane woman would want to live there is beyond me.

Saudi women wield considerable power in Arabia. They also control a great deal of money.

Women wield considerable power thruout the world. Women control
their SONS It is because of WOMEN that honor killings of girls take
place ----POWERFUL WOMEN create extreme oppression of---not
powerful women in arab countries------and to some extent in India.
In the society you laud----the POWER in the hands of women is
the perpetuation of extreme oppression of-----women. At home
they own their sons, their unmarried daughters -----and their
daughters-in-law. Women without sons are helpless----they do not
even get to keep their daughters------they end up with nothing.
It is for their own power ----that the women with sons perpetuate
the oppression of women
you did a good job evading Why would a muslim want to give me a
koran in the USA? Most people who go to Italy visit the VATICAN ---
you lied a lot about very real problems for non muslims in saudi arabia because
you assumed that most people do not know. sorry----I do know.
Of course for VALUABLE EXPATS doing a needed job for the saudi fat cats--
day to day life is made good so some can just ignore the filth of hindu slavery
over there. ------and imported enslaved chldren used for -----their bodes.

I knew a jewish professor of economics who also lived THE GOOD LIFE---
in saudi arabia------for awhile......but he was not quite so accepting of the
real facts over there. I got the real story of life for US military personnel
over there, too. I got the real story of purchased kids-----purchased in
south east asia for USE BACK there------from physicians from south east asia.

The erstwhile MAHARAJAHS of India----did not see anything wrong
witn Indian society under queen victoria either. and Scarlett loved mammy

were you invited to any beheadings?

Military personal rarely stayed long enough or saw much of the country or got to know Saudi people.
So, how did you end up staying "for decades". Even business and employment visas aren't given for that long. Camel got your tongue? Spit it out. It's obvious. You are the splitting or should I say SPITTING image of Sherri.

Returned to the US every 18 months for a 3 month vacation... Then part of the time I was in school in the US and Switzerland.
Saudi women wield considerable power in Arabia. They also control a great deal of money.
So? Are you defending Saudi persecution of women? What color is your Saudi passport? I believe it's brown the color of bullshit. What you splatter all over this board. Ha ha ha

I am a natural born US citizen like my ancestors back to before the American Revolution.

In fact my family has a plaque in New York from when out house stood in New Amsterdam.

Skimpy clothing in Saudi Arabia? If you’re in a compound, sure!

By Abdullah Ansari Published: October 30, 2013

Skimpy clothing in Saudi Arabia? If you?re in a compound, sure! ? The Express Tribune Blog


While amenities can vary from compound to compound it is safe to say that typical amenities of a compound will include swimming pool, restaurant(s), laundry services, tailor, hair salon, playground, tennis courts, community room, fitness center, library and shuttle bus services. In addition some compounds will have a golf course, bar(s), basketball courts, bowling alley, (small) grocery store, nursery/daycare services, Arabic classes, horseback riding and theatre.
Yeah, like the Green Zone. While the rest of the country lives in the 7th century medieval mindset. Whoop de do. Live in a compound like living in a huge jail cell with golden bars. Where do I buy my plane ticket to that shithole? Ha ha ha.

What are you accomplishing here other than proving yourself to be a fool and Islam apologist?.
John 3

English Standard Version (ESV)

You Must Be Born Again

Now there was a man of the Pharisees named*Nicodemus,*a ruler of the Jews.*This man came to Jesus[a]*by night and said to him,*“Rabbi,we know that you are a teacher come from God, for no one can do these signs that you do*unless God is with him.”*Jesus answered him,“Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is*born*again*he cannot*see the kingdom of God.”*Nicodemus said to him, “How can a man be born when he is old? Can he enter a second time into his mother's womb and be born?”*Jesus answered,*“Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born*of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God.*That which is born of the flesh is*flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.[c]*Do not marvel that I said to you, ‘You[d]*must be born*again.’The wind[e]*blows*where it wishes, and you hear its sound, but you do not know where it comes from or where it goes. So it is with everyone who is born of the Spirit.”

Nicodemus said to him,*“How can these things be?”*Jesus answered him,*“Are you the teacher of Israel*and yet you do not understand these things?*Truly, truly, I say to you,*we speak of what we know, and bear witness to what we have seen, but*you[f]*do not receive our testimony.*If I have told you earthly things and you do not believe, how can you believe if I tell you heavenly things?*No one has*ascended into heaven except*he who descended from heaven, the Son of Man.[g]And*as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, so must the Son of Man*be lifted up,*that whoever believes*in him*may have eternal life.[h]

For God So Loved the World

“For*God so loved*the world,*that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not*perish but have eternal life.*For*God did not send his Son into the world*to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.*Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe is condemned already, because he has not*believed in the name of the only Son of God.*And this is the judgment:*the light has come into the world, and*people loved the darkness rather than the light because*their works were evil.For everyone who does wicked things hates the light and does not come to the light,*lest his works should be exposed.*But whoever*does what is true*comes to the light, so that it may be clearly seen that his works have been carried out in God.”


I do not presume to know what is in your mind.

But what I know to be true is what Jesus says, believe in Him as Son of God, or you are condemned by your disbelief.

Now, You Cannot Claim You Have Never Been Presented With The Gospel of Jesus Christ, which is itself a refutation of this thread title.

Choose wisely.

Thanks Sherri let us know if you have any more verses which prove Jesus was Zionist. LOLOLOLOLOL

You obviously reject the words of Jesus and the Christian Gospels.

I will Pray for you that you do not continue in your disbelief, God loves each of us and desires nothing more than us to accept Jesus as His Son and our Lord and Savior.

I pity anyone who does not know Jesus, it's their loss more than anything else, it's not God who needs them, it is us who needs God.

I would not presume nor pretend to know the Mind of God... for shame.

Had he lived in the early decades of the Zionist era, it seems reasonable to speculate that he would have supported the concept of a return to the Holy Land, although it seems equally reasonable to speculate that he not have approved of many of the methods that eventually came to be used by the Zionist movement and its successors.

1. we would be certain that we were getting his words, not those of others

2. we would be getting his teachings without the accretions piled on top of it over the centuries

3. different times call for different approaches to life and society and even the attaining of paradise

Like all Sacred Texts, the Gospels have certainly locked-out changes; after the various repeaters and translators and editors and early Church Councils and Fathers got finished with them.

It is modern-day interpretation which keeps the Gospels alive and functional.

Without an ability to apply these religious precepts to any given Age of Man, then Men would not continue to find the Gospels relevant.

The Gospels only remain relevant so long as they can be related to any given Age of Man.

And such Jesus-was-a-Zionist' speculation is just that - an attempt by partisans (of which I'm one) to speculate on whether Jesus would have approved of the concept, if not the tactics by which the goal is accomplished.

Such speculation requires personal effort and personal reflection and imagination and thinking outside the box. It is not a comfortable or efficient plane of existence for the dogmatic, nor those given-over to (a) un-thinking and robotic cut-and-paste of passages and (b) a simple, child-like and petulant insistence that her interpretation is the only valid interpretation.

It is such a mindless, dogmatic mindset that makes possible religious wars in every age.

I cannot think of any better way to keep the Gospels alive than to speculate upon what those Ancients would have thought of the modern world and its goings-on.

But that does not mean that I presume nor pretend to know the mind of God.
You have no authority on earth nor in heaven to authoritatively declare what I accept and what I reject.

You presume to know my mind, and you do not.

Further, and far worse, you presume to know the Mind of God.

Even more shamefully, you seek to legitimize your hatreds and your tactics through disingenuous pronouncements that your interpretation of what God wants is the only operative one, and you judge others in a condemnatory fashion for arriving at different conclusions.

You are not only a dangerous Islamo-Fascist supporter but you are an even more dangerous religious fanatic, and it is, quite possibly, your soul, rather than those of your colleagues, which is in peril and at grave risk.

Get thee behind me, malevolent spirit.
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Military personal rarely stayed long enough or saw much of the country or got to know Saudi people.
So, how did you end up staying "for decades". Even business and employment visas aren't given for that long. Camel got your tongue? Spit it out. It's obvious. You are the splitting or should I say SPITTING image of Sherri.

Returned to the US every 18 months for a 3 month vacation... Then part of the time I was in school in the US and Switzerland.
So you're a dual citizen Saudi national and we know how you became a Saudi.

No more questions your honor. I rest my case. This Sharmoota has the same life story as Sherri, although I have to admit, not as insane. :rofl:
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Sherri Sherri Sherri, you don't get it do you? Every time you post verses from the New Testament they end up bolstering the case for Jesus being a Zionist EVEN MORE. That's pretty pathetic don't you agree?

In an ocean of evidence pointing to Jesus being a Zionist Jewish rabbi and lover of his land and people, you haven't posted ONE THING to counter it.

it really must suck to be you.
What we have exposed is that Zionists lie and lie and lie and there is simply no truth in a Zionist.

Zionists lie about Jesus, slandering His name by calling Him a Zionist, the lowest form of human life.

And Zionists continue in their disbelief of Jesus, an act which if it continues, for each and every Zionist embracing disbelief, will result in condemnation to the fires of hell for eternity.
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The Christian Gospels tell us who Jesus is.

John 1

English Standard Version (ESV)

The Word Became Flesh

In the beginning was*the Word, and*the Word was with God, and*the Word was God.*He was in the beginning with God.*All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made.*In him was life,[a]*and*the life was the light of men.*The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.

There was a man*sent from God, whose name was*John.*He came as a*witness, to bear witness about the light,*that all might believe through him.*He was not the light, but came to bear witness about the light.

The true light, which gives light to everyone, was coming into the world.*He was in the world, and the world was made through him, yetthe world did not know him.*He came to*his own,*and*his own people[c]*did not receive him.*But to all who did receive him,*who believed in his name,*he gave the right*to become*children of God,who*were born,*not of blood*nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man, but of God.

And*the Word*became flesh and*dwelt among us,*and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of*grace andtruth.*(John bore witness about him, and cried out, “This was he of whom I said,*‘He who comes after me ranks before me, because he was before me.’”)*For from*his fullness we have all received,*grace upon grace.[d]*For*the law was given through Moses;*grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.*No one has ever seen God;*the only God,[e]who is at the Father's side,[f]*he has made him known.

John 1 - The Word Became Flesh - In the - Bible Gateway
What we have exposed is that Zionists lie and lie and lie and there is simply no truth in a Zionist.

Zionists lie about Jesus, slandering His name by calling Him a Zionist, the lowest form of human life.

And Zionists continue in their disbelief of Jesus, an act which if it continues, for each and every Zionist embracing disbelief, will result in condemnation to the fires of hell for eternity.

Who's WE ????

Why is it that when you've been caught lying so many times, you try to make it seem like others are lying ?
Are you ashamed at your compulsive lying.

Anyone can read this thread and they will see just how much Palestinian Shills like Sherri lie to promote their agenda. It's the only way to get their message through.
I am never alone, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit are with me always.

And we have exposed the Zionist lies for the lies they are.

Truth is Jesus, He is with those who believe in Him every moment of life into eternity .
Justified by Faith

We ourselves are Jews by birth and not*Gentile sinners;*yet we know that*a person is not justified*by works of the law*but through faith in Jesus Christ, so we also have believed in Christ Jesus, in order to be justified by faith in Christ and not by works of the law,*because by works of the law no one will be justified.

But if, in our endeavor to be justified in Christ, we too were found*to be sinners, is Christ then a servant of sin? Certainly not!*For if I rebuild what I tore down, I prove myself to be a transgressor.*For through the law I*died to the law, so that I might*live to God.*I have been*crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives*in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God,*who loved me and*gave himself for me.*I do not nullify the grace of God, forif righteousness[c]*were through the law,*then Christ died for no purpose.

Galatians 2 ESV - Paul Accepted by the Apostles - Then - Bible Gateway
I am never alone, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit are with me always.

And we have exposed the Zionist lies for the lies they are.

Truth is Jesus, He is with those who believe in Him every moment of life into eternity .

I asked a simple question. Who else besides yourself are you referring to when you say 'we'
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