Ever notice.............

So, brightfart hasn't told you yet about the guns and other weapons your fellow retards were carrying, eh?

And the number was not a few thousand dead but 3 on that day and a few more after. Not to mention the threats against the VP and other legislatures.

So, my advice? Get out of your mommy's basement and listen to the Jan 6 hearings. Who knows, even a retard like you may learn something new. Good luck :itsok:
You are a well known liar on this board and now it's time to slam your lying ass back into my shut-the-fuck-up cage, where you spend 99% of your time.
You are a well known liar on this board and now it's time to slam your lying ass back into my shut-the-fuck-up cage, where you spend 99% of your time.
Awww... did we get triggered? Awww... :itsok:

Next time, do some research before posting. Will help you look less of a fool. Good luck.
Don’t try that canard. Your leftwing goonatic pals are engaged in a campaign to make the slaughter of tens of millions completely innocent and helpless preborn children available for all. Libs don’t give a damn about children.
Canard? All of these mass shooters are members of the militia. I do like the mental gymnastics of trying to equate the militia member who sought out black folks as some sort of leftist.

It takes a special kind of dishonesty only found in Trump supporters to try to pull that off.
Oh wow...you mean you don't like being tainted by what your fellow blob supporters believe? That must really suck.
No. I have never had any use for Jones. And I was also refuting your failed effort to make general one outlying statistic. So, that’s cool.
On the Left, the only rights they seem to care about revolve around abortion, illicit drug use, illegal immigration, and criminals rights. All of these involve large numbers of people dying, as a result.

They are the culture of death while they blame the death in society on guns that can legally be obtained.

Problem is, death from guns is just a fraction of what people are dying from as a result of their failed policies, and if you are going to do something illegal you won't be much concerned about breaking the gun laws either. The Left would rather us not be able to protect ourselves and, instead, rely on the police that have refused to even respond to school shooters effectively, and instead, watch as police just hide out in the parking lot till it is all over while concerned parents go in to rescue their children as we have seen twice already.
You can just offer your thoughts and prayers police state cracker.
On the Left, the only rights they seem to care about revolve around abortion, illicit drug use, illegal immigration, and criminals rights. All of these involve large numbers of people dying, as a result.

They are the culture of death while they blame the death in society on guns that can legally be obtained.

Problem is, death from guns is just a fraction of what people are dying from as a result of their failed policies, and if you are going to do something illegal you won't be much concerned about breaking the gun laws either. The Left would rather us not be able to protect ourselves and, instead, rely on the police that have refused to even respond to school shooters effectively, and instead, watch as police just hide out in the parking lot till it is all over while concerned parents go in to rescue their children as we have seen twice already.

If it feels good do it sex, rape, pedophilia, looting, burning, kiling...

They don't believe in repercussions for their actions, no accountability, no piper to pay...pregnant? Abortion. Looting, burning, destroying, killing- no biggie. Flash mob shoplifting ... no worries.

Democrats have elevated themselves above the law & operate as if there is no one to stop them/ arrest them, & they're right. Several loathsome aho Pelosi admitted to Insider Trading ... again. Anyone seen her perp-walked yet? FBI Director told the entire world Hillary broke laws, including 'espionage' but was too stupid to know she was dong it (NOT A LEGAL DEFENSE)...and she wasn't charged, didn't go to jail.

They lack conscience, that little voice thst tells them right ftom wrong ... or stopped listening long ago.

And they HAVE to pose heir way & their will on others.
Canard? All of these mass shooters are members of the militia. I do like the mental gymnastics of trying to equate the militia member who sought out black folks as some sort of leftist.

It takes a special kind of dishonesty only found in Trump supporters to try to pull that off.
Some of the mass shooters are left wing kooks. No mental gymnastic required. And they aren’t in a “militia.” (By the way, I know why you keep using that terminology and the game you’re playing in the process. Kind of transparent. But it is a fail in the making. A fair heads up! ). I think you and I both know that you’re full of crap at this point. Cut the shit, corny.
Some of the mass shooters are left wing kooks. No mental gymnastic required. And they aren’t in a “militia.” (By the way, I know why you keep using that terminology and the game you’re playing in the process. Kind of transparent. But it is a fail in the making. A fair heads up! ).
I was told that we are all in the militia...which is the reason we're all able to buy firearms.
I think you and I both know that you’re full of crap at this point. Cut the shit, corny.
Nope. Just you. You've never gotten over a black man being President. You never will.
If it feels good do it sex, rape, pedophilia, looting, burning, kiling...

They don't believe in repercussions for their actions, no accountability, no piper to pay...pregnant? Abortion. Looting, burning, destroying, killing- no biggie. Flash mob shoplifting ... no worries.

Democrats have elevated themselves above the law & operate as if there is no one to stop them/ arrest them, & they're right. Several loathsome aho Pelosi admitted to Insider Trading ... again. Anyone seen her perp-walked yet? FBI Director told the entire world Hillary broke laws, including 'espionage' but was too stupid to know she was dong it (NOT A LEGAL DEFENSE)...and she wasn't charged, didn't go to jail.

They lack conscience, that little voice thst tells them right ftom wrong ... or stopped listening long ago.

And they HAVE to pose heir way & their will on others.
They remind me of an experience I once had at a PCC store in Seattle. PCC is a consumer co-op that carries all organic produce and conscientiously produced meats and the like. It's a great store, even if it is a little woke, a local and better quality Whole Foods. I quit shopping there after the day that I came upon a child at the self serve bulk spices counter, opening jars and dumping the spices out on the counter while his mother stood about ten feet away, paying no attention to what he was doing. I confronted the mother who laughed and said her son was just being creative because he was drawing pictures in the spices that were strewn on the counter.

I went and found a store employee and showed them what was going on, and they just shrugged their shoulders and said there was nothing they could do. If they confronted the parent or, God forbid, the child, they could be sued.

That child was the leftist politicians. His mother was everyone who voted for, or enabled, those politicians. The store management was America.

Organic vanilla beans currently can cost over a dollar each. Imagine how much money that store lost when the little ghoul emptied them out of the jar and poured chipotle pepper all over them.

The child was busy robbing America and the mother, having produced the monster, felt no responsibility for its behavior. And the store's complacency was America sitting on our asses, too lazy to fight for what is ours.

When I moved from Seattle, I was able to shop at a store that kept the bulk spices behind a counter. Sure, I had to get the attention of an employee who would go behind the counter and weigh out my oregano for me. But I saw that store protecting its resources from irresponsible idiot children who just want to be creative with everyone else's money.
I was told that we are all in the militia...which is the reason we're all able to buy firearms.
Yeah. As I said, I know what game you’re playing. Very dull witted of you.
Nope. Just you. You've never gotten over a black man being President. You never will.

Nope. Never cared about the color of the skin of any person in any position. Never will. I leave racism to you and your ilk. You really should try to grow out of that shit.
Talking about the "culture of death", remind me again which party members wanted to hang the VP because he would not walk lockstep with der Fuhrer?

Oh really dumbfuck? So you're saying no Democrat threatened Trump since he didn't walk lock step with scum suck Democrats?

You should keep your mouth shut, perhaps you'll earn something besides demonstrating you're a fool.

Oh really dumbfuck? So you're saying no Democrat threatened Trump since he didn't walk lock step with scum suck Democrats?

You should keep your mouth shut, perhaps you'll earn something besides demonstrating you're a fool.

God, what a bucket load of sleaze!
"you guys ....downplay the massacre...calling the victims "crisis actors".
Who said that and when did they say it? Please be specific.
We'll wait.
Truthie Tricks

That's QAnon, a Deep State controlled cult. Q was assigned by his bosses to pacify patriots by claiming there are "White Hats" in a position to overthrow the regime, so they don't have to take any action themselves. This was taken from the Insiders' Rebellion in The Hunger Games. Anyone who takes Hollywood's sensationalist fantasies as having any relevance to the real world is primed for becoming a dupe of fake moles like Q.

"Crisis actors," which is numb Anons' answer to every psycho thrill-killing, gets the anti-revolutionary message across that the Deep State has the supernatural power to pull off such stunts. The deceptive message is that it's best to let Q and his imaginary coup-actors take care of things for us.
Oh really dumbfuck? So you're saying no Democrat threatened Trump since he didn't walk lock step with scum suck Democrats?

You should keep your mouth shut, perhaps you'll earn something besides demonstrating you're a fool.

In other words...Just because one idiotic liberal posed with a stupid picture, it was ok for Rump to encourage his equally idiotic followers to catch and hang the VP and overthrow our Constitution?

Yup, I figured that would be the trumptard philosophy. Thanks for confirming.

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