Even Jesus Is A Zionist

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Yes, how blessed we are having her here to entertain us & take our minds off the real world of those she supports killing us Christians & Jews all over the world.

Oh Gawd I love this board. Whart fun we have here with Sherri.

No word of a lie, but Sherri is the reason I registered here. I was recommended to read her/his posts and felt compelled to register to dispute some of the crap she/he spews all over the Middle East board, solely about Israel. Even a thread on Syria she/he made into an Israel issue. Every single post is about Israel. Like she/he is obsessed.
it might only be a jest but it reminds me of sherri

it might only be a jest but it reminds me of sherri


yes----that one and PROFESSOR HIGGINS in "MY FAIR LADY"-----castigating
Eliza Doolittle for destroying the "LANGUAGE OF THE BIBLE"

(sherri saw the movie version and wondered why people laughed)
on second thought-----maybe no one in HER TOWN laughed-----they
just called out AMEN!!!!!! HALLELUJAH!!!! <<<which are both baptist
words-----invented in Texas some time in the 1800s
What a disgrace to Jesus & Christianity she is. Is there ANY Christian here who isn't ashamed to see her portray herself as a follwer of Jesus?

I do not think Magda would have liked her-----Magda seemed to
have a few lucid moments before she swallowed her share of the
Cyanide-------but EVA would have LOVED HER
With God on Our Side -- Christian Zionism Exposed

With God On Our Side is the most powerful, humane and compassionate documentary exposé of the Christian Zionist movement, and the impact of their ideology on the lives they have touched (and ruined), ever made. It is well crafted, subtle and fair. And -- notable in the "when hell freezes over" department -- it was directed and produced by... an American Evangelical.

Porter Speakman Jr.(director and producer) was raised by an Evangelical minister. Speakman grew up in a Charlotte, North Carolina in an evangelical (Pentecostal) home. These days he attends a small conservative Anglican church where he lives in Colorado Springs, "the Evangelical capitol of the world," as some wags call the blighted town where James Dobson runs his Evangelical "Focus On The Family" empire.

Frank Schaeffer: With God on Our Side -- Christian Zionism Exposed

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IO6VpMYAVms]The Roots of Christian Zionism: How Scofield Sowed Seeds of Apostasy - YouTube[/ame]

About this You Tube Video

Uploaded on Nov 18, 2011

Ever wonder why so many Christians support America's many wars, especially in the Middle East? A new Christianity has emerged from the Twentieth Century called Christian Zionism or what could be called, "Angry Evangelicalism," or "Dispensationalism on Steroids." What motivates a nationally known, evangelical preacher like John Hagee to call for a preemptive strike against Iran when it is contrary to what Jesus taught and commanded his followers to do? This "Roots of Zionism" presentation may be the first of its kind with a factual explanation of how Christianity's latest apostate epidemic was launched with the publishing of C. I. Scofield's reference Bible in 1909, and the influence of the notes in it. While purposefully reaching and helping many under Christian Zionist influence by featuring its identification and cure, this 2nd edition offers hope to all people, regardless of faith, who may also wish to leave it's grasp. Film clips include action inside Gaza Strip and a moving interview with Shareen, a young Palestinian woman living in Gaza
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Christian Zionism

This largely political activity is a lifelong work of discovery by the founders of We Hold These Truths. Christian Zionism is confusing because it masquerades as a faith.

We may have been the first to define Christian Zionism as: &#8220;the belief that the present day State of Israel is the fulfillment of Biblical prophesy.&#8221;

As such, Israel has assumed a semi-god status in the minds of some 50 million or more professing Christians.

Christian Zionism | We Hold These Truths
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=exLXj9-YQpk]Christian Zionism The Tragedy and The Turning, Part I Full Documentary - YouTube[/ame]
Christian Zionism

This largely political activity is a lifelong work of discovery by the founders of We Hold These Truths. Christian Zionism is confusing because it masquerades as a faith.

We may have been the first to define Christian Zionism as: &#8220;the belief that the present day State of Israel is the fulfillment of Biblical prophesy.&#8221;

As such, Israel has assumed a semi-god status in the minds of some 50 million or more professing Christians.

Christian Zionism | We Hold These Truths
So, have we figured out yet, whether Jesus was a Zionist, or whether he most likely would have been, had he lived in the Modern Age?

(the Sherriah Muslim Tourettes Syndrome Freak Show notwithstanding)
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Well according to Christians, Jesus is a Zionist. Many links have already been posted on this thread to verify that by Chrisitan theologists & historians. Even the Jews acknowledge that Jesus is a Zionist. Not so Muslims.

So, have we figured out yet, whether Jesus was a Zionist, or whether he most likely would have been, had he lived in the Modern Age?

(the Sherriah Muslim Tourettes Syndrome Freak Show notwithstanding)
It's all subjective.

A powerful argument can be made for the idea that Jesus loved His own people (the Jews).

A powerful argument can be made for the idea that Jesus loved His own homeland (Israel-Judah-Judea).

A powerful argument can be made that Early Zionism amounted to the simple and innocent concept of re-establishing a Homeland for the Jews on the soil of former Israel-Judah-Judea.

A powerful argument can be made that Jesus' love of People and Homeland made him an Early Zionist - in a metaphorical sense - in his own lifetime.

A powerful argument can be made that Jesus' love of People and Homeland would have rendered him a subscriber to Early Zionism had he lived in the latter part of the 19th Century or the early 20th.

A powerful argument can be made that Jesus would have abandoned or resigned-from the Zionist Movement once disputes began over land and once the violence began.

I am not talking about 'Zionism' as the term is most commonly used and understood today; i.e., support for the modern State of Israel in its present configuration and its present approach to dealing with the Palestinians and some of Israel's hostile neighbors.

I am talking about the Zionist Movement in its earliest days; in its most innocent forms.

Had Jesus been part of the leadership cadre of the Zionist Movement in the late 19th Century and early 20th, He would have shut it down, once it began to take an aggressive tone in reaction to Muslim-Arab hostility.

Jesus would have preferred that the Jews 'turn the other cheek' and manifest love to their European and Russian persecutors, and refrain from further emigration to Old Palestine, complying with the wishes of the local Muslim Arabs then living on the Jews' old home soil.

An admirable and lofty approach, of course, at the moment, but which would probably have resulted in Jesus or his children or grandchildren walking into the gas chambers along with the rest, rather than settling in Palestine and bringing as many fellow Jews out of harms' way as might be practicable before the balloon went up.

Even though turn-the-other-cheek is a lovely idea (and one of the loftiest ideals and manifestations of goodness which one can aspire to), it did not work very well in Germany and Occupied Europe in the 1930s and 1940s.

Jesus would have turned the other cheek 100% of the time.

Most mere mortals would have a somewhat less-than-ideal scorecard in such matters.

Meaning that while both Jesus and mere mortal Jews might have supported Zionism in its earliest days, Jesus probably would have abandoned Zionism at a fairly early stage in its evolution, while most mere mortal Jews (and other mere mortals in similar circumstances, of course) would continue to support the Movement.


Jesus was an Early-Days Zionist, in his own time, metaphorically speaking.

Jesus would have been an Early-Days Zionist in modern times (late 19th and eary 20th), had he lived then.
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The "turn the cheek" notion was not invented by Jesus. It
was batted around by talmudists for more than 500 years
before Jesus was born----during the times of incessant invasions by babylonians, persians, greeks, assyrians,
egyptians and later by romans----but it did not actually
refer to the Quaker form of pacifism-----it referred to how
jews should react ---most especially to EACH OTHER----
and only to a lesser extent to their oppressors . It did
approach. I did not believe that Jesus was a quaker type
pacifist ----his incursion into the Temple courtyard----
was a VIOLENT ACT OF PROTEST against the roman
shills----the sadducees and against Rome. It was not
VERY VERY violent-----more on the level of the
Boston Tea Party-----an act in which pacifist loyalists
took no part. The pacifism of Jesus has been over interpreted to the point of absurdity.
Modern Zionism is not a "new movement" it is based on the original movement, which is the story of Exodus.
Quite true. Zionism began with the Hebrew Exodus from Egypt. Jesus, the apostles & all of his followers carried on the proud Zionist tradition. And so it continues even greater today among Christians.

Modern Zionism is not a "new movement" it is based on the original movement, which is the story of Exodus.
"The 'turn the cheek' notion was not invented by Jesus..."
Never said it was; more like it was Jesus (and his followers) who popularized the concept and it was their variation on the theme that got traction in The West.

"...it did not actually refer to the Quaker form of pacifism-----it referred to how jews should react ---most especially to EACH OTHER ---- and only to a lesser extent to their oppressors. It did not include a 'DO NOT FIGHT NO MATTER WHAT' approach..."
That may very well have been the old Talmudic approach (I wouldn't know) but the recorded (and edited?) teachings of Jesus are traditionally perceived as the basis for the Quaker Model.

The teachings and beliefs of Jesus and his followers were, indeed, based upon Jewish tradition and beliefs and law and philosophy, but, even though based upon such things, those teachings and beliefs were sufficiently different so as to trigger a Schism, early on.

That Schism (differences in beliefs and philosophy and spirituality) between Jew and Christian exists to this very day; the two positions are Irreconcilable but Tolerant Co-Existence is a good outcome to continue working towards.

Even though Jesus (and his followers) were originally ministering to the Jews of the region, they (especially his disciples, after his death) were certainly targeting Jews, but they were also certainly targeting a much broader Gentile audience, and jettisoning much of the old writings and teachings and law and philosophy and refocusing on a new core.

Jesus and his peeps might very well have been using Old Material, but they appear to have put their own spin on it, and pitched it in new ways, and to new audiences.

"...I did not believe that Jesus was a quaker type pacifist ----his incursion into the Temple courtyard---- was a VIOLENT ACT OF PROTEST against the roman
shills----the sadducees andagainst Rome
While others believe that Jesus was the ultimate proto-Quaker.

There is a difference between overturning market-tables and chasing merchants and cattle out of a courtyard, in reaction to blasphemy against a deity, versus raising a sword against an enemy; although I will grant you that this example of the use of physical force is inconsistent with 99.99% of what is taught and perceived about Jesus.

"...The pacifism of Jesus has been over interpreted to the point of absurdity."
Or, looked at from another angle, the pacifism of Jesus is an Ideal to which Believers are asked to aspire and conform; as an aid to the underlying current of peace and love which Jesus and his disciples tried to live and preach.

Doesn't mean that it's always possible - doesn't mean that Believers are always (or even usually) going to match that ideal. It just means that that's the Ideal, and that anything short of that represents a failure (or sin?) on the part of those who fail.

It is that very Pacifism which made it so wildly popular as it spread like wildfire throughout an Empire filled with oppressed Slaves and filled with Freemen of goodwill who wanted something better in this life (and the next) than what their pagan beliefs could offer them.

If the Christian version of Christ's pacifism is an absurdity, then, it is an absurdity that helped to bring down a savage Empire from within, and which survived the trials and tribulations of Europe and The West over the past 2000 years, and an absurdity which survives to this day - useful as an Ideal to which persons of goodwill can seek to abide by, either under any circumstances, or to whatever extent that may be practicable for them...

An 'absurdity' that does far more good than harm, in the broader scheme of things, and which helps Western Civilization to re-center itself, once it's gone off too far on a tangent to the Left or the Right...
Modern Zionism is not a "new movement" it is based on the original movement, which is the story of Exodus.

The statement "zionism was invented in the 1890s"
is very important to islamo nazi pigs and sows ----this
particular lie was not invented on this board. Islamo
nazi pigs and sows THRUOUT the world---"KNOW"
it to be true

A story for you roudy-----there is a christian prayer taken
from the new testament called "THE LORD's PRAYER" ---
the "lord" in this context is 'jesus' It is taken from the putative
SERMON ON THE MOUNT ------the mount is the Mount of Olives

nice prayer----when I was a little kid we recited it in PUBLIC
SCHOOL every morning (you can google it)

Years ago I knew a lady----kurdish background---
maybe Iranian??? jewish orthodox. One day I
noticed she carried a keychain with a medallion----with
THE LORD'S PRAYER" engraved thereon in both hebrew
and english. --------I asked her "from where did you get this"?

She answered "a very nice lady --walking around Ben Gurion
airport gave it to me"

I said "this is a prayer from the new testament"

She looked at it---read it and laughed "NO IT ISN'T----IT's
a jewish prayer"

I said "no---the person who gave it to you was a christian

she still thinks I am insane. Now lets ask sherri
to interpret the prayer ----AND the fact that it was
delivered on THE MOUNT OF OLIVES ----by a person
who "REJECTED ZIONISM" ---or never knew anything
about "ZIONISM"

of course my kurdish friend did not claim to be a biblical scholar
or know anything about christianity-----
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