Ever Wonder How Many Americans Own Guns by State? Well, Merry Christmas! Here it is

More proof America is one dumb nation. Texas has so many gun deaths people are addressed Merry Christmas early in May as by December they may just be another gun statistic. A New Year wish is that they hope to make it through the year. Nations away from gun worship and pee their pants Americans often ask why so many are gunned down in America. No one has yet to figure out why. Some wonder if 72 virgins await them, but that is part of another religious ideological nonsense. With Armageddon right around the corner, Alfred E. Neuman's immortal phrase has become the new slogan, far surpassing 'the land of the free and the home of the brave.' Others think 'brave' should be replaced with armed, and yet other think 'afraid' may fit better?

"How gun control works in America, compared with 4 other rich countries" German Lopez, December 6, 2015

How gun control works in America, compared with 4 other rich countries
The real reason the NRA is so powerful

What a stupid country we have become when arguments are given over how high you stand in gun ownership. Can you say stupid primitive uncivilized or idiot nation. In America leave your radio on, and if you hear there is a mass shooting feel safe for killing is over for that day. Tomorrow is another day to be afraid. Too ridiculous.

'Idiot America: How Stupidity Became a Virtue in the Land of the Free' by Charles P. Pierce
i do hope you consider yourself as one of those dumbasses......
Indeed, homeland security.
Not really.The number of homes with guns in them is a t a 40 year low.

America has more guns in fewer hands than ever before

That is a lie by an anti gun pollster.....here is the truth....as guns fly off the shelves in California..

Is gun ownership really down in America? | Fox News

Surely, gun control advocates such as GSS director Tom Smith view this decline as a good thing. In a 2003 book of mine, I quoted Smith as saying that the large drop in gun ownership would “make it easier for politicians to do the right thing on guns” and pass more restrictive regulations.

Other gun control advocates have mentioned to me that they hope that if people believe fewer people own guns, that may cause others to rethink their decision to own one themselves. It is part of the reason they dramatically exaggerate the risks of having guns in the home.

The Associated Press and Time ignored other polls by Gallup and ABC News/Washington Post.

These polls show that gun ownership rates have been flat over the same period. According to Gallup, household gun ownership has ranged from 51 percent in 1994 to 34 percent in 1999. In 2014, it was at 42 percent – comparable to the 43-45 percent figures during the 1970s.

A 2011 Gallup poll with the headline “Self-Reported Gun Ownership in U.S. Is Highest Since 1993” appears to have gotten no news coverage.

The ABC News/Washington Post poll shows an even more stable pattern, with household gun ownership between 44 and 46 percent in 1999. In 2013, the ownership rate was 43 percent.

There are other measures that suggest that we should be very careful of relying too heavily on polling to gauge the level of gun ownership. For example, the nationally number of concealed handgun permits has soared over the last decade: rising from about 2.7 million in 1999 to 4.6 million in 2007 to 11.1 million in 2014.

The National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) shows that the number of gun purchases has grown dramatically over time –doubling from 2006 to 2014.

My eye test agrees...
When I was growing up in the early eighties (around 20) very few people had ARs or AKs.
Now you cant swing a dead cat without hitting one.
I credit the internet with explosion of scary rifles and of course obama.
The population of the state of Texas is 26,956,958, and gun ownership is at 35%, giving us over 9 million gun owners in Texas. That is the largest armed force in the planet. Here's where you're most likely to own a gun

By comparison, China has the largest standing army in the world and has only 2.3 million men. People's Liberation Army - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Here is a chart with estimates of all gun owners in each state, using the method above I used for Texas, taking population and multiplying by the percentage of people surveyed that own guns there.
The states with the larger gun ownership also tend to have the higher percentages of veterans, too, by the way.

Texas 9,623,634.01
California 7,799,302.50
Florida 6,465,321.53
Pennsylvania 3,465,333.64
Illinois 3,374,711.96
Georgia 3,190,760.39
Michigan 2,854,044.58
North Carolina 2,853,917.67
Tennessee 2,580,444.69
Virginia 2,439,602.68
Alabama 2,371,345.35
Ohio 2,272,455.95
Indiana 2,229,736.99
Arizona 2,174,269.33
South Carolina 2,145,622.01
Louisiana 2,069,105.82
New York 2,033,861.38
Minnesota 2,002,782.49
Wisconsin 1,997,874.71
Washington 1,956,043.81
Kentucky 1,871,305.77
Colorado 1,837,062.04
Arkansas 1,717,527.65
Missouri 1,643,232.62
Massachusetts 1,524,462.21
Mississippi 1,281,465.81
Maryland 1,237,116.25
Oklahoma 1,209,951.91
Nevada 1,064,661.75
Oregon 1,056,083.57
Iowa 1,050,208.59
New Mexico 1,040,700.43
New Jersey 1,010,013.78
West Virginia 1,002,876.69
Utah 938,785.74
Kansas 935,094.76
Idaho 930,010.02
Hawaii 640,222.01
Connecticut 597,048.38
Montana 535,331.82
Alaska 454,563.64
Nebraska 372,537.59
North Dakota 354,211.88
Wyoming 314,274.31
Maine 300,600.11
South Dakota 298,611.25
New Hampshire 191,061.07
Vermont 180,449.86
District of Columbia 170,653.29
Rhode Island 61,200.03
Delaware 48,651.93

That is nearly 92 million armed American citizens, and ten states with numbers of armed citizens larger than the largest Army in the world.

In summary, no government on this planet can disarm the American population. Period.

Yeah, sparky, but military arms are a little different. Funny...
The population of the state of Texas is 26,956,958, and gun ownership is at 35%, giving us over 9 million gun owners in Texas. That is the largest armed force in the planet. Here's where you're most likely to own a gun

By comparison, China has the largest standing army in the world and has only 2.3 million men. People's Liberation Army - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Here is a chart with estimates of all gun owners in each state, using the method above I used for Texas, taking population and multiplying by the percentage of people surveyed that own guns there.
The states with the larger gun ownership also tend to have the higher percentages of veterans, too, by the way.

Texas 9,623,634.01
California 7,799,302.50
Florida 6,465,321.53
Pennsylvania 3,465,333.64
Illinois 3,374,711.96
Georgia 3,190,760.39
Michigan 2,854,044.58
North Carolina 2,853,917.67
Tennessee 2,580,444.69
Virginia 2,439,602.68
Alabama 2,371,345.35
Ohio 2,272,455.95
Indiana 2,229,736.99
Arizona 2,174,269.33
South Carolina 2,145,622.01
Louisiana 2,069,105.82
New York 2,033,861.38
Minnesota 2,002,782.49
Wisconsin 1,997,874.71
Washington 1,956,043.81
Kentucky 1,871,305.77
Colorado 1,837,062.04
Arkansas 1,717,527.65
Missouri 1,643,232.62
Massachusetts 1,524,462.21
Mississippi 1,281,465.81
Maryland 1,237,116.25
Oklahoma 1,209,951.91
Nevada 1,064,661.75
Oregon 1,056,083.57
Iowa 1,050,208.59
New Mexico 1,040,700.43
New Jersey 1,010,013.78
West Virginia 1,002,876.69
Utah 938,785.74
Kansas 935,094.76
Idaho 930,010.02
Hawaii 640,222.01
Connecticut 597,048.38
Montana 535,331.82
Alaska 454,563.64
Nebraska 372,537.59
North Dakota 354,211.88
Wyoming 314,274.31
Maine 300,600.11
South Dakota 298,611.25
New Hampshire 191,061.07
Vermont 180,449.86
District of Columbia 170,653.29
Rhode Island 61,200.03
Delaware 48,651.93

That is nearly 92 million armed American citizens, and ten states with numbers of armed citizens larger than the largest Army in the world.

In summary, no government on this planet can disarm the American population. Period.

Yeah, sparky, but military arms are a little different. Funny...

So you really think US soldiers are going to be killing each others families?
And If I remember correctly you liberals are constantly claiming the AR15 is just as deadly as the M16.
The problem with liberalism.....when you stand for nothing you'll find yourself believing in anything....as long as it furthers the agenda.

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