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Even Jesus Is A Zionist

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His words are what tell me everything I need to know as regards the claim being made in the OP, words He said and words He never said.

Jesus never said, " I am a Zionist. "

Regardless of what Jesus said or did not say, don't you think that if He miraculously came back today and saw what your friends are doing to His followers, He would be very, very sad to see this happening? It's a shame that you can't spare a moment for what is happening to His followers not only in the Middle East, but in other parts of the world.

Considering His response to Injustice was to die on a cross, I think your suggestion to simply think He would be sad about what is happening to His followers if He returned is dead wrong.

He sacrificed Himself, He took noone out; that is the example He left for His true followers to follow as a response to Injustice. He spoke against Injustice and responded to Injustice and He never took human life at any time in that process.

He reprimanded Peter for using violence.

And who did Jesus die for? If we believe John 3:16, we know He died for "the world.". He died for the unworthy and unbelieving, those people you want to write off and kill. He died for them and all you want to do is kill them. What does Jesus think about your feelings for them, He loved them so much He died for them and you want them dead.

Someone please tell Frau Sherri that her heroes don't believe Jesus is the Messiah. She needs to get over there and do some evangelizing. Time is short.
Regardless of what Jesus said or did not say, don't you think that if He miraculously came back today and saw what your friends are doing to His followers, He would be very, very sad to see this happening? It's a shame that you can't spare a moment for what is happening to His followers not only in the Middle East, but in other parts of the world.

Considering His response to Injustice was to die on a cross, I think your suggestion to simply think He would be sad about what is happening to His followers if He returned is dead wrong.

He sacrificed Himself, He took noone out; that is the example He left for His true followers to follow as a response to Injustice. He spoke against Injustice and responded to Injustice and He never took human life at any time in that process.

He reprimanded Peter for using violence.

And who did Jesus die for? If we believe John 3:16, we know He died for "the world.". He died for the unworthy and unbelieving, those people you want to write off and kill. He died for them and all you want to do is kill them. What does Jesus think about your feelings for them, He loved them so much He died for them and you want them dead.

Someone please tell Frau Sherri that her heroes don't believe Jesus is the Messiah. She needs to get over there and do some evangelizing. Time is short.

It's amusing seeing the Iranian gang pick bits and pieces up from the Internet. As you can see, Mrs. Sherri is back to John 3:16 once again.
The New Testament came along, a part of God's plan for reconciliation with mankind.

It was out with the old and then in with the new.
That's not true at all and Jesus followed the OT and he was a staunch Zionist.

Yes, they were all Zionists whose heritage binded them to the land of Israel.

Lets use his Matthew

1:1 The book of the genealogy of Yeshua The Messiah, The Son of David, The Son of Abraham.
Abraham begot Isaaq, Isaaq begot Jaqob, Jaqob begot Yehuda and his brothers. 3Yehuda begot Pharez and Zarah from Tamar. Pharez begot Hezron, Hezron begot Aram. 4Aram begot Aminadab, Aminadab begot Nahshon, Nahshon begot Salmon 5Salmon begot Boaz from Rahab, Boaz begot Obayd from Ruth, Obayd begot Jesse. 6Jesse begot David the King, David begot Solomon from the wife of Uriah. 7Solomon begot Rehoboam, Rehoboam begot Abia, Abia begot Asa. 8Asa begot Jehoshaphat, Jehoshaphat begot Joram, Joram begot Uzaya. 9Uzaya begot Jotham, Jotham begot Ahaz, Ahaz begot Hezekiah. 10Hezekiah begot Manashe, Manashe begot Amon, Amon begot Joshaiah. 11Joshaiah begot Jokania and his brothers in the captivity of Babel.

His heritage binds him to the land, country and people

His words are what tell me everything I need to know as regards the claim being made in the OP, words He said and words He never said.

Jesus never said, " I am a Zionist. "

The very act of going to Jerusalem for passover and making that the place for his sacrifice shows his connection. He was making a statement to the jews and to rome. They nailed the title king of the jews over his head on the cross.
Descendant of david, his temple, his city, his people, his land.
Jerusalem is zion.

Jews and Jerusalem can not be separated, they are entwined spiritually.
Hebrew Streams: "Palestine" in the Bible

The names "Palestine" and "Palestina" occur four times in the Old Testament portion of the King James Bible (1611), the most influential English translation in history.

What have ye to do with me, O Tyre, and Sidon,
and all the coasts of Palestine? (Joel 3:4a = 4:4a Heb)

The people shall hear, and be afraid;
sorrow shall take hold of the inhabitants of Palestina. (Exod 15:14)

Rejoice not thou, whole Palestina ... (Isa 14:29a)

Howl, O gate; cry, O city,
thou whole Palestina, art dissolved. (Isa 14:31a)

A few English versions since the KJV occasionally use "Palestine." But most use the term "Philistia." For example at: Exod 15:14; Isa 14:29, 31; Joel 3:4; Ps 60:8; 83:7; 87:4; 108:9 (NASB-95). [Note 1]

Whence “Palestine”
The oldest known reference to "Palestine" is in the work of Greek historian Herodotus (ca. 484–425). He says Palaistine is "part of Syria" along the Mediterranean coast. [Note 2]


Some 500 years later, Jewish historian Josephus (37-100) quotes Herodotus in referring to "Syria of Palaistine" and "the Syrians that are in Palaistine are circumcised." But Josephus quickly "corrects" Herodotus by noting that the only "inhabitants of Palaistine [who] are circumcised [are] Jews." [Note 3]

The 4th century church historian Eusebius (writing in Greek) twice mentions "Palaistine" in his Ecclesiastical History (2.2.6; 7.15.1). He notes that the coastal city Caesarea is in that region.
That's the Palestina of the Phliistines who were Phoenicians (Greeks) and are an extinct people that have zero to do with Arabs, you ignorant fool. Ha ha ha. Wow.
The word Jew did not exist, the sign I expect read King of the Judaeans, referring to the people of Judea. More and more, I see the Gospel going out, first as starting in Jerusalem and then spreading outwards from Jerusalem. I see a circle spreading outwards. That explains so much about how Jesus ministered to all with a need, Jew and Gentile, from the very beginning.
The word Jew did not exist, the sign I expect read King of the Judaeans, referring to the people of Judea. More and more, I see the Gospel going out, first as starting in Jerusalem and then spreading outwards from Jerusalem. I see a circle spreading outwards. That explains so much about how Jesus ministered to all with a need, Jew and Gentile, from the very beginning.
Sherri, what does INRI stand for in Latin?
The word Jew did not exist, the sign I expect read King of the Judaeans, referring to the people of Judea. More and more, I see the Gospel going out, first as starting in Jerusalem and then spreading outwards from Jerusalem. I see a circle spreading outwards. That explains so much about how Jesus ministered to all with a need, Jew and Gentile, from the very beginning.
Sherri, what does INRI stand for in Latin?
The King Of The Judeans

The English*translation*of the Genetive Plural of "Iudaeorum" is "of the Judeans" I

FACTS ARE FACTS (abu: biblebelievers.org.au)


INRI or I.N.R.I. a Latin acronym reading Iesus Nazarenus Rex Iudaeorum, which in English translates to "Jesus of Nazareth King of the Jews", the Latin inscription over the cross of Christ on Calvary​

Jesus, King of the Jews
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"INRI" redirects here. For other uses, see INRI (disambiguation).

Jesus, crowned with thorns in a purple robe as the King of the Jews, being mocked and beaten during his Passion, depicted by van Baburen, 1623.
In the New Testament, Jesus is referred to as the King of the Jews, both at the beginning of his life and at the end. In the Koine Greek of the New Testament, e.g. in John 19:3 this is written Basileus ton Ioudaion (βασιλεὺς τῶν Ἰουδαίων).[1]

Both uses of the title lead to dramatic results in the New Testament accounts. In the account of the Nativity of Jesus in the Gospel of Matthew, the wise men (i.e. Magi) who come from the east call Jesus the "King of the Jews", causing King Herod to order the Massacre of the Innocents. Towards the end of the accounts of all four Canonical Gospels, in the narrative of the Passion of Jesus, the use of the "King of the Jews" title leads to charges against Jesus that result in his Crucifixion.[2][3]

The acronym INRI (Latin: Iēsus Nazarēnus, Rēx Iūdaeōrum) represents the Latin inscription which in English reads as "Jesus the Nazarene, King of the Jews" and John 19:20 states that this was written in three languages—Hebrew, Latin, and Greek—during the crucifixion of Jesus. The Greek version reads ΙΝΒΙ, representing Ἰησοῦς ὁ Ναζωραῖος ὁ Bασιλεὺς τῶν Ἰουδαίων.[4]

In the New Testament, the "King of the Jews” title is used only by the gentiles, namely by the Magi, Pontius Pilate, and the Roman soldiers. In contrast, the Jewish leaders use the designation "King of Israel".[2] The phrase has also been translated King of the Judeans (see Ioudaioi).​

Munnerdrone's Link, BibleBelievers.org.au, is a well known antisemitic HATE site, as you can see if you continue reading the page sourced.
IT is a Pure Hate page which Only Incidentally contains the phrase you asked for, well buried in a hate article.
Who the Hell wouldn't just look up 'INRI' and instead post a Wack job Hate site article which only mentions the term?
Munnerdrone, you show your Blind Bigotry more every day.
Last edited:
'IESVS·NAZARENVS·REX·IVDÆORVM' (Jesus Nazarenus, Rex Iudaeorum), Ἰησοῦς ὁ Ναζωραῖος ὁ Bασιλεὺς τῶν Ἰουδαίων, זה זה את ישו המלך של היהודיםin
English "Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews."

The word Jew did not exist, the sign I expect read King of the Judaeans, referring to the people of Judea. More and more, I see the Gospel going out, first as starting in Jerusalem and then spreading outwards from Jerusalem. I see a circle spreading outwards. That explains so much about how Jesus ministered to all with a need, Jew and Gentile, from the very beginning.
Aris, Abu, and Hoss, all three humiliated Sherri.

Of course not hard to do, when the lunatic is claiming "the word Jew does not exist in the Bible."

Makes one wonder how far over the cliff you have to be, to even make such a claim.
Aris, Abu, and Hoss, all three humiliated Sherri.

Of course not hard to do, when the lunatic is claiming "the word Jew does not exist in the Bible."

Makes one wonder how far over the cliff you have to be, to even make such a claim.

I grew up with people like sherri------I had playmates who got insulted when I said that
Jesus did not eat bacon and eggs for breakfast. Her statement is not actually psychotic ---
it is a "religious belief"---------The fine psychiatrists of Austria and Germany---did correctly
diagnosis Adolf Abu ali as 'sane' too. In classical psychiatry he had what is called
a "personality disorder"-------which is medico lingo for "he was a piece of crap"
'IESVS·NAZARENVS·REX·IVDÆORVM' (Jesus Nazarenus, Rex Iudaeorum), Ἰησοῦς ὁ Ναζωραῖος ὁ Bασιλεὺς τῶν Ἰουδαίων, זה זה את ישו המלך של היהודיםin
English "Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews."

The word Jew did not exist, the sign I expect read King of the Judaeans, referring to the people of Judea. More and more, I see the Gospel going out, first as starting in Jerusalem and then spreading outwards from Jerusalem. I see a circle spreading outwards. That explains so much about how Jesus ministered to all with a need, Jew and Gentile, from the very beginning.

The word ludaeorum translates Judaean.

The word Jew was not a part of the English language then.
The word Jew did not exist, the sign I expect read King of the Judaeans, referring to the people of Judea. More and more, I see the Gospel going out, first as starting in Jerusalem and then spreading outwards from Jerusalem. I see a circle spreading outwards. That explains so much about how Jesus ministered to all with a need, Jew and Gentile, from the very beginning.
Sherri, what does INRI stand for in Latin?
The King Of The Judeans

The English*translation*of the Genetive Plural of "Iudaeorum" is "of the Judeans" I

FACTS ARE FACTS (abu: biblebelievers.org.au)


INRI or I.N.R.I. a Latin acronym reading Iesus Nazarenus Rex Iudaeorum, which in English translates to "Jesus of Nazareth King of the Jews", the Latin inscription over the cross of Christ on Calvary​

Jesus, King of the Jews - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Jesus, King of the Jews
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"INRI" redirects here. For other uses, see INRI (disambiguation).

Jesus, crowned with thorns in a purple robe as the King of the Jews, being mocked and beaten during his Passion, depicted by van Baburen, 1623.
In the New Testament, Jesus is referred to as the King of the Jews, both at the beginning of his life and at the end. In the Koine Greek of the New Testament, e.g. in John 19:3 this is written Basileus ton Ioudaion (βασιλεὺς τῶν Ἰουδαίων).[1]

Both uses of the title lead to dramatic results in the New Testament accounts. In the account of the Nativity of Jesus in the Gospel of Matthew, the wise men (i.e. Magi) who come from the east call Jesus the "King of the Jews", causing King Herod to order the Massacre of the Innocents. Towards the end of the accounts of all four Canonical Gospels, in the narrative of the Passion of Jesus, the use of the "King of the Jews" title leads to charges against Jesus that result in his Crucifixion.[2][3]

The acronym INRI (Latin: Iēsus Nazarēnus, Rēx Iūdaeōrum) represents the Latin inscription which in English reads as "Jesus the Nazarene, King of the Jews" and John 19:20 states that this was written in three languages—Hebrew, Latin, and Greek—during the crucifixion of Jesus. The Greek version reads ΙΝΒΙ, representing Ἰησοῦς ὁ Ναζωραῖος ὁ Bασιλεὺς τῶν Ἰουδαίων.[4]

In the New Testament, the "King of the Jews” title is used only by the gentiles, namely by the Magi, Pontius Pilate, and the Roman soldiers. In contrast, the Jewish leaders use the designation "King of Israel".[2] The phrase has also been translated King of the Judeans (see Ioudaioi).​

Munnerdrone's Link, BibleBelievers.org.au, is a well known antisemitic HATE site, as you can see if you continue reading the page sourced.
IT is a Pure Hate page which Only Incidentally contains the phrase you asked for, well buried in a hate article.
Who the Hell wouldn't just look up 'INRI' and instead post a Wack job Hate site article which only mentions the term?
Munnerdrone, you show your Blind Bigotry more every day.

All displayed here is an avid Zionist Haters hatred of Christ and Christians, your kind crucified Christ, I know exactly who you are.

Truth is completely beyond the grasp of a Hater such as yourself.

Words written in about 33 AD cannot translate into a word that did not even then exist in the English language.

Are you too stupid to understand that or what?
Here we have living proof of the ignorance of the so called "good Christian" Sherri. What dumber statement than "Jesus ministered to all with a need, Jew and Gentile, from the very beginning." What Christian is not even aware that there were no Christians during the entire lifetime of Jesus. In fact, not only was Jesus a Jew, but so was John the Baptist & all of the disciples. Even the apostle Paul of Tarsus was a Jew. Not a single Christian for Jesus to preach to. But don't tell Sherri. We need her here for the laughs she gives us.

The word Jew did not exist, the sign I expect read King of the Judaeans, referring to the people of Judea. More and more, I see the Gospel going out, first as starting in Jerusalem and then spreading outwards from Jerusalem. I see a circle spreading outwards. That explains so much about how Jesus ministered to all with a need, Jew and Gentile, from the very beginning.
Here we have living proof of the ignorance of the so called "good Christian" Sherri. What dumber statement than "Jesus ministered to all with a need, Jew and Gentile, from the very beginning." What Christian is not even aware that there were no Christians during the entire lifetime of Jesus. In fact, not only was Jesus a Jew, but so was John the Baptist & all of the disciples. Even the apostle Paul of Tarsus was a Jew. Not a single Christian for Jesus to preach to. But don't tell Sherri. We need her here for the laughs she gives us.

The word Jew did not exist, the sign I expect read King of the Judaeans, referring to the people of Judea. More and more, I see the Gospel going out, first as starting in Jerusalem and then spreading outwards from Jerusalem. I see a circle spreading outwards. That explains so much about how Jesus ministered to all with a need, Jew and Gentile, from the very beginning.

You have to.read The Gospels to know what I mean.

We see Jesus encounters with Samaritans and Canaanites and Roman Centurions and Zealots and Sadducees and Pharisees and fishermen and simple people. There was never a difference in how he treated anyone He encountered, He never speaks of an encounter with "a Jew." And that is because the word Jew was not a word that existed then with the meaning it has now.
So did Jesus preach to Santa Clause?

Here we have living proof of the ignorance of the so called "good Christian" Sherri. What dumber statement than "Jesus ministered to all with a need, Jew and Gentile, from the very beginning." What Christian is not even aware that there were no Christians during the entire lifetime of Jesus. In fact, not only was Jesus a Jew, but so was John the Baptist & all of the disciples. Even the apostle Paul of Tarsus was a Jew. Not a single Christian for Jesus to preach to. But don't tell Sherri. We need her here for the laughs she gives us.

The word Jew did not exist, the sign I expect read King of the Judaeans, referring to the people of Judea. More and more, I see the Gospel going out, first as starting in Jerusalem and then spreading outwards from Jerusalem. I see a circle spreading outwards. That explains so much about how Jesus ministered to all with a need, Jew and Gentile, from the very beginning.

You have to.read The Gospels to know what I mean.

We see Jesus encounters with Samaritans and Canaanites and Roman Centurions and Zealots and Sadducees and Pharisees and fishermen and simple people. There was never a difference in how he treated anyone He encountered, He never speaks of an encounter with "a Jew." And that is because the word Jew was not a word that existed then with the meaning it has now.
And if as you say there was no word Jew during the life of Jesus, how did he preach to "the Jews" you claim he did?

So did Jesus preach to Santa Clause?

Here we have living proof of the ignorance of the so called "good Christian" Sherri. What dumber statement than "Jesus ministered to all with a need, Jew and Gentile, from the very beginning." What Christian is not even aware that there were no Christians during the entire lifetime of Jesus. In fact, not only was Jesus a Jew, but so was John the Baptist & all of the disciples. Even the apostle Paul of Tarsus was a Jew. Not a single Christian for Jesus to preach to. But don't tell Sherri. We need her here for the laughs she gives us.

You have to.read The Gospels to know what I mean.

We see Jesus encounters with Samaritans and Canaanites and Roman Centurions and Zealots and Sadducees and Pharisees and fishermen and simple people. There was never a difference in how he treated anyone He encountered, He never speaks of an encounter with "a Jew." And that is because the word Jew was not a word that existed then with the meaning it has now.
Sherri, what does INRI stand for in Latin?
The King Of The Judeans

The English*translation*of the Genetive Plural of "Iudaeorum" is "of the Judeans" I

FACTS ARE FACTS (abu: biblebelievers.org.au)


INRI or I.N.R.I. a Latin acronym reading Iesus Nazarenus Rex Iudaeorum, which in English translates to "Jesus of Nazareth King of the Jews", the Latin inscription over the cross of Christ on Calvary​

Jesus, King of the Jews - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Jesus, King of the Jews
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"INRI" redirects here. For other uses, see INRI (disambiguation).

Jesus, crowned with thorns in a purple robe as the King of the Jews, being mocked and beaten during his Passion, depicted by van Baburen, 1623.
In the New Testament, Jesus is referred to as the King of the Jews, both at the beginning of his life and at the end. In the Koine Greek of the New Testament, e.g. in John 19:3 this is written Basileus ton Ioudaion (βασιλεὺς τῶν Ἰουδαίων).[1]

Both uses of the title lead to dramatic results in the New Testament accounts. In the account of the Nativity of Jesus in the Gospel of Matthew, the wise men (i.e. Magi) who come from the east call Jesus the "King of the Jews", causing King Herod to order the Massacre of the Innocents. Towards the end of the accounts of all four Canonical Gospels, in the narrative of the Passion of Jesus, the use of the "King of the Jews" title leads to charges against Jesus that result in his Crucifixion.[2][3]

The acronym INRI (Latin: Iēsus Nazarēnus, Rēx Iūdaeōrum) represents the Latin inscription which in English reads as "Jesus the Nazarene, King of the Jews" and John 19:20 states that this was written in three languages—Hebrew, Latin, and Greek—during the crucifixion of Jesus. The Greek version reads ΙΝΒΙ, representing Ἰησοῦς ὁ Ναζωραῖος ὁ Bασιλεὺς τῶν Ἰουδαίων.[4]

In the New Testament, the "King of the Jews” title is used only by the gentiles, namely by the Magi, Pontius Pilate, and the Roman soldiers. In contrast, the Jewish leaders use the designation "King of Israel".[2] The phrase has also been translated King of the Judeans (see Ioudaioi).​

Munnerdrone's Link, BibleBelievers.org.au, is a well known antisemitic HATE site, as you can see if you continue reading the page sourced.
IT is a Pure Hate page which Only Incidentally contains the phrase you asked for, well buried in a hate article.
Who the Hell wouldn't just look up 'INRI' and instead post a Wack job Hate site article which only mentions the term?
Munnerdrone, you show your Blind Bigotry more every day.

All displayed here is an avid Zionist Haters hatred of Christ and Christians, your kind crucified Christ, I know exactly who you are.

Truth is completely beyond the grasp of a Hater such as yourself.

Words written in about 33 AD cannot translate into a word that did not even then exist in the English language.

Are you too stupid to understand that or what?
I hate to break it to you but I don't think English was around then either. Not the English we use today. Also, you might try learning Hebrew and Greek before espousing your dreamed-up definitions.
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