Even Obama Knows The End Is Near

You seem to have at least some grasp on what happened. Why so conveniently leave out the "leveraged" aspect to the equation. Bain NEVER paid full value for anything with thiers or anyone elses money. Try being a tad more honest as to how a leveraged buyout works and how much actual cash Bain used of thier own money.

I am.

You be honest and address that part that I addressed earlier...

Who would continue lending money to Bain if they had a reputation of taking the loan and the filing chapter 11?

Bain does not have a bad reputation with lenders...or it would be out of business.

THAT is my proof...and that is why I keep saying "apply business logic".

My honesty is contingent on following up on your old statements?

Dude...you are really losing it. I can barely stay interested in your posts when they are right in front of my nose.

old statements?

They were statements made in this debate WITH YOU.

The fact that you opted to ignore one of them...and several posts later crtiticize me for not mentioning it is not my fault.

I discussed the lender side of it as well. You skipped over it.

Done with your childish debate tactics huggy. Sorry dude. Lost interest in you.
Oh, so you think this won't effect you??? You really are dense.

So you like the fact that Obama cut two very large college funds with Obamacare just when students needed them more and more due to ever increasing education costs?

You think that any company can operate on only 20% of their gross income? (Even United Way spends only 20% of incoming donations to feed the poor. The rest is eaten up by overhead expenses) Forget about staying in business if you don't increase premiums exponentially. That means your ass, the insured, will have to fork out extra just to keep your insurance company from folding to keep pace with inflation.

I get pretty tired of the 1% telling me that they are indispensible when they are screwing me.

I just don't buy it anymore. SOrry, just don't.

Given that insurance companies operate at a 30% profit margin, I'm sure they can afford it. When a douchebag like Ed Hanaway gets a 72 million dollar severance package, you know the foxes are in charge of the henhouse.

(If you want to know when I stopped being a Republican, it was pretty much after I had to spend two years wrestling with Cigna to get them to pay for a couple procedures, and ended up losing the job even though I had seniority. Fuck the insurance companies. I hope they all burn in hell.)

Show me examples of how this invisible 1% is screwing you personally. And those who make greater than $200k aren't part of this infamous 1%. I just showed you how your average small business owner is about to get screwed and you start spewing typical leftist talking points about millionaires and billionaires. Insurance companies use small franchise owners to service their customers. They're the ones that will be feeling the brunt of these silly regulations.
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Wow, you're delusional.

They've focus-grouped the Bain Stuff. It doesn't play well to the wealthy, but to working folks, it resonates.

Becuase everyone who has ever worked for a living has encountered a POS in a suit like Romney who laid them off at least once.

Yeah, because there should never be "layoffs", right? I mean, just like the federal government, a company should just continue to accumulate collapsing levels of debt so long as the bitter, lazy, envious little worker liberal who gives no effort continues to get a stream of income because they are "entitled to it".

You people are the biggest fucking idiots in the universe. No concept on any level of what it takes to be successful. Just full of hate and envy of people who are successful and "wear a suit". Pathetic.

Hey, I'd be more than happy to throw them a "necktie" party.

And frankly, if you have to lay people off, and then get a govenrment bailout, I have very little sympathy when you turn around and pay yourself a bonus, which is considered perfectly acceptable to these guys.

Layoffs are sometimes necessary, and I have no problem firing people with just cause.

So an asshole like Romney can loot a company for millions while workers lose their health insurance, lenders get stiffed in a bankruptcy and the federal government has to bail out the pension fund is not a just cause, and it don't sit right with a lot of folks.

Putting aside the bold-faced lies in this post why don't we look at what Obama did with Solyndra, shall we?

He loaned half a billion taxpayer dollars to them and they paid themselves huge bonuses, then folded leaving you and me holding the bill.

Obama got his money. He got his campaign donations and scratched Solyndra's back, even though everyone told him it was a absolute loser. He did it anyway cuz Solyndra greased his palm.
Wow, you're delusional.

They've focus-grouped the Bain Stuff. It doesn't play well to the wealthy, but to working folks, it resonates.

Becuase everyone who has ever worked for a living has encountered a POS in a suit like Romney who laid them off at least once.

Yeah, because there should never be "layoffs", right? I mean, just like the federal government, a company should just continue to accumulate collapsing levels of debt so long as the bitter, lazy, envious little worker liberal who gives no effort continues to get a stream of income because they are "entitled to it".

You people are the biggest fucking idiots in the universe. No concept on any level of what it takes to be successful. Just full of hate and envy of people who are successful and "wear a suit". Pathetic.

Hey, I'd be more than happy to throw them a "necktie" party.

And frankly, if you have to lay people off, and then get a govenrment bailout, I have very little sympathy when you turn around and pay yourself a bonus, which is considered perfectly acceptable to these guys.

Layoffs are sometimes necessary, and I have no problem firing people with just cause.

So an asshole like Romney can loot a company for millions while workers lose their health insurance, lenders get stiffed in a bankruptcy and the federal government has to bail out the pension fund is not a just cause, and it don't sit right with a lot of folks.

First, very classy move with the death threat (typical liberal). Second, Romney has been a very successful businessman, and you hate him for it. Speaks volumes, doesn't it? His job is not to ensure a company continues to toil in debt so that a liberal giving no effort continues to get his paycheck and health insurance. Third, had a company been successful, then Romney and his company Bain Capital would not have been able to step in and capitalize on the situation. So blame the people who failed in the first place, not the people who were bright enough to step in and turn the failed situation into a profit. Fourth, as I've stated already, if you don't like, start your own business and make millions (you know, since it's so easy according to you). Fifth, no matter what you do, stop your crying and stop hating Mitt Romney for wearing a suit and being exponentially more successful than you in life. It's really unbecoming to see blue collar failures hate white collar successes.
Sorry dude, but anybody "laid off" that many times, it is clearly their fault. I've never been laid off ONCE. Not ONCE. You clearly bring no value to an organization, or they would hold on to you.

Second, if you have "disdain for the way business is done in this country", then why don't you start your own business and run it better? Exactly. Because that would require effort, something liberals refuse to give (which brings us back around to being habitually laid off)....

Uh, no, guy. Three times in 20 years is actually better than average. I look at a lot of resumes, all the time. Average for most people is a new job every four years.

And frankly, I get tired of the businessman telling me how put upon he is. Fuck him.

I deal with small businesses every day, and usually they are trying to blow smoke up my ass.

So I have to ask again Mr. Bitter Man - if you hate business men so much, and you hate how business is done in America so much, and your so "tired of the businessman telling you how put upon he is", then why don't you start your own business and do it better?

I'll be praying for you brother - God knows you really need it with all the pent up bitter hate you have for anyone who has done well.
Some insurance companies are good and some insurance companies are awful, really awful. I have no reason to disbelieve JoeAmpad when he said getting service was like wrestling with a snake. In fact, JoeAmpad would do the world a favour by naming the insurance company. The most ardent free market supporters want bad info out so potential customers can avoid the company if it has a bad reputation.

I will happily name the insurance company. It was Cigna.

The same Cigna that denied Natalie Sarkisyan a liver transplant until she died.

The Same Cigna that paid ex-CEO Hanaway a 72 million dollar severance package.

The same Cigna who's former vice president was so disgusted by what he saw that he became an ardent advocate for single payer health care.

So start your own insurance company. Don't pay anyone a $72 million severance package and never deny anyone's claims. Over night, you will unquestionably have the most successful insurance company in the nation.

On a side note, if you have a problem with Cigna denying claims, just wait until the US government is running your healthcare. Both sides of the aisle have openly admitted that Medicare & Medicaid are going bankrupt (both GWB and Obama have stated as much on multiple occassions). So what is the left's solution to massive government programs they can't afford? To take a bigger piece of the industry which they currently can't afford with the smaller piece! Great thinking guys...
NY is an at will state as well.

But if you truly were honest about what you are saying, you would be well aware that at will means that you can fire anyone for any reason....AS LONG AS YOU ARE NOT BREAKING THE LAW....

So, in an at will state, if the employee has good reason to believe they were fired for reason of discrimination or for reason of legitimate illness, their attorney FIRST appraoches the DA with the proof...and it is investigated and charges brought against the employer if such truly did seem to happen.

And why do they do that?

Becuase to levy a lawsuit prior to that results in a very cvostkly lawsuit....to levy a lawsuit AFTER the DA finds cause for charges, results in a very hefty settlement.

Joe....you are diggingh a hole for yourself. You do not know the truth...you are regurgitating left wing blog crap that is unfounded.

Guy, you work on the assumption that they wouldn't break the law if they thought they could get away with it, or that the local State's Attorney out here (who is usually too busy actually prosecuting murders and thefts and rapes) would actually waste his time investigating job discrimination. Out here in DuPage Country, old Joe BUrkett was too busy trying to strap innocent guys to gurneys to try to prosecute other rich assholes for being assholes.

Now, could I have sued? Yup. Just because you can do a thing doesn't mean it's worth doing a thing. The people who are suing them right now have had their cases dragging out for years, and frankly, I don't need that crap. I moved on.

I just left the right wing crap of worshipping at the feet of Corporate Dickheads behind.
Show me examples of how this invisible 1% is screwing you personally. And those who make greater than $200k aren't part of this infamous 1%. I just showed you how your average small business owner is about to get screwed and you start spewing typical leftist talking points about millionaires and billionaires. Insurance companies use small franchise owners to service their customers. They're the ones that will be feeling the brunt of these silly regulations.

Oh, is this the part where I'm supposed to feel sorry for the poor businessman?

Boo, hoo, hoo,

Screw the whole insurance industry. Left up to me, we have a single payer Canada system and make all these assholes get honest jobs.

But if you are going to insist we need these parasites, I have no problem with laws that keep them from sucking too much blood.
I am curious as to whether or not everyone is aware as to why "Pre Existing Conditions" clauses exist in the insurance industry.

It is becuase the public tried to game the game....and not buy insurance until they needed it.

The dental industry countered with the 6 month rule....you take out dental insurance, you can not put in a claim for 6 months...eliminating those that waited until they needed a root canal before buying it.

The homeowners insurers countered with the 30 day rule for flood and hurricane coverage...so people couldnt buy it when they saw a hurricane or flood coming.

I find it interesting that the public holds an induistry responsible for putting in place programs to prevent the public from defrauding them

How dare they!

I mean, we could be like every other industrialized country and make health care a public service, and get rid of all these parasites, but we insist on having them profit off the misery of others, and how dare those peons actually try to game the system!

Of course, what you really have is them saying a woman's acne was a "pre-existing" cause of breast cancer.
Show me examples of how this invisible 1% is screwing you personally. And those who make greater than $200k aren't part of this infamous 1%. I just showed you how your average small business owner is about to get screwed and you start spewing typical leftist talking points about millionaires and billionaires. Insurance companies use small franchise owners to service their customers. They're the ones that will be feeling the brunt of these silly regulations.

Oh, is this the part where I'm supposed to feel sorry for the poor businessman?

Boo, hoo, hoo,

Screw the whole insurance industry. Left up to me, we have a single payer Canada system and make all these assholes get honest jobs.

But if you are going to insist we need these parasites, I have no problem with laws that keep them from sucking too much blood.

So you're Canadian.

So your opinion doesn't matter here in the states.
Show me examples of how this invisible 1% is screwing you personally. And those who make greater than $200k aren't part of this infamous 1%. I just showed you how your average small business owner is about to get screwed and you start spewing typical leftist talking points about millionaires and billionaires. Insurance companies use small franchise owners to service their customers. They're the ones that will be feeling the brunt of these silly regulations.

Oh, is this the part where I'm supposed to feel sorry for the poor businessman?

Boo, hoo, hoo,

Screw the whole insurance industry. Left up to me, we'd have a single payer Canada system and make all these assholes get honest jobs.

But if you are going to insist we need these parasites, I have no problem with laws that keep them from sucking too much blood.

So you're Canadian.

So your opinion doesn't matter here in the states.

No, guy, I said I would prefer if we had a Canadian style system. Or British. Or Japanese. Or German. Or what most of the civilized world does, where everyone is covered, they spend about half as much per capita, live longer, have a lower infant mortality rate, and people aren't bankrupted by serious illnesses.

it would actually be a boon to most businesses, most of which don't want to be in the insurance business anyway. As someone pointed out, GM Spends more on health care for its employees than it does on steel to build cars.
Oh, is this the part where I'm supposed to feel sorry for the poor businessman?

Boo, hoo, hoo,

Screw the whole insurance industry. Left up to me, we'd have a single payer Canada system and make all these assholes get honest jobs.

But if you are going to insist we need these parasites, I have no problem with laws that keep them from sucking too much blood.

So you're Canadian.

So your opinion doesn't matter here in the states.

No, guy, I said I would prefer if we had a Canadian style system. Or British. Or Japanese. Or German. Or what most of the civilized world does, where everyone is covered, they spend about half as much per capita, live longer, have a lower infant mortality rate, and people aren't bankrupted by serious illnesses.

it would actually be a boon to most businesses, most of which don't want to be in the insurance business anyway. As someone pointed out, GM Spends more on health care for its employees than it does on steel to build cars.

Only an idiot would want the government to get into the insurance industry. It would assure that your hip-replacement never happened.
Only an idiot would want the government to get into the insurance industry. It would assure that your hip-replacement never happened.

Are you saying no hip replacements happen in Canada?

Canadian Orthopaedic Foundation: Your Bone and Joint Health

Looks like it is to me.

Frankly, again, the issue there is that there's a waiting list, as opposed to the US, where the issue is often that it's an "elective" surgery where you have to wrestle with the insurance company to get it, because once they've got your money, they never give it back..


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