Even republicans must admit how much of a trainwreck Trump’s re-election campaign has been

Not really, but the MSM seems to enjoy stoking the fires.
That would be the “enemy of the people” that you’re accusing of stoking the fires?

Exactly, when the MSM down plays what's really happening, providing disinformation, they become propagandist, not journalist.


Authoritarians always go after the free press first.

Wow, broad generalizations instead of addressing the points I made. Typical commie reaction. LMAO

Your point was a broad generalization. The commies were quick to declare the free press as the enemy of the people, this was one of their favorite designations.

Really, name a MSM outlet that has reported on the billions in property damage and lost inventory, due to riots, arson and looting, accurately. All I've seen is reports with burning buildings in the background claiming demonstrations were "mostly" peaceful. That's propaganda, not journalism.


You can complain all you want about their coverage. I doubt you’ll ever be happy.

Just don’t throw stones from your glass house about stoking the fires when your side has used the communist phrase of labeling the free press the “enemy of the people” which you defend.

A coordinated biased press is not a free press. It's a propaganda arm of you commies. They act like their job is to form opinions, not inform the public. That makes them the enemy of the republic. But you don't care because they reinforce your own bias.

You don’t get to determine what freedom means for others. That’s the authoritarianism speaking again.
Not really, but the MSM seems to enjoy stoking the fires.
That would be the “enemy of the people” that you’re accusing of stoking the fires?

Exactly, when the MSM down plays what's really happening, providing disinformation, they become propagandist, not journalist.


Authoritarians always go after the free press first.

Wow, broad generalizations instead of addressing the points I made. Typical commie reaction. LMAO

Your point was a broad generalization. The commies were quick to declare the free press as the enemy of the people, this was one of their favorite designations.

Really, name a MSM outlet that has reported on the billions in property damage and lost inventory, due to riots, arson and looting, accurately. All I've seen is reports with burning buildings in the background claiming demonstrations were "mostly" peaceful. That's propaganda, not journalism.


You can complain all you want about their coverage. I doubt you’ll ever be happy.

Just don’t throw stones from your glass house about stoking the fires when your side has used the communist phrase of labeling the free press the “enemy of the people” which you defend.

A coordinated biased press is not a free press. It's a propaganda arm of you commies. They act like their job is to form opinions, not inform the public. That makes them the enemy of the republic. But you don't care because they reinforce your own bias.

You don’t get to determine what freedom means for others. That’s the authoritarianism speaking again.

Oh bullshit, when you see multiple supposed journalist spewing verbatim, commie talking points, that's propaganda, not unbiased reporting. Simply pointing that out has nothing to do with authoritarianism. Facts are Facts.

Ignoring reality one day at a time.
Sometimes Irony can be pretty ironic....
Candydork, do you have a life outside of this forum????????? HOLY SHIT but it seems that you live here night and day.........are you one of those "shut ins"? What you lack in content, you attempt to make up for in quantity and yet you still come out on the negative side of the equation.
Ignoring reality one day at a time.
Sometimes Irony can be pretty ironic....
Candydork, do you have a life outside of this forum????????? HOLY SHIT but it seems that you live here night and day.........are you one of those "shut ins"? What you lack in content, you attempt to make up for in quantity and yet you still come out on the negative side of the equation.
HOLY SHIT! Candydork has poster over 540 timers since Saturday?!?!?!?!?! Is that some kind of record?????
Ignoring reality one day at a time.
Sometimes Irony can be pretty ironic....
Candydork, do you have a life outside of this forum????????? HOLY SHIT but it seems that you live here night and day.........are you one of those "shut ins"? What you lack in content, you attempt to make up for in quantity and yet you still come out on the negative side of the equation.
So she’s on every time you’re on? Got it.
Ignoring reality one day at a time.
Sometimes Irony can be pretty ironic....
Candydork, do you have a life outside of this forum????????? HOLY SHIT but it seems that you live here night and day.........are you one of those "shut ins"? What you lack in content, you attempt to make up for in quantity and yet you still come out on the negative side of the equation.
So she’s on every time you’re on? Got it.
She never leaves, Billy, the commie......so the odds of her being here when I post are pretty fucking high, dipshit. A simple search of her ID is the tale of tape, punkinpuss......
Ignoring reality one day at a time.
Sometimes Irony can be pretty ironic....
Candydork, do you have a life outside of this forum????????? HOLY SHIT but it seems that you live here night and day.........are you one of those "shut ins"? What you lack in content, you attempt to make up for in quantity and yet you still come out on the negative side of the equation.
So she’s on every time you’re on? Got it.
She never leaves, Billy, the commie......so the odds of her being here when I post are pretty fucking high, dipshit. A simple search of her ID is the tale of tape, punkinpuss......
Lol but either way, she is on every time you are. You sound ridiculous.
Ignoring reality one day at a time.
Sometimes Irony can be pretty ironic....
Candydork, do you have a life outside of this forum????????? HOLY SHIT but it seems that you live here night and day.........are you one of those "shut ins"? What you lack in content, you attempt to make up for in quantity and yet you still come out on the negative side of the equation.
So she’s on every time you’re on? Got it.
She never leaves, Billy, the commie......so the odds of her being here when I post are pretty fucking high, dipshit. A simple search of her ID is the tale of tape, punkinpuss......
Lol but either way, she is on every time you are. You sound ridiculous.
Of course she is, Billy commie....because she never takes a break....duh? Why are commies so fucking stupid?
Ignoring reality one day at a time.
Sometimes Irony can be pretty ironic....
Candydork, do you have a life outside of this forum????????? HOLY SHIT but it seems that you live here night and day.........are you one of those "shut ins"? What you lack in content, you attempt to make up for in quantity and yet you still come out on the negative side of the equation.
So she’s on every time you’re on? Got it.
It is fun to have a stalker.

I do think however that every person with a guitar player in their avatar (they're all the same person) should try to get a life at some point. Its not healthy.
Ignoring reality one day at a time.
Sometimes Irony can be pretty ironic....
Candydork, do you have a life outside of this forum????????? HOLY SHIT but it seems that you live here night and day.........are you one of those "shut ins"? What you lack in content, you attempt to make up for in quantity and yet you still come out on the negative side of the equation.
So she’s on every time you’re on? Got it.
It is fun to have a stalker.

I do think however that every person with a guitar player in their avatar (they're all the same person) should try to get a life at some point. Its not healthy.
Candydork SEZ???? "You are stalking me for pointing out that I never leave this forum!!!!"
Sucks to be you, punkinpuss...it took less than 2 minutes to add up the last 500 plus posts of yours. 17 pages have 30 posts each and every page after that is an additional 30 fool-fueled rants of nothingness......it's simple math. It's obvious to me that you don't like having it pointed out that you never leave......tough shit, candydork......

Ignoring reality one day at a time.
Sometimes Irony can be pretty ironic....
Candydork, do you have a life outside of this forum????????? HOLY SHIT but it seems that you live here night and day.........are you one of those "shut ins"? What you lack in content, you attempt to make up for in quantity and yet you still come out on the negative side of the equation.
So she’s on every time you’re on? Got it.
It is fun to have a stalker.

I do think however that every person with a guitar player in their avatar (they're all the same person) should try to get a life at some point. Its not healthy.
Candydork SEZ???? "You are stalking me for pointing out that I never leave this forum!!!!"
Sucks to be you, punkinpuss...it took less than 2 minutes to add up the last 500 plus posts of yours. 17 pages have 30 posts each and every page after that is an additional 30 fool-fueled rants of nothingness......it's simple math. It's obvious to me that you don't like having it pointed out that you never leave......tough shit, candydork......

Sounds like you're pretty obsessed Snouter/Angelo....

Too bad nobody cares about you as much as you care about me.
Ignoring reality one day at a time.
Sometimes Irony can be pretty ironic....
Candydork, do you have a life outside of this forum????????? HOLY SHIT but it seems that you live here night and day.........are you one of those "shut ins"? What you lack in content, you attempt to make up for in quantity and yet you still come out on the negative side of the equation.
So she’s on every time you’re on? Got it.
It is fun to have a stalker.

I do think however that every person with a guitar player in their avatar (they're all the same person) should try to get a life at some point. Its not healthy.
Candydork SEZ???? "You are stalking me for pointing out that I never leave this forum!!!!"
Sucks to be you, punkinpuss...it took less than 2 minutes to add up the last 500 plus posts of yours. 17 pages have 30 posts each and every page after that is an additional 30 fool-fueled rants of nothingness......it's simple math. It's obvious to me that you don't like having it pointed out that you never leave......tough shit, candydork......

Sounds like you're pretty obsessed Snouter/Angelo....

Too bad nobody cares about you as much as you care about me.
I am simply pointing out the fact that you live here pretty much 24/7....how that equates into your contention that I "care" about you is anyone's guess. Allow me to speak freely here when I say that I wouldn't put myself to the trouble of pissing on you and those of your ilk if you were on fire ( i.e a human torch) and I had a full bladder. If I had access to a water hose to douse the flames? Let's just say that you would be fucked. I would walk the length of a football field so the mist of my piss wouldn't dampen the flames....that is just one example of how little the existence of those like yourself mean to me and I make no apologies for that. Are we clear, candydork?????
1) COVID infections for Trump and his closer inner circle. Let’s also not forget the three GOP senators. Do you notice how no prominent democrat has tested positive? Obviously we can’t rule out that happening, but a lot can be said at this point.

2) A disastrous debate which all the SCIENTIFIC polls show Trump lost.

3) A record loss in election polls for the last year

4) Lets not forget Melania hating on Christmas! I mean I personally don’t give a shit she said this, but can you imagine how republicans would have reacted if Michelle said that shit? Fox would never shut the fuck up about it. War on Christmas! Derp!

I'm enjoying it honestly.

This has been the most entertaining election loss ever, just watching the Democrats and their left-wing mindless followers absolutely flipping out. It's been great.
Ignoring reality one day at a time.
Sometimes Irony can be pretty ironic....
Candydork, do you have a life outside of this forum????????? HOLY SHIT but it seems that you live here night and day.........are you one of those "shut ins"? What you lack in content, you attempt to make up for in quantity and yet you still come out on the negative side of the equation.
HOLY SHIT! Candydork has poster over 540 timers since Saturday?!?!?!?!?! Is that some kind of record?????
Shared sock account?
1) COVID infections for Trump and his closer inner circle. Let’s also not forget the three GOP senators. Do you notice how no prominent democrat has tested positive? Obviously we can’t rule out that happening, but a lot can be said at this point.

2) A disastrous debate which all the SCIENTIFIC polls show Trump lost.

3) A record loss in election polls for the last year

4) Lets not forget Melania hating on Christmas! I mean I personally don’t give a shit she said this, but can you imagine how republicans would have reacted if Michelle said that shit? Fox would never shut the fuck up about it. War on Christmas! Derp!

No. This is a cult. They really, truly, seriously don't see anything that Trump has not done well.

The walls of this bubble cannot be penetrated by reality.

Ignoring reality one day at a time.
Exactly. The country is a MESS four years into this embarrassing circus of a presidency.
If I was a commie loving , listening to eddie and bugger on AM radio everyday liberal who hates Trump denouncing illegal rapist killer mexicans, who is pro business got rid of Obama's assnine EOs , got rid of the Obama care mandate, will put in three Supreme Court Justice's, trolls the left...I would agree.

But being a patriotic american I think Trump is doing a fine job.
As I said. Cultists are blind to the faults of their leader.
Says one of the three blind mice, let me also guess you're pissed because Trump didn't start any new wars.

We should feel lucky that Rump is in Real Estate instead of War Procurement. Imagine the size of the war we would be in if he though he could make a profit from blowing something up.
I put the over/under on the kid Sniffer going to war at 2 years 3 months.
Another OP by a clueless liberal posting from his parents' basement. FYI, Trump received more votes than any Republican candidate in U.S. history, receiving 10 million more votes than he did in 2016. He increased his share of the black vote and of the Hispanic vote substantially from 2016. He won nearly three times more counties than Biden won. Trump also handily beat Biden among full-time workers, married people, religious people, veterans, and people who earn $100K or more.

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