Even Jesus Is A Zionist

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Alfred Edersheim writes of Matthew 23, in The Life And Times of Jesus the Messiah that these words Jesus spoke to the Pharisees and scribes was the Farewell and the parting of Israel Messiah from Israel and it's Temple.

I think he has it right.

We are seeing in the life and death of Jesus through the days of the early Christians a transition from an old covenant to a new covenant.

Jesus has said farewell and departed from Israel and it's Temple.

Yet, he writes a promise of a coming again, and the picture of a people restored. But the condition is a belief in Jesus, the condition is a believing people.

And that is the Salvation that Jesus death on the cross , dying for the sin of all, ushers in.

That work was not complete until Jesus crucifixion and resurrection and return to Heaven to sit on the right hand of God the Father.

Israel becomes the Church.

A very smart person once said---"be careful of that which you write---people
tend to believe that which is WRITTEN" In this sentence>>>>

" Yet, he writes a promise of a coming again, and the
picture of a people restored. But the condition is a belief
in Jesus, the condition is a believing people."

an intellectually honest person would replace the second word
"he" ----with either "matthew" or "the writer of the book
of matthew" A careless reader would EASILY imagine that
the person "JESUS" wrote or expressed these ideas.

Interestingly enough----the book of matthew was written in Greek.
I wonder what the word "CHURCH" is in greek. "the church"---
usually refers to the catholic church and its FORMAL HIERARCHY ---
and its dictate on Doctrine. Words are very imporant which is why
real lawyers use them carefully. Whole legal arguements center around

Sscholars seem to believe that the book of matthew was written---
something like the year 90 AD by an unknown author.
Matthew itself is a hebrew name
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This is an English discussion board.

And we see still nothing to prove Jesus was a Zionist from this illiterate Zionist poster.
Nooooo, other than a thousand posts you got humiliated proving Jesus was Zionist. That would be it.

At least your sidekick Sharmoota got humiliated a few times, and decided to leave. But you, no. You are so stupid you keep coming back for more, thinking you're actually winning "points". Ha ha ha OMG what a fucking freak.

Is that what they call you? JENDEH?

I was not humiliated.. Your language should humiliate YOU.
Sharmoota gets summoned back to the boards at 4:50 AM followed by Jihad Sherri's post at 5:00 AM!

Holy Shit Batman, is your propaganda center under a state of emergency now, because of this thread? I listed at least 8 instances of you either lying or showing total ignorance, and you couldn't refute ANY of them, instead you went into WHINE MODE.

I'm surprised you still have a job SHARMOOTA, or did they just call you back for some face saving posts? Ha ha ha. OMG.
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I think it would be more accurate to say Jesus was hated by the Jews, rather then say He hated the Jews.

But I agree the Hate was because Jesus did not fulfill the role for Jesus they desired, one who would overthrow the Roman Occupier and make Jews full Kings in the land and give Jews exclusive power over the land.

Interesting, Jews still hate and reject Jesus for the same reason , He does not satisfy their nationalistic goals.

In 2000 years, nothing has changed.

The Truth is that today Jews reject Jesus because He is not a Zionist.
I think it would be more accurate to say that you're fulla shit, as usual.

Jesus neither hated the Jews nor did Jews hate him.
It's just so enjoyable to watch this Jew hating witch (and her cohorts manning that member name) grappling with the fact that most American Christians support Israel wholeheartedly and believe the anew Testament and Jesus are Zionist. This is the undeniable truth.

At some point in time Jihad Sherri will come to that realization that she's pissing in the wind and just pull the cord on her suicide vest, sending her to her 72 Islamic vibrators in heaven.
Blah blah blah. Zzzzzzzzz. Yada yada yada. More islamoNazi drivel.

Jihad Sherri thinks by repeating the same garbage and lies over and over, its going to change the indisputable fact that Jesus was Zionist, and the land without question is ancestral Jewish land.
I think it would be more accurate to say Jesus was hated by the Jews, rather then say He hated the Jews.

But I agree the Hate was because Jesus did not fulfill the role for Jesus they desired, one who would overthrow the Roman Occupier and make Jews full Kings in the land and give Jews exclusive power over the land.

Interesting, Jews still hate and reject Jesus for the same reason , He does not satisfy their nationalistic goals.

In 2000 years, nothing has changed.

The Truth is that today Jews reject Jesus because He is not a Zionist.
I think it would be more accurate to say that you're fulla shit, as usual.

Jesus neither hated the Jews nor did Jews hate him.

Isa respecters MUST claim that jews hate them in order for them to justify
their MURDER OF TENS OF MILLIONS OF JEWS for their own personal pleasure.

obscene mutilation murder of a jew------especially a jewish child.

Long before I met muslims----I learned about a person named "jesus"----not
at home ----for someoine that isa-respecting genocidal pigs claim jews
"HATE" this person is certainly not an object of DISCUSSION in jewish homes
or in synagogues I heard of the isa-respecting hero ADOLF ABU ALI long
before I heard of anyone named "jesus" in my parents home. What I learned
about "jesus" on the playground is-------I killed him therefore THEY hate me.

Many yeara later-----I heard the same logic from murderers and rapists handcuffed
to their hospital bed rails----to wit----THEIR JUSTIFICATIONS for their murders and rapes
The Jews hated Jesus so much they killed Him.

1 Thessalonians 2

And*we also thank God constantly[d]*for this, that when you receivedthe word of God, which you heard from us, you accepted it*not as the word of men[e]*but as what it really is, the word of God,*which is at work in you believers.*For you, brothers,*became imitators of*the churches of God in Christ Jesus that are in Judea. For*you suffered the same things from your own countrymen*as they did from the Jews,[f]*who killed both the Lord Jesus and*the prophets, and drove us out, and displease God and*oppose all mankind*by hindering us from speaking to the Gentiles that they might be saved—so as always*to fill up the measure of their sins. But*wrath has come upon them at last![g]

1 thessalonians 2 ESV - Paul's Ministry to the Thessalonians - Bible Gateway

I think it would be more accurate to say Jesus was hated by the Jews, rather then say He hated the Jews.

But I agree the Hate was because Jesus did not fulfill the role for Jesus they desired, one who would overthrow the Roman Occupier and make Jews full Kings in the land and give Jews exclusive power over the land.

Interesting, Jews still hate and reject Jesus for the same reason , He does not satisfy their nationalistic goals.

In 2000 years, nothing has changed.

The Truth is that today Jews reject Jesus because He is not a Zionist.
I think it would be more accurate to say that you're fulla shit, as usual.

Jesus neither hated the Jews nor did Jews hate him.
They were kicked out of Jerusalem in 70AD and Jesus foretells it, a consequence of rejecting Jesus as Messiah.

And Jesus tells His disciples go into the world and share the good news .

the writings attributed to "JOHN" were in greek and by people who never met
Jesus ----as per biblical scholars heresay at best------more like CREATIVITY
I think it would be more accurate to say Jesus was hated by the Jews, rather then say He hated the Jews.

But I agree the Hate was because Jesus did not fulfill the role for Jesus they desired, one who would overthrow the Roman Occupier and make Jews full Kings in the land and give Jews exclusive power over the land.

Interesting, Jews still hate and reject Jesus for the same reason , He does not satisfy their nationalistic goals.

In 2000 years, nothing has changed.

The Truth is that today Jews reject Jesus because He is not a Zionist.
I think it would be more accurate to say that you're fulla shit, as usual.

Jesus neither hated the Jews nor did Jews hate him.

Isa respecters MUST claim that jews hate them in order for them to justify
their MURDER OF TENS OF MILLIONS OF JEWS for their own personal pleasure.

obscene mutilation murder of a jew------especially a jewish child.

Long before I met muslims----I learned about a person named "jesus"----not
at home ----for someoine that isa-respecting genocidal pigs claim jews
"HATE" this person is certainly not an object of DISCUSSION in jewish homes
or in synagogues I heard of the isa-respecting hero ADOLF ABU ALI long
before I heard of anyone named "jesus" in my parents home. What I learned
about "jesus" on the playground is-------I killed him therefore THEY hate me.

Many yeara later-----I heard the same logic from murderers and rapists handcuffed
to their hospital bed rails----to wit----THEIR JUSTIFICATIONS for their murders and rapes

Where on earth did you grow up to be accused of being a Christ killer? That is perfectly horrible.
1 thessalonians 2 ESV - Paul's Ministry to the Thessalonians - Bible Gateway

The New Testament tells us the Jews killed both the Lord Jesus and they killed the prophets.

And Paul writes the Jews drove them out, of Jerusalem and the Jews displease God and "oppose all mankind*by hindering us from speaking to the Gentiles that they might be saved—so as always*to fill up the measure of their sins. But*wrath has come upon them at last!"
The Jews hated Jesus so much they killed Him.

1 Thessalonians 2

And*we also thank God constantly[d]*for this, that when you receivedthe word of God, which you heard from us, you accepted it*not as the word of men[e]*but as what it really is, the word of God,*which is at work in you believers.*For you, brothers,*became imitators of*the churches of God in Christ Jesus that are in Judea. For*you suffered the same things from your own countrymen*as they did from the Jews,[f]*who killed both the Lord Jesus and*the prophets, and drove us out, and displease God and*oppose all mankind*by hindering us from speaking to the Gentiles that they might be saved—so as always*to fill up the measure of their sins. But*wrath has come upon them at last![g]

1 thessalonians 2 ESV - Paul's Ministry to the Thessalonians - Bible Gateway

I think it would be more accurate to say Jesus was hated by the Jews, rather then say He hated the Jews.

But I agree the Hate was because Jesus did not fulfill the role for Jesus they desired, one who would overthrow the Roman Occupier and make Jews full Kings in the land and give Jews exclusive power over the land.

Interesting, Jews still hate and reject Jesus for the same reason , He does not satisfy their nationalistic goals.

In 2000 years, nothing has changed.

The Truth is that today Jews reject Jesus because He is not a Zionist.
I think it would be more accurate to say that you're fulla shit, as usual.

Jesus neither hated the Jews nor did Jews hate him.
Always, if you read on, the verse totally negates Jihad Sherri's claims. How hard she tries to make Jesus all about hate:

Paul's Longing to See Them Again

17 But since we were torn away from you, brothers, for a short time, in person not in heart, we endeavored the more eagerly and with great desire to see you face to face, 18 because we wanted to come to you—I, Paul, again and again—but Satan hindered us. 19 For what is our hope or joy or crown of boasting before our Lord Jesus at his coming? Is it not you? 20 For you are our glory and joy.

You see? Jesus comes back to save his brothers and sisters the Jews first. It is their hope and joy of boating about it. Will you Jihad Sherri boast about it too, or keep whining and moaning about it? Ha ha ha. Unreal.
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Nor do Jews 'hate Jesus' today - not as a (Pharisee after the school of Hillel) Rabbi, nor as anything else.

People seem to forget that there was Judaism for 1500 years before Jesus' time. And that the Jewish People had been exiled and had the Temple destroyed once already: neither disaster would crush them, nor both together. From Moses to the other prophets to the sages of the Talmud and rabbis down through the centuries, the line of 'succession' has remained unbroken. As has the determination of the Jewish People to remain faithful to the Sinai Covenant.

Of course, the biggest problem with the sherriliar's "theology" as concerns Jews and Judiasm is not that it contradicts the Hebrew Bible: it's that it contradicts the NT.
I think it would be more accurate to say that you're fulla shit, as usual.

Jesus neither hated the Jews nor did Jews hate him.

Isa respecters MUST claim that jews hate them in order for them to justify
their MURDER OF TENS OF MILLIONS OF JEWS for their own personal pleasure.

obscene mutilation murder of a jew------especially a jewish child.

Long before I met muslims----I learned about a person named "jesus"----not
at home ----for someoine that isa-respecting genocidal pigs claim jews
"HATE" this person is certainly not an object of DISCUSSION in jewish homes
or in synagogues I heard of the isa-respecting hero ADOLF ABU ALI long
before I heard of anyone named "jesus" in my parents home. What I learned
about "jesus" on the playground is-------I killed him therefore THEY hate me.

Many yeara later-----I heard the same logic from murderers and rapists handcuffed
to their hospital bed rails----to wit----THEIR JUSTIFICATIONS for their murders and rapes

Where on earth did you grow up to be accused of being a Christ killer? That is perfectly horrible.
Tell us about your days in Saudi Arabia again. Or how Muslims don't believe in sacrifice.

Have you thought of being a fiction writer?
Is it Jews who are killing Christians all over the world today to honor God?

QUOTE=SherriMunnerlyn;8488396]The Jews hated Jesus so much they killed Him.

1 Thessalonians 2

And*we also thank God constantly[d]*for this, that when you receivedthe word of God, which you heard from us, you accepted it*not as the word of men[e]*but as what it really is, the word of God,*which is at work in you believers.*For you, brothers,*became imitators of*the churches of God in Christ Jesus that are in Judea. For*you suffered the same things from your own countrymen*as they did from the Jews,[f]*who killed both the Lord Jesus and*the prophets, and drove us out, and displease God and*oppose all mankind*by hindering us from speaking to the Gentiles that they might be saved—so as always*to fill up the measure of their sins. But*wrath has come upon them at last![g]

1 thessalonians 2 ESV - Paul's Ministry to the Thessalonians - Bible Gateway

I think it would be more accurate to say Jesus was hated by the Jews, rather then say He hated the Jews.

But I agree the Hate was because Jesus did not fulfill the role for Jesus they desired, one who would overthrow the Roman Occupier and make Jews full Kings in the land and give Jews exclusive power over the land.

Interesting, Jews still hate and reject Jesus for the same reason , He does not satisfy their nationalistic goals.

In 2000 years, nothing has changed.

The Truth is that today Jews reject Jesus because He is not a Zionist.
I think it would be more accurate to say that you're fulla shit, as usual.

Jesus neither hated the Jews nor did Jews hate him.
Nor do Jews 'hate Jesus' today - not as a (Pharisee after the school of Hillel) Rabbi, nor as anything else.

People seem to forget that there was Judaism for 1500 years before Jesus' time. And that the Jewish People had been exiled and had the Temple destroyed once already: neither disaster would crush them, nor both together. From Moses to the other prophets to the sages of the Talmud and rabbis down through the centuries, the line of 'succession' has remained unbroken. As has the determination of the Jewish People to remain faithful to the Sinai Covenant.

Of course, the biggest problem with the sherriliar's "theology" as concerns Jews and Judiasm is not that it contradicts the Hebrew Bible: it's that it contradicts the NT.
Correct. Jews and Judaism have no say on Jesus. Or do they have one on that Saudi desert terrorist Mohammad.
Isa respecters MUST claim that jews hate them in order for them to justify
their MURDER OF TENS OF MILLIONS OF JEWS for their own personal pleasure.

obscene mutilation murder of a jew------especially a jewish child.

Long before I met muslims----I learned about a person named "jesus"----not
at home ----for someoine that isa-respecting genocidal pigs claim jews
"HATE" this person is certainly not an object of DISCUSSION in jewish homes
or in synagogues I heard of the isa-respecting hero ADOLF ABU ALI long
before I heard of anyone named "jesus" in my parents home. What I learned
about "jesus" on the playground is-------I killed him therefore THEY hate me.

Many yeara later-----I heard the same logic from murderers and rapists handcuffed
to their hospital bed rails----to wit----THEIR JUSTIFICATIONS for their murders and rapes

Where on earth did you grow up to be accused of being a Christ killer? That is perfectly horrible.

Tell us about your days in Saudi Arabia again. Or how Muslims don't believe in sacrifice.

Have you thought of being a fiction writer?

Muslims don't do sacrifice.. because God is not fed nor does He eat.

The Eid adah is a feast day meal to remember Abraham.. Calling it sacrifice is like calling Christmas turkey a sacrifice.
Where on earth did you grow up to be accused of being a Christ killer? That is perfectly horrible.

Tell us about your days in Saudi Arabia again. Or how Muslims don't believe in sacrifice.

Have you thought of being a fiction writer?

Muslims don't do sacrifice.. because God is not fed nor does He eat.

The Eid adah is a feast day meal to remember Abraham.. Calling it sacrifice is like calling Christmas turkey a sacrifice.
There is no way you lived in Saudi Arabia. Otherwise you'd know of the millions of animals that are sacrificed on Muslim religious holidays. Perhaps you were imported as a temp maid to clean up hotel rooms, who knows. You seem to know very little about the religion or people for someone who claims to have lived there. :clap:
Tell us about your days in Saudi Arabia again. Or how Muslims don't believe in sacrifice.

Have you thought of being a fiction writer?

Muslims don't do sacrifice.. because God is not fed nor does He eat.

The Eid adah is a feast day meal to remember Abraham.. Calling it sacrifice is like calling Christmas turkey a sacrifice.

There is no way you lived in Saudi Arabia. Otherwise you'd know of the millions of animals that are sacrificed on Muslim religious holidays. Perhaps you were imported as a temp maid to clean up hotel rooms, who knows. You seem to know very little about the religion or people for someone who claims to have lived there. :clap:

Muslims slaughter a lamb or whatever and share the meat with needy families. I lived there a couple of decades... along with thousands of other Americans.
The Jews hated Jesus so much they killed Him.

Sherri AGAIN spits in the faces of those writings in the new testament
attributed to persons who witnessed the death of Jesus----who claim
that the ROMANS killed him. The Sadducees----who were roman shills...
had reason to hate him------he interferred with THEIR alliance with the romans.
Sadducees hated pharisees-----and the feeling was and REMAINS mutual.
today----kids educated yeshivas as children HEARD OF SADDUCEES -----but could get thru
their entire education without hearing about a person named "jesus"
For someone who some idiots claim "JEWS HATE" that person certainly gets no
mention OTHER hated people get mention----like the isa-respecting meccaist

Even after the romans crucified jesus----they continued to crucify jews-----jews
never crucified anyone ----crucifixion itself was absolutely not legal in judaism long
before Jesus was born and remains illegal.

as to "JEWS KILLING JESUS" as sherri claims-------I have never heard a single
explanation as to why -----if "the jews hated jesus"------they had to go thru
this weird charade of letting the romans kill him? At that time Israel/judea
was in so tumultuous a situation that KILLING a fellow jew would not be all
that difficult. When jesus HID ---he did so amongst JEWS-----not amongst sherri's
forebears _THE ROMANS and certainly not amongst their pals----the Sadducees
I think it would be more accurate to say that you're fulla shit, as usual.

Jesus neither hated the Jews nor did Jews hate him.

Isa respecters MUST claim that jews hate them in order for them to justify
their MURDER OF TENS OF MILLIONS OF JEWS for their own personal pleasure.

obscene mutilation murder of a jew------especially a jewish child.

Long before I met muslims----I learned about a person named "jesus"----not
at home ----for someoine that isa-respecting genocidal pigs claim jews
"HATE" this person is certainly not an object of DISCUSSION in jewish homes
or in synagogues I heard of the isa-respecting hero ADOLF ABU ALI long
before I heard of anyone named "jesus" in my parents home. What I learned
about "jesus" on the playground is-------I killed him therefore THEY hate me.

Many yeara later-----I heard the same logic from murderers and rapists handcuffed
to their hospital bed rails----to wit----THEIR JUSTIFICATIONS for their murders and rapes

Where on earth did you grow up to be accused of being a Christ killer? That is perfectly horrible.

Perfectly natural and common in all Christian nations right up until the mid 1960's, it was how the state fed the people the lies so that the people would be anti semitic. I am very sad to say that I was taken in by the propaganda of the time. Once I started looking at the evidence and researching the facts I soon found out that everything was a LIE. The basis of the LIE was the untruths evident in the Bible, and once you saw round them other untruths unfolded. A good example was the Katyn massacre of WW2 when the German soldiers were accused of the Mass Murder of polish Jews and Soldiers. Some years after the war the Russian authorities released documents that showed that Russian troops were responsible. because the Lie is still running around the world the truth is trying to get its boots on, and the muslims will be the very last to finally admit they were FOOLED.

A question for the posters on here
How many people were gassed at Bergen/Belsen during WW2 ?
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