Ever notice.............

No. You e “noticed” no such thing. Your aberrant conclusion is just the product of your pre-existing bias and that always distorts your “views.”

Our militia members are mowing down people at record rates.... we should do something other than sending thoughts and prayers.

The GOP will do nothing. They love their guns more than children.
Our militia members are mowing down people at record rates.... we should do something other than sending thoughts and prayers.

The GOP will do nothing. They love their guns more than children.
Don’t try that canard. Your leftwing goonatic pals are engaged in a campaign to make the slaughter of tens of millions completely innocent and helpless preborn children available for all. Libs don’t give a damn about children.
On the Left, the only rights they seem to care about revolve around abortion, illicit drug use, illegal immigration, and criminals rights. All of these involve large numbers of people dying, as a result.

They are the culture of death while they blame the death in society on guns that can legally be obtained.

Problem is, death from guns is just a fraction of what people are dying from as a result of their failed policies, and if you are going to do something illegal you won't be much concerned about breaking the gun laws either. The Left would rather us not be able to protect ourselves and, instead, rely on the police that have refused to even respond to school shooters effectively, and instead, watch as police just hide out in the parking lot till it is all over while concerned parents go in to rescue their children as we have seen twice already.
Absolutely everyone has rights from criminals to illegals, except for white people, who are all privileged already.
Progs want to interfere with others who do not want to be bothered. Do what you must to each other. But stop spreading it outside your living areas. It is not complicated. We all seem to pay for what Progs push.
In other words, your response is that... it is ok to hang the VP because he would not walk lockstep with der Fuhrer?
All you idiotic leftists can spew is lies, that statement is a lie. You're so used to spewing them and having them accepted as fact by other fellow idiots that you don't understand how pathetic you appear.
In other words, your response is that... it is ok to hang the VP because he would not walk lockstep with der Fuhrer?
It appears that you are ignorant of the meaning of the term "liberal".

Holding a mock severed head of a president who actually DOES follow some liberal principles (protecting American Jobs or allowing for more personal choice in various cases for instance) is not evidence that one is liberal.

It is proof one is not.
Ok. I take it back. Kathy Griffin is not a liberal. How about the rest of my statement? You agree with it or not?

Just because one idiotic liberal posed with a stupid picture, it was ok for Rump to encourage his equally idiotic followers to catch and hang the VP and overthrow our Constitution?
In other words, your response is that... it is ok to hang the VP because he would not walk lockstep with der Fuhrer?
The Repub voters have been getting a screwing from their own for decades. A small but growing number of voters started to awaken from their slumber back then. By 2008 we were carefully cajoled by the elites with McCain. McCain who just slept walked through the campaign. Many voters woke up then. Progs blamed Palin but we know who did it. Romney was the tipping point. He was better than Obama for whatever that was worth and seem to tank a debate. Between McCain and Romney, the Tea Party started and was infected by the establishment as we see with some and even had winners not put into office due to shenanigans of the power families in areas. Combined with the national establishment they slowly killed the Tea Party.
With selfie sticks. Quite an invasion. I hear that at least a thousand congress ghouls were slain with those deadly weapons.
So, brightfart hasn't told you yet about the guns and other weapons your fellow retards were carrying, eh?

And the number was not a few thousand dead but 3 on that day and a few more after. Not to mention the threats against the VP and other legislatures.

So, my advice? Get out of your mommy's basement and listen to the Jan 6 hearings. Who knows, even a retard like you may learn something new. Good luck :itsok:

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